Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 448: The key to mastering the multiverse lies on Earth


Tony Stark's analysis is somewhat far-fetched, but it is undeniable that there is also a certain truth!

"'Root cause', this question is the root cause of Darkseid's invasion of the earth."

After a moment of contemplation, Bruce Wayne spoke directly.

"Yes, the root cause should be a deeper cause, right?" Clark Kent also agreed.

Comparing those two options, indeed, the anti-life equation or something does fit the description of the root cause better than the face problem.

that's it.

Although there is not too much reason, and there are no known facts to support it, everyone still agrees that option D is more likely.

The next question is who will answer this question.

Everyone at the scene had a very lively discussion on this.

There is no other reason. The "mutants" mentioned in the title are still very interesting to everyone.

"Mutant? Who is this?"

Thor first asked out of curiosity, "Literally speaking, this is a variant of human beings? So are they still human?"

"From a biological point of view, whether mutants are considered human depends on how much they are 'mutants'." Tony Stark gave such an "authoritative interpretation".

"Since they are all called mutants, I think their degree of mutation should have undergone a larger mutation compared with humans. It should be considered a subspecies of humans, right?" Bruce Wayne made such a guess. .

"I wonder if Rogers is a mutant?" Clark Kent also raised a very interesting question.

"I think... if it's taken literally, Rogers definitely counts!"

Tony Stark said unequivocally, "The super serum changed Rogers' DNA sequence, making Rogers genetically mutated!"

"Although we have not mapped the genetic sequence of Rogers, the degree of 'variation' must have exceeded the conventional scope."

Although it sounds weird, Captain America can't say anything that can really refute this.

Strictly speaking, he is really not an ordinary human being.

In other words, he is really a subspecies of human beings.

"Interesting topic, according to the description of the title, the ability of a mutant is randomly rewarded, which shows that mutants are not just as simple as mutating. After they mutate, they generally have some abilities that ordinary people do not have!"

Bruce Wayne also joined the discussion.

Not all variants at the genetic level will manifest themselves.

Not all variations that can be manifested are positive variations.

In fact, mutation is not positive mutation most of the time.

"Who are the mutants, and to what extent they are mutants, I don't think it matters. What matters is that these mutants have some abilities!" Wonder Woman Diana paid attention to this.

And it succeeded in drawing everyone's attention.

Regarding what kind of abilities these mutants have, everyone has been discussing one after another.

Some guesses may have some strange power, or be able to perceive special bands, or have super vision and super hearing, or have a higher IQ than Tony Stark, etc.

Have fun.

This is still a very interesting question worth discussing.

As for who should answer this question, after everyone at the scene discussed it for a while, the final spot fell to Captain America.

For no other reason, Captain America is a mutant.

In fact, it stands to reason that the most suitable candidate for this question should be Bruce Wayne, after all, Bruce Wayne is the weakest of all.

Even if he really took the heart-shaped grass in the end, he was also the weakest.

Of course, this is purely referring to personal force, not comprehensive strength.

However, Bruce Wayne was not too accepting of physical mutations, and finally fell on the head of Captain America.

Fortunately, Captain America is much more enlightened about this.

Of course, it is also possible that he himself is a mutant, so he "broken the jar".

"I choose D, the anti-life equation!"

Captain America's voice sounded, and he gave his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt sound, which is the same as the result of everyone's analysis.

The fundamental reason why Darkseid invaded the earth was indeed the anti-life equation.

In an instant, everyone's expressions in front of the screen became solemn, and their chests felt heavy as if a stone was pressed against them.

It is definitely not a good thing that such a terrible thing is hidden on the earth.

[Congratulations to the answerer, Steve Rogers, for getting the Mystique ability of the reward mutant, transforming. 】


With the sound of the system, Captain America immediately felt that there was a corresponding change in his body.

A group of corresponding information also appeared in Captain America's mind.

Captain America sorted out the relevant memories in his mind, and couldn't help showing a very satisfied smile.

Although the ability to deform sounds like a scumbag, in fact, it is a very practical ability.

"Mystique? A female mutant who can change her shape at will?"

Diana couldn't help but speculate on the side, "So Rogers, this so-called transformation can change his appearance?"

"Yes, it is!"

While Captain America said these words, his mind moved, and his transforming ability was activated.

He just turned into Diana in front of everyone.

The two are exactly the same, completely indistinguishable.

"Wow, this is indeed a very good ability!" Bruce Wayne also exclaimed.

Captain America is not just a super soldier, but a special agent who needs to perform many, many different tasks.

What kind of "spy action" such as invasion, infiltration, arrest, etc. will come at once every now and then, and being able to change your appearance at will will play a great role.

This should be the ability that all agents dream of.

"So the system just took out one of T1000's abilities and rewarded it to Rogers?" Tony Stark said indifferently.

Obviously a very good ability, but from his mouth, it suddenly became low.

This is Tony Stark's exclusive ability: poison tongue.

"Stark, isn't there a premise for the change of T1000? He can only become someone he has come into contact with, but Rogers obviously doesn't need to have contact with the target beforehand, right?"

Thor pointed out the difference with a serious look on his face.

Captain America just shrugged lightly and didn't say much.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

At this time, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

The corresponding analytical images appeared on the big screen.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was the "giant cocoon" shown in the previous video when the mother box merged and almost destroyed the world.


A portal flashed past, directly from the sky to the ground.

And within that dazzling beam of light, a huge and mighty figure smashed to the ground.

Without a doubt, it was Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf just walked to a "wall" not far ahead.

However, I saw the two squares inlaid on the wall, which were flickering with light.

"Mother box!"

Thor couldn't help but let out a low voice.

That's right, the two things mounted on the wall are the mother boxes.

So why does the mother box keep flashing?

Everyone in front of the screen has very limited understanding of the mother box, so they have no idea what this phenomenon represents.

But even if you think about it with your thighs, everyone can guess that it is definitely not a good thing.

"How is this going?"

Steppenwolf couldn't help showing a surprised look.

It seems that this "change" in the mother box is not what Steppenwolf did, but the mother box automatically stimulated it!

Everyone became more and more curious about what happened to the mother box.

Under everyone's gaze, the Steppenwolf just walked to the mother box: "Let me see what's going on!"


Steppenwolf just touched his hand, no, his claws to be exact, on the mother box.

crackle crackle!

The mother box suddenly burst out with energy like electricity, and it rushed to the Steppenwolf.

At the next moment, Steppenwolf felt a trance in front of him, and suddenly realized that his own people had appeared in a very strange place.

When everyone looked around, they saw a vast and boundless wilderness.

There was nothing to see but dead grass with no end in sight.

Could it be that the anti-life equation is hidden in such a place?

There is nothing in this place!

But seeing the Steppenwolf on the screen, he leaned over and grabbed a handful of loess on the ground, feeling it.

In a firm tone: "It's here, in this world!"

Obviously, the "it" in Steppenwolf's mouth refers to the anti-life equation.


Steppenwolf raised his axe high and slashed hard.


In the terrifying burst of energy, the ground was blasted open, and cracks like lava poured out suddenly appeared.

Those cracks are dense, criss-crossed, and so intertwined.

A complex and incomprehensible pattern was formed.

"Is this the anti-life equation?"

Diana couldn't help but asked in a deep voice.

Although it was just a rhetorical question, his tone was quite certain.

Not only Wonder Woman Diana, but all the other answerers on the scene also felt that the thing was probably the anti-life equation.

Otherwise, why is this question playing this video for everyone?

Needless to say, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent both widened their eyes and began to stare at the pictures on the screen, trying to remember every detail.

After answering the questions, you can find the place that will be shown on the big screen for everyone!

But there is no doubt that this is a very, very difficult thing, because looking at the global world, there are too many similar places, it is almost too many!

But even so, Bruce Wayne felt that he could not give up, because this was the only clue they could grasp so far.

on the screen.

The screen continues.

However, after discovering the anti-life equation, Steppenwolf returned to the original "giant cocoon" again.

And also summoned another guy.

We have never seen who that guy is, but obviously, the other party is also a general under Darkseid.

"Have you completed the conquest?" As soon as the figure came out, he asked Steppenwolf unceremoniously.

Judging from this attitude and tone, the other party's status is no weaker than that of Steppenwolf.

Maybe even higher than Steppenwolf.

"Not yet, Dessard!" Steppenwolf replied.


Several DC bosses in front of the screen deeply remember such a name.

Steppenwolf can lead an army to beat the Justice League without resistance, and so can Dessard.

"Then why did you summon me?"

Dessard's voice sounded, but he saw him asking the Steppenwolf condescendingly in a questioning tone.

The status of this guy is very likely to surpass that of the Wasteland Wolf!

"I bring news that before the mighty Darkseid ascended the throne, he searched the universe for the ultimate weapon, the Anti-Life Formula."

Steppenwolf explained to Dessard, "That's the key to controlling all life and free will in the multiverse..."

The anti-life equation is so defiant!

Everyone in front of the screen was stunned.

Although this so-called control of life and free will is exactly what kind of control method, everyone can't imagine for a while, but the object of this thing is actually the multiverse!

That would be a bit outrageous.

Does this mean that once Darkseid truly controls the anti-life equation, the entire universe, no, should be said to be the entire multiverse, will be swallowed and controlled by Darkseid?

Destroyed at that time, UU reading is not just an earth.

"He found it hidden on a primitive planet, but he hasn't..."

Steppenwolf continues to introduce Di Sadd.

"Everyone knows you betrayed him!"

Dessard interrupted Steppenwolf's words and said sharply.

"I found the original planet!"

Steppenwolf shouted at Dessard in dissatisfaction, "The world that dares to fight back is Earth!"

"And the anti-life equation is engraved on the surface of this planet!"

Through this sentence of Steppenwolf, everyone can be sure that the pattern formed by "magma" is indeed an anti-life equation.

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