Marvel's Mage

Chapter 93 Wakanda

Chapter 93 Wakanda

Two flowers bloom, one for each!
After Dawn baptized everyone, he followed T'Challa to Wakanda the next day.

T'Challa takes Dawn on a Wakanda hoverplane.

Originally, T'Challa wanted to see Dawn's expression after seeing this scene. He guessed that Dawn would be surprised when he saw that a poor country that often receives international aid had levitation technology.

But because Dawn already knew the details of Wakanda, he was not surprised when he saw this invisible hovering fighter, just curious.

This is the first time in Dawn's life that he has been on a hovering fighter jet. He had seen the Quin-jet fighter jet of S.H.I.E.L.D. before, but he had never been on one, so he was naturally curious.

This made T'Challa a little depressed. After thinking for a while, he showed a clear look. On this earth, they are not only Wakanda who have this technology. Impressed.

"It's okay, when you get to Wakanda, I don't believe you can still act as if nothing happened."

T'Challa thought confidently that at this time, he hadn't gone through the blow of his father's death, the tempering between life and death, and he was still a naive young man.

That's why I thought about showing the power of Wakanda in front of Dawn all the time.

When the plane came to the African savannah, the captain of Dora's guard who came to pick up the plane to pick up the two, the bald woman did not know how to operate it.

The entire plane became invisible. Dawn looked down and clearly saw a group of antelopes happily looking for food and taking a leisurely walk on the endless African grassland.

Suddenly, an African leopard rushed towards the flock of sheep. The antelope was frightened and ran away desperately.

But the African leopard only stared at a juvenile antelope, chasing after it.

During the chase, even though it passed by other antelopes, the African leopard just kept chasing the juvenile antelope, and finally preyed on the antelope that had been chasing.

This is the "law of nature".

Dawn looked away from the African leopard and looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, as if the scene in the air didn't affect him at all, and you can occasionally see the expression on his face enjoying the beautiful scenery expression.

T'Challa and Dora looked at each other, each seeing a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

No matter how slow Dawn's reaction is, he will be able to react at this time. Isn't it just to show his strength and try my quality again? Is it so hard to use it?
Dawn smiled and said nothing, just come!

The speed of the fighter plane was quite fast, and Dora lifted the plane's invisibility when it reached a hilly area.

"Mr. Ian, we are almost there!"

T'Challa stood up and said something to Dawn.

"Call me Dawn from now on, Mr. Ian sounds a bit awkward!"

After Dawn replied, he also stood up, and the two looked forward together. Dawn could clearly see the people of the Wakanda border tribe on the grassland on the ground riding horses and grazing.

After seeing this fighter, he was not surprised at all, but smiled and welcomed its return happily.

Just as Dawn lowered his head to sense the situation below, T'Challa next to him spoke again:

"Uh, Dawn, pay attention to the front!"

Dawn heard a hint of embarrassment in his words.

Dawn looked ahead, and saw the fighter plane aimed at a forest below, and flew straight over.

Dawn was expressionless, until the fighter plane passed through the protective cover, Dawn saw the real face of Wakanda, Wakanda hidden in the eyes of the world, he was a little surprised.

The two behind Dawn looked at each other with satisfied expressions.

In fact, Dawn was indeed a little surprised, but it was different from what they thought. Dawn had only seen this scene in a movie in his previous life. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, it was normal to be a little surprised.

The plane landed at the landing site, and when the door of the plane was opened, the three of them walked out.Finding the king, queen, and little princess of Wakanda standing there to greet him, Dawn hurried forward.

"Mr. Ian, welcome to Wakanda as a guest, this is my wife Ramanda, and this is my daughter Shu Rui!"

"Hello Queen, Hello Princess, Your Majesty, I didn't expect Wakanda's technology to be so powerful!"

Dawn showed a look of admiration after he finished his question!

After hearing this, T'Chaka glanced at T'Challa with satisfaction, and T'Challa touched his nose embarrassedly when he saw his father looking at him.

Then Dawn was surrounded by a group of people and walked towards the main hall of the palace. Dawn could feel that the king was more confident and tougher than the last time he met.

Probably because he thinks this is his home field!

After arriving in the main hall, Dawn also met the principals of other tribes. The little princess was taken down, the queen sat next to the king, and T'Challa stood next to the queen.

The atmosphere in the hall slowly became serious, and Dawn stood in front of them awkwardly.

They didn't talk all the time, just looked at Dawn, and Dawn's face gradually became serious, his eyes gradually became unfriendly. After seeing this scene, T'Challa was a little anxious and wanted to speak, but was caught by the queen. The eyes are stopped.

He had no choice but to stand there helplessly, with a groan in his heart. He hadn't come yet and was anxious to talk about the information about Dawn he had collected in the past few days. In his opinion, it was not a wise choice to provoke this person.

Dawn glanced at the king and said:
"Is this the way of hospitality in Wakanda? Don't even give a stool after you come?"

Everyone heard the anger in his words, and the old man of the River Tribe with an iron plate in his mouth suddenly shouted at Dawn:
"Boy, this is Wakanda, not America, you should have at least respect for our king!"

Dawn looked at T'Chaka, saw his indifferent appearance and said:
"I thought Wakanda was up to His Majesty the King, but it doesn't look like that?"

The expression of the old man of the river tribe changed, and he said threateningly:
"Boy, I advise you to think about it before you speak!"

Dawn was expressionless when he heard this, and slowly turned to look at him.

"You try again!"

"I advise you...uh, ah!"

From Dawn's point of view, he didn't show his hands to this group of people. They really thought that the boss was his second child, so Dawn made a decisive move!
Because they are all on the top of the vibrating gold vein, the various elements here are relatively rare, but rare does not mean that they are absent.

The power of Dawn's array formation was somewhat compromised, but it was not a big problem. Even without the slightest element, with his own mana alone, it would still be Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts to sweep Wakanda.

When everyone saw that the elders of the river tribe were controlled by Dawn with the loess array, their expressions changed drastically. T'Challa, the elders of the border tribe and Dora's guards rushed up.

As Dawn's loess formations appeared one by one, everyone in the hall was suppressed by Dawn's wave of his hand. After finishing all this, Dawn looked at their king calmly:
"How to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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