Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 113: Faith and Saiyan

Use Soundscape to Ardor!! Bleach Ost


The Gundao descended on the God of Destruction with endless power!!!

Brimming with the power of the Amaterasu!!!

The Colossal sized Sphere of Destruction clashed with it!!!

And so unsued another struggle!!

One scale Higher!!!

The Beerus Balls's came one after the other again in a higher scale rematch of the fist bout!!!

And like the first one!! Balls after the others seemed to be destroyed as cracks started appearing on the Imperial Guadao!!!

Yet this time with the help of the Green Fire the power of Destruction found it's counter!!!

The Two sustaining damage!!

Marek begun wobbling!!

Being inside the Sovereign granted him immense power but it came with it's disadvantages!! He couldn't avoid the strikes as swiftly as before!!

The reality is…that the God's speed already surpassed by a large margin what could his Rinnegan react to!!

His Strength could not be held by the Sovereign defenses, as each impact, was meticulously delivered to cause him damage!!

If his Sovereign was incapable of regeneration he would be long destroyed!!

Yet!!! It Roared!!! Channeling it lasts powers moving the Monstrous Gundao left and right in transcendent speed!!

Yet each time time the Sovereign would land a strike on the God of Destruction, the damage would turn into his power!!

His Thirst for destruction only growing stronger, and he would be met with an ever-growing foe.

Yet his predisposition didn't have the same weakness's as Vegeta's Ultra Ego…No, he had complete mastery over it, like it was a second nature to him.

He was injured, one could see deep cuts over his body, yet apart from the burns, there wasn't significant damage.

Not a damage that would stop him from fighting anyway….

The Gundao like an unstoppable calamity was tthrown again and again yet this time, it was met with frontal resistance!!!

Even the Fire was stopped by his Ki powered hand!!!

As the exchange continued!! The Soverign raged!!! In his Fury once again augmented the power!!!

But this time Beerus smiled and punched with all his might and under Marek's cold gaze!!!

The Maiden's Gundao, broke into pieces!!!

Marek's attempt at regaining moment was met with cold reality. The God of Destruction was strong…His Growth in combat is limitless.

He was an immensely transcendent foe and his Sovereign was able to somehow bridge the gap. But as Beerus said…

Unless you could end a God of Destruction swiftly and rapidly!! You will lose!!!

The Sovereign no matter how heaven defying…Being a transformation that could probably match the LSSJ2 or even surpass it!!

Just wasn't able to obtain such a feat!!!


His Gundao brimming with Fire raging more than ever!!!


This time The Multi Galactical Long guandao was stopped in it's tracks casually with only one finger.

No Matter how much Marek pushed the Sovereign….

This was his limit…

The Mask Gundao descended from above in cold anger!!!

Yet even before it landed! It broke into pieces under one glare.

The God of Destruction's power level had already that level.

He clenched his finger before the Last Gundao broke apart.

So…Finally the Two… stood in dystopian calm.

Beerus smiled:

"What a great fight…Mortal."

Before he disappeared and appeared in the Sovereign waist!!

Punching and Folding the Sovereign in Half!!

Creating a large gaping hole in the middle….

And in it's outskirsts, the power of Destruction begun eating away at the Sovereign slowly but surely reducing him into cosmic powder.

Altair was clenching his fists….Blood streams coming from his hands.

Vegeta punched the ground in frustration.

Goku sighed, sadness in his eyes.

The Women he loved. Already had tears coming from their eyes.

Whis sighed:

"I suppose this was his limit."

And as the Sovereign broke apart, a whoobling bloodied man appeared, deep Imperial Grace still in his every movement.

He smiled as he spoke:

"Asura Path: Saiyan Emperor."

Suddenly the dying Soverign's part constricted into human size and transformed into an Armor, his armor.

It had deep dark luster, a long Turkish Cape.

And in top of his head, appeared a Turban, still adorened like a Bandana.

Beerus narrowed his eyes:

"You don't know when to give up….Do you?"

Marek responded, his body trembling, half of his Bones broken apart, and his already overdriven rinnegan already used to it's fullest just to counter the Power of Destruction destroying his body:

"I am still nowhere near my limit."

He extended his arm and a dark flaming Gundao appeared in his hand!!

Whis sighed…

'Not enough…'

This was indeed a power up…But at this level of Power Gap, just fusing with the Sovereign wouldn't cut it.

Because at the same time….

Beerus shut his eyes.

"Let's end this."

When he opened them up, his eyes were clear, like a deep mirror….

Whis nodded:

'So he is using his Imperfected Ultra Instinct.'

'The Slugfest' began.

Before Marek could see anything coming…He felt a tearing pain on his gut. And a domineering voice on his ear:

"Try to keep then…"

Marek woke up by the strike moved his Gundao, yet still…it was easily evaded.

And he received another punch on the jaw!! Propelling him on his back.

He stood up again. A Large smile plastered on his face:


He used all the power on his legs!! His Impulsion augmenting his Speed…once again!!

His Strikes sharper!! More Refined!! His Zenkai Boost already aiding him!!!

Yet…It was swiftly evaded again, before another strike brought him on his knees again…

At this stage…The Emperor was struggling with keeping up his sanity.

Marek stood up again!!

He abandoned his Gundao…And unleashed a series of fast strikes, yet all off them were brushed off like mere brawling.

Before Marek found himself, on the receiveing end of another devastating blow, injuries all over his body…Blood Streams descending from his mouth.

He continued to laugh:


"So this is the Ultra Instinct…Ha…Ha…."

His eyes regained clarity, and was again evaded swiftly and destroyed punch by punch!!

Yet…Marek never stoped smiling….

Beerus smirked:

"Tough Bastard…Aren't you?"

He had a defying glare:

"You don't know the half of it!"

Beerus smirked, his eyes turning ever more ruthless as he unleashed hell on him.

At each punch…It seemed like the Emperor would fall…At each kick…at each energy spike.

The Emperor became weaker and weaker….

His Armors was completely shattered into oblivion…

Silva spoke calmly:

"Prepare to evacuate, his Majesty…The moment he gives up…"

"This much damage…The Power of Destruction must already run deep within his body."

"He is only barely keeping it at bay."

Marek was already like a cancerous patient….With a degenerative deficiency killing him from the inside.

Gnawing at his body…Becoming Stronger as he plunged into weakness.

Altair grazed his teeth… Looking at the God of Destruction:

'That Bastard…I swear I will take his life with my hands.'

Ren Pa and Ou Ki were smiling brightly:

"What a magnificent struggle….Truly a Worthy Master to serve, my friend."

Ou Ki sighed:


The Emperor seemed a step on the grave. Yet his smile only got wider…

His laugh got wider!!

And as he concentrated his powers in his fist once again. He heard a bored cold voice:


And suddenly he felt a tear on his left side….

Roygun screamed horrified and saddned by the sight.

Lelouch bit his lips in frustration and looked down.

Endless Rage could be seen on the retainer's face. But the one with the greatest one was still Vegeta!!

"Dammit!! THAT MORON!!!"

Krillin never saw Vegeta that upset, came by Bulma's side:

"What's wrong with him?"

Bulma sighed.

"It's only normal."

"Vegeta and Marek-chan's relationship already outpass the level of simple friendship."

"This why I gave him an hearful for not coming earlier."

Krillin had a surprised gaze:

"This!! You mean-!!"

Bulma nodded deeply. Piccolo had a sharp gaze:

"If Trunks is Vegeta, the defender of Earth. Inheriting his will to protect his homeland, his friends, his family and people."

"Marek's is the one who inherited the will of the Vegeta he always was and will always be. The Prince of Saiyans."

"Until now…Vegeta didn't forfeit neither identities."

Krillin sighed as he looked at the man slowly falling out in space.

And as Marek looked on his side. He saw that, in his left arm's place, was only a stream of blood levitating in the deep darkness of the Cosmos.

Finally after the last strike, the strongest of all…The Emperor after hours of beating.

Every bone of his body destroyed, his organs slowly dying out under the Power of Destruction, his left arm ripped out…


On the Dark Abyss of the Endless Cosmos…

He fell….

The Grandest fall of all. Yet his smile only grew bigger, as he seemed he was living the happiest moment of his life.

Like he was wallowing in the moment deep ecstasy in his eyes.


As Extreme, near infinite pain was eating his body. He remembred his Three Childhoods.

'When only pain existed with no hope.'

'One when only hope existed only to be met with painless slumber.'

'The last where hope, love and strength existed…Yet with still the pain was absent.'

This pain…so beautiful'

It was this pain that made him feel alive.

The Pain one could only feel when fighting a Monster in human skin.

The Pain one could only feel when one is brought to his limits.

The Pain of Greatness. That is.

He slowly shut his eyes a certain memory reappearing in his mind. He was just back from the Genbu Island.

The two Saiyan exhausted from training…had for the first time a heart to heart talk…

Vegeta sighed looking up in the air:

"You knew that I met Beerus before didn't you?"

Marek nodded:

"I was counting on that."

Vegeta laughed lightly:

"If you had asked me of his name…Before…I would have never told you…Because before we met."

He narrowed his eyes:

"Beerus was completely erased from my memory. Like he never existed to begin with."

"I saw my Father kneeling before him. I, myself, knelt before him."

He spoke with a mocking smile:

"Normally…I would have never forgotten that humiliation. Never."

He looked up:

"Since then…I have been asking myself…"

"Why did I forget that? Why did it completely get out of my memory?"

"The reason was simple."

"When I saw his power, I never even envisioned myself to be able to have my revenge. "

"So…I just forgot it."

"Even with Frieza…I always believed I would one day surpass him and destroy him."

"Goku was the same…Even tho he is always one step ahead of me. It still was attainable…No…I wills surely surpass him one day!!"

Marek laughed lightly:

"I am sure you can!!"

Vegeta retorted:

"Did I sense some mockery on your tone?! Little Ant?!!"

Marek only kept his mouth shut.

Vegeta sighed:

"All that to tell you one thing."

"If you want to rule an Empire of Saiyans."

"Always keep in mind a single word."

He smiled, as he clenched his fist, and pounded against his chest:


Marek opened his eyes widely, a little surprised by his words.

Vegeta continued:

"Some may think that pride and strength is what made Saiyan who they are…"

"But they are wrong…"

"The Saiyans were prideful and Strong…only because deep in their genes…"

"There was deep faith…Faith that serving Frieza was below their noble race. Faith in their own kin…"

"Fate that they could overcome anything."

"The Faith in the Legendary Super Saiyan….The Faith in the Super Saiyan God…The Faith in the Advent of the Super Saiyan."

"The Faith that could even scare Frieza at the time."

"Even thought It played a big part in bringing my race into extinction."

"It is was also what brought Kakarot in that day…in front of Frieza…As a Super Saiyan."

He had a derisory smile:

"What made me renounce my pride and implore him to get rid of him."

"…Until today…I made my peace with Kakarot…"

"The only thing I still regret was not believing I could overcome Beerus that day…"

Marek took a deep breath:


He stood up.

"That sight of a Saiyan Ruler kneeling before a God."

Marek had extreme determination in his eyes:

"I promise you will never see it again."

Vegeta snickered:

"Those are some big words, for someone so weak."


First to encourage me please give me Power Stones!!!

Second I saw that a lot of people love Kingdom Building more than Fight scenes. Are Fight scenes bad? If so...could you give me an author I could get inspiration from?

Improvement is the Key after all!!!

For the OG vs Anime. Well you know...It's quite logical that the more the Story advances the more the focus on the OG will be. Because of the Conquests and all!! But there will be a lot of new Anime charcters.

Some of you already guessed the Marshall Identities!! Although I doubt anyone could guess Drunken Bear's hhhhh.

Look Forward to the Knight Order!!! This will be the order that will oppose the Sentences...

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