Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 114: Binding Field.

I would use Unlimited Blade Works OST Emiya.


Reminiscing about theses moments, a childelish grin appeared on the Emperor's face:

'Maybe fighting back until loosing one arm might have been a mistake…'

'I am sure that old bastard is fuming right now….'

His smile got brighter as he imagined Vegeta's Angry face.

The Childish grin put a cold's on Bulma's spine. As Only her could see…Something even Whis didn't…

Her eyes not on the Falling Emperor…But on the field…That has changed quite a bit…

Without anyone paying it any attention…Seeing that 'Field'…Those Similar Patterns she might have seen a Million times since her childhood. She clenched her fists.

'…That Bastard….'

Yet, she had a light smile on her face, the scientist in her salivating from cheer excitement.

'You were only getting started, didn't you?'

Dr.Brief, took a deep whiff out of his cigarette, his eyes narrowed:

"This is dangerous…"

"He may be even more detrimental to the Universe than the God of Destruction."

Bulma smirked:

"Give those eyes to someone like Goku or Vegeta, he will, at best, make this kind of fight…."


Her smile grew wider:

"He is not only a Martial Artist…."

"…That's what everyone tends to forget…"

"He is much more than that…"

Marek Grin only got wider as if the never-ending pain, was nothing:

'So…The Base Powers of the Rinnegan, could only bring me to this level, huh….'

His smile got wider:

'To his credit…He is much tougher than expected.'

' He is probably the strongest God of Destruction, there is…'

'I though the Saiyan Emperor Armor could do the trick…But…Oh Well…'

He had a happy smile:

'I sure am grateful I went through that hell of a training….'

The God of Destruction, as he saw the Emperor fall…had a bad feeling in his heart:

He suddenly lifted his head….Only to find that the Background Planets have disappeared….

And as he narrowed his eyes….He saw a Giant Band of….


'What is that….?'

He didn't what it was but it had the form of a ring….

And it was rotating constantly….Around him….

Behind it…A Bigger Ring….

And even more so behind it….

Another Bigger ring…

They were Five in Total.

'What is this color?'

It had a weird mysterious feeling to it as the more he looked at the Giants large rings….The Less it made sense….

Sometime it would look, like a big ball of light in orbit…

And Every time, he would look at it….He would feel that he isn't looking at the right place.

Another time it would seem like a wavy stream of light….

And …It would flicker between these states….

It was the same for each ring…

He then looked up….To Find a Star Sized Orb on top of him….It didn't look like earth, not the whole thing didn't even look like 'Matter'.

It didn't seem like Energy either, it didn't seem like anything…But somehow for all the present here….

It felt extremely familiar.

From above…The whole thing looked somehow like the Classic Rinnegan's Pattern….

One big Orb representing the pupil, and the other rings forming the concentric circles of the Classic Rinnegan…

And from the Rings, little sparks could be seen coming out and connecting with the Orb.

In a hazardous manner.

Suddenly…. The Smiling Emperor, stopped his Fall….

And disappeared before reappearing, on top of the weird orb. Sitting casually.

He extended his one arm!! Suddenly a spark moved in blinding speed, and entered his body!!!

Immediately…Under everyone's baffled eyes….

The Emperor became as good as new.

His smile never leaving his face.

"This is very Impressive….Destruction God."

Whis looking at those rings, as all the other Angels watching that battle felt for the first time…

Something Akin to dread….In their heart…

'This Energy…It feels….'

'No it's different than God Ki or the Power of Destruction…'

The Emperor's smirk only got wider, a fascinated look on his eyes:

"The 6 Paths of Hagoromo…"

"The Silver and Golden Wheels of Hamura…"

"The Susanoo of the Uchiha…"

"The Power Level of the Legendary Super Saiyan…"

"The Zenkai Boosts of the Saiyan…Their Oozaru…"

Marek nodded, acknowledgement on his eyes:

"And still…Here you are standing before me. Even 'defeating me'."

Beerus took a deep breath. A Deep sense of dread invaded his heart.


As he looked at the field, he felt like a fish on land. Completely on foreign land.

'What is this energy?'

He laughed:

"What do you say?"

"Do you want to know what Marek Vega's tricks taste like….?"

He moved his regenerated arms.

"First Trick…."

"Binding Field…"

Whis narrowed his eyes, deep interrogation in his eyes.

Bulma took a long breath:

"What an obnoxious bastard…If you had such a card up your sleeve…"

"Why even use that Monstrosity?"

"Sigh…I will never understand Saiyans."

All the Z Fighter's eyes were on the Scientist….Vegeta had a weird and an inquiring gaze on. While Bulma giggled lightly:

"Keep your eyes on the Screen. I will explain as the things go by."

She sighed:

"Even I…need some time to collect my thoughts."

Whis's gaze moved to the fight….

'Binding Field, huh…'

The Emperor had a malevelous smile….Like a predator looking at his Prey…

"Are you ready?"

"This the big boy's game~"

Beerus smirked:

"Give me your best shot, Mortal."

The Emperor shut his eyes, and made a hand sign.

"5th Ring…Pounding Demise"

Suddenly the Furthermost Ring Shone brighter!!!!

And From it appeared a Big Orb…It's color flickering between gold, Jade and Platinum. As it left the Embrace of the Ring, it immediately propelled itself.

Directed at the God with immense speed. Beerus seeing the flickering planet smirked, a little relieved…

It looked more powerful than the previous planets. But it didn't feel, that different in mass.

Calmly, he clenched his hand to make a punch:

"All that just to send me another plan-!!!"


The Cracking noise was heard by everyone present.

The God of Destruction, his Fist still against the Object, was silent for a while. Still unable to process what was happening.


He used more power!!! '

His Bone cracked again!!! The Shock in his eyes only grew into deep confusion.



He felt like he was punching against providence itself!! As Blood Vessels started appearing on his hands!

Whis cried in surprise!!


This was obviously a normal planet…No matter how much Whis looked into it. It's kinetic energy and its mass and weight were standard.

So what was happening?

Beerus cried and used more power!!! His Ki skyrocketing!!! His Bloodied hand getting more powered up!!!

Only to be able to punch it away!!

Yes!! As you see the Planet wasn't destroyed!!!

No it wasn't even cracked!!!

Bulma felt her heart pounding:

"So he did it…."

Vegeta was at his wits end! Knowing that his wife was seeing through something that even eluded the God of Destruction and his Angel!!!

"Speak!! Woman!!!"

Bulma sighed:


"You don't need to be such a baby about it…"

Her youthful face didn't help convey her message….

"First of all…"

"Do you remember…The Power Marek displayed by his eyes."

Vegeta sighed:

"The Gravity Manipulation."

Bulma nodded:

"Universal Gravity control. All the monstrous things he did…Was due to his absolute control over this power."

Bulma had a long smile:

"However…No Matter how impressive Gravitation may appear…as a Fundamental Force of the Universe."

"The most powerful force in the Universe isn't Gravitation."

"Now…The more powerful forces on the Universes are on the Quantum Level."

"It's the Strong Nuclear Force, the Weak Nuclear Force, the Atomic Gravitational Force and the Electromagnetic Force."

Goku felt that his head was about to explode, Vegeta wasn't much better. Only The Vizirs nodded extremely interested by the explanation. Bulma sighed:

"Let's focus on the First Two…"

"These Two generate something called Binding Energy."

Whis opened his eyes in contemplation:

'Binding energy…'

Bulma smiled elegantly:

"In Real Simple terms…Binding Energy is what binds everything in the universe. From the most elemental particles to constitute atoms."

"And The Act of Destroying an Object is merely exerting enough force to Undo the Binding energy."

She took an egg from the table:


"Imagine that Marek is somehow able to augment the Binding Energy of an object, what would happen?"

Lelouch sighed:

"Seriously…What a Freak…"

Bulma nodded, addressing Vegeta:

"If one was to mess with It's Binding energy…."

"An Egg could become even harder to destroy than a Planet…"

She then looked at the Screen:

"And A Planet harder to destroy than a Universe."

She sighed:

"I don't know how…But within the field he created…He is able to modify the Binding Energy of any object…Making it near unbreakable…."

She then laughed looking at Marek's retainers:

"I do have an idea how he created it…But it would be too absurd…"

She sighed:

"Something like training in a Black Hole, just to be able to familiarize yourself with Binding Energy, would be way over the top even for him!!"

"Isn't that right Shahrazad?"

Shahrazad looked down, her shoulder trembling as she tried to stop her laughter.

The Members of the Bortherhood all looked the other way, completely baffled

Bulma felt a headache:

"Sigh…Why do I keep only meeting with freaks?"

Seeing her husband dumbfounded eyes, she elaborated:

"While using his Eyes power to the limit…Gave Marek's full control over the Gravitational Force."

"When everyone would focus on the use of Gravitational Force. That kid tried using his eyes power to somehow try control the Three others."

"A near Impossible feat in theory…"

"He used the Black Hole the only place were the laws of the Infinitely Big and the Infinitely small overlap. To somehow gain control over the Quantic Gravitational Force…"

She sighed:

"And from there, create a field that could relatively manipulate the Three Others."

She pointed at the projectile:

"That Planet…If my estimations are correct is worth 4 or 5 universes of Binding Energy."

Lelouch laughed, widely, extreme admiration in his eyes:

"Where others would choose the path of Godhood, imitating the gods and their techniques…"

"He would chose to become stronger the way Mortals way….By Deeply understanding the Universe and it's Laws and morphing it to his advantage!!!"

Whis hearing this remark narrowed his eyes:

'The Path of the Mortals…Huh…'

The Outer Fifth Ring kept flickering as the Planet fused with her before coming back at full speed!!!

In a completely crazed manner like a Man fighting a Boulder, Beerus kept trying to evade!!

But the field restrained greatly!! The Left-over energy from the attack was somehow like poison for his Power of Destruction!!

This was something he never felt before!!

The Movement of the Boulder was complete hazardous appearing and disappearing like a calamity! Fusing with each one of the Ring and reappearing in completely different direction!!!

It speeds in a never seen before level!!

Without a Perfected Ultra Instinct, he wouldn't hope to flawlessly evade it!!

And Tank it would make him sustain way too much damage!!!

Attacking the Sitting Marek seemed near impossible, as he felt it…On that orb he was sitting on…The Energy was on a completely other level from that planet!!!

Marek smirked:

"How do you like it? The Power of the Strong Nuclear Force?"

Immediately the 5 Fifth Ring Shone Brighter!!!

The Speed of the Planet got even quicker and it became even more difficult to dodge!!!

Damage accumulating started to pull a toll on the God of Destruction, and in the same time rose his Power Level to a never seen before height!!!

"Being toyed around with a simple Planet…"

Fury appeared in his eyes!!

"Good…Marek Vega…."

He pushed his Ultra Instinct to the limit!! Reaching in the deph of his potential!!

Finally finding the trajectory of the Planet!!!


Power of Destruction burning in every pore of his body!! As he once again surpassed himself!!! He charged an attack!! The Power of Destruction turned Yellow!!!

The Orb Growing reaching the size of a Solar Sized Genkidama!!!


And as he screamed his Lung out!!!

Using his Berserk state he sent it with blinding speed!! Colliding with the Planet!!!

The two stood in a Stand Still!!!

The shock already shaking the whole Binding Field!!!

But this time the shock didn't reach the Universe!! The Binding Field was way too solid!!!

Marek still his eyes shut…Spoke once again:


"Let's Play then!!!"

The Whole Fifth Ring!!! Shone brighter than ever, before disappearing… All it's binding energy, concentrating on the Planet!!!

The Beerus Ball begun to dwindle!!!


Before the God of Destruction appeared behind it!!! Providing it with more power!!!

The Two Spheres!!! Were in perpetual clash!! The Two growing in an endless Manner!!!


Finally, under The God of Destruction's screams and the Emperor calm face. The Two balls dwindled into oblivion!!!



If you have any question about Binding Energy please ask!!! It's not a classic power...But to summarize it.

It's the complete opposite of the Power of Destruction. Binding Energy is what maintain the very fabric of existence!!!

And Marek is somehow able to use it!!!! More explanation on it later!!!

Oh also...Quick question?

Do any of you know how did Red Saber(Nero) fall in love with the MC? In Fate CCC/Last Encore?

Btw...The Fate Arc is getting closer!!!(Until I figure it how it actually works...So complicated sigh....)


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