My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 942: Extra Prosperous

Su Chen’s behaviour of yelling at and questioning the chief judges and guests from the Four Realms in the Spiritual Wine Competition made the Human Realm’s superiors very angry.

This was the first time someone was disqualified with their ranking cancelled from the competition on Guang’ling World’s Spiritual Wine Conference. Su Chen completely humiliated the Human Realm.

Lou Mu Yan was also one of the main judges this time. Her relationship with Su Jin was well known, but at the same time, there were other advanced-level spiritual wine masters from the Four Realms as main judges. It was impossible for them to help her cheat.

What was more, whether Su Jin was a real talent and learner or not, the whole process of brewing the wine was for everyone to watch before, and he deserved to be the first.

In the resting area, many superiors of the clans whispered.

“That Young Lord of the Su Clan really can’t be put on the stage. He can’t win against Su Jin so he frantically and insanely slandered him. Does he take the judges on the stage and us as blind.”

“Can’t help it, I heard that he’s not the real Young Lord of the Su Clan, but just an adopted son taken by the Patriarch of the Su Clan and his wife after giving up their own son. It’s normal to be jealous of the real Young Master.”

“There’s such a thing?”

“Yeah, you mustn’t know right, the real son of the Patriarch of the Su Clan and his wife is Su Jin who won first place in the Spiritual Wine Competition this time.

“But Su Jin was abandoned by the Su Clan and exiled to a lower realm when he was born because of his weak constitution. After he ascended to Guang’ling World by himself, he was rejected by the Su Clan. In a fit of anger, he accepted three difficult missions from the Su Clan and completely gave up and cut off his blood relationship with the Su Clan and drew a clear line with them.”

“No wonder his surname is also Su. If I were treated like this, I’d also definitely break away from such heartless family members.”

“The Patriarch of the Su Clan and wife are too inhumane, they actually gave up their own son to adopt someone else’s son as the Young Lord.”

“I say that the Patriarch of the Su Clan and the Su Clan’s superiors are all blind. They can’t recognise gold and jade, mistaking fisheyes for pearls!”

“Obviously, tigers don’t even eat their own children. Such an act of banishing one’s own child to the lower realm without caring is simply too chilling.”

“No wonder the servants at the Stream Reflection Restaurant all look down on people, so they learnt it from the Patriarch.”

“Then could Su Chen be the illegitimate son of the Patriarch of the Su Clan, otherwise who’d give up his own son to raise an adopted son!”

“Don’t know, it’s actually possible. Says he’s his younger sister’s son, but maybe he’s really the Patriarch of the Su Clan’s illegitimate child.”

“The Su Clan truly lost all face this time, they’d be laughed to death if this spread. The biological blood they gave up became an advanced-level grade 9 alchemist and even won the competition’s first place, but the adopted son was disqualified because of his poor character and lost his ranking.”

“Exactly! Although the adopted son’s spiritual wine making talent isn’t bad, but his character is really bad. His jealousy is too strong, looks like a hypocrite at first glance with the face of a human but the heart of a monster.”

“Exactly, exactly, I think the Su Clan will raise an ingrate.”


The people in the resting area didn’t avoid discussing the people of the Su Clan, and some even spoke loudly on purpose, so that the Su Clan couldn’t even pretend they were deaf if they didn’t want to hear it.

The Patriarch of the Su Clan held back a mouthful of blood stuck in his chest, his eyes filled with grimness.

He was wrong. He shouldn’t have listened to that woman’s opinion and exiled his own son to the lower realm.

Now the entire Su Clan had become a joke on Guang’ling World. He and his wife had even become the butt of ridicule in everyone’s conversation.

Couldn’t recognise gold and jade, mistaking fisheyes for pearls—were they truly wrong?

The Patriarch of the Su Clan’s expression turned darker and darker, and he truly couldn’t bear the strange looks and ridicule from the people around him.

He stood up and quickly left the resting area of the Spiritual Wine Conference. The rest of the Su Clan also followed the Patriarch with an aggrieved look on their faces.

They scolded Su Chen in their heart in bloody ways.

If this kid lost, then he lost, why did he have to question the decisions of so many authoritative main judges in public.

Most importantly was that even they could see that Su Jin was competing at his true level without cheating. Su Chen would actually make such a mistake, he truly had no brain.

The superiors of the Su Clan left without taking Su Chen with them. They just wanted to leave this place rife with trouble and they hated Su Chen, the chief culprit who made them lose face.

It was the first time for the Su Clan to lose face like this since the opening of the Stream Reflection Restaurant. The most important thing was that they couldn’t argue with others because what they said was the truth.

Except for Ming Xiu, no one noticed that Lou Mu Yan’s finger under the table moved when Su Chen frantically questioned the judges.

When they were in Cang’lan Secret Realm, Lou Mu Yan had already poisoned Su Chen’s body, and it was an easy thing to destroy him.

However, she didn’t play any tricks in the Spiritual Wine Competition earlier. She wanted the Su Clan to lose fully, sincerely convinced, and make the Su Clan lose all face.

Su Chen’s mind was in a mess after being thrown out of the Spiritual Wine Conference, and later when he saw that the people from the Su Clan left without taking him with them, the resentment in his heart completely burst.

After the Spiritual Wine Competition, under the guidance of Lou Mu Yan’s deliberate release of news, the Su Clan became the most ruthless and cold-hearted clan in everyone’s mouths.

Su Chen and the Patriarch of the Su Clan along with his wife became the object of condemnation by everyone, and the superiors of the Su Clan began to dislike Su Chen as well, secretly wanting to win Su Jin back to the Su Clan as the Young Lord.

Su Chen ruthlessly imprisoned the Patriarch of the Su Clan, his wife, and the superiors who opposed him and forcibly seized the head position.

Afterwards, Lan Ruo Shui and Su Jin jointly opened a new restaurant, and the brewed spiritual wine was much higher than the Stream Reflection Restaurant’s in both taste and quality.

They were also much more humble and polite than the Stream Reflection Restaurant in dealing with customers. He didn’t appear arrogant, nor did he serve based on the person to do business. Everyone could buy spiritual wine without discrimination.

Of course, the spiritual wine sold to advanced-level powerhouses was another strategy altogether.

Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu also secretly created a lot of momentum for him, and the Stream Reflection Restaurant was gradually replaced by the restaurant opened by Su Jin.

The elderly man in Su Chen’s body directly snatched and possessed his body when he was in a long-term violent mood and mentally unstable. He secretly approached Su Jin to snatch the 《Ancient Wine Recipes》 classic.

Lou Mu Yan had already organised someone to watch Su Chen’s every move. When the elderly man acted, she activated the poison in Su Chen’s body. Before the elderly man even got close to Su Jin, he went mad and died on the most prosperous street in the Human Realm.

Many people looked down on Su Chen’s behaviour of imprisoning the Patriarch of the Su Clan to seize the position of the head of the Su Clan. Many people applauded his ending, and his body was also thrown back to the Su Clan by the guards of the Human Realm.

The Patriarch of the Su Clan and wife, together with the superiors of the Su Clan who were imprisoned and tortured by Su Chen, were rescued.

The Patriarch of the Su Clan suddenly seemed to have aged many years. With remorse, he and his wife went to Su Jin many times to ask for forgiveness, but Su Jin avoided seeing them.

The Su Clan gradually declined, and finally fell from a peak clan to a third-class clan. Although the Stream Reflection Restaurant was still open, but its business plummeted.

Not long after, Su Jin and Lan Ruo Shui held a big wedding. Not a single person from the Su Clan was invited to the wedding, and the celebrants were Emperor Ming and Lou Mo Yu.

After Su Jin and Lan Ruo Shui’s big wedding, Miao Miao and Lou Mu Ting also held a large wedding.

Although the weddings of the two couples weren’t as grand as Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu’s, mainly inviting friends and family and didn’t invite many people to attend, but the atmosphere at the venue was very good, and the wedding ceremony was filled with joy.

The two couples were happily married and lived a prosperous life.

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