Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 758 Trap

Chapter 758 Trap
Dumbledore tried the Flying Charm when he first came, but it only disturbed the Inferi at the bottom of the lake.

But this time, I don't know whether it was because the owner of the locket came, or because the liquid in the stone basin was almost drunk. fly away.



Fish pushed Dumbledore towards Harry, then jumped high, grabbing the locket that was about to fly away.

"Avada Kedavra!" A green light crossed the wide lake and flew towards Fish who was still in the air.

"Disarm!" Harry struggled to support Dumbledore who was still moaning, while holding up his wand, he blocked the killing curse.

After the two rays of light, one red and one green, stalemate for a while, the green Killing Curse suddenly went out, and Voldemort's horrified and angry roar came from the shore of the lake: "How is this possible?!"

Harry looked in the direction of the sound, but all he could see was darkness.It seems that some kind of special magic has been applied in the cave, making the visibility very low. Even with Fisher's eyesight, he can only vaguely see the pair of red eyes in the distance.

"Voldemort, you coward! Aren't you the dark lord? Do you only know how to attack meow?! If you have the ability, come here and have a serious fight with Fisher! You are a piece of trash that even Harry can't beat!"

Maomao, who fell back to the ground, stuffed the locket into his pocket and challenged the pair of red eyes in the distance.

The current Voldemort is too far away from him to give him the wild mark.

"Hmph..." Voldemort didn't like Fish's provocative method, he sneered and said, "If you want to fight me, wait until you come out alive!"

As his words fell, the lake, which was originally as calm as a black glass, suddenly boiled as if it had been boiled, and white heads and hands emerged from the black water everywhere, men's, women's Of children, with sunken, sightless eyes: a mass of dead bodies rises from the dark waters of the lake.

At the same time, the green boat that was leaning quietly on the shore quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.If Fish and the others wanted to leave now, they had to enter the lake full of ghost corpses.

"Burning flames!"

Harry remembered what Dumbledore had said about dealing with Inferi, and immediately raised his wand, creating a fiery flame that burned towards the corpses that climbed onto the island.

The flames really frightened these ghosts, they instinctively wanted to avoid them, and bumped into each other in a dazed manner.

However, when the flames actually burned them, it did no damage.

Of course Voldemort knew the weakness of the Inferi, so he not only stored them in the lake, but also cast a Fireproof Charm on them.Thanks also to the fact that the Infernal Corpse doesn't have any thinking ability, even if it won't be burned by the fire, it still instinctively avoids the flames, allowing Harry to barely protect himself and Dumbledore.

And Fish, who had already changed into the form of a white tiger, kept waving his red-glowing claws, smashing these silly corpses into pieces.

It's just that this situation didn't last long, and without knowing what Voldemort had done on the other side of the lake, the Infernals suddenly no longer feared the flames summoned by Harry, and rushed towards the three of them one after another.

"Shen Feng has no shadow!"

Harry waved his wand, chopped the leaping Inferi into several pieces, and then shouted at Fish: "Fish! Go get some water from the lake, it seems that other liquids are not allowed here!"

Dumbledore finally regained consciousness after being in a coma for a while, but he just kept calling for water. Harry tried to use the Clear Water Curse before, but found that the water disappeared as soon as he was summoned. When he was going to fetch water from the lake, the ghouls ran away, which caused him to retreat to Dumbledore and try his best to protect him.



Fish responded, turned around, and used his tail to whip several infernal corpses away, then swung his claws together, instantly clearing a space around him, then he quickly changed back to human form, and took out a bag from his pocket. Bottle of drink, the liquid in the bottle disappeared all of a sudden.

Fish quickly unscrewed the bottle cap, jumped to the edge of the lake, and while waving his magic wand to repel the pounced Inferi, he filled the bottle with dark lake water.

After entering the bottle, the color of the lake water became normal, but a little cloudy and greenish. Fish checked it with spells, and after confirming that the lake water was not poisonous, he immediately rushed to Harry and Dumbledore with the bottle. Lido's side.

"Thousands of bullets! Meow!"


While controlling the gravel to repel the continuous stream of Inferi, Fish handed the bottle to Harry.

Because the area of ​​this small island is too small, many of Fisch's large-area spells cannot be used. He also tried to summon the patron saint, but he couldn't summon it no matter what...

After Voldemort suffered a loss, it was naturally impossible not to target Fisch's Patronus Charm. He had secretly arranged an anti-Patronus Charm here.

Although Fisher didn't know exactly what was going on, he also guessed that it was probably Voldemort's fault.

However, after confirming that the lake water is not harmful, Fish has already thought of a solution...

"Only you can find a helper?! Kanaloa! Help me beat these guys up!"

Following the activation of Fish's ally summoning technique, several tentacles as thick as tree trunks protruded from the lake water, and with just a few light sweeps, the ghost corpses on the island were cleaned up, and then, The black lake seemed to be stirred up crazily by something, constantly churning up waves.

After a while, the lake gradually calmed down, Kanaloa's small head emerged from the water, Fish immediately plunged his head into the lake, and communicated with it.

On Harry's side, Dumbledore finally woke up after being fed some lake water by him.

Although it was still obvious that he was very weak now, and his complexion was as pale as those ghosts, but he still stood up staggeringly with Harry's support.

"The protection mechanism...after very ingeniously designed." Dumbledore leaned on Harry and said weakly, "It's impossible for one person to do it...You guys did a good job, very beautiful..."

"Albus! Are you okay meow?"


After communicating with Kanaloa, Mao Mao came back with a head full of water, and gave Dumbledore another round of healing, "Voldemort seems to have escaped again, but the locket was taken by Fish It's meow!"

"Really? He's really here..." Dumbledore seemed to have expected Voldemort's arrival, and he reminded lightly: "Then let's get out of here quickly, but you have to be careful, Voldemort might come back There are other vicious traps set outside."

Both Fish and Harry nodded solemnly. Harry didn't need to say much, just the army of infernal corpses just made him feel terrified, and Mao Mao was actually very cautious after entering the fighting state. .

not to mention……

The continuous use of healing techniques on Dumbledore before, and the subsequent long-distance summoning of Canaloa to help, actually consume a lot of energy. Fish has now faintly felt that he had used Tranquility or Transformation forcibly. After becoming a white tiger, I feel out of strength.

It's just that he didn't show it, but silently joined Harry and helped Dumbledore to the lake.

Kanaloa stretched out a tentacle to wrap the three of them up, and sent them across the lake.

"Thank you meow!"


Maomao patted Kanaloa's tentacles, "When Fish returns to school, I will call you back."

Kanaloa touched Fish's head with his tentacles, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the lake.


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 The original book does not clearly say that the Patronus Charm has a counter-curse, but spells such as Apparition, Arahor Hole, etc. have special counter-spells. As a dark wizard, the Patronus Charm cannot be mastered, and they are extremely restrained. I don’t believe there will be no The dark wizard went to study its counter-curse.

  And even if he didn't have it before, Voldemort would go out of his way to research it after meeting the patron saint of cats, otherwise he wouldn't dare to show up at all.


  In addition, I initially considered asking Voldemort to send other people, or bring his subordinates together, but after thinking about it, I don't think Voldemort will destroy his other Horcruxes after the Horcruxes were destroyed due to the mistakes of his subordinates. The location was exposed, even though he had planned to use this Horcrux as a trap.

  Because with Dumbledore losing his fighting power, Fisch's Patronus being sealed, and a group of ghouls helping, Voldemort should have a winning chance. As long as Dumbledore and the others are eliminated, no one else will know about the Horcruxes. still here.

(End of this chapter)

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