Monster Breeder

7. Bird Brain (R-18)

“Gotcha!” a bright, feminine sing-song voice says as the ground vanishes below me. The bird following me was a monster! I should’ve known.

I crane my neck back to see what caught me.

Vivid blue and green feathers flap around us. A harpy girl! While the Henlins have their big butts and assets, harpies have always had a unique appeal to me. She’s lean like an athlete but has wide hips and a thin waist, giving her a lovely hourglass figure.

She has a human face, young and cheerful. I doubt she’s older than me. The hair on her head and downstairs matches her feathers. Her tangerine-sized tits bounce tantalizingly with every flap.

I’m instantly smitten.

Yes, carry me away, you feathered beauty!


“Where are you taking me?”

She looks down and smiles at me. Those eyes! So large and innocent, gorgeous storm cloud grey eyes. Her teeth are sharp, but I don’t feel threatened.

“To my nest in the mountains!”

“…And what are we going to do in the nest?”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!” She happily screams these expletives into the wind with a carefree grin. So cute!

It’s as I thought. The Association taught us about the dangers of monster girls. Humans getting kidnaped, snatched into the sky, or a dark hole where they’re never seen again. It’s not a terrible fate, depending on the monster girl, something like a ‘shotgun wedding’ in ancient human times.

I’ve often fantasized about this… but I do have a job and responsibilities. I’d prefer to have my cake and eat it too.

“We don’t have to wait or go that far…” I say. “If you land, I’ll eat your pussy right now.”

I use my most sultry voice. I won’t vouch for its quality, but I did take a class on seduction at the Association. At least it’s an easy sell since I’m genuinely interested in her.

“Really? Awesome!” The harpy wiggles her sweet little butt in anticipation and dives toward the ground.

Hah, it’s super effective! Screw you, professor, saying I don’t have talent! I met a monster girl who thinks my voice is sexy!

Then she pulls up, braking in the air, and flaps higher.

“Wait a second! My momma told me to bring the human to my nest! She said humans try to get harpies to land in places where they can run away…” She gasps and looks at me in shock. “You were going to trick me!”


I was really hoping that would work. Ahem. “No! I want to have sex with you! It’s just that I’m all dirty and gross.” This is true. I’ve got bloodstains all over my legs and cum stains everywhere else. “Can’t we stop somewhere for me to wash?”

“Hmm…” She considers my request with adorable intensity.

“Don’t you want your first time to be perfect?”

Her feathers ruffle in excitement, and she nods her head vigorously. “Yes, yes! We’re stopping!”

The harpy swoops down on a rocky outcropping. She hovers us a few feet above the stone and releases me. The drop, a mere two feet, is weirdly soft on my heels. A second later, I feel as if I’ve gained a hundred pounds, and stumble. Another second after that, I feel normal again.

She lands half a dozen feet away, seeming a little skittish of me. I look over the edge and it’s a twenty-foot sheer drop with no safe way down. I see a puddle of water from recent rain. It seems clean enough.

“Your eyesight is amazing,” I comment as I wash myself. She spotted a perfect place for us to stop in seconds.

She puffs up her chest as if to proudly display her succulent tangerine breasts, disarmed by my compliment. I feel a love arrow strike me through the heart. This girl sure knows how to seduce a girl!

“Thank you, human.”

“My name is Alex. What’s yours?”

“You may call me Gale, human Alex.” The way this ditzy harpy is putting on airs to impress me is kind of endearing.

“Want to sit and relax? Aren’t you tired from carrying me?”

“Nope!” She preens her feathers as she boasts. “As expected, the human doesn’t know about harpy magic. I can make myself and whatever I lift in my claws lighter.”

Ah, that’s what I felt. My weight suddenly increased after landing. I finish washing and stand.

“So, your momma told you to get a human? Why not something more common like a Goblin?” I’ve always wanted to hear a monster girl’s perspective on why they abduct humans.

Gale scoffs. “Everyone knows humans are the best! They smell the best, taste the best, and they don’t evolve into anything scary when you least expect.”

When you explain it like that… yeah, I get it. Monsters are scary. Bringing a Goblin boy to your nest only for him to evolve into an Orc would definitely turn the tables.

“But, why did you pick me?” She gives me a blank stare. “There was another human right there…” It’d sting a bit to know it was a coin toss, but I want to hear her answer.

Gale squints as she tries to remember. Then her eyes go wide with recollection. “That’s right! You were with another human, a Goblin, and a Doggin. Huh, I guess I saw you this morning and haven’t had eyes for anyone else. It doesn’t matter, though, because you were definitely the prettiest! Gale did a good job picking!”

At least she has great taste…

She continues, “My job is to find a male to get me pregnant. I’ll have lots of human babies, and when they grow up, my cousins will have wives to make more harpies!”

That makes a lot of sense to prevent inbreeding. Except…

“I’m female.”

Gale blinks, then looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. She cocks her head to the side in confusion.

“No penis.” I gesture to my nethers with both hands like landing strips for her eyes.

Her predator gaze locks on my shaved pussy, and I can practically see hearts in her pupils. Gale’s expression goes dreamy as she starts drooling.

“No penis,” I repeat.

“Oops,” she says, snapping out of it with a shake of her head. “You’re not going to give me any babies… Gale did a bad job.” Her eyes catch on my pussy again, and she wipes at her drool with a wing. “But that’s fine. When I see your boobies bounce, and your butt wiggle as you walk, and I smell that scent coming from between your legs, it makes me go—”

Gale shimmies in place, shakes her tail feathers, and does a bunch of little talon stomps in place while she chirps like a songbird.

“—Inside here,” she points at her chest with a wing. “I’m sure momma will understand.”

If I wasn’t already smitten, this display of absolute cuteness would’ve destroyed all my resistance! I need to Tame this girl!

I slowly sashay up to Gale, the harpy’s eyes on my hips every step of the way. “I’m all clean. Maybe you want to have a little fun before we head back to your nest…?” At the word ‘fun,’ I place my finger between her breasts and drag it down to her tummy.

I can almost see the dizzy spirals in Gale’s eyes and steam coming out her ears like a teakettle. Then her head clears, she narrows her eyes, and she springs away from me. Gale spreads her wings to make herself seem bigger and lifts a feathered leg to present her talons in ‘crane’ stance.

They are deadly weapons. She has four dagger-sized eagle claws on each foot that could eviscerate me in a single strike. Gale must have been extremely careful not to slice me into ribbons when she plucked me off the ground!

“You’re trying to trick me again! Momma told me the only safe place to have sex is in my nest. What’s stopping you from hurting me while I have my guard down and escaping? That’s why we nest on the mountain cliffs.”

Yeah, with no way down from the cliff and no way to get food, who would harm their harpy lover?

The betrayal in her eyes, as if I’ve proven her mother right, is a knife in my chest.

Mom, Dad, I did my best. I’m sorry I won’t make it home, but at least I found a really sweet harpy girl!

“Gale, I never intended to harm you.” I was hoping to Tame her and bring her home, but her mother’s lessons are too deeply ingrained. “I apologize. Let’s just fly to your nest so we can make it before nightfall. When we get there… I’ll make sure your first time is super special.”

The harpy girl, bless her heart, instantly believes me.

“Hurray!” She lowers her talons and chirps in celebration. “I’m gonna have sex tonight! Sex, sex, sex!” Gale leaps into the air with a flap of her wings and makes a loop around my rock while chanting.

I chuckle as I spread my arms to make picking me up safer, and she once again hoists me into the sky.

Understanding harpy magic makes me realize how comfortable the ride is. Being dangled by the arms should be way more unpleasant at my normal weight. Instead, I can enjoy the scenery passing below me.

There goes Kennel Hills and the Ogre Fen. I see Brenda, Skish, and the Doggin girl approaching town without me. I’m glad they made it safely. I just wish I could let my parents know I’m alright.

At least I had one fun day as a Tamer. Well, the battle was pretty awful. If I had another wish, I’d want to do something about monster Incursions.

I did a little good, but with me gone, when will the next Tamer come along? I hope my failure hasn’t doomed humanity.

The Charlatan Forest sure is huge. One lone tree near the center towers above the others. I guess there’s at least one human male trapped there making babies? That’s a bummer. If Genies were real, I’d have a third wish to set him free.

The Eastern Desert looks totally impassible. I wonder what happened to Eastin, the other human town? It’s supposedly across the desert, but no one has been there in decades.

In the distance, I see the Harpy Mountain. It’s on the other side of a small gulf in the Western Sea.

As we fly over the gulf, sea monsters catch a glimpse of me like a choice delicacy dangled above a pack of starving dogs. The waters roil beneath us as fins and tentacles clash in an underwater battle.

Fuck, the ocean is scary.

If Gale dropped me, I’d be monster chow for sure… Or I’d be ravished by some tentacle monster… Or…

Actually, there are some patches of calm waters in the gulf. I don’t think there are monsters covering every square inch of seafloor. My Association training kicks in, and the kernel of an idea forms in my mind.

My heart twinges as I wrestle with an internal conflict. On the one hand, being abducted by a harpy girl is a personal dream come true. On the other hand, there’s Julia, Jenny, being a Tamer, helping humanity, and seeing my parents again.

Damn it. If I’m taken to Gale’s nest, I have a 0% escape chance and a 100% survival chance. If I execute my plan, I have a 1% escape and survival chance.

Responsibilities suck.

“Gale, I like you a lot, and I’d love to be your wife. I promise I’m being honest… here, let me show you.”

My reduced weight allows me to do an effortless pullup. With my hands on the harpy’s luscious glutes, I can lift my face between her legs and kiss her private flower’s petals.

Her tailfeathers are my parasol as I enjoy my afternoon snack and make a meal of her pussy. Gale’s pubic hair is so pretty, naturally short, and colorful. Her ass is a soft pillow for my cheeks. My nose tip brushes her petite rosebud while my tongue laps along her slit.

My lips kiss her love tunnel entrance while I slip my oral member inside. Each breath is filled with her scent, fragrant and wild like northern pine. My tongue scoops dollops of her juices into my mouth.

Her labia are thin and narrow, allowing me to fit her entire cunt in my mouth. My tongue laves her length and rubs her clit. Her hips spasm as I touch her pearl. Again and again, I lick softly, slowly. She rocks against me and bucks into my mouth.

She can’t help it; she feels too good to protest. Her mind must be a blank slate. My tongue spirals in around her clit. All her mother’s teachings fly out the window as I show Gale the delights of a female lover’s attention.

I give her oral to wreck her for any other man or woman.

I let her grind her crotch against my open mouth as if using me to masturbate. Then, when I feel her whole body tense on the plateau of pleasure, I flick my tongue over her clit in rapid succession.

“Ahn!!!” Gale chirps her climax like a lovestruck nightingale.

Her muscles spasm and her talons release me. I let go.

“Alex!” Gale shouts as she feels me fall, but it’s too late.

She’s slowed by the lingering aftershocks of orgasm. My weight returns before she can circle around to grab me from the air. I feel another mark etch onto my tummy tattoo even as I plummet.

I plunge into the water.

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