Marvel's Mage

Chapter 94 The Queen's Arrangements

Chapter 94 The Queen's Arrangements

There was a silence in the hall.

Although everyone couldn't move, they all looked at the man standing in the center of the hall with horror in their eyes.

The moment they rushed up, T'Chaka stood up at the same time, ready to put on the armor, but Dawn saw through his plan and was also held in place.

"What do you say? Your Majesty the King!"

Dawn walked slowly to the front of the throne, then sat down.

"Dawn, it's all a misunderstanding!"

T'Challa next to him hurriedly explained.

"Misunderstanding? If you said that you didn't plan at first, wouldn't you believe it yourself?"

"Mr. Ian, we invite you to come to Wakanda with great sincerity, and you are the first to do this!"

Dawn turned his head and looked at T'Chaka who was speaking.

"Break down?"

Dawn laughed, then stopped talking, and lowered his head to think.

"Trouble, if it's just the Black Panther, kill him if you kill him, but he is the Black Panther and the king of Wakanda at the same time. After killing these, you can't kill all the people in Wakanda, right?"

"Even if we don't kill them all, it's unrealistic to control so many people across the country. Tsk tsk, what a headache."

Dawn waved his hand and set up a Frost Arrow Formation, which transformed into many Frost Arrows to surround T'Chaka, and then waved his hand to dissipate the loess formation that controlled everyone.

After everyone resumed their actions, the king, who saw them surrounded by sharp ice arrows, dared not act rashly.

"You go out first, I will talk to your king."

The elder of the River Tribe wanted to threaten him and let him let the king go, but after thinking about what happened today, he was the one who provoked it, so that no one would say that he was plotting something wrong, so he opened his mouth and said nothing.

After hearing this, everyone looked at T'Challa. After all, this is the prince of Wakanda. Now that the king is in danger, the prince has the right to speak and is their backbone.


T'Challa looked at T'Chaka.

"You guys go out first, I'll talk to Mr. Ian!"

Hearing this, T'Challa first helped his mother, Ramanda, who was unwilling to leave, out of the hall.

In his opinion, Dawn is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, and there is something else to talk about.

When everyone saw that the prince and queen had gone out, they went out together.

Before leaving, Dora glanced at Dawn angrily, and at the same time blamed herself very much. In her opinion, it was their responsibility for not protecting the king well.

After they walked out, Dawn set up a breeze array to block the surveillance view.

T'Challa and his mother, who had just turned on the monitoring in the main hall outside, sighed regretfully when they saw the white and blue in front of them.

"I didn't expect this person to be so cautious, T'Challa, now is an extraordinary time, you should go and accept the inheritance of the heart-shaped grass, and if something happens to your father, we will be prepared."

Lamanda's face was ugly and worried, but she was still calm, and hurriedly told everyone to prepare for the worst!

Although it is said that the heart-shaped grass can only accept the inheritance after inheriting the throne, but this is an extraordinary period!
Also, according to Wakanda's customs, every tribe is eligible to inherit the throne, but with the efforts of the Black Panther family generation after generation, a commonly known rule was born, that is, only the blood of the Black Panther family can inherit the throne. inherit the throne.

Besides, T'Challa grew up under the watchful eye of everyone, and the tribes were quite satisfied with the heir to the throne, so when the queen asked him to accept the inheritance, everyone had no objection, but agreed with it very much.

T'Challa agreed after hearing this and then nodded and left quickly.

Then the queen ordered: "Dora's bodyguard chief, lead your Dora's guards to surround the palace hall!"

"Yes, Queen!"

"The elders of the border tribe immediately return to the border tribe and guard the border!"

"Yes, Queen!"

The person with dots on his face left immediately after he promised!

After the queen arranged all this, she couldn't bear it mentally, and she was about to sit on the ground as soon as her body softened. Dora, who was next to her, saw this scene and hurriedly supported her.

Ramanda glanced at Dora gratefully, pondered for a while and said:
"Dora, if something unexpected happens, and that Ian wants to leave, don't stop him, we can't stop him."

"If he wants to kill the grass, you must defend Su Rui to the death and take her away. I can only trust you now!"

After she finished speaking, she took Dora's hand and looked at Dora firmly, she wanted to see Dora's true thoughts.

"Defend the royal family to the death!"

Dora saluted, and then said firmly.

It has to be said that this queen is not simple. She calmed down the moment the accident happened. First, she arranged for her son to accept the inheritance of the Black Panther.

Then arrange the most powerful border tribes to leave the palace, so that they will not get first-hand information, and they can protect the border during this extraordinary period.

She also said not to let Dora's bodyguards resist Dawn in the event of an accident, because she knew that Dora's bodyguards were the only armed force they could control!

Once the loss is exhausted, the royal family will inevitably be emptied by the major tribes.

And if Dawn wanted to kill them all, he would let the guards take Su Rui away, because she knew that her son would never leave.

One is that she knows his son's character well, it is impossible to escape at this time, and the other is that as the next king, if the enemy comes and you run away, how can you convince the crowd when you come back in the future, so as the heir to the royal family, he can only fight to the death!

The only worry is her little daughter.

As for herself, she already planned to die!

Of course, this is the worst plan, think about failure before worrying about victory, and plan for the worst in everything.

Dawn sensed all this in the hall, and after thinking about it for a while, he finally figured out what she was thinking, and he had to sigh in his heart.

At this time, Dawn was sitting on the throne observing everything outside, and T'Chaka stood beside him respectfully.

In fact, after everyone went out, Dawn stunned their king, and then left a little thing in his mind.

Dawn also didn't want to leave willingly, so he thought for a while, the best way is to control their king, and it would be fine to regard everything today as a misunderstanding.

It took Dawn just a few minutes to complete all this. After T'Chaka woke up, Dawn also arranged a speech for him, and then he just waited a while before going out.

Of course, you have to wait for a while, otherwise they just went out on the front foot, and you come out with the back foot, saying that everything has been negotiated, which will arouse suspicion.

And Dawn didn't want to raise suspicions.

After waiting for more than half an hour, after nearly an hour, Dawn sensed that T'Challa came back after accepting the inheritance, and he said to T'Chaka standing next to him:

"Okay, get ready to go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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