Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 98: Supreme court

The 7 Marched, some unbridled, some a little tense, some with an inquiring gaze, some a little excited.

The Emperor was sitting, a he appeared in they eyes of the General, his Long Hair, his young yet somehow mature face, his smile exuding, at the same time…Authority and Appreciation.

Once the 7 arrived in front of the sitting Emperor, they had piercing light in their eyes. Only one of them was rather relaxed. The only one of them who met his beforehand.

Ren Pa advanced vocally laughing his way to his new Monarch.

"That was some good show, you let us play in, your majesty!!"

Marek spoke, calm, with a hint of happiness in his tone:

"It seems you've had your share of fun."

He laughed lightly:

"I saw you back there. War does suit you, Ren Pa."

The rest of the 9 looked at the Grinning Ren Pa, understanding that these two already knew each other.

His deep black eyes then landed on each of one them as he continued:

"It actually suits each one of you. I am impressed."

His eyes landing on the smirking Yo Tan Wa:

"Very Impressed. To be Honest."

Yet no one could actually accept this compliment head on.

Because, even now after that they fought these monsters, looking at the man standing before them seemed look like an endless abyss of power!!

This Man was not only A Majestic Emperor but An Exteremly Powerful entity.

The 7 saw Bakuki and Hakuki, already there before them. Without any surprised reaction.

It was a known fact.

Those Two were savage Monsters. Their way of warfare is compeletly in another level.

Slowly the 10 all lined up before the sitting Emperor.

He smiled as he finally locked eyes with each one of them.

Feeling the same connection with each one.

The Nature changed. But it was a connection nonetheless.

His eyes stayed on the one he felt the strongest bond with….

A Bond As strong as Ren Pa's!

"Our meeting is long overdue."

He smiled, his doubled voice had a little excitement in it.

"General Ou Ki."

The charismatic man laughed in his characteristic manner:

"Kukuku!!! It is indeed so…."

He made a short pose before he humbly continued:

"…Your Majesty."

The 8 Others already understood the underlying meaning of such a sentence.

Marek's smile only grew warmer:

"I hope to be the one, to satisfy you. Great General."

Kyou looked at the shinning eyes of Ou Ki, a luster that didn't reflect the undying loyalty he had for King Sho, her father. But something else…

Pure and genuine longing and excitement, to fight under his orders.

Kyou smiled beautifully, as she understood this excitement, feeling the same way.

"KuKuKu!! Those are quite the good jokes you are saying, your Majesty."

His eyes had a serious luster on:

"It's me who feel quite burdened by this duty. After all…"

He looked at his fellow generals deeply before continuing:

"You are Far 'Greater' than any of us could be!"

Kyou chuckled lightly, as she faced the sitting Emperor:

"I also agree."

Marek's eyes changed to Kyou's feminine frame. Kyou's had a long, elegant smile. She kneeled:

"And, I Kyou am honored to serve you."

Marek narrowed his eyes:

"I am happy with you allegiances. But…"

He titled his head in negation:

"Greatness comes from action, not bearing."

He smiled lightly:

"And in terms of achievement, I am still behind each one of you."

All the 10 were quite surprised by this humble statement. Something that is quite to Riboku's taste.


'He could probably unify, all under the Heavens with his might alone. But he still wouldn't call that a token of 'Greatness' or even an achievement.'

"What I hope is creating that with each one of you."

Ouki laughed:

"KuKuKu!! Good!! I like you more and more!!"

He then spoke to the thinking Yotanwa:

"Are you wrestling with your previous allegiance to the King Ei Sei?"

Yotanwa smiled lightly:

"What if I am?"

He tilted his head:

"It's useless. War will not exist in those countries anymore."

She had an inquiring gaze, contrasting with the shocked reaction of the native generals:

"And why is that?"

Marek responded with deep authority:

"Because I decided so."

All the 10 felt the domineering tone and confidence behind that statement.

It was the turn of another player to respond.

"What are your plans?"

Riboku who has been waiting for the perfect time to speak intervened with a sterne and defying gaze.

Marek locked eyes with him, a long smile on:

"Riboku…I was waiting for your intervention."

He chuckled lightly:

"Worry not…For you and I have the same objective."

His deep eyes shook even the unshakable Riboku:

"My Goal is Peace. And I will tell you all about it in a second. Only…"

Riboku hearing the word so dear to his heart, was immediately interested.

"The Price is your allegiance, how is that?"

Riboku took a deep breath.

"So you are exchanging my lifelong goal, for my loyalty…"

Marek continued:

"You don't need to be this surprised. I am man who, like you, knows what he wants."

He had a deep smile:

"And at this moment…I want you."

Riboku narrowed his eyes:

"Tell me of your peaceful solution first."

Marek laughed.

"It is quite easy actually."

"When kids are fighting each other. What they need is an adult to set the rules for them to resolve their conflict."

Riboku had wide eyes.

"What is needed to end conflict is simply a Higher, Neutral Authority."

Riboku looked at the man standing in front of him:


Marek laughed:

"Not only me. This Authority to have authenticity need to come from the 5 countries anyway."

He sighed:

"And this authority to have any kind of legitimacy needs to stand on two principles."

He spoke a sharp glint in his eyes:

"Absolute Power and Supremacy."

And continued, stating the second component:

"And Irrefusable benefits."

Riboku smiled lightly:

"I see the Absolute Power, before my eyes"

His eyes turned stern:

"What about the Irrefusable Benefits?"

Marek laughed, as his eyes changed to a Three Tomoe Sharingan!!

Plunging everyone onto a new illusion.

In it they saw. All the States of China.

Yet they were different.

Sickness was gone, war was gone, famine was gone. Metal engines replaced horses, transporting people.

Heaven defying buildings.

Healthcare, full nutrition, entertainement, literacy…

If any one of them was to be told that this was heaven on Earth they would believe it.

Only given them a glimpse of Heaven.

The Scenery slowly disappeared.

Riboku had his mouth opened widely.

Marek laughed once again:

"This what all states would look like 5 Years from now on. With my 'irrefusable benefits'"

Riboku took a deep breath. Marek had a an amused color on his face, as he remembered a certain organization form a certain dangerous World:

"We will create an organization named the Supreme Court."

"This Supreme court will oversee all the actions of all the States preventing war. By force if necessary."

" Instead of Warfare. All the conflicts, the territorial divisions and expansions will be resolved by something called…"

He had a wide smile, remembering a society he just visited:

"The Rating Game."

All the Generals were intrigued.

"It's a War simulation competition."

"The Concept is simple."

"If a Country needs something from another one. If it needs to fight for certain territoires."

"It will challenge this party into a War Game."

"This war is only a simulation, like the one you just experienced."

"The Players will be 'the generals' and their armies."

"All conflicts will be resolved this way and no other."

He smiled:

"And if a Players gathers enough wins and is deemed worthy."

"He ascends to the 'Supreme Court'"

"....And becomes under the commends of either one of you."

All the 10 took a deep breath.

"The Country who could make one of her Generals 'ascend' is rewarded with Heaven defying benefits."

"A medicine that cure all illness. A technological leap. An Industrial Revolution….The Rewards are endless!!!"

Riboku laughed lightly:

"Not resolving the conflicts, but setting rules to avoid massacres."

"Turning Cruel Wars into healthy competitions."

"That's some crazy approach."

"And I suppose those war simulations, will have supernatural component to them."

Marek nodded:


Riboku smiled:

"So you are using all the States as a way of fostering generals."

Marek had a teasing smile:

"Did you ever see an Emperor do something for free?"

Riboku's smile got even larger.

"That would be too much to ask. Even from me. I guess I got greedy."

"Willingly showing me all this prosperity."

He narrowed his eyes:

"You already knew I couldn't refuse your offer."

His face become solemn:

"Not with my conscience. Not a man of Zhao."

He knelt:

"To realize the vision, I just saw. For a Peaceful China."

"If it is my Loyalty and my service, you want, I will give it to you."

Marek grinned:

"I would expect no less from you. Riboku!!"

"Don't worry I will find you a good bride and a good farm when you are not at war!!"

Riboku titled his head:

"You already knew everything about me, as I see."

He had a somewhat serious smile

"I take recruitment very seriously, you know?!"

His eyes then turned to Yotanwa:

"So what do you say?"

"Your People are welcome in my Empire at any time."

She had a powerless smile.

"Saying that after showing me this sweet dream of yours. Aren't you a little unfair with your....

"...Irrefusable benefits?"

"No matter how you put it. As the Mountain Queen, I can't refuse prosperity to my people."

She then narrowed her eyes:

"Still…I do have one point to talk about."

Marek spoke before she could continue:

"If you are talking about the discrimination of the Mountain People, this will be the least of your problems."

He stood up for the first time, his muscular and lean frame, his spiked and mean face, gave him a sense of ferocity, akin to that of her people.

He stood in front of her, his dark green caftan on, he smiled lightly:

"I rule an Empire that cross multiple words and realities…Do you really think I wouldn't have plan against discrimination?"

He made another step, approaching the somehow paralyzed Yotanwa:

"Do you really think I am that incompetent?"

Yotanwa smiled lightly:

"I would be the judge of that myself."

Marek laughed out:

"That's all I wanted to hear. Mountain Queen."

He then turned to face the two remaining men. But before the Emperor could speak.

KanKi spoke ominously:

"It seems the way the states will become, my presence and that of Bandits will be completely out of place. With no looting, my army loses half ot its power."

He then made eye contact with Marek, smiling evily:

"You may look like an Emperor to all of them."

KanKi approached the Emperor:

"But I can see it…"

"Me and You are not that different."

Marek smiled back:

"Indeed. You and I are the more similar people here."

"Both of us carry deep rage against the world."

As he was saying that, everyone felt chills, as the previous warm tone, turned abyss cold.

KanKi smiled:

"And we can't wait to see everything burn before our eyes."

He laughed out:

"I never thought someone like that could become a King."


He knelt:

"I am in."

"Let's see where both our rage will bring us, your majesty."

Marek had a cruel smirk:

"I am looking forward to it too."

Keeping his same dark demeanor he turned to the last one:

"Ou Sen."

"What is it that you want?"

Ousen keep his sharp eyes and spoke:

"You already do know."

"Everybody does."

All the 10 Generals had sharpened eyes.

Marek titled his head:

"You want to be King, don't you?"

But before Marek could speak, Ousen interrupted:

"But if I understand correctly."

Burning ambition could be seen in his eyes.

"The Position you are giving us, must be above that of 'King' isn't it?"

He narrowed his eyes:

"The question is…by how much?"

Marek smiled lightly:

"I see. Let me explain to you, how the world works."

He snapped his fingers.

And under their feet, appeared a great land, seen from above. The 10 Generals narrowed their eyes awaiting for the explanation.

"What is under our feet."

"…Is the State of Qin."

"And the man who is said to rule it, is at the position of a King."

He then snapped again.

As the picture zoomed out to a bigger piece of Land.

"This is China as a whole."

All the Generals felt their heart beating. This is the Land they all once dreamed of uniting after all!!

Seeing it as a whole like that made them feel quite complicated.

He then snapped his hands again.

And the picture grew bigger again!!! As China seemed to grow thinner, like it was a parcel of land.

"This is the Eurasian Continent, China is only a significant part of it."

"There lives other humans with other cultures and way of warfare."

Ousen narrowed his eyes in thought, Riboku took a deep breath.

RenPa and Ou Ki felt their blood boiling!!

But Marek snapped his fingers again!!

But now weirdly, a round shaped blue sphere appeared on dark space!!

"And this…is Earth. The Planet where human life strives."

The 10 Generals felt that their head was about to explode.

But Marek still continued.

"It rotates around the sun, and around itself creating the day and night."

He snapped his fingers. And under everyone's sight appeared more of those 'Planets' some so big, that they dwarfed their Earth. They were all rotating around a burning sphere, which they all understood as 'The Sun'.

"This is the Solar System."

"And a little part of it is the Earth."

"Now do you see this distance, between the Sun and the latest planet?"

The 10 Generals took a deep breath. Marek smiled:

"Can you estimate it?"

All kept silent. Marek titled his head:

"Of course not. It is impossible with your numbering system."

"It is infinitly bigger than Earth not just China."

He smiled, as he continued to speak:

"Take this distance and Multiply it by 6."

All the 10 Generals felt their breath cut off.

"And you will obtain the size of the continent I wish for you to conquer."

The 10 smiled a little overwhelmed, but still….

They had a burning fire in their heart.

Because their instinct and mind told them.

"This man could easily do it!!"

Marek faced Ousen again:

"And this is how superior your position will be to that of a King."

He smiled again:

"But if you are not satisfied, I could offer you a territory as big as China."

He laughed:

"Hell. I could even give you a Planet. If you desire being a King that much."

Ousen narrowed his eyes, still incredibly calm:

"No…It's meaningless, now."

Yet the never-ending glint of ambition in his eyes seemed to slowly die out:

"Being one of your Generals is enough for me."

Marek laughed out!!!

"It seems your ambition died out."

Ousen spoke indifferently:

"It's normal for a man to search for a position that befit him."

He narrowed his eyes:

"I think I found it now."


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

This is the idea I had for the Kingdom World!!!

This way not only can we have those 10 but other awesome charcters will be coming(Ka Rin, Shin, Kyou Kai...)

The Kingdom Arc is nearing it's end...But the Military reforms arc is till in march. I still have a lot of surprises in store!!

Also if you want to know the overall direction of the Story, I have posted an intersting Auxilliary Chapter giving some hints about the direction of the Kingdom Building.

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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