Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Mountain Fist

Chapter 64 Shan Qianquan

Cheapskate!They won't let me play with a single ball!

Fish, who left Hagrid's hut, returned to Hogwarts castle angrily.

The Golden Snitch was eventually returned by Fish...

It wasn't that Fish wanted to return it, but that the little golden ball suddenly "died" because he didn't know what Mr. Shorthair had done at the time.

An ordinary non-flying ball is of no interest to Fish, he can only return the thing called the Golden Snitch.

Although Fisher also knew that the golden ball was not really "dead", the problem was that Fisher himself could not bring it back to life, so he could only return it reluctantly. .

snort!If you don't give it to me, you won't give it to me. At worst, I'll ask Minerva to buy me one!Or go to Banban to play!

Fish flicked his tail, and didn't get too entangled in this matter. Anyway, he has so many toys, this one is not bad.

So now, where to play?
Fish was wandering casually in the castle, while thinking about where to go next.

He just slept in Hagrid's for a long time. He is not sleepy now, and he won't be hungry after eating ham. Fish had enjoyed playing that golden flying ball before, so he doesn't think much about it now. sports……

After walking for a while, Fish simply lay down in the middle of the corridor, staring at the flickering candles on the wall and began to be dazed.

Occasionally, a passing ghost would greet him, and Fish would respond by moving the tip of its tail.

After lying in the middle of the corridor with nothing to do for a while, Fish stood up again and started wandering around Hogwarts.

The smell on the second and third floors was too bad, and he didn't want to go to the bad old man now, so he quickly skipped it as usual. Without a definite purpose, Fish subconsciously wandered to the kitchen door.

By the way, get some food from Comey and go see Lu Wei.

Thinking of this, Fish turned back into a human form, stretched out his hand and scratched the pear in the painting twice, then twisted it to change into a handle, and walked in.

"Master Fish! Here you come!"

Comey greeted him immediately, followed by the other house-elves in the kitchen.

"Welcome to the kitchen again!"

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Bring up all the food!"

"Fish! Move the fish first!"

A group of house elves were chattering and chattering, and the four long tables in the kitchen were filled up in the blink of an eye.

"Come here and sit down! Master Fish!"

Comey graciously polished the wooden stool closest to Fish.

"Okay, I'll just eat something by the way, actually I'm not very hungry..." (●Φ﹃Φ●)
"Not very hungry," Fish twitched his nose. After some deliberation, he decided to respond to Comey's enthusiasm.

As he sat down, he took out the bag that the bad old man had given him.

"By the way, help me fill this bag with meat, meow."

"You're going to deliver food to Lu Wei, right? Master Fish is so caring!"

After all, this is not the first time. The elves here naturally know who Fish is going to feed to, but this does not prevent them from praising Fish.

The food on the table was quickly sent into Fish's magic pocket by the elves, revealing the Weasley twins sitting opposite Fish.

"Meow? It's No. [-] and No. [-]! You are so meow!" (●Φ~Φ●)

While chewing the food, Fish greeted the twins directly opposite.

"Good evening, Fish..."

Fred responded feebly, then continued to stare, wistfully, at the empty plate in front of him with George.

They haven't finished eating yet... why did they take it all away...

The difference is too obvious!
The twins sighed in unison.

This evening, because they were too tired from training, the two brothers planned to come to the kitchen to reward themselves, but after eating only two bites, Fish came in, and then the food that was supposed to be served to them... was gone!
"Oh! Sorry! Two Mr. Weasleys!"

Only then did the house-elves realize that they had accidentally stuffed the twins' food into Fish's magic pocket. They apologized repeatedly, and began to punish themselves while re-presenting the food to the twins.

"Meow? It turns out that you are not the only one who likes to bang your head against the wall. Your hobbies are really strange meow."

Fish tilted his head, completely unable to understand the behavior of the house elves. Although their cats would occasionally fight with their hind legs and tails, they would not be as ruthless as the elves.

Blood came out!
Fisch, who had always thought that the behavior of the house elves was the same as their cat fighting with his hind legs, not only did not stop him, but looked curiously from the sidelines.

Fortunately, George and Fred stopped those self-harming house elves in time, but after such a toss, they lost their appetite, and after a few quick bites to comfort the elves, the twins were a little embarrassed left the kitchen.

"Well, I should go too, meow."

Fish was indeed not very hungry, so after eating two grilled fish, a section of sausage and a plate of shrimp, he got up and left.

"Come again when you have time!"

"We will prepare all kinds of delicious food for you!"

"Call us by name if you need anything!"

With the warm welcome of the elves, Fish left the kitchen, turned back into a cat, and ran to the fourth floor.


After arriving on the fourth floor, Fish shrugged his little nose. He seemed to smell the smell of a stinky guy, and this smell... seemed to be going to Luwei.

Although he hated the smell of stinky guys, Fish still planned to deliver food to Lu Wei as planned. He resisted the unpleasant smell in the air and ran to the corridor on the right of the fourth floor.

However, in order to make himself feel better, Fish chose to turn into a human form—at least this way his sense of smell would not be so sensitive, and he could draw out his hand to cover his nose.

At the end of the corridor, Fish did not find the stinky guy.

"It's strange, it clearly smells like a stinky guy meow."

Fish let go of the palm covering his face, frowned and sniffed around, and found that the strong smell just now was dissipating rapidly.

"Already gone meow?"
Fish tilted his head, it would be better if the stinky guy wasn't there, so he wouldn't have to cover his nose.

Resolutely putting this matter behind him, Fish trotted all the way to the wooden door.

Quirrell, who was hiding aside, breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he used a magic spell to cover up the smell on his body in time.

Before Quirrell came out to look for clues to the Sorcerer's Stone, he tried to avoid everyone as much as possible. This time, he happened to be blocked by Fish, and he discovered that his own smell was also a huge loophole. Fortunately, he discovered it in time and did not affect The Dark Lord's plan.

While heaving a sigh of relief, Quirrell looked at Fish curiously. He had tried several methods during this time, but he couldn't open this seemingly crude door without causing too much disturbance. wooden door.

And Voldemort, who was stuck behind his head, was already dying at this time, and had no strength to deal with this wooden door.

Looking at Fish now... This natural Animagus who is more famous than Harry Potter in Hogwarts seems to have a way to open this wooden door that is difficult for himself and the Dark Lord?
【Ant Power】【Brute Force of Bull】【Wild Power】

Under Quirrell's suspicious eyes, Fish did not take out his wand, but silently put the three-piece door-opening buff on himself, and then grabbed both sides of the wooden door with both hands.

"Meow!" ヽ(●-`Д-)ノ

Just like the previous few times, Fish easily pulled down the entire wooden door.

Familiarly putting the dismantled door panel aside, Fisher jumped into the door in a flash.

"Lu Wei! I'm here to see you meow!" ()

Professor Quirrell, who tried his best to fail to open the wooden door, and Voldemort, who also has no way to deal with the wooden door: "..."


Recommended monthly ticket

 Shanqianquan comes from an old manga "Ranma". It is a powerful boxing style based on house robbery!In addition, there is a corresponding set of Haiqianquan, which is a more powerful boxing method based on burglary!


  I learned a trick from the Internet, take a few eyes out of a slightly flat cardboard box, throw in all kinds of cat toys and small balls that the cat is tired of playing with, and then the cat will become interested again.

  I made one today and the Zhong Yuan had a blast pulling it out, but after taking out the contents it lost interest and had to be stuffed back in.

  Next time I have a suitable cardboard box, I will try to make the eyes smaller.


  Thanks to the book friend 170119003010223 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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