Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 119: The GREATEST.

Immediately!! As the left over binding energy of the Second Ring he stored from earlier and the left over from his Nearly obliterated Gundao too was consumed.

The Emperor disappeared like an illusion….

Before he appeared as good as new in front of the God of Destruction.

The Bad feeling in his heart only got bigger.

Beerus made a step backwards….And like other watchers!! Exclaimed !!!


"the hell?!!!"

The Emperor in seemingly perfect shape advanced. Beerus took a deep breath, his sanity already on the brink.

But unlike his student….Whis could keep himself calm.

"He is weaker than he was…."

Vegeta nodded

"There is no trace of that Energy on him anymore and his Ki is normal."

The Emperor smiled evilly….

"Do you know why you will lose…?"

Beerus riled up his Ki once again!!!

"Who said that?"

The Emperor laughed lightly:

"You may become the Strongest."

He made another step.

"You may become The Fastest!!"

And Another one, as his figure became more and more imposing in the eyes of the God.

"You may become Destruction itself or Godhood itself…"

"You may have the best Masters and the Grandest techniques…"

He stopped before him…

"But you will always lose…"

Beerus dashed in his way!!! Punching with all his left over energy. But was stopped with a single finger. He crouched and he whispered in his ear…A Long evil smile on his face:

"…Do you know why?"

"Why will I always win?"

"….Oh Great God…"

Beerus felt chills down his spine, before a punch in the gut brought him to his knees.

In Pain he looked up. As he saw the Emperor speak his final words, the whole Universe Shaking from the Echo as everyone got to hear:


Back in Earth!!! A Powerful Shaking was felt!!! As the Sparks of the Super Saiyan 2 Descended from above!!

Vegeta's long proud smile could be seen as he looked at the Generals transformations.

"Already at Super Saiyan 2….Huh…"

The 9 Generals had different expression, yet there was the same deep sense of pride and joy in their eyes!!!

Kanki laughed widly!!!

"What a Monstruous Bastard!!! He even scares the crap out of me!!!"

Ousen nodded, a deep gaze on!!! Ambition in the depth of his eyes.

'This Man…Even 10 Universes wouldn't begin to satiate his greed….'

Ouki and Ren Pa were laughing!!! Extasied!!!

"Maaan….I can't wait for war to start!!!!"

Finally a beautiful woman, had the same cruel, wide smile….yet in his eyes…if her followers were with her they would notice an usual little glint of desire.


"Now, that's a man to my taste."

Marek laughed lightly, his eyes brimming with pure unadulterated evil:

"OH Great God…."

"Didn't I tell you….That Today you will know what real fear is?"

Marek was already back to his base form.

'Thankfully…I conserved the leftover power from the Third Ring and the Gundao.So that I could come back from the 'dead'.'

'My Izanagi can only erase damage from the present and inflicts it to my future self…'

'There is also a price I need to pay…in place of eye loss…'

He sighed.

'Until…I receive my damage again.'

'I can't use Ultra Sage Mode anymore…'

He had a long smile feeling the regeneration of his body.

'It's extremely risky….But…'

Feeling the tiredness to his very soul, yet still not planning on backing down.

'I can still use that technique.'

Beerus took a deep breath. His eyes blurry…His conscience barely keeping up with his body. He remembered something, the Emepror said earlier.

'It seems your Master didn't intervene yet….'

"So From the Beginning…"

He advanced…Step by step. A Long Malevolent smile on as his hair once again spiked. Yet this time it felt different.

"So you did finally catch on…"

Beerus finally spoke the words he dreaded so much. The Bad feeling he always had….

"…This wasn't your Final Form…"

"…Was it?"

The Emperor titled his head in desolation.

"Don't blame yourself too much…"

"The Difference between you and me is that I knew who I would fight."

Whis felt extreme dread as he heard his words….Marek seemed to have all the evil in the world on his face.

"If you knew who you were actually fighting…"

"You would have never actually taken part in this fight."

The Emperor smiled wildly….

"You already know I could've end you with the Sage Mode…."

"After all even if my form is still new…it is still has less flaws than your Ultra Ego."

He made another step. As Beerus eyes seemed to be brimming with apprehension, as the Emperor's doubled voice haunted his ears.

"The Ultra Sage Mode is Good it's could even grow even bigger with time….It's my Martial Way…"

"My Ultimate way of Fighting."

He had a long Smirk, a deep brand of sadistic barbarism…Brimming from the mix of his Saiyan Heritage and his Millenial Old Vega Dynasty.

The Man was a devil born.

"But that never could make you feel the fear, the despair, the crushing…"

"That King Vegeta felt back then…"

He made another step. Beerus narrowed his eyes:

"Do you hold that much of a grudge…huh…"

Marek made another step.

"My Grudges are endless and difficult to satiate. Beerus."

The Evil Smirk in his face only grew wider.

"What I needed…is For you"

"…To fear me…"

"To revere me, and for your skin to shudder at the mere mention of my name."

The Emperor smile only got wider.

"For I am not simply a Martial Artist…"

He opened his hands as flew up, a Malevolant, evil smile on his smile.

"I am an Emperor."

"I am the Saiyan Emperor."

"I represent absolute Power."

"No one is allowed to look down on me…"

He finally spoke. Beerus feeling deep dread, actually backed away.

The Emperor Ki transformed into a Flamming Red one!!!

"Be it Gods…."

Lelouch clenched his hands as he gave an order to Ezio.

"Immediately go to the Naruto World and Bleach World, DXD World…."

"Bring Orihime Inoue, Tsunade Senju and Asia Argento to the Imperial Chambers!!! Immediately!!! NOW!!!"

Ezio nodded and disappeared like he was never there to begin with!!!! In his eyes deep worry could be seen!!!

Lelouch spoke deep anger in his eyes.

"You promised me you won't use it, unless it's necessary!!!"

"What is necessary about that!!! You moron!!!!"

The Empresses, Cornelia, Euphemia had a bad feeling in their heart as seeing Lelouch in this state only meant one thing!!!

His hair turned red before he started burning….

Like an eternal Red Fire!!!!


His Dark Rinnegan turning deep blood Red.

Feeling Endless Pain in his Body, pain beyond anything he felt before.

The Emperor's smile never waned.

He had spent a lot of time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Yet only…20 percent of that time was dedicated to Mastering the Sage Mode and the Binding Field.

The training that added all those scars…The training that brought him to his limit. The Trainning that needed infinite Gravity to be accomplished.

The Training that gave him enlightenment.

Was a much tougher one.

This was his last trick. To repay the debts of the Saiyan Race and to start from scratch…

He needed to use this technique….

He needed to atleast prove he was able to stand in equal position with the Strongest Race in the Universe!!!

Universe 7…Afterlife.

In Hell and Heaven.

In front of a Screen

Millions of Saiyans were watching him right here!! Right Now!!!

Millions of Saiyans he hoped to unite under his Banner!!!

This was his Ultimate Goal!!! His Grandest Aspiration!!!

Like Vegeta said….

To Gather Faith!!

To Become the New Legend of the Saiyan Race!!!

And to Submit all Saiyans in all Universes to his Rule!!!!

This was the Biggest Scheme he ever made!!! The Reason he wanted to showcase his might so much!!!

And the reason he sent his men to the afterlife, to gather Saiyans….

In Hell…And in Heaven alike!!! In Universe 6 too…

The Reason he acknowledged Vegeta's Legacy….The Reason he spent so much time showing his might!!

The Reason he wanted to destroy the God of Destroctution in front of everyone's eyes!!

To create a Revolution!!

If he wanted to rally them all under his banner!! He needed to prove it!!! Right here!!! Right Now!!!

He needed to be the most Powerful Saiyan in existence!!!

The Saiyan Race watching him from the Afterlife and from Universe 6….

Be it the Evil…Or the Good…Be it the Prideful or the Enslaved ALL saw this confrontation and all felt their heart pounding seeing the final victor!!!

Yet…Now…At this very moment!!

The Emperor's power seemed to skyrocket into a nigh!!! Transcendtal level!!!


The Techniques he would never use, otherwise.

And the reason why he made that speech about his legacy earlier than expected.

His Flaming hair, his Skyrocketing Ki….Spoke for itself…Nevertheless it still needed to be said.

"Eighteen Saiyan Gates Released Formation…."

"First Gate…Gate of Opening."


This is probably the before last chapter.....Before my Hiatus....Mid Terms are coming much sooner than expected and I need to focus on that.

So...I will probably a Month or Two of Hiatus until....I could come back.

I will atleast try to end this arc, but I can't garante anything. I would probably come back Mid January...Sigh...

Don't worry....I am not dropping it. Not until I start publishing my own orginal novel.

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