Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 482: Only Professor X can save Magneto

In addition to those reasons Clark Kent said, there is actually an important reason, that is, the storm itself means destruction.

In the explosion, the various buildings and houses of the mutant academy must have suffered a round of damage.

Whether it can withstand another storm, no one can say.

Using the storm to suppress the explosion, if one is not good, it may cause secondary damage!

Therefore, after some discussion, everyone basically agreed with Clark Kent's point of view, excluding the A-option Storm.

"I think... flickering can also be ruled out." Captain America then spoke, making an analysis and judgment on the second "candidate".

"The way of space shuttle can indeed save people at the site of the explosion, but the efficiency of this way is destined to not be too high."

"Of course it's fine if all the students are gathered together, but what if the students are scattered all over the school?"

This point pointed out by Captain America is also to the point.

If the students are scattered all over the school, the blinking can only keep opening the space door again and again to teleport and transfer.

That would take a lot of time.

And the title is also very clear, that is the scene of the explosion, and there is not so much time for Flash to save people.

"Rogers is right, but I have another reason in mind."

Tony Stark spoke slowly, and he added to Captain America's analysis, "Flickering age!"

"That's right!" Diana immediately understood what Tony Stark meant and agreed, "Blink is a character from the same era as Professor X, and at that time, she was still a young man!"

"And Magneto and Professor X are people of the same era, so we can judge the age of Professor X at the time of the apocalypse through Magneto's age."

"At that time, Blink was probably still a child!"

A child saved everyone in the mutant academy, this kind of thing can't be said to be 100% impossible, but it is not very likely after all.

Combined with the reasons given by Captain America, there is no doubt about the exclusion of flickering.

"So... the answer to this question is fast silver!"

Doctor Strange spread his hands.

The other three options have been ruled out, and the answer can only be Quicksilver.

And from the perspective of ability, Kuaiyin is also the only one among the three candidates who can theoretically rescue all the students perfectly.

There is still no doubt about this.

As for who will answer this question next, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent, the only two who have not participated in the answer in the second round, looked at the rewards in the options.

He couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Spider donuts?

What the **** is this?

Donuts made with spider meat?

Just looking at the name makes it more disgusting.

"Who can tell me what this spider donut is? Is this donut for people to eat?" Doctor Strange couldn't help but complain.

"Obviously, it's for people to eat, it's hard to say whether people want to eat it or not." Tony Stark said while watching the excitement.

He glanced at Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent. "You two, who will answer the question?"

"Let me do it!"

After a little hesitation, Bruce Wayne made this decision.

Of course, Bruce Wayne didn't plan on eating this very weird doughnut in the future, it's purely for research purposes.

Don't forget that Bruce Wayne is also a scientist!

When encountering some strange things, it is inevitable that some scientists will have a curiosity.

"Okay Bruce, if you decide to answer, then I won't argue with you."

Clark Kent patted Bruce Wayne on the shoulder with a warrior look, "Come on!"

"I choose Quicksilver!"

Bruce Wayne gave his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt sound.

Totally not out of everyone's expectations.

Frankly speaking, this question is actually not difficult at all, and everyone can get the correct answer after a little analysis.

【Congratulations to answerer Bruce Wayne for winning ten spider donuts! 】

[The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it! 】

With these few prompts from the system, a square and very beautiful small box appeared in Bruce Wayne's hands.

There is no doubt that it is the spider donut that everyone has always been more interested in.

"Let me see what this spider donut is!"

Tony Stark walked up to Bruce Wayne very rudely and opened the box of the spider donut with great interest.

Several donuts in the shape of a spider appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a spider doughnut? Who the **** would make a spider-shaped doughnut?" Tony Stark couldn't help but complain.

to be honest.

This spider donut is a little different from everyone's imagination. It turned out to be some donuts with spider pictures or even spider shapes.

Not only does it look like it doesn't feel disgusting, but it's a bit kawaii.

But even so, putting the spider's shape on the food is too strange, okay?

"Stark, this is a donut from a spider bakery, so there's nothing strange about the spider shape." Bruce Wayne explained to Tony Stark with a smile.

He also added, "But don't worry, this donut is not made of spider meat. In fact, it has nothing to do with spiders other than the spider in the shape."

"You can eat it with confidence!"

"Even though you said that about Bruce, it still doesn't change it's a freak doughnut!"

Doctor Strange couldn't help but complain again and again, "Stark is right, who would put a spider on a donut?"

"Is your focus a little skewed?"

Captain America couldn't help but said speechlessly, "What we are focusing on right now, isn't the role of spider doughnuts?"

"Boys." Wonder Woman shook her head and sighed, "At last someone asked the right question."

"In simple terms, spider doughnuts can be used for treatment. According to the information provided by the system, ordinary gunshot wounds, I don't mean the kind that rubs the skin, but the kind of wounds that are actually shot into the body..."

"Just eat a donut and you'll be healed in three minutes!"

Bruce Wayne spoke to Wonder Woman and explained to everyone.

"This is actually a healing reward?" Clark Kent suddenly felt very surprised and surprised.

Why is a healing reward called such a weird name?

Cure and spider or something, have a dime relationship?

It is said that Tony Stark once received a reward of a healing potion, and Black Widow also received the reward of fairy beans. Is that the correct way to open the healing rewards?

Several other answerers probably had similar thoughts.

It's just a rant, but to be honest, the effect of the spider donut is still very good, and for Bruce Wayne, it is also very, very practical.

After all, considering Bruce Wayne's "part-time job" and the powerful weapons that are mainly circulated in modern society, the biggest threat Batman faces is bullets.

Although the effect of spider donuts is not as good as Tony Stark's healing potion, Black Widow's fairy beans, and even less than Bruce Banner's horse charm, this thing system rewards a total of ten!

That means Batman has ten chances!

Anyway, Bruce Wayne is very satisfied with this reward.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

At this time, the system prompt sounded.

A corresponding video was then played on the big screen.

The first person who appeared in front of everyone was Professor X, a young Professor X. He was sitting in a wheelchair and just "walked" into an office.

"Hank, are you there?"

As Professor X walked in, he casually said to Hank the Beast, "I want you to meet..."

The words stopped abruptly here, because Professor X suddenly found an "uninvited guest" in his office.

To be exact, an unexpected person.

Mystique Raven.

Hank is chatting with Mystique Raven.

"Raven?" Professor X said in surprise.


Raven couldn't help looking at a female CIA agent who came in with Professor X.

"Sorry, do we know each other?"

The female agent showed a bewildered look on her face.

Everyone in front of the screen recognized at a glance that the female agent who appeared in the Cuban Missile Crisis, shot Magneto, but accidentally caused Professor X to be shot and paralyzed.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little strange, that female agent had fought side by side with Mystique, why did she suddenly not know each other at this time?

But soon everyone reacted.

At that time, Mystique was fighting with her true colors, a "freak" in blue.

Now Mystique has changed into a different look, so the female agent can't recognize it.

What no one would have thought was that it was actually caused by Professor X's erasure of the female agent's memory.

After a brief greeting between the two sides, Mora, Hank, and other "idlers, etc." left the office, leaving Mystique alone.

"Nice to meet you, Raven!" Professor X said to Mystique from the bottom of his heart, "Welcome home!"

"This is not my home!" Mystique said so.

"At least it used to be."

"No, this has always been your home, I just borrowed it." Mystique said rather rudely.

It seems that after Mystique left with Magneto, the relationship between her and Professor X has been estranged a lot.

"I can hardly recognize this place now." Mystique's voice sounded, and she sighed.

"You know my vision for this place." Professor X replied leisurely, "I want to turn it into a real campus, a university where not only mutants, but ordinary people can also join."

"Everyone lives together, works together, and grows together."

Through Professor X's remarks, everyone can have a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of Professor X.

This is indeed a very great and upright character, whose ideals and actions can not be faulted, and to a certain extent, he is also very respectable.


Everyone in front of the screen has experienced strong winds and waves. From a high-rise perspective, they can't help but feel that Professor X is a little too idealistic.

People are all xenophobic, it is part of human nature.

It's impossible for people of different skin colors to really blend in, let alone mutants and normal people.

Professor X's ideal is destined to be just a beautiful ideal.

"You know, I used to believe that too."

Mystique's voice sounded, "I thought we could change them after the Washington incident."

"Have we not?"

"Without Charles, of course, they still fear us, hate us, and are more careful, not on the surface."

The two started a debate on this topic, but there were differences in the concepts of the two sides, and neither of them could convince the other for a while.

"You speak in the same tone as Eric. UU reading" Professor X couldn't help but sigh.

"It's also because of him that I came back this time." Mystique expressed her true intention. "He came back, his wife and daughter died, and he killed several police officers in revenge."

"The whole world must be looking for him."

"We need to find him before he is found!"

Although Professor X had "parted ways with Magneto, and he was paralyzed by Magneto, he still had no hesitation in the face of Mystique's request.

These short conversations can be said to have clearly explained the relationship between Professor X, Magneto and Mystique.

Obviously, Mystique used to live in Professor X's house, and Professor X also regarded Mystique as a family member, and the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

And the same is true between Professor X and Magneto, which is why Mystique came to Professor X for help after knowing that Magneto had an accident.

Despite the Cuban Missile Crisis, Magneto and Professor X "parted ways".

But in the final analysis, the two sides are still "connected".

It's not like the old Magneto said, "graceful and righteousness".

next moment.

There was a switch in the footage on the screen.

However, I saw Professor X, Mystique Raven, Beast Hank, Raider Alex and Mora all coming to the "Brain Wave Enhancement Room".

Professor X immediately picked up the brain wave booster helmet and put it on his head. The helmet immediately flashed a dazzling light.

next moment.

The environment around the few people has undergone an earth-shaking change. The original indoor environment has disappeared, but there are countless flashing figures around.

That's all humans on earth.

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