Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 759 Coward Tom

Chapter 759 Coward Tom

The three of them once again stood in front of the rock wall that required blood to be opened.

This time, it was naturally impossible for Dumbledore to donate blood again. Without further ado, Fish pulled out a sharp claw and scratched his palm, smearing the blood on the stone wall.

The arch received the gift of blood and immediately reopened.Fish walked out first.

"Fisch, be careful." Harry, who was supporting Dumbledore, reminded from behind.

"En." Fish responded softly, and continued to walk outside.

Although the cat's footsteps didn't stop, a pair of triangular cat ears were erected high, turning alertly, the wings of the nose fluttered slightly, and at the same time, the mouth was slightly opened, carefully collecting and identifying the sounds and smells outside.

It's just that Voldemort already knew enough about Fish's abilities, so Mao Mao couldn't find his position.

Just when Fish was about to turn on the animal tracking to find out where Voldemort was hiding, a familiar black jelly-like substance suddenly emerged from under the cat's feet.

"Ha! Fish is no longer afraid of this meow!"


Maomao stretched out his hands and made a pushing motion. The black substance collapsed and softened quickly like snow poured by hot water, leaving only a puddle of black water stains on the ground in the end.

Just like Voldemort specially prepared an anti-Patronus spell after seeing Fish's Patronus, Fish was trapped by Voldemort with this black substance, and immediately went to Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore to inquire about it way.

Based on Mao Mao's description, the two analyzed several possibilities, and then Fisher learned all of these possible solutions, and worked so hard to practice all the solutions without a wand or chanting spells. Degree.

In the case of drinking the Elixir of Felicity, Fisch's subconsciously chosen first solution to the curse successfully deciphered the "black mud".

"We've come out alive! Why don't you come out? Cowardly Tom!"

After solving the "black mud", Fish turned on the animal tracking and provocatively said again.

Turning on animal tracking at this time is actually a bit risky, because at the moment when the spell is activated, the influx of a large amount of information will cause Fisher to lose his mind for a while, and the current situation of cats and cats is actually not very good. If Voldemort takes the opportunity If he attacked, Fish would most likely not be able to react.

However, it was rare for Voldemort to appear in front of him. Fish still didn't want to miss this opportunity to mark him, and cats have always been experts in bluffing. The dynamic state of the situation was enough to make Voldemort dare not act rashly.

After a short period of dizziness, Fish quickly caught a strong yet weak strange life that was rapidly moving away from the water channel under the steps, and would soon run outside.

Fish immediately gave up the idea of ​​chasing him. As soon as he got out of the waterway, Voldemort would apparate and disappear, and he had no time to mark him.

Although it is a pity, it is not bad to be able to scare Voldemort away, at least there is no need to worry about Dumbledore's safety.

However, in order to prevent Voldemort from leaving any traps here, Fish did not relax, but asked Harry to take care of Dumbledore, and then carefully explored around the cave.


Fish picked up a small stick from the ground.

To be precise, this should be a small half of a magic wand.

At the fracture of the wand, there are obvious scorching marks and burrs that explode from the inside out.

Maomao carefully identified it...

"Isn't this Lucius' wand?!"

"I think... I know why Voldemort ran away..." Dumbledore smiled weakly, turned his head to look at Harry who was supporting him, and said intermittently: "The last time...he appeared in a duel with Harry The situation... let him know that the two of you were using twin wands... So, Voldemort asked for his wand from Lucius Malfoy... to prevent this from happening again..."

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he continued: "But...his fight with Harry caused Lucius Malfoy's wand to blow up...another failure...and he was scared after losing his wand..."

"But why did Lucius' wand explode? Did he do something?"

After seeing that there was indeed no trap here, Fish returned to Dumbledore's side and asked curiously while patting the healing spell on him.

Then he reminded again: "Albus, didn't you ask Severus to prepare the antidote for you, Meow? Why didn't Meow use it?"

"Ah... I forgot..." Dumbledore tremblingly took out a bottle of red potion from his robe, asked Fish to uncork the bottle, and poured it down with his head raised.

After a while, Dumbledore's condition suddenly improved. He lifted his spirits, looked at Harry again and said, "Harry, on the night of the Triwizard traveled with Voldemort on a journey that no one has ever seen. Known, untouched magic field. Since there is no precedent, I can only make some guesses..."

As Fish's healing skills continued to be used, Dumbledore's language became more fluent and a little bit more energetic. It was no longer as lifeless as before, and he was even in the mood to say a witty line: "But luckily Yes, my guesses are generally not far off, not to mention that I drank a small bottle of Felicia today."

He winked at Fish and Harry playfully, and conjectured: "Voldemort used your blood when he regained his human form, which further strengthened the connection between you and him. Then, he Hitting you with a wand with the same core as yours. And then, as we all know, something very strange happened."

Since his current physical condition is not suitable for wasting too much time, Dumbledore temporarily concealed the fact that Harry was another Horcrux, and then quickly explained in the shortest possible words: "That night, you won, Your wand beat his. Meanwhile, something happened between the two wands, and the victorious wand absorbed some of its strength and qualities from the vanquished one."

Dumbledore took a short breath, and continued: "In other words, it contains a little bit of Voldemort himself. So, when you fight again, your wand recognizes this person who is both the same kind and the deadly enemy, and it will Spit back on Voldemort some of Voldemort's own magic, much more powerful than Lucius' wand."

He pointed to the small wooden stick in Fish's hand, "As a result, you have also seen that Voldemort failed again, and he was defeated by Harry, the child who had the ability to defeat him in the prophecy."

"Doesn't that mean that whenever Harry fights Voldemort in the future, his wand will blow meow?"


Fish frowned, worried that his "prey" would be snatched away by Harry.

"Of course it's not that simple." Dumbledore was also worried that Harry would be arrogant because of this, and said hastily: "After all, this is just my guess, and maybe it won't work next time. Even if my guess is correct, Harry thinks To blow up Voldemort's wand, the prerequisite is that the two must enter a stalemate. And, if Voldemort finds a wand that is powerful enough, it can prevent this from happening again."

Probably thinking that saying this would kill Harry's ambition too much, Dumbledore added: "However, Harry, your wand does have a great advantage when dealing with Voldemort, because he has to deal with not only you , and a part of his own power."

After figuring out the situation, the three of them stopped staying any longer.

Fish carried Dumbledore on his back, and he and Harry swam out of the cave along the waterway, and then boarded the slippery reef. Fish supported Dumbledore on his back with one hand, and grabbed Harry's shoulder with the other, concentrating on Apparation was activated.

After an uncomfortable squeeze, the three returned to Fish's home in Hogsmeade smoothly.


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 Zhongyuan’s mouth is getting more and more tricky now. The dried Duochun fish that I liked very much before, I don’t eat only the head, and now I don’t even eat the skin. I don’t know how to eat it. The skin is not damaged. The meat is all eaten...

  I thought it was too dry and it didn’t like it. I specially soaked it softly for it to eat today, but I didn’t even touch it... That is to say, the cat strip can also instruct it to listen to some simple commands, such as shaking hands, getting down, and coming to me. Pointing places and the like, as soon as I don’t have a cat strip in my hand, it will at most shake hands with me depending on the mood, and ignore other commands.

  In addition, Zhongyuan seems to have recently discovered that the cat teaser is controlled by my hand. When teasing it, he keeps staring at my hand. It takes a long time to move his attention with the cat teaser.

  Thanks to the book friend 20220725003145354 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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