Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 481: Batman: Destroyer of the Multiverse

The image on the big screen was frozen on Superman's evil and grim face.

Yes, it is evil and cold.

As a superhero, Superman is always so reliable, giving people hope and strength like sunshine.

But when it's blackened, it looks like a demon and makes people shudder.

Even if the answerers were across the big screen, they subconsciously dared not look at the pair of eyes that were brewing with heat rays.

"Is this the blackened Superman? It's really scary."

Captain America's voice sounded, and he couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh.

When Superman with such great power was swallowed up by darkness and turned into a demon, this kind of thing makes people shudder just thinking about it.

"No, I think Batman is more scary when he's darkened."

Tony Stark laughed on the side, "Batman has destroyed the world in many parallel universes! We don't know how many universes have superman blackened, but Batman must be more than one universe."

"So Batman, like Doctor Strange, is a multiverse destroyer."

"Stark, you are also a scientific research staff, but why are you so imprecise?"

Doctor Strange immediately retorted, "I admit that some Doctor Strange did destroy the universe, but they are them, I am me, right?"

"You said that just now, and everyone will misunderstand."

"I can't control the other Bruce Waynes, but I..." Bruce Wayne also shrugged, "I definitely wouldn't do that kind of thing."

"And me!" Clark Kent also immediately stood up and stated his position, "No matter what happens to Clark in other parallel universes, but I will never do those things in the image."

"Did you make the atmosphere a little too serious?" Wonder Woman Diana laughed, "I always think our two universes are special, otherwise why are we the only ones selected by the answering system?"

"So I never doubted that all the dark, horrible things that would happen in other parallel universes would not happen here."

"We will change everything!"

" Thanos, Doomsday...etc"

"We do that all the time, don't we?"

Wonder Woman's remarks made all the answerers at the scene nod frequently, which made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly lightened.

The little depression brought by the blackened Superman before disappeared soon.


Everyone already knows the future in advance, so even if the future revealed in the image is real, there is nothing to fear.

Especially for the blackening of Superman, everyone has a very clear and clear prevention direction: Louise Laen!

Two consecutive video clips about the blackening of Superman clearly show that the death of Louise Lane caused the blackening of Superman.

Directivity is simply not too obvious.

"OK, this is the end of the topic of superman blackening."

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, and he turned his attention to another angle, "One thing we can confirm is that our world also has a multiverse!"

Although there are many parallel universes involved in the previous answers, all of them are Marvel-related universes without exception.

There isn't even one in the DC-related universe.

Although everyone analyzes with reference to the Marvel universe, it is believed that there is a great possibility that there are parallel universes on the DC universe side.

But that's just guesswork anyway.

Until now, the answering system has clearly revealed this information for everyone: the DC universe next door does indeed have a multiverse.


Wonder Woman Diana couldn't help complaining a little helplessly, "Doesn't this mean that we may also face the invasion of blackened Superman, blackened Batman, and even blackened Wonder Woman from other universes in the future?"

"It's like Stark and Rogers are facing the invasion of the Scarlet Witch from other universes."

If that were the case, it would be a very painful thing.

Especially the existence of Blackened Superman, everyone feels a little scalp tingling just thinking about it.

[Please listen to the question: Apocalypse broke into the Mutant Academy to arrest Professor X. The conflict caused the entire Mutant Academy to be blown up. Who appeared at a critical moment and rescued all the students of the Academy? 】

【A. Storm Girl Orolo Monroe】

[B. Blink Clarice Ferguson]

[C. Nightcrawler Kurt Wagner]

[D. Quicksilver Pietro Maximoff]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with ten spider donuts;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

At this time, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded, interrupting everyone's discussion.

A new topic just appeared on the big screen.

The answerers stopped the discussion temporarily, and they all focused their attention on the latest topic.

"The Mutant Academy? Is that why Professor X is called a professor? He used to be a teacher at the Mutant Academy."

Doctor Strange couldn't help but speak.

According to everyone's understanding, every mutant has a nickname that matches one of his own characteristics, but the nickname of Professor X is an exception.

Because Professor X's ability is psychic ability.

And what the "X" in Professor X means and what it represents, no one knows at all.

Therefore, the origin of the nickname Professor X, everyone is a little confused.

Until now, the answering system has not given the corresponding reveal.

Maybe Doctor Strange is right, the reason why Professor X is called Professor X is because his profession is professor.

"Apocalypse actually went to the Mutant Academy to arrest Professor X. What is his purpose?" Captain America said in a deep voice.

Apocalypse was resurrected, the Four Horsemen were formed, and what they wanted to do after that was discussed before.

But lacking the necessary information, it is impossible to analyze any useful clues at all.

"Perhaps, Apocalypse's goal is not Professor X, only because Professor X hinders Apocalypse's path, Apocalypse will deal with Professor X."

Bruce Wayne said so.

It can be seen from the fact that Professor X prevented Magneto from assassinating the American high-level executives, Professor X cannot ignore the "extraordinary" behavior of some mutants.

He will take certain actions to stop what the other party is doing.

If Apocalypse did something like the Magneto of the past, or even more extreme than those things, Professor X would intervene or stop it, and everyone would not be surprised at all.

And Apocalypse made a move on Professor X because of this, which was more logical.

Therefore, just from the clue of the conflict between Professor X and Apocalypse, to try to analyze Apocalypse's behavioral logic and some goals, I am afraid that it is impossible to draw any useful conclusions.

"I just don't know if Professor X's ability can stop them from Apocalypse," Clark Kent said.

Professor X's ability is also quite abnormal in everyone's opinion, and there is no obvious countermeasure.

Perhaps the only way is the helmet that Magneto is wearing.

However, Magneto has already joined Apocalypse's command. Whether Apocalypse and the others will copy Magneto's helmet to prevent Professor X, it is unknown to everyone.

In short.

Apocalypse, as an old man who has survived for thousands of years, is also named after "Apocalypse", and that kind of high-hanging and exploding sky suddenly stands up.

deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although everyone only knows the tip of the iceberg about his abilities at present, everyone subconsciously feels that Professor X is probably not able to deal with Apocalypse.

"Regardless of whether Professor X can block the apocalypse, it seems that a war broke out between the two sides, causing the entire mutant academy to be blown up."

Bruce Wayne joined in. "And what we're going to do is find the mutant who saved everyone in the explosion."

"Who is this person?"

Following Bruce Wayne's remarks, everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to several options on the screen.

However, I saw that some of these options have appeared before, and some are new faces.

"Storm? Looks like a female mutant who can control the storm, right?"

Tony Stark glanced at option A and said to everyone casually.

The nickname "Storm" is relatively easy to understand. Everyone can guess what the owner of the nickname can do by looking at the name.

"Controlling the storm? That means Storm can create a storm, which in meteorology refers to severe weather that combines strong winds or precipitation."

"So Storm can control both the wind and the rain? Right?"

"And wind and rain can restrain the explosion to a certain extent."

Tony Stark then talked eloquently, and made a preliminary analysis and summary of the option of Storm.

"That's right, strong wind can blow objects away, rain can douse flames and stop explosions. Storm does have this ability."

Captain America nodded and agreed with Tony Stark, "So option A, we can't rule it out."

After everyone's discussion, option A, Storm, is to be determined for the time being.

Then everyone turned their attention to the second option

, flashing up.

"Blink? Isn't this the Asian mutant who can open the space door in the images of Sentinel robots slaughtering mutants?"

Clark Kent immediately recalled who Blink was, and he said to everyone.

"That's right, it's her."

Diana also said immediately, "Using the space door, Flicker can ignore the complex environment of the explosion site, appear at the place where it is needed at the first time, and transfer the corresponding personnel away."

"Space transfer? I never imagined that a mutant could do this." Doctor Strange couldn't help but shrugged and complained slightly.

Space shuttle, this is the skill that Doctor Strange bought with his life!

Swim around the edge of death.

"So obviously, option B is also pending." Captain America spoke at this time and made a "sentence" for option B.

Naturally, no one at the scene raised any objections.

"And what about the Nightcrawler?"

Doctor Strange then turned his attention to the third option, and complained slightly, "The option of Nightcrawler has appeared again, but we still don't know what his abilities are."

In the previous question about who joined the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the option of Nightcrawler appeared. Everyone also discussed the ability of this mutant.

It's just a pity that the nickname "Night Walker" is really a bit abstract, and everyone has been discussing it, but it is impossible to discuss what this nickname represents.

"Let's rule this option out for now," Diana suggested on the side. "We can only make this choice, right?"

There is no doubt about that.

Because so far, the two mutants Storm and Blink are both mutants that fit the description of the question stem in terms of ability, and are "competitors" for the correct answer.

With this premise, it is natural to exclude an option that everyone does not understand at all.

You can't leave the possible options unselected. UU read and choose an option that you can't see any possible options, right?


This option is not even pending.

Just rule it out.

Even Captain America, who has always sought stability, did not raise any objections.

Soon, the first three options were analyzed, and everyone turned their attention to the fourth option.

"Quicksilver doesn't need to analyze, right?" Tony Stark said with a look of course, "This kind of thing is completely easy for him, right?"

Although Quicksilver did not appear too much in the related topics of mutants, or even only appeared in the answers, it can be said that no information was disclosed.

But because this Quicksilver is highly consistent with Quicksilver in the world of Tony Stark Captain America, everyone agrees that the two have the same abilities.

It's all fast.

It is naturally not a problem to quickly save people from an explosion.

After preliminary analysis, we only ruled out one Nightcrawler, but the other three options were all designated as candidates.

Next, we need to make some comparisons among these three candidates.

"I think Storm's words may be ruled out." Clark Kent first gave his own judgment after some thought.

"Indeed, whether it's controlling the wind or controlling the rain, it can play a big role in that kind of explosion, but whether it's controlling the wind or controlling the rain, the effect is to suppress the explosion."

"It's not about saving people!"

"And this kind of suppression is not that kind of precise suppression, it can only be a rough suppression on a large scale, but the title says that all the students have been saved!"

"I think that Storm Girl can save all the students by suppressing the explosion through the storm. Is the luck of those students better?"

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