Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 97: The 9 of the Atlaesian Empire

Marek sighed….

Sitting in a illusory Chinese garden, he had admiration and desire in his eyes.

At least those 9. For him, are LITTERAL war gods.

They were actually winning!!!

Of course…The Generals on the other side weren't nearly as skilled as them, but they were no slouch either.

Their thinking process was based on Lelouch, Schneizel and Cornelia, and Esdeath!!

The Verdict.

They were getting 'Owned'!

And with the manner and Panache!!

They were fighting this war, using each one of their abilities to their fullest!

Simple!! The sense of Greatness said it all!!

Honestly…He wouldn't have done any better. No in their situation, he would be far worse.

"Those 9…They are the men that I need!!"

And as he pronounced, two silhouettes appeared.

The Two people who won first, and who won the most splendidly.

These Two's frames advanced.

These two weren't Ren Pa, Ou Ki, Ou Sen or RiBoKu. Yet Marek wasn't surprised.

These two way of warfare and strategy, is already in the level of Transcendent beings..

Marek had deep desire in his heart:

'If I can get these two to cultivate Wisdom Path!!'

They slowly appeared, light of wisdom, and darkness of slaughter flickering in their faces.

Marek sighed, remembering their demeanor in the war.

Those two people, only stood in place.

Stone Cold. Indifference.

Their eyes were analysing each aspect of the upcoming war like they were playing 5D Chess!

Finally the three men made eye contact. And Marek felt it again!!!

'The connection!!!'

The first one had a large, old man-like smile:

"To think I would find a King worthy of my services after my death."

He smirked, indifferent eyes…Like the enemies he just slaughtered were all fools awaiting slaughter.

"Such an overwhelming disadvantage. It reminded of my days at Yan."

Yes Indeed!

The man was none other than the Legendary 'Military God'.

The man who, with his might alone maintained the Balance between Yan, and the 7 of Wei, the 6 of Qin and the Three of Zhao!

The man is Gakuki of Yan!!

Nicknamed as the Hope of Yan able to repel a Super State with his powerness alone!!

Another man was standing with the same cold indifference. Yet, his ruthless, cold eyes would make even Esdeath and the men of the Brotherhood shiver with fear!

Even Those of the Zoldyck Family would feel short!!!

The man who buried 400 000 Soldiers alive, in cold blood.

The man who used a river to Flood a sieged city. Killing all the civilians in the process!

Named 'The Butcher'…

Yet..He refused to risk the life of his subordinates in a loosing war against Zhao.

Given the order of Suicide by King Sho of Qin.

An order, he executed faithfully.

The men designed by Ren Pa as the most Dangerous man of the Golden Age.

The man with unparalleled tactics and leadership.

HakuKi, The Leader of the Six of Qin.

The Bucher.

"Is this a chance at Redemption?"

"Or another call for more massacres?"

Marek responded:

"If it redemption you want, you can have it serving me."

"If it is massacres you want, endless ones will follow my steps."

The both just sat in silence, a slight smile on their faces.

In their heart it was decided.

'This was king too great to spit on his heroes. Too great to not honor his generals. A king who will listen to his people's needs and will never be stubborn.'

How did they understand?

Men of this Calibre didn't need many words to understand each other.

Marek already felt that 'his connection' did all the work.

He even started to feel that this world was actually made for the sole purpose of serving him.

He felt like this world will be the wings behind his back in any of his conquests!!

More than the DBZ World, the Naruto World, or the AKG World!!

This World was the most Primordial!!!

This two people understood his pursuit of war, his love fore conquest more than his own Empresses, more than his First Vizir and more than anyone in the Multiverse.

And not only those two….Marek looked at the incoming 8 other Silhouettes, and as he looked at each one, of them.

He felt like he has met long lost brothers!

Even those he thought wouldn't be on good terms with him, like Riboku were the same!!

His deep dark eyes landed on each one of them, as he remembered their exploits leading him here.

A young, and beautiful woman, a slight smile on under her helmet, Kyou was on the far left.

Kyou started very weirdly, as even Marek didn't understand her goal…

She sent only a thousand of her most elite men dispersed through all the Important Cities.

And time after time, she kept loosing. Her army seemed extremely fragile, incapable of fighting on the back-foot.

And every time they would loose advantage, they would very swiftly evacuate the citizen, through extremely well prepared channels, and retreat.

Slowly spanning over months the war turned into that of attrition.

The enemy's already established bases in the region made their access to supply very easy and swift.

The enemy seemed to slowly wallow in this sequences of slow but satisfactory victories.

Before….Conquering half the Principal cities and finally securing access to the Imperial Capital, where the Majority of the Population was evacuated too.

It was Then!!! When they were marching to launch a siege on the Capital!!

That Kyou finally appeared!

But not in the Capital!!

In the borders of the country!!

She used her swift and rapid movement acquired by her new acquired realm to lead her nigh unscratched 50 000 Soldiers to attack every city conquered in the territory!!

Kyou's army may be Shabby in defense. But in Offense she was much more fierce than even Ou Ki!!

One City after another continued to fall!!

Her Plan was simple! Yet Genius!!

If she is not good at Defense!! Then create a battlefield where attack would give her victory!!

She willingly conceded territory after the other…

Let them establish their confidence and their supply lines!!

Let them disperse all their big forces over the land!

Only to attack them with all her might at their back, when they needed their most forces in the siege on the Capital!!

For her!! Taking over cities was a second nature!! Something none of the 6 of Qin could compare too!!

But more so…When she sent people to defend the cities earlier, she created glaring weak points to exploit, yet extremely subtle ones, unpredictable by those who haven't made of the siege the art of a lifetime like her!!

Making the cities actually more difficult to defend with their number, advantage.

For her the dispersed Half Billion soldiers through the faulty cities were like imprisoned prey!! Ready to pounce on them at any moment!!!

Like lightning city after the other fell in her hands!!

Beheading all their commanders in the most effective fast way possible!!

As The dispersed and commander-less 500 Million through the cites were wiped out!!

Her advance was so fierce, that before the enemy could even receive the news, she was already piercing their back!!!

The Attacking army completing thinning out as The Mighty Army was attacked by two sides!!

Kyou from one side, and the Imperial Capital from the other!!

She pierced through the enemy like a calamity beheading general after the other in a crazed frenezia!!

¨Marek had his breathing cut off:


"Without the normal fatigue of the soldiers…And with individual force becoming more important than ever."

"The Attacking generals are more dangerous than ever!!"

Ou Ki and Ren Pa adopted the same fighting style!!!

Fighting on open field yet, going for the behead the leader tactic!!

Ren Pa could fight off, the enormous armies to a standstill with the Help of his Four Heavenly Kings!!

While using Rin Ko to behead general after the other!

Rin Ko was like Killing God.

Any general or commanders was he on the back of his army or on the head of a Dragon would find himself in front of him in a way or another!!

Ouki kept appearing and disappearing, beheading commandeer after the other!!

The Man already gave the impression of flying in the battlefield, but when he could actually fly!!

There wasn't any obstacle in the battlefield that can stop him!!

"You are a fool"

Ousen and Riboku have gone for a classic defensive tactic.

Letting them slowly sinking into the Country and progressively cutting off all their supply chains!!!

You could have wyvern, dragons and even Saiyans.

If you don't feed them, they will be crawling at your foot in a war of attrition.

Their defensive tactic transcending the concept of art. Completing stopped their advance!!!

Making them hungry and finally bitter, they retreated with more than 30 percent casualties!

While Ousen and Riboku lost Half of their men.

Knowing that this is an illusion they didn't even have a shred of pity in losing their men.

But they brilliantly did the job.

Yotanawa used her new found strength to completely change the scenery into one that gave her an absolute advantage, using herself as the bait…She only fought in terrain that advantaged her.

Her different tribes with their new strength were akin to beasts in the battlefield!! A Nightmare to fight against!! And that only got worse when they got the terrain advantage.

You would see Yotanwa fighting a Hundred Million Army, in a narrow cliff where Number Advantage is useless, while every attempt at overturning the field was stopped by her men.

If the men of the Mountains Tribe were stamina monsters before. Now with their new found powers, they were like tireless monsters!! Everyone of them would take 20 000 Men before even approaching their limits!!

And with Yotanwa at their head.

She was…Terrifying.

Kanki and his unusual way of warfare, could make even the more hard-willed crazy!

His psychological warfare, his tendency to make completely crazy gambles in a war makes him either loose completely or secure heaven defying wins!

And the Goddess of War seemed to smile to him this time!!


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

Hey!! This chapter is to give an idea about each General's fighting style!!

Be reassured when I write actual wars it will be much more detailed!!

The Creation of the 10 Generals Order is in march !!!

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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