Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 118: Last Card

And as the shock ended!!

With the two running out of gas.

Marek and Beerus were surprised that their modified Ki persisted.

Both felt pushed by the very concept their represented!!!

To see the other to the end!!

The Two engaged in another mythical Melee!! Yet this time it was a level above!!!

It was not a battle between to Martial Artists!!

Not a Battle between a Sage and a God!!!

But the Simple opposition of Creation and Destruction!!!

The Two flagpoles and proud representative of their respective concepts battled like never before!!

The Fabric of the Universe couldn't finally take it!!! And was shattered to another Dimension!!!

Their fight at this level was already faintly approaching the level of Angels!!!

Whis narrowed:

'No…This Ultra Sage Mode is only at it's beginning…If he masters it correctly…then…!"

Punch against and Punch, move against move!!!

Unbending will!! Transcendental Power!!!!

The shock completely destroyed the other dimension in a matter of seconds!!!

So the Platinum and Orange light reappeared again!!!

As a Crack in the Universe brought them back!!!

This time even stronger than before!!!

The Battle begun to take compltly absurd magnitude!!!

As under the Power of Destruction and Binding Energy all the Fundamental Laws of the Universe seemed to break apart!!!!

The Laws of Space and Time became night!!!

As The Two Men PlantinIum and Orange Auras seemed to travel through the whole Macrocosmic Universe!!!

Sometime appearing in the North other times in the South!!!

The Battle already lost complete control, and became like an Unstoppable World Ending Calamity roaming through the Universe!!!

Creating Cracks and destroying the Fabric before it was reforged!!!

Their melee growing again and again in Power!!!

Their exchanges traversing the whole Macrocosm !!!

The Two Living Calamities traversed the Boundary between realms!! Even appearing in the World of KAI!!!

The After Life!!!

THEIR HANDS EVEN BROKE THE SNAKE WAY!!! Reversing the cycle of causality itself!!!

The Whole Universe became a Raging Sea that would swallow any one boarding it!!!

Finally their power grew so strong, they couldn't evade the destruction of the Universe!!!

But something weird happened!!! As soon as a tear of Destruction was provoked in the Universe!!!

He was bonded together again!!!

This was the opposition again!!! Binding vs Destroying!!!

Gradually as the two skyrocketed!! The Universe started to undergo a cycle of Destruction and Reconstruction!!!

The Binding Energy repairing any damage the Destruction had done!!!

Each Punch ended the world before the next recreated it!!!

The Universe seemed reborn a thousand time in a matter of seconds!!!

It's very Fabric changing as the battle continued to rage!!!

The Two became the Architects dictating the fate of the Universe!!!

The Battle continued!! Their power only growing into an unfathomable level!!!

And so Endlessly!! The Two continued to clash again and again!!

Exchanging techniques after the other!!

Finally seeing an opportunity, the Emperor screamed with all his lungs!!!



The God of Destruction was completely unable to dodge due to the sheer size of the THING!!!


Using his whole energy he recreated a Gigantic Purple Ki Avatar looking like him!!!

But even that was dwarfed by the Sheer Size of the SWORD!!!

The KI Avatar joined his two hands on the tip of the Sword!!! Resisting his Sheer obnoxious cutting might!!!

But this wasn't nearly enough!!!


The Ki Avatar turned Orange!!!,

Brimming with Pure Power of DESTRUCTION!!!!

Everyone was terrified as the END OF THE WORLD seemed to draw near!!!

The Emperor smiled again!!!

"Good!! Beerus!!! I would expect no less from you!!!"


He smirked evilly!!!



An even bigger Sword appeared!!! Stacking on the present!!! The Two Colossal Power of Sage Ki and Pure Binding Energy!!!

One the Product of Pure Sage Art!! The Other is the Product of the 7th Path!!!

Fused together as their compatibility was already godly!!!

The Ki Avatar knelt!!!

Ad the Emperor pronounced the Sentence!!!


The Two Swords became even more riled up!!! As the Two finally cut the KI Avatar in Half!! Cutting deeply the God of Destruction !!



The two in the Parting between the two halves of the Universe!!! One Bleeding, the other still standing despite severe injuries!!!

Still Marek wasn't finished!! He extended his two arms in different directions!!


The Two Halves of The Universe!! Immediately joined together again!!!

Like Long Lost lovers

The Only Problem was that in the middle was…

The God of Destruction nearly crashed by the two Halves!!!

If Marek could make an egg as solid as Planet!!

A Planet as Solid as 5 Universes…

What could he make to a Two Half Universes!!!

Under the Sheer Pressure, the God of Destruction felt crushing power to his very core!!!!

And like a vicious snake!!! When the God of Destruction was compelety immobilized!!!

The Emperor immediately propelled himself his Plantium Gundao in hand!!!

The God of Destruction felt sharp pain!!! Invading his very being!!! As his stomach was pierced with the Godly weapon!!!

"I could have targeted your heart. But that wouldn't be nearly as much fun, would it?"

Immediately after he felt his power skyrocketing!! Yet he took too much damage to be happy about it!!!

"I only need you to become stronger!!!!"

He began pushing the Two Halves!!!

The Emperor berserk insanity was written all over his face:

"So I could take pleasure from crushing your very being!!!"

The Emperor, knowing that a second strike wouldn't work!! Took off his Gundao and put his hand on the God of Destuction's chest!!


The Repulsion this time was on another level!!!

It pushed Beerus out of the Seventh Universes!!! Into other ones!!!

Marek and Beerus broke through the Barrier between Universe and continued their exchange growing again in scale!!!

They would appear and disappear like walking calamities!!!

Yet as their Ki skyrocketed!!! Their body was nearing their limit!!!

Marek was severely injured, by the Power of Destruction and Beerus was even worse!!!

Yet they continued!!! Laughing at Pain!! Laughing at Misery!!!

And Reaching for Greatness!! Hegemony!!! And Pride!!

Their body continued to clash against each other!!! Their bodies at this state already clashed more than a million times!!! Still in the Same Miserable Standstill!!!

No….Marek wanted this standstill!!! Everytime he had a crushing advantage he would wait for the God of Destruction to get up to him!!! Just so he can have a more pleasing fight!!!

At one point!! Beerus would punch his adversary thought 4 Universes!!!!

Before he would dash back sending him even further!!!

The battle raged!!!

As they disappeared and reappeared in the boundary of the Multiverse like the Monstrous Entities they were!!

The Concept of time!! Space!! Fatigue meaning nothing to them!!!

Their Blood and Sweat splattered across the Universes and the Dimensions!!!

The Respective Kai and God of Destruction didn't even dare intervene!!!

This Level of Power…Only Angels could make them stop!!!

The Emperor new acquired 7th Path contained was a Mixture of all the previous Paths empowered + the exculsive powers of the 'Binding Path'.

The Cosmic and Platinum wheels. Gungnir, Gleipnir, and…some other more mysterious powers…


The Battle having gone for hours and hours….

The Two's Power levels began twindle like a candle in the wind!!!

The Scale of the Battle Slowly descending!!!

As the Two Tired Warriors continued to clash against another barely able to keep any semblance of sanity!!!

The Countdown for the End….


The Two powers started to slowly drop.

Their bloodied bodies landing on a surviving Planet in the 7th Universe.

The two started exchanging casual dirty punches!!! Like Backward street fighers!!! The every fiber of being drained in this battle!!!


One Man Stood up….Bloodied.

As he looked at his foe incapable of even standing up. Dread in his eyes.


The Emperor worn out on the ground.

Completely unable to even move laughed!!! Out loud!!


"Man!!! THIS THE BEST!!!!

After a million fists….a million blood….and a million words….

Even on the limit of life and death, when even the God of Destuction was feeling tiredness and vainess… Beerus spoke, deep uncertainty in his voice:


The Emperor completely laid on the Ground as he seemed to have lost the fight…

'Or did he?'

He Still laughed like the first time they exchanged. As even the God of Destruction after what seemed like Million Years of fight, seemed to change…to fear...

Yet, Marek Vega was still the same.

The God of Destruction more damaged than his adversary took a deep breath. He looked at the deep calm, behind the demeanor of the Monarch.

While him was on the limit of his body, one step on the death door. He took a deep breath. Dread growing in his eyes.

As he was fighting against this monster of a Man, the bad feeling in his heart seems to be growing bigger.

Beerus spoke the same words, under his rugged voice:



Marek only laughed louder and louder!!!

He spoke knowing perfectly….

That the Emperor had the chance of ending him a Thousands times before…But only let him grow stronger!!!

Like he once did…With Goku and Vegeta…

No like he always did…with weaker foes.

Whis narrowed his eyes, a glint of sadness in his eyes:


He cried his lungs out!!!

"YOU LOST!!!!!"

If even after that….He…The Strongest God of Destruction couldn't win….


The Emperor doubled laugh Taunted him!!! His never ending vicious smile!!!

He clenched his weakened fists!!! His Deeply wounded pride!!! Riling some of his Ki!!!


" LOOOOST!!!!!!"

The Planet began to once again tremble!!! Even at the death bed….The God of Destruction was above Planetary Level.

His Power level may have waned. But he was still the God of Destruction.


And as the Man smiled calmly.

He spoke some words…

The Name of a Technique, he actually used before but hid it, using binding energy just for this moment.

His Rinnegan shinning brightly as he finally activated. The Special Ability of His Rinnegan.

Like…Madara's Limbo and Sasuke ability… A wide smile on his face….

Well this was the final time he could use it…in this fight...anyway...

"Second Ring: Cursed…"

His smile got even more malevolent!!!




Phew.....Finally.....More on the Cursed Izanagi...Later...It's different from the Normal Izanagi. It also had more contraints....

Oh Also I am thinking about reducing the size of the Chapters...Sorry...But writing 2000 Words per day is too difficult.

The Majority of the Authors write 1000 Words per chapter... If I do that I can at least avoid long Hiatuses....

Hope you won't drop.... While the battle is practically over the DBZ Arc isn't over yet....

If some were wondering if there was a reason behind this battle....Yes there is...Marek always schemes hhhhhh

One will be revealed at the End of the Arc and the other will be revealed much latter.


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