Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 129: The Emperor's War

"Lelouch is right…You are not very bright Madara."

The Sky was blindingly bright and blue, but it seemed more of a tasteless joke than a sign of fortune.

He tilted his head in desolation before continuing:

"In simpler terms. People fight wars to respond to the question…What am I?"

"People are blessed with intelligence….It is a blessing and curse. Because of it they are aware of their own individual existence."

"A vain and short existence."

"It's difficult to find meaning in one's short existence."

"Because life is indeed not only about eating, sleeping, mating."

"It has more to it. It has to."

"Some people could find it alone."

"But it's easier to find it fighting for a greater good. Be it for a God. Be it for a country. Be it for a cause."

"For creating this general identity, war is necessary."

"People identify themselves by whatever they belong to."

"And if this identity isn't reinforced or if it's trampled on….People are unable to live with themselves…"

"Am I a apart of a glorious dynasty? Am I apart of a glorious cutlture? Is God with me in my struggle? Is he against me?"

"Is my civilization the greatest warriors?"

"All those questions are only answered and built by war. If you win, all those questions turn into a yes."

"No Litterature in the world can build such things."

Izuna hearing those words began to understand, the Hegemon's thoughts.


He still had unwillingness in his heart as he watched the atrocities in front of him. Looking with a hint of affection to this cute kid, Marek sighed, deep lamentation oin his mind:

'Even this good-natured kid, turned into a hatred fueled blind person at the end of his life. Burdening his brother with a promise that will follow him all his life.'

'The Uchiha Curse is vicious.'

'The Brighter they shine, the darkest their descent.'

He continued to explain:

"The Ishval fight because their pride have been trampled on."

"The War started because a soldier shot a little girl."

"But think about it…Since the war started how many more little girls were killed?"

"The Ishval do not fight for security, they fight to prove that they are not the kind of people who could tolerate a soldier killing a kid of theirs."

"….Even if they have to sacrifice the kids, innocent, and age to do so."

He looked at the dazed boys, as he sighed to the sky:

"The Uchiha fight the Senju, because it's in their identity to do so…"

"If they made peace with the Senju, they will never be the Uchiha again…."

Madara opened his eyes in wonder.

"The reality is that both the Uchiha and the Senju find meaning in being the other's Nemesis."

The two kids narrowed their eyes in thought of those last words.

"Letting go of the grief of the killed and of the flames hatred."

"Isn't actually as difficult."

Madara and Izuna shut their fist tightly. The Hatred and Fury of loosing their brother was still fresh.

The Emperor sighed:

"Time mends all wounds; clarity eventually descends when one's age advances. And one is able to see what happened as it really is."

"Humans are adaptive species. If Hate had this destructive of a role in the world. The Whole Humanity would have been wiped out by now."


"The most difficult to let go off…."

"….Is this kind of identity rivalry."

"The Uchiha will not be the Uchiha if they don't hate the Senju."

"It's normal. If I don't fight the Senju, then what does it mean to be an Uchiha?"

"If I don't fight the Uchiha, then what does it mean to be a Senju?"

"Your two clans live in these kind of identity shackles for generations, yet none of you are aware of it."

The two looked at the man speaking like a millennial sage. Madara narrowed his eyes:

"So it's not hatred…"

Marek smiled lightly:

"Hatred is only a fuel, actually all clan emotions are only byproduct of the Identity struggles."

Izuna looked deeply at this man, he felt that he began to understand him more.

'…Only people with this kind of insight deserve to lead!!'

Madara had deep unbending determination in his eyes. The Goodnatured Izuna may have not realized the implication of the Emperor's words, but he did.

He asked anyway:

"Then to free ourselves of those shackles. What do we need to do?"

Marek laughed out loud:

"Didn't I already tell you the solution?"

Hearing his response, both of their back turned cold.

"I will look forward to it."

"Madara! Izuna!!"

Cheerfully…Like he didn't imply something atrocious right now..

He advanced:

"You still have much to learn my little brothers!!"

This time his banter was met with awkward silence. Yet that didn't seem to bother him in the slightest!

And as they entered more and more into the chaotic battlefield, the violence seemed to tone down a little bit.

"Where are we going?"

Izuna couldn't contain his curiosity. Marek opened his eyes widely, his eye encompassing all the happening on all Amestris.

"To meet some interesting people."

"People that may or may not meet my standards."

He had quiet and inquiring smile.

"It will also be a good learning opportunity for you…"

Finally they made it into a much more peaceful place. Of course the gloominess of war was nowhere near it's end.

The Place was weird. It was riddled with wounded. But the wounded weren't only Amestrians or Ishval. It was both.

The causalities be it civilians or military were on both sides. Yet no hate was apparent here, only gratitude and relief and sadness.

The scent of blood was mixing with the another scent, that would be quite weird for a first timer, but for the Emeperor it was clear:

"The scent of medicine."

He smiled as he spoke to his two followers:

"This is where we will be staying for a while."

He turned and faced the two:

"War…There is no more fitting place to understand it's essence than here."

"We are men born to thrive on this."

"Our hands are destined to soak in blood, our eyes are destined to sully existence…"

"But to do that…"

"Understanding War is necessary."

"In the coming months….Feel War."

"Love it."

"Hate it."

"Despise it."

"Lust for it."

"And finally Understand it."

Hearing the Hegemon's words the two's heart beaten widely. Those words, they already knew them.

Despite seeing such atrocities, despite seeing how cruel it is. It was inevitable.

They deeply knew, that this where they can thrive.

This they place where they belong to and nowhere else.

They were Uchiha!! And Fighting was in their deepest bones!!

And when they become Saiyans it will only be worst!!

The Two's eyes turned cold as clarity downed on their foggy spirits.

Marek's message was clear:

'Following him is walking this path.'

In silence they followed the Hegemon, like a tacit acknowledgement of function.


This arc will not last long...But it is important to develop my take on Madara's and Izuna's character.

The World count is fixed on 1000 to 1300 words per chapter. This is my standard and the speed I feel the most confortable with. Of course I will try my best to publish 2 chapters in some days.

Until I get much more confortable with this work ethic I might try to up it a noch.

I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time.

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

My discord is available too!! Let's interact more!! I know my readers have some great opinions to share:

Support me on ******* and get more chapter and spoilers too hhh!!

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