Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 93: The meaning of strength.

I would use the You can become Hero OST of MHA to read this!!


Marek a little annoyed, then turned to Akame;

"Quit looking at me with those ominous eyes of yours, and ask your question!"

She looked deeply at the man whose words have been ringing in her head for the last hours.

She nodded determination in her eyes:

"I did have question."

Her beautiful red eyes shut a little:

"There is a person …"

She clenched her little fist.

"Who is both the person I love the most and the person whom I wish to kill the most."

The Emperor sighed:

"So you want to ask me about Kurome."

Akame nodded.

The Emperor turned around his hands behind his back, a little melancholy in his eyes, a melancholy only Esdeath, at the other side, and his other retainers could see.

"Do ask."

Akame narrowed her eyes, as she took a deep breath:

"I used to believe our enmity is irreconcilable. That us killing each other is inevitable."

She looked up deep determination in her heart:

"Then I heard some words, that shook this belief. "

Her eyes focusing on his back:


Marek smiled a little flattered by her words. Her fist were clenched even harder as she asked the question:

"What would you have done in my place?"

The moment they heard the question, all the servants ticked!

Kalluto, Aya and Bayek who saw his first hand reaction were the more triggered!

They were just witnessing the first time their Emperor was in a Good Mood, since that time, and this woman…!

Esdeath saw a little sadness in his eyes, and realized something was wrong. Najenda who saw the reaction of Euphemia and C.C, also knew something was amiss.

Akame oblivious to all of this continued:

"What would you have done, if the sister you loved the most, hated you and wanted to kill you and your comrades more than anything in the world?"

The moment she uttered those words, a monstrous En came from the Three members of the Brotherhood! And this time it wasn't intimidation but genuine anger!!

Akame suddenly felt even her limbs turn limp from the pressure!

'So strong!!'


An even more monstrous aura surpassed them destroyed their En, like it was air!

They heard the voice of a pissed off Emperor, his murderous aura focusing on his subordinates!! All the members of the Brotherhood saw the infinite anger in his voice!

"The next time…."

Unlike his previous affectionate voice, this one was tone cold.

"I see you threaten a citizen who have done nothing wrong."

The coldness ans ruthlessness in his voice was clear, a deep contrast with his previous kind and good-natured self:

"Your punishment, will be much more severe than death."

All the members of the Brotherhood trembled:

"But, your majesty…"


He screamed, with his Imperial voice! Making everyone tremble with fright!

He then took a deep breath before calming down:

"Even if I, the Emperor, I am nothing without my people. Do not forget that."

"Never act out of place. Even if it is for me."

His domineering aura completely contrasted with his shiny one like he was a whole different being altogether!!

The Three all nodded immediately:

"Yes, your majesty"

His aura slowly disappeared, he then looked Akame:

"Sorry for that."

"It seems I have been negligent in certain aspect of my teaching…."

His eyes turned to his subordinates, a ruthless smile on:

"I will discipline them well, when we come back."

All Three felt shiver in their spine!

Illumi had his never changing expression as he teased his brother:

"You are in trouble~"

Akame who understood there was something about her question, focused her eyes even more on the Emperor, as she started to feel a subtle connection with him.

The Emperor's face became complex…with a hint of sadness in it.

But for those who knew him best, this hint of sadness was all they needed to see, for them to understand his heart.

He smiled at her, yet this smile wasn't shinning one, like the one he showed until now.

But a comforting and intimate one as he locked eyes with Akame.

"Then let me ask you another question…"

His deep dark eyes on her red blood ones:

"If one day your blade wound up killing Kurome."

Akame narrowed her eyes.

"When you see life slowly fading away from her body."

Akame felt her heart tighten.

"When you feel the heat on her body die out, as she transformed into a cold corpse."

His deep black eyes seemed to hold a grip over her soul:

"What would you feel then?"

Akame eyes opened up in surprise.

"Would you feel liberated?"

"Would you feel saddened?"

"Would you feel happy?"

The Emperor's words didn't stop, and somehow to his servants, he seemed like he wasn't talking to Akame but himself.

Finally, she responded:

"I would feel heartbroken."

The Emperor narrowed his eyes. Akame bit her lips in frustration.

"And why is that?"

Akame looked up, her voice breaking:

"She is my dear sister, after all…"

The Emperor sighed and turned looking at the severed heads of the Ministers:

"You see this Prime Minister? His Son? His followers…Do you think when I killed them, I felt all of that?"

Akame opened her eyes in realization. Marek sneered:

"The only thing I felt is joy and satisfaction."

"That's what actually happens when you kill someone you actually want to kill."

He regained eye contact, a stern and scolding face on:

"Don't ever say that she is the person you want to kill the most."

"This is false. Only your thoughts leading to think you get any kind of liberation from ending your story."

"Face your feelings head on, do not be a coward."

Akame staring at him felt the connection grow bigger and bigger:

'He is…He is like me! I am sure of it.'

Marek and Akame's faces got even closer:

"You say what would I have done in your place?"

Marek eyes contained deep determination

"I will answer you."

"I will fight her, I will argue with her, I could even hurt her…But I will never kill her."

Akame felt all her breathing cut:

"Then I will forgive her and I will love her."

"Because that what family does."

Marek then turned around:

"The question is…Why did I make a different choice than yours?"

"What is the difference between you and me?"

"We both love our sisters equally, we both have the ability to kill easily, we both stand at opposite camps and fight for opposite ideas."

"So…What is really this difference that made our responses so opposed?"

He had a cold laugh, as he locked eyes with Esdeath.

"There is only one."

The Blue eyed General as if compelled to answer responded:


Najenda looked down in thought. Akame had her eyes wide open, as her breathing came back:


Marek continued to advance in Esdeath's direction:

"Love or Ideals? Love or Objectives? Love or War?"

All the women present here continued to drink his words:

"If you ask yourself this kind of question…It means you are doing something called 'Compromise and Sacrifice'."

He smiled lightly:

"And this is the Greatest sign of Weakness there is…"

Akame opened her eyes even wider. Marek looked at her:

"Unlike you, I am confident I could let my sister loose, planning and scheming and warring all she wants."

"And she would still not manage to damage not one of my people, not one of my comrades, nor one hectare of my country."

Najenda sighed as realization downed on her. He then turned, his deep eyes now on Esdeath:

"To never compromise on anything. Be it love or aspirations."

"To kill only those you want to kill, to never be cornered into doing anything."

His lips parted into an affectionate smile as he spoke to Esdeath:

"This is the true meaning of strength."

Esdeath felt her whole heart rile up in the moment!

'The true meaning of strength!'

Marek amused by her reaction commented:

"This words came to my mind fairly easily, you know?"

Esdeath narrowed her eyes, feeling that something absurd was about to be dropped again.

"I've been arguing with your Father all day about it, too."

" Aghh! People from the Partas Clan are so difficult to convince!"

Esdeath completely froze in place….


Najenda and Akame who never saw her like that, sighed.

'He doesn't forget a thing, does he?'

Marek childishly took her kepi from her head, he looked at the Emblem engraved in it.

"You use the Emblem of your clan, all the time, you talk about his creed all the time."

"I thought I would need to meet this man, so to pass the time until the operation is over…"

He looked at the Kepi for a long time before he continued:

"I told him how strong you've become."

"He's proud father face was a joy to behold."

"Although he thought he would completely loose your affection, because of how strong you've become."

Esdeath was lightly surprised. He then landed back the Kepi on her head, as he grinned, like a little child:

"That's when the arguing started!"

Esdeath laughed a little.

It wasn't the sadist and cruel one, no…Weirdly….

…..It was a simple, girly one….

One she never thought she would one day show, to anyone.

Marek locked eyes with her, a serious face on, like a man who was about to propose:

"Use your sword to protect what is dear to me…"

His eyes were deep and calm, like a tranquil ocean:

"And I swear I will protect everything that is dear to you."

Esdeath touched the tip of her kepi, and looking down:

"I will…Your Majesty."

Najenda sighed as she looked at the 'I told you so' look of Kassandra:

'Who would have thought?'

Marek then turned around, his mood improved as he advanced in Akame's way. He stopped right in the middle of the room, equal distances from Akame and Esdeath.

He raised his right hand, pointing to Esdeath's side:

"Strength alone, is meaningless. Completely void of any sense and purpose."

"Strength is only strength if it serves a purpose and ideals."

He raised his left hand, pointing at Akame's side:

"Ideals, Love, and Purpose without strength only leads to sacrifice, suffering and tragedy"

"That is the Human condition."

Najenda's eyes narrowed in thought.

The Emperor closed his arms and turned to Akame's side:

"Yet, not everyone can become strong. Not everyone can acquire the power to live happily, on his own."

"It's only normal."

"Strength only exists because everybody else is weak."

His steps were rhyming with his words, as everyone's eyes were on him.

"That's why people gather and design someone to rule over them, someone with enough strength."

"Someone like an Emperor."

Akame who seemed to understand the underlying meaning of his words began slightly trembling.

"People borrow the strength of this person to live their daily lives, to protect their livelihoods and to protect their families and loved ones."

He had a warm smile on:

"And, you, Akame, as a citizen of my Empire, are entitled to this right, just as much as anyone in this country."

He got at an arm-reach of her, their eyes locking again in a completely different atmosphere:

"So even if you are weak. Even if you feel overwhelmed by your lack of strength."

He patted her head, as she felt his warm and powerful grip over her head, her shoulders trembled:

"Borrow my strength."

Najenda opened her eyes widely. His doubled voice seemed to exude deep warmth:

"Rely on your Emperor."

"Only focus on loving and caring about your Sister."

Akame breathing became ragged, as there was slight sounds of sniffing.

"The protection of your life, that of your sister, of your comrades, isn't your responsibility alone."

"It is above all, and from now on. Mine"

Akame looked up at the man with the kind smile on.

Her eyes watery as everything she have gone through since her days as an assassin for the Empire, every comrade she lost, every time she blamed herself for not being strong enough…

The knots around her heart opened up one after another. As she was about to contest. But the Emperor's resonated again, like a comforting spring:

"All these days, I passed training to become stronger, all the endless pain I spent in hell gathering all this power…"

"Do you really think it is for myself? Do you think I place that much of an importance on my own power?"

His smile only grew more beautiful.

"An Emperor power's is never his own. It's his people's."

He had a charming pleading smile:

"Please…Let me Lend you my power."

"For Every time I do that….

" It gives meaning to my strength."

Akame broke down crying, like she never did in her life, screaming:

"Yes! I will!!"

Najenda sighed and looking at the tear-eyed Euphemia:

"It seems you've attained your goals."

Euphemia grinned:

"It will be a pleasure working with you Najenda-san!"

C.C as she looked at the event unfolding before her eyes she remembered, the words of the Imperial Princess Linaella resonated in her head:

{He would show incomparable devotion to all his people, a devotion bordering on the psychotic.}

She remembered how he brushed off the resurrection of people, like it was natural:

{He would do crazy gestures and treat them as natural, or even as a pleasure.}

{Stuff no one in his right mind would do, no matter how much someone would love his nation.}

C.C took a deep breath, as she saw the state of Najenda, Esdeath and Akame. Three of the women with the toughest characters she ever saw. She then remembered how herself was swoon by his words. She chuckled lightly:

'The Dark Kindness. It must be his Majesty's greatest asset.'


First of all...POWAAA!!! I want MOORE!!!

Hey !!! Author here!! I wanted to thank you for your help in my previous question!!

Also since we are a bunch of cultured people! I have some question I would like to know your Opinions on!!!

1-Is Akame Harem Material? Because of not I will pair her with another character !!!

2-For the Chads, who have read the Glorious Masterpiece that is Kingdom can you tell me which general would you want to see in the SAIYAN EMPIRE!!!

3-Oooouh This is a tough one! I've just discovered in VS-Battle how absurdly powerful the Saint Seiya verse is!! And I've been obsessing about it for days!

In your opinion, how would it fare against the DBS Verse?!


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