Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 130: The Rockbells

Rockbell Medical Facility, Ishval.

The couple were working in a never-ending frenzy, cure this, saving that, their pale and tired face brimming with undying determination.

Devotion deep in their every act. They were tender, caring and human.

Like a faint little particle of light in the midst of the abyss of darkness that is Ishval.

It was soft and warm, yet extremely feeble. Making it somehow even more remarkable and precious.

They had the wind of a visitor that wanted to get in touch with them. But Sarah and Yury were way too busy.

Even if they were proper gentlemen, some things just took priority over others.

Weirdly, the visitor didn't complain or even seem to hold any grudges. Rather he only demanded to watch the doctors at work.

Confused, they eventually accessed to the request.

To their surprise. It was a trio composed of a very young man and two teenagers.

The oldest one was hooded.

But the two could see the Handsome features of the young boys.

The largest young man, was the most mysterious, and his face seemed to be somewhat blurry.

He only sat on the ground in a corner, with a slight nod, prompting them to continue their work.

The couple immediately resumed work under the skeptical eyes of the two boys.

When the Rockbells got back to work, it was like only them and their patient existed. Every action was skillful perfect and more than everything…Devoted.

Marek looking at her go, sighed deeply:

'In Surgery…Even endgame Tsunade doesn't compare.'

'Only someone absurd like Trafalgar. D. Waterlaw …Maybe Dr.Kurea…But I would still need to compare.'

The Emperor saw more than 10 Patient with sure death injuries, make it back to life.

It was like their hands were moved by the will of god itself. Like a kind deity were moving through their fingers.

Those were the Rockbells that would come to be admired in the Highest spheres of Alchemist as the best beings that Amestris ever gave birth to.

The boys were in deep silence as they saw the couple at work. Visibly Shaken to their very core.

Madara had the deepest gaze. Thoughtful.

Izuna had the most confused one. Such actions were baffling in his eyes.

Why…? Why do that?

Weren't they Amestrians?

Do such good people exist in the world?

And if they exist…Where the hell were they all this time?

The Emperor looked at the two kids, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

This is exactly what he wanted to see.

This kind of reflection, this kind of internal struggle; is what makes people grow.

He was not training simple military men. He was training men that would be the pillars of his Country. He needed them to be absolutely peerless in every aspect.

Marek didn't give the privilege of his substitution to Red Falcon by a mere whim. It was a result of countless preparation.

'Their ratio is completely insane. Of course they would send Kimbley after them…'

It was normal after all. They were protected with Amestrisian Men. But the ratio of injured was obviously more in the Ishval's side.

The side that is profiting more is obvious. A glint of greed appeared in the Emperor's eyes.

'I didn't come with recruitment as my first motivator…But….'

'If they had the Ope Ope No Mi or Twilight Healing…Wouldn't be magnificent? Would my soldiers even face death?'

The piercing gaze of the Hegemon only fired up, a little while before toning down once again.

In the two Uchiha Geniuses's mind, different thoughts were colliding riling up their mind like endless tsunamis.

Madara in particular had an extremely conflicted gaze as he looked at those two.

Would he able to sacrifice himself…like that to help others…?

No…Could he…?

Such devotion…isn't that also a form of strength?

Izuna also took a deep breath…

There was something he found deeply enchanting about this frail people. He could think of at least 10 ways to end their life.

Even if he knew that, somewhere in his heart, he felt deeply inferior.

He felt that his hatred…his struggles, his feeling were superficial.

He felt deep frustration, yet deep awe and respect. He knew he would never reach that level of clarity.

He knew that even his Two Elder brothers wouldn't.

The Three kept looking completely motionless for a while.

As the number of wounded grew, like raging tide. The couple seemed to lose complete control over the tide!! The Infirmaries and medical aids were way too busy!!

Yet not once, did the couple seem to lose the glint of resolution in their eyes!!

Sarah deep in work, suddenly turned to look at the spiked haired kid, she ordered with a stern gaze:

"You!! Sterilize your hands and come help me!!!"

Madara felt his heart constrict as he looked eyes with the woman's resolute gaze. Her ocean blue eyes seemed to refuse anything but compliance.

He was in his place bewildered!!


The Emperor finally spoke for the first time:

"My little brother…Are you really so rude to leave a little lady hanging like that?"

Madara shook glared at Marek, before sighing, as he advanced his demeanor in a mix of haughtiness and determination:

"What do you need me to do?"

Sarah stared for a while at the mysterious man, before nodding seriously:

"Yes! You only need to aid me!"

The woman casually began giving instruction to the Mighty Madara Uchiha.

The Emperor couldn't help but grin inwardly. After a while Izuna also joined the dance, not to be outdone with his brother.

The Two surprised the doctors.

Their attention, their hand dexterity was monstruous!! For kids that age…to be that skilled. If they weren't that young and for their ignorance, they would have though those two were full-fledged surgeons.

'They haven't even awakened the Sharingan but their eyesight is already that good….'

'….As expected of Uchiha Geniuses.'

Finally, the tide passed when the last ray of sunlight faded. At that point, the two kids were already a part of the medical squad. Laughing and causally talking together.

Marek narrowed his eyes:

'Camaraderie is easier to forge in a time of need.'


We introduce the Rockbell couple!! In anyway it's the two brother's and the Emperor's antithesis. Contact with them is to make the two kids have new outlook on human nature and the notion of good and evill

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