Monster Breeder

6. Escape



Orcs burst into the clearing. Chaos ensues.

The Goblin women seem divided; some rush past the Orc lines to presumed safety while others cower behind their wolf masters. Whether it’s fear, affection for their Doggin children, or lust for being knotted that drives them, I have no idea.

I assume this is an Ogre Fen Incursion, and sure enough, I see a grizzled Ogre with a huge ‘X’ scar on his chest leading the charge.

The Wolf Lord stands and prepares for battle, dragging me up and away with him. Fuck, my knotted pussy grants me a front-row ticket to the battlefield! My luck really is shitty today!

My monster partner charges for the Ogre without hesitation. Ogres are a rare Goblin evolution so, even though the Wolf Lord is a third-tier, I’m not sure who will win.

The Orcs all have adult female Doggins mounted on their dicks and tied to their bellies with ropes as if in mockery of the wolves’ knotting. The battle is gruesome. Having women as basically body shields results in a lot of horrific fatalities. Neither side holds back despite having their females on the receiving end of their attacks.

Nothing has prepared me for this awful sight. However, I can’t let the horror overwhelm me.

I see a human woman mounted on the Ogre’s cock and see an opportunity. When the Wolf Lord and Ogre clash, I grab at her ropes. My shaking hands begin their work.

The Wolf Lord’s claws leave shallow marks on the Ogre’s skin, but the wolfman shrugs off rock-splitting blows from the Ogre’s club. The two titanic monsters grapple as the woman before me clutches at my arms in fear, and I scramble to undo her tangled knots. Shrieks of pain and anguish surround me.

Then the ropes come loose. The Ogre’s woman slips free of his dick, but we hold onto each other. She hangs from my grip as I push against the Wolf Lord’s pelvis with my legs. My groin nearly tears apart, but the enormous red rocket’s knot slips from my poor stretched tunnel.

We both tumble to the ground.

I scan the crowd for the Alpha’s previous mate but can’t find her in the melee. The Ogre’s woman and I, both naked, flee the scene as monsters fight to the death. We find the ground beneath our feet is treacherously slick with blood.

The two of us run for cover, hand in hand. Orcs and wolves ignore us as unimportant for the moment. I do what little I can.

A young Doggin girl crying on the ground is nearly crushed by an Orc warrior in passing. I grab the child before the Orc’s foot comes down, and the three of us scurry away. I spot a Goblin woman trapped beneath a Dire Wolf’s corpse. We take a quick detour at my insistence to drag the green-skinned girl from beneath the suffocating weight. She follows us when we turn to leave.

It’s a long, terrifying run before the cries of violence quiet and we feel safe enough to stop. The four of us catch our breaths, and I get a closer look at my companions. We’re all totally naked, but I choose not to make it awkward. I didn’t have time to recover any scraps of clothing after the Wolf Lord took me, and my backpack is long gone.

The Doggin girl is maybe eight years old with floppy ears, golden furry limbs, and a shaggy tail. I pet her hair and hug her close as she whimpers into my shoulder to show her everything’s going to be all right.

The Goblin girl is on the scrawny side and likely in her late thirties, but I still think she’s cute. Dirt-brown eyes peek through a mop of brown hair at me. “Y-you saved my life.”

“Yeah?” I’m genuinely puzzled by the surprise and confusion evident on her face. What’s this Goblin getting at?

“Yes, thank you,” the Ogre’s woman says. She’s around my age but nowhere near as hot as Julia and Jenny; no offense, lady. She brushes aside a lock of straw-colored hair and asks me, “But where are we supposed to go?”

This time, I’m the one looking at her with confusion. “Town is only a couple hours southwest from here. We might make it before sundown.”

“Town?” the woman says with a mystified expression.

Then it hits me. This woman is around my age, but I don’t recognize her. I haven’t heard of anyone matching her description going missing from town in the past few years. Not to mention it isn’t such a large town that there are multiple schools. I thought I knew every human my age… until today.

“You’re taking us to more Humans?” the Goblin girl says. “Won’t they kill us?”

“What?” I’m utterly baffled.

“Humans hunt and kill monsters… right?” the Goblin asks the blond woman.

To my surprise, she nods. “Yes, that’s what I heard. I haven’t ever killed anybody, though.”

“Okay, first off, my name is Alex.” I introduce myself and point to the blond woman.


Then I point to the Goblin.


Huh, Goblin names are weird. “And what’s your name?” I ask the Doggin girl.

The poor traumatized Doggin buries her face in my chest and refuses to answer. Fine, she can stay ‘Doggin girl’ until she calms enough to talk.

“So, where are you two from?”

“Ogre Fen.”

“The forest.”

“That forest?” I ask Brenda while pointing at Charlatan Forest. She nods.

Ah. I think I get it. ‘Form of the Father.’ Just because there aren’t any other human towns left doesn’t mean we’re going extinct. All it takes is one guy strapped to a pole to make hundreds of human children a year. Wow. And there’s no point asking who her dad is because I don’t have a list of human male disappearances from twenty years ago memorized.

“Alright, I’ve got great news!” They both look at me skeptically. “Follow me, and I’ll take you to town, where monsters and humans live together in harmony! They’ll give you food, shelter, clothes, and jobs to earn a living!”

Skish frowns. “Won’t they just kill and eat me? Bruke always told us humans love to slow-roast Goblins on a spit.”

I guess the Ogre’s name is Bruke. Maybe lying about humans is how he keeps his Goblins on a tight leash. Or maybe monsters passed down stories from encounters with ancient humans? It’s not like modern humans have a way to spread the word they’ve turned over a new leaf…

“Sounds like the name of a sex position got confused over time. Skish, think for a second. If I was from a human town where we kill monsters, would I have risked my life to save yours?”

“Well, when you put it like that… I’m sorry for doubting you, Alex.”

“What kinds of monsters do you have in town?” Brenda asks.

Eagerly, I reply, “We have Minotaurs, Cocks, Rams, Orcs, and Wargs.”

“Wargs are the two-headed wolfmen with two dicks?”

I nod.

“And I won’t get paraded around while strapped to a monster’s belly?”

I nod again.

“And I get to lie on a bed while they fuck me?”


“You’ve convinced me.”


The four of us head southwest for an hour before I call for a break. The Doggin girl isn’t heavy, but carrying her for this long sure wears a girl out.

“I can carry her,” Brenda offers. I gratefully hand the Doggin over.

Just then, we crest a hill that lets us see the town walls. We’re going to make it home before sunset after all!

Mom and Dad are going to be so proud of me! I’m bringing home a Goblin, a Doggin, and a human! Plus, I have this awesome tattoo, and I might have even been impregnated by the Wolf Lord!

I accomplished more in a day than three Breeders in a year! Ha ha ha! Who’s laughing now? This has been the best day ever!

Talons clasp around my upper arms and yank me into the sky.

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