Movie Witcher

Chapter 97: :armor

"The Witcher (

"Bang bang bang!"

Several bullet holes, shooting left and right, formed intersecting firepower, blocking the space around Ronin.

In the face of such an intensive attack, Ronin could only release his stealth, launch Shunpo in reverse, forcibly dodge out of the aisle, and return to the hall.

Back in the hall, leaning on the corner, Ronin frowned slightly as he looked at the muzzle that stopped shooting.

Luo Ning was not surprised that his invisibility was discovered. After all, the invisibility of Hurricane Step at this stage was only a visual deception formed by the use of space power, and it did not really hide his figure.

After using Hurricane Step to stealth, Luo Ning can still touch other objects, other objects can also touch him, and even body temperature, breathing, and movements can be sensed by people.

This level of stealth does not require any extraordinary power to detect, and ordinary technological equipment can find it.

Therefore, it was expected that the invisibility was discovered. Luo Ning was not surprised. He was surprised by the attacks of these people.

They are so eager!

As soon as Ronin entered the passage, they launched an attack.

This can certainly repel Ronin, but it is only a repulsion, and it does not pose a threat at all.

If it were Ronin, in this case, he would definitely put the enemy in first, and then activate the mechanism to attack when the target completely entered the trap and could not enter or retreat.

But now these people are not doing that.

Is it because there are no corresponding organs built here, or do they have no such brains?

Nope, they're stalling for time!

The Anthony family, as one of the council members of the Dark Night Alliance, and the minions of the Cthulhu Sect, must have some trump cards in their hands, but Ronin came too suddenly, and the trump cards could not be used, so they wanted to stop Ronin's footsteps and delay the time. Complete the final arrangement.

Of course, they are also ruled out as being strong from the outside, and delaying time is just for the possibility of escaping, but Luo Ning has always been accustomed to overestimating the enemy and assuming the worst situation, so he prefers the former.

The opponent is stalling for time, but Ronin is not in a hurry to attack!

In the battle, you must be adaptable, but adapting to adaptability does not mean leading others by the nose. You must master your own rhythm and cannot be blinded by the other party's intentions.

With Ronin's strength, he is not afraid of any cards from the Anthony family, and there is no need to disrupt his actions because of their intentions.

Leaning around the corner, while observing the situation in the aisle, Ronin pulled out the magazine of the sniper rifle and marked the bullet with the hunter's mark.


After marking the hunter's mark, Ronin reinserted the magazine, picked up the sniper rifle, and directed an armor-piercing bullet towards the position of the hole.


The bullet shot out and penetrated the wall, and the magic power of the hunter's mark expanded, forming a magic vision of the internal structure, which was quickly fed back to Ronin.

The principle of this field of view generation is similar to scanning imaging, but it is better than scanning imaging, because it can pass through the obstacles of many substances to form an extremely complete magical field of vision.

Simply put, it's perspective!

Under the magical vision generated by the hunter's mark, the internal structures of these weapon mechanisms were completely exposed. Ronin's muzzle shifted, and an armor-piercing bullet instantly penetrated the control lines of these weapons.

When the control line was penetrated, these weapon agencies lost their threat. Luo Ning carried his gun and continued to move forward, still standing firmly and gradually clearing obstacles.


In this way, Luo Ning cleared the weapons and organs all the way and moved forward. The other party also deliberately lured him to go somewhere, but only started the organ attack without showing any traces, maintaining an inexplicable tacit understanding.

Half an hour later, under their "induction", Luo Ning came to an exhibition room.

The Anthony Family - Museum Showroom!

The strong smell of blood filled the air, and Luo Ning stopped and shot towards the closed door.


The bullet penetrated the heavy door and shot into the exhibition room. The magic power expanded and scanned, forming a magic vision. The scene in the exhibition room was clearly fed back to Ronin, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The role of extraordinary power!

The hunter's mark was destroyed, the magical vision was annihilated, and what was hidden in the exhibition room, Luo Ning still didn't know, but he was not timid either. This was the confidence given by his strength.

Unless there is a third-level superhuman or a spell trap of the same level hidden in this exhibition room, they can't pose a threat to Ronin at all.

The third-order master-level superhuman is not a Chinese cabbage. If it is the urban branch of the Hunter Guild or the regional main church of the Holy Church, there is still a possibility of appearing, but a small Anthony family and a person who dare not see the light Cthulhu sect, where to find three-level superhumans.

Even if they did, people of that level would be stalked by federal agencies and major forces. Any action would cause chaos in the city. It was just wishful thinking to come here quietly.

Therefore, Ronin had nothing to worry about. He removed the sniper rifle and put it away, then threw the weapon case out of the window.

Although it is impossible for an extraordinary person of the third, the possibility of those lunatics setting up bombs is extremely high. It's better to send it out first.


The silver-white weapon box flew out of the window and disappeared in the darkness. Luo Ning also turned around and pushed open the door of the exhibition room.

The door was opened, and the smell of blood in the air suddenly thickened. Luo Ning stepped into it, and saw that the exhibition room was in a mess, and the ground was full of corpses, as if a massacre had just happened.

These corpses are all female, and they should be the maids of the Anthony family from the perspective of their costumes, and all of them have their throats cut to death, scarlet blood gushing out, wantonly flowing on the ground, shocking.

Aside from the corpses, the most striking thing in this exhibition room is the armor.

These medieval-style armors have a very metallic texture. They don't look like decorations, but like real soldiers. They are arranged in two rows and stand in this exhibition room.

The center of the armor queue was also a pair of armor, with extremely high specifications, even stronger than Luo Ning, standing in the center of the exhibition room with a big sword in both hands, like a knight.

Luo Ning stepped into the exhibition room and looked at the armored armor standing in the blood and corpses, like an army, and without saying a word, he threw out three grenades.

"Boom boom boom!"

The grenade was thrown out, fell into the array of armor, and exploded in an instant. Several armors could not be avoided, and were directly overturned by the explosion and turned into pieces.

But this is only a small part, most of the armor has withstood the impact of the explosion, and the scarlet light in the helmet flickered, and they all woke up.

Seeing this, Luo Ning was also simply, a crimson light spread behind him, and the Holy Prison appeared impressively.

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