Movie Witcher

Chapter 96: :internal

"The Witcher (

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the darkness, dazzling flames spit out, shooting deadly bullets one by one. The two groups of mafia gangsters charging towards Ronin, without even seeing his face, were shot through the body by the large-caliber shots. , turned into clusters of flesh-and-blood flowers, blooming horribly.

The mafia is just a mafia. In the face of ordinary people, they may be extremely vicious and unprovoked gangsters, but in front of Ronin, under the muzzle of this heavy sniper rifle, they are not much better than ordinary people. Formation, blind charge, there is no difference in death.

Often people are stacked together and shot through by Ronin, bursting a straight wave of blood.

This is the difference between gang members and professional soldiers. Their combat quality and military quality are too low and too poor. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a group of rabble. How can they be able to threaten the current Luo Ning by blindly charging and suppressing firepower. .


The last roar smashed the last broken mafia, and Luo Ning picked up the weapon box and slammed it in the direction of the manor.


The weapon box flew out and fell into the manor. A dazzling spark of sparks splashed on the cobblestone-paved ground, causing the surrounding mafia members to quickly turn over and fall down.

However, the expected explosion didn't happen, and the silver-white weapon case lay quietly on the ground without any reaction.


Just when the mafia members were puzzled, the deadly gunshot sounded again, and a mafia member hiding behind the wall didn't know what happened when he was torn apart by the bullet that passed through the wall. Abdominal cavity and lower body.


The gunshots roared one after another, and in the darkness of death, Ronin stood up, guns in both hands, and walked out slowly, walking towards the manor while cleaning up the mafia.

Facing the muzzle of Ronin's gun that can smash people, these mafia gangsters who are invincible in front of ordinary people finally experienced the taste of being slaughtered.

Looking at the flesh and stumps on the ground, the mafia who could not identify their former companions shivered and hid under various bunkers, hoping to avoid the gaze of death.

But this is their wishful thinking. To replace Ronin with armor-piercing bullets, there is no difference between ordinary building bunkers and foam.


There was another loud noise, and the outer wall of the manor was penetrated by bullets, smashing together with the mafia members who were hiding behind.

"no no…"

"The devil, he is the devil!"

"Escape, escape, get out of here!"

This scene completely broke the psychological defense line of the mafia gangsters, and the surviving mafia gangsters in the manor screamed and fled, like headless flies.

However, Ronin had no compassion, no matter whether he fled or did not escape, resisted or did not resist, he shot and killed them all.

Whether it was as a mercenary in the past life or as a hunter in this life, the first thing Luo Ning learned was to give up pity.

To pity the enemy on the battlefield is to be irresponsible for your own life. Now they seem to be completely non-threatening, but who can guarantee that they will turn back and not shoot Ronin?

Anyway, they like to be scumbags, so let them become real scumbags!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Amidst the deafening sound of gunfire, the flowers of flesh and blood bloomed mournfully, and Luo Ning walked slowly towards the manor with his gun in his hand. Every step he took, some mafia members were smashed by bullets until...


The last bullet was empty, and there was only one magazine left on his body. Luo Ning put down the sniper rifle in his hand, threw out several grenades with his backhand, and threw them into the **** manor.

"Boom boom boom!"

The grenade fell and exploded, and the airflow and flames formed a shock wave, destroying everything that remained in the manor.

After the fierce explosion, there was no sound anymore. In the courtyard of the manor, there were only broken flesh, charred corpses, burning flames, and the disgusting stench of blood.


Ronin replaced the last magazine, holding a sniper rifle in both hands, and slowly stepped into the manor.


Then, there was only a loud bang, and a fire flashed through the houses in the manor, and bullets came out through the window, shattering Luo Ning's body instantly.

However, the shattered body, without blood and flesh, dissipated in the air like a phantom, and then...


There was another loud noise. The armor-piercing bullet, which could easily penetrate the steel plate, instantly penetrated the building wall. The sniper hidden in the house could not escape, and the bullet passed through the body, bursting a **** mass.

The sniper was killed with one shot, and Ronin, who suddenly appeared in the air, did not stop at all, moved the muzzle, pulled the trigger, and three bullets shot out one after another.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The brick wall was shattered, dust and smoke were everywhere, and the bullets that penetrated the wall shattered several other gunmen hiding in the house one by one.

Seeing this scene, the gunman who hid in the hall of the house and wanted to ambush Ronin all changed his color.

"He can find out where we are!"

"Withdraw, UU Reading get out of here!"

Several gunmen looked at each other, then picked up their sniper rifles, turned and fled inside the manor.

This manor is the home of the Anthony family and the stronghold of the evil **** sect. Considering the possibility of the federal agencies finding out and sending armed forces to attack, they secretly built some military buildings.

Using this military building hidden in the manor, they can effectively counterattack, consume the effective strength of the federal agencies, and buy time to evacuate or hold on.

Now, although it was not the federal agencies that attacked the manor, it did not affect their plans.

The surviving Anthony family elites retreated into the interior of the building together with the evil **** sect members, waiting for the arrival of Ronin.

After these people retreated, there was no more threat in the courtyard. Luo Ning picked up the weapon box that had been thrown into the courtyard before, took out the magazine of the sniper rifle from it, and filled the vacancy on his body.

After refilling the ammunition, Ronin threw out the weapon box and threw it into the castle-like building.

Then, Ronin picked up his sniper rifle and stepped into it slowly.

In the hall, apart from the broken corpse, there was no trace of anyone. Ronin glanced around, picked up the weapon box, and walked inside the "castle".

Entering the interior of the "castle", the space suddenly became narrow, and there were long and narrow passages connecting each room in each area, and there was basically no space to avoid or cover.

Seeing this, Ronin immediately launched the Wind Walk, sneaked in stealthily, and searched for the remaining members of the Anthony family and the Cultists.

but don't want to...

Luo Ning had just entered an aisle, and the gun holes were easily opened left and right in the aisle, and a large number of bullets flew out, forming a crossfire and covering his body.

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