Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 92: Bitter women.

The Emperor's attention slowly drifted to Euphemia, as all the women felt the dark jet black pupil-less eyes of the Emperor on them.

His Long spiked up hair, his dark green caftan magnifying his muscular yet lean frame. His turban around his forehead like bandana.

Everything about him screamed 'Imperial'.

Esdeath following her Emperor's drifting gaze saw behind a pink-haired and green haired beauty, familiar faces:

'Najenda and Akame of the Murasame Cursed Sword …'

She narrowed her eyes. The Emperor smiled at Euphemia:

"It seems you've brought quite the line-up with you, huh…"

His doubled voice still sounding a little unsettling. He then made eye contact with C.C:

"So…What's your verdict?"

C.C had a weird face:

"You still don't know?"

Marek had a weird face too. C.C finally sighed:

"Flying colors."

She said teasingly as she made eye contact with Esdeath:

"She is ready to go there. I hope you will be having fun!"

Esdeath has an inquiring gaze but still kept silent. The Emperor advanced, finally making eye contact with the two women.

"The Elite of the Night Raid, right in front of me, huh."

Najenda smiled:

"It's a flawless operation you've made here. I am quite impressed."

Marek smiled back:

"It thanks to your cooperation too. So let's give you half of the credit."

He stood in front of them, as he calmly and gracefully spoke:

"If you have any inquiries, I am all ears."

Najenda narrowed her eyes, after taking a deep breath:

"What are you plans…"

"....For this country?"

He kept his clear abyss gaze;

"Development, Prosperity, and…."


"In that order."

Najenda sighed:

"At least you won't go to war blindly."

He nodded.

Najenda took a deep breath:

"Who is going to rule this place?"

Marek's eyes moved onto Euphemia:

"My Second Vizir will attend to her duties, as a governor of this part of the Atlaesian Empire by tomorrow."

"Unless she has to attend to any of her duties as a Supreme Council Member. In that case, a Vice-Governor will be decided by her will."

Euphemia smiled, acknowledging the assignement

"I hope you will take good care of me!"

Najenda then took a deep breath as she prepared to ask the question, she dreaded the most:

"What will you do if the Revolutionaries keep standing in your way?"

Marek who have been waiting for this question to pop out smiled kindly:

"If you think I am the kind of ruler who kills citizen brave enough to fight for their country."

"You are gravely mistaken."

Najenda felt a little ease in her heart:

'Good. Cause we have absolutely no way to resist him!'

He continued to speak:

"Those people are the backbone of the country and the most trustworthy men in the whole land."

He smiled:

"Those who even given the 'bad choice' choose the right one and the difficult one."

Akame narrowed her eyes:

'The Choice…'

Najenda continued:

"And what will you do to solve the division in the country?"

Marek titled his head:

"There is not much to do, actually."

"Once two sides, have the same interests. Them fighting is only due to amateurish mistakes."

"They are sensible men, with brave hearts."

He smiled, with eyes harboring hope for the future of this bloodied land:

"When they see, the country getting better under the new regime."

"In the same way they made the Leap to join the revolution, they would take a step back."

His kind smile turned cold, making Najenda shiver:

"…And those who will stay and oppose…are only there to usurp power and nothing else!"

He smirked:

"I could recognize them from a mile away!"

Najenda sighed:

"And how would you do that?"

He looked deeply in her eyes, making feel like he was looking deep within her soul:

"It's simple. Nothing escapes my eyes."

Marek eyes wondered suddenly landing on Murasame, he turned to Illumi:

"Illumi, what do you think of the curse on this sword?"

Akame was surprised as he could immediately detect the particularity of her sword.

Illummi laughed weirdly as he said:

"Quite the Malicious curse…You would need your greatest Nen Exorcist to get rid of it."

Marek nodded:

"It's slowly killing her away too."

Akame was surprised, as the secret she kept to herself for so long was casually revealed.

The Emperor sighed as he appeared swiftly in front of the women, a little mad.

He extended his hand slowly lifting their chin, to Esdeath and their dismay, as he complained, like an old lady:

"Look at you both. Just what the hell have you been doing, sigh."

He sounded more like a concerned mother, than an Emperor.

Suddenly the white of his eye turned black, as he used his Nakara path on the both of them.

They both felt the warm energy invade their body. It was powerful and seemed endless!

Suddenly in front of everyone's eyes! Najenda's missing arm grew back!! Still under the shock she used her old hand to take off her eye-patch, revealing a perfectly functional eye!!

Esdeath was also deeply surprised! She took this arm and this eye with her own hands after all!!

He spoke to Akame lifting her chin:

"I healed the damage the curse has been causing to your body."

"But if you want to keep using this sword, you need to visit an exorcist in the Brotherhood, every time you feel the curse getting back."

He turned around, and complained like a lazy old man:

"Seriously…Women should take care of their bodies…"

"This is unacceptable."

He still kept complaining as if doing all this was nothing short of a formality for him.

Najenda narrowed her eyes, shaken but what's just happened:

"Did you do that so that I can owe you one?"

Marek laughed loud, like he heard the most absurd thing in the world. Najenda patiently waited for his response:

"You are amusing. But I could understand from where you are coming from."

He tilted his head in desolation:

"Your definition of Authority is completely skewed."

He had a simple smile on:

"Is it really that weird for an Emperor to help a subject in need?"

"I would act like that in front of anyone one of my subjects, Najenda."

"Would I, in your words, 'owe' all my people one?

"That's absurd."

She responded a little rattled, by his mockery, a defying stare in her eyes:

"I am not your subject, I am still your enemy."

Esdeath who saw how rude she was being, was enraged:

'If you are that ungrateful…I could take you arm and eye back!'

He laughed out in the air:

"Oh Najenda…You may consider me your enemy all you want."

He made eye contact with her again, his amused smile still plastered over his face:

"That doesn't mean I will have to do the same."

He had a derisional laugh.

"If the day comes when I see men of own country as enemies."

"I would be uworthy of my Throne."

He then turned around grinning as, her black cigarette appeared weirdly in his hand.

"This is also why I am taking this off too~"

Najenda touched her rosy lips, only to find no cigarette in it!

Najenda immediately realized what happened.

Marek laughed, like he was looking at a funny little puppy, his teasing smile only growing with time:

"You know…I always had a little superstition of my own when I was back in Earth."

"It didn't have any evidence backing it up, still I found it deeply true."

He looked up in the air, a little nostalgia in his eyes:

"When women start smoking, it means the country is doing bad."

Najenda opened her eyes widely, a little thrown out by his speculation.

Euphemia, C.C and Kasandra who never heard this statement before where a little interested.

He grinned childishly:

"Men smoke to look cool in front of women. So that's not a problem."

"But Women…They only smoke when there is bitterness in their heart."

He then broke the cigarette in half, as he continued his shinning grin:

"Light up Najenda!"

"I don't need bitter women in my Empire!"

Najenda as if by reflex took another cigarette and put it in her mouth as she spoke:

"If you have trouble dealing with bitterness."

Her defying eyes still present, purposefully trying to provoke him, even if she was risking her life:

"You will have a hard time dealing with the people who lost their loved ones and comrades fighting the Empire!"

When he heard her, Marek's face turned weird. His response was out of her expectations...

It was...

.....Like he didn't understand a world she said!

"What are you talking about? Which loss?"

Najenda also had a weird face. Feeling that something absurd was about to come out from this Weird's Emperor mouth.

And boy...

...Does Marek never disappoint!

"All the victims of the people you have mentioned in your list are brought back to life."




Najenda completely lost her voice.


Akame who had a normally cool face had her eyes popping out from her sockets.

But the man continued as if what he had done is a matter of course:

" All the soldiers lost in the skirmishes of the Revolutionary Army and the Empire's Army too."

Esdeath couldn't believe her ears!

He then dropped the last bomb as if suddenly remembering something:

"Oh! And All people who are dead from unnatural causes in the last decades too."

Kalluto, Bayek, Aya, Euphemia and C.C who got somehow used to how absurd their Emperor was , had little satisfied smiles, relishing in the sensation of seeing others experience it first-hand!

The Three women's brains already went into overdrive but he kept continuing completely serious in his explanation:

"All the memories and traces of their death are wiped out. So they can continue living normally, without any trauma."

"Only the Higher Up of the Revolutionary army's higher ups are spared."

"Actually, you might want to visit them soon, they must be freaking out by now."

Najenda's eyes were even a little terrified. So she only stared him silently. Yet this seems to trigger quite the curious reaction from the Emperor:

"What? Do you think I really stood here in the castle doing nothing?"

Marek who was still a little sour about the fact that he was sidelined by his Empress, was somehow triggered by her reaction:

" I was working too! I only stopped when there was nothing left to do!!"

"I swear I am not some slouch who lets his subordinates do everything for him!"

His voice got a little low, somewhat weak:

"I...I got sidelined..."

C.C was rolling in the grounding laughing her heart out! Euphemia shoulders were shaking as her hand was over her mouth.

Kassandra was massaging her forehead as she sighed:

"Your Majesty...Sigh..."

"Why do you have to bring it up every time? It's Embarrasing."

"An Emperor can't be doing all the work in the Empire. It would shame the whole country."

Yet, all the absurdity that was happening didn't even scratch Najenda's ears, as her trembling voice resounded:

"Are you a God?"

Marek stopped complaining and titled his head sideways:

"Sigh…Why do everybody keep saying that?"

He approached her, a long smile on his face:

"I already told you."

"Is it really weird for an Emperor to help a subject in need?"

He then took off her cigarette again:

"I am not a God."

He broke it again, his smile radiating like the sun:

" But I am an Emperor who dislikes having bitter women in his country!"

Najenda opened up her mouth to retort. But...Nothing came out!

What was she supposed to say?

Another over-the-top provocation so he can show her his 'dark' side?


This man's dark side is nonexistent in his own borders. Marek kindness in his own territory is even more exaggerated than a Saint's!

Words of Gratitude?

Was it really necessary?

'This man would take gratitude as an offense more than a compliment.'

She smiled.

'He is that kind of person, after all.'

'Like the Emperors of the Legends.'

Marek's voice brought her back to reality:

"Is that all? Najenda."

She sighed, finally deciding to not say anything:

" It's all for now. I will be watching from the sidelines."

The Emperor then grinned, amused again by her response:

"Watching from the sidelines?"

"Like I would let you take all that rest!"

"Work! Work! And work! Is what needed for the country to prosper."

"Like me everyone needs to work hard!!"

His Boyish smile still charming every women present there. Esdeath felt her heart about to implode!

"You and the members of the Revolutionary Army must prepare yourself! I am quite the demanding ruler!"

Her eyes a little watery, she laughed lightly, looking at Euphemia by her side:

"I see…That's seems quite troublesome…Your Majesty."


Only 2 Chapters left for the AKG Arc to end!!! I wanted to portray how the Emperor normally behaved within his Subordinates. How he handles his own people's affairs, more on that on the next Chapters!!

Hey! Are there any Fate Fans out here? Especially those who played Fate CC....I wanted to ask....

How strong is completely 'unreleased' Enuma Elish ? Because in FSN UBW and Zero it didn't seem like that big of a deal( Although it is OP in the series.)


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