Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 65 Fish Is Right

Chapter 65 Fish Is Right

Naturally, Fish didn't know that his behavior caused a certain Dark Lord and his minions outside the door to fall into self-doubt. After tearing down the door as usual, he ran to Lu Wei's side.

Seeing Fish coming, the three-headed dog Lu Wei immediately wagged its tail and brought its three heads closer together. They stretched out their long tongues at the same time, and licked Fish's body.

"Meow!" Σ(ΦДΦ)
Seeing three tongues that were almost as big as his own head attacking him, Fish hurriedly took two steps back, dodging Lu Wei's "attack", then jumped up suddenly, turning somersaults in mid-air, It changed back into the form of a tabby cat, and landed firmly on Lu Wei's middle head.

"Meow! Meow!" (I said don't lick me! You drool too much!)

Fish squatted on Lu Wei's head, his little paws kept patting on its head.


Lu Wei got down on his stomach, put all three heads on the ground, hugged the head that was beaten by Fisch's cat fist with his two front paws, and let out bursts of aggrieved whimpers.

A kitten not much bigger than a slap is bullying a one-story-high three-headed dog. This scene seems extremely absurd, but in the hearts of the two "people" involved it is nothing more than normal.

From Fish's point of view, Lu Wei is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and it's okay to hit him twice.

And Lu Wei thinks: Fish is right!

After playing a set of cat punches at Lu Wei's head, Fish jumped off its head, and after reverting to human form, he took out the magic bag that Dumbledore gave him from his pocket.

Opening the seal of the bag, Fisch pinched the two corners at the bottom of the bag and shook it a few times in front of him. A large pile of grilled chicken, bacon and the like fell out from inside.

"Wow!" ×3
Seeing these foods, Lu Wei was so happy that he used his three heads to yelp at the same time, and then buried them in the pile of food in front of him, and began to feast on them.

While Lu Wei was eating the food he brought, Fish turned into a cat form again, and jumped up behind Lu Wei, scratching and biting after Lu Wei's tail. Lu Wei also flicked his tail very cooperatively, so that Fish was able to pounce as much as he wanted.

After playing with Lu Wei's tail for a while, Lu Wei also finished eating. He turned around, stretched out his paws, and continued to play with Fish. From time to time, he brought three heads towards him, wanting to lick him. , but he patted them all back with one paw.

When Fish got a little tired from playing, he climbed along Lu Wei's nose all the way to its head.

"Meow~" (I'm going to sleep.)
Hearing this, Lu Wei immediately lay down on the ground, then twisted his neck and sent Fish to his abdomen. Fish jumped from Lu Wei's head to its body, and found a relatively flat place to lie down.

And Lu Wei also put three heads on his front paws, closed his eyes and fell asleep together.

Professor Quirrell, who was hidden by the side, looked at the trapdoor under Lu Wei's pressure, with an expression of unwillingness on his face.

In fact, when he saw Lu Wei, Quirrell knew that today he would probably return without success.

The fur of the three-headed dog is not much weaker than the scales of the fire dragon in terms of resisting the spell. If the master behind his head is still in its heyday, it can easily solve Lu Wei, but now Voldemort can only rely on relying on others Survival, only relying on Quirrell himself, there is absolutely no way to deal with the three-headed dog in front of him.

[Go back, first find a way to restore some strength for me. 】

Voldemort's weak voice came into Quirrell's mind, and he also understood that there was nothing to be done today, and it was still uncertain whether there was a Sorcerer's Stone under the trapdoor, and it was not suitable for Quirrell to reveal his identity.

"Yes Master."

Hearing Voldemort's order, Quirrell's body trembled slightly, and quietly retreated outside.

Before leaving, Quirrell took another look at the trapdoor under Lu Wei and the kitten lying on it sleeping soundly. can think of a way from Fish McGonagall.

Quirrell thought so in his heart.


Feeling a chill in his sleep, Fish suddenly jumped up from Lu Wei's back, looked around vigilantly, and found that there was nothing around him, he tilted his head in doubt, and then lay down again .

"Wow?" (What's wrong?)

When the three-headed dog was guarding things, even if it was sleeping, one head would remain awake. After discovering Fisch's abnormal behavior, the awake head asked softly.

"Meow~" (Nothing.)
Fish had actually encountered a similar situation before. When he was wandering outside, occasionally some humans with malicious intentions wanted to catch him, and he would feel this chill at that time.

When Scarhead and the others wanted RUA himself, Fisher also had a slight feeling.

According to the inexplicable knowledge that appeared in his mind, this should be a spell called beast intuition, which can make him detect the malice from others at certain times... although the chance of triggering it is not too high.

Fish couldn't even remember when he woke up, as if he would have in the first place.

Although the beast's intuition gave Fisch bad feedback, he didn't pay too much attention to it. Firstly, this spell could not tell him exactly who the enemy was, and secondly, this spell might not work every few years. Even if it works, it won't help Fish much.

Anyway, he had never been caught by anyone other than the bad old man and Minerva, so Fish didn't think it was a big problem if there was a reminder from the beast's intuition.

Having never suffered any setbacks all this time, Fish has become much more caring than ordinary cats.

So the big-hearted Fish adjusted his posture and fell asleep again.

Just sleeping on Lu Wei's body until he woke up naturally, Fish shook his ears and slowly got up.

Possessing his buttocks and stretching happily, Fisher squatted down and tickled himself with his hind feet. (=ω<)
After scratching is licking.

Thanks to Professor McGonagall's teaching, Fish got rid of the habit of licking his sensitive parts a long time ago, but he still maintains the habit of licking his fur and claws.

After finishing a set of routine procedures, Fish jumped off Lu Wei.


"Wow!" ×3
After the cat and the dog said goodbye to each other, Fish walked to the door, changed back into a human form, and put back the door panel that he had removed.

"Recovery as before!" (ΦωΦ)つ━☆*.

The current Fisch has begun to learn to deal with the aftermath of himself. Although most of the time his methods of dealing with the aftermath are not so routine and unreliable, but occasionally there are more normal operations.

After repairing the door, Fisher sensed the current time and found that it was not too early.



"I'm here, Master Fish! Do you want to go back to the dormitory?"

Comey immediately appeared beside Fish.

"Just send me to the common room, meow, your slapping noise will disturb Scarhead and the others."

Fish nodded, then recalled what he read in the storybook yesterday, and specially ordered.

"Fei, Master Fish... If Professor McGonagall finds out, he will be very happy."

However, when Fish didn't expect it, his casual sentence made Comey burst into tears.

What's wrong with house elves?Also, what does this have to do with Minerva?
Fish looked at Comey with a dazed look on his face, blowing his nose on a crumpled rag, not knowing what he was crying about.


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 Two days ago, I was still saying that I didn’t have heat stroke, and then I got heat stroke today... It’s uncomfortable...


  Thanks for the rewards of the reed leaf gun and the fish basking in the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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