Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 447: Darkseid is about to invade Earth!

To be honest, although Thor's words sounded arrogant, it was actually a fact to some extent.

After going through so many things in succession, Thor's current strength, looking at the entire universe, belongs to the top handful.

Even if he became a pregnant woman, his strength decreased due to alcoholism all day long, but the foundation of his oxcha was still there, and he still belonged to the first-class powerhouse.

Especially in the Guardians of the Galaxy, there is not even a single one who can fight. Thor's coming to such a team is simply a dimensional blow.

It's really not okay to disagree.

"So Thor in the main universe finally became a complete freelancer." Bruce Wayne couldn't help but said with emotion.

Looking at the entire Avengers, Thor's experience can be said to be the most bumpy, or even the worst.

At the beginning, Thor was the son of the dignified Odin, the prince from Asgard, who was famous throughout the Nine Realms.

As a result, he experienced a series of events such as the death of his mother, the death of his father, the murder of his younger brother, the explosion of his home, and the merciless slaughter of his people.

In the end, it is completely "big enlightenment".

See everything.

Now that the people of Asgard are safe to stay on Earth, and there is a more suitable king to lead than himself, Thor simply travels alone and roams the universe.

The end result is actually a relief.

Thor finally doesn't have to bear any heavy responsibilities anymore and can live his life as he wants.

[Please listen to the question: After the death of Steppenwolf, Darkseid vowed to make a comeback and destroy the earth. What is the fundamental reason for Darkseid to target the earth? 】

[a. Conventional planetary invasion operations]

[b. Two consecutive failures, Darkseid's face is dull, and he vows to regain his face]

[c. In order to come to the earth to find the mother box]

[d. The anti-life equation is on the earth]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a random mutant ability;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

The system's prompt sound suddenly sounded at this time, and the latest question appeared on the big screen.


When they saw the name, everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but be shocked.

Everyone was very interested in this topic.

The answering question has come to this point. According to the various clues that everyone has at hand, one thing is already certain: Steppenwolf is Darkseid's horse boy, that's all!

But even such a pony from Darkseid beat the members of the Justice League out of breath, and finally had to make the decision to resurrect Superman.

So how strong is Darkseid, who is willingly served by Steppenwolf?

Everyone can think of it even if they think about it with their thighs.

Not to mention, Wonder Woman Diana has long told everyone about the invasion of Earth by Darkseid.

That was Atlantis, the Amazons, the Green Lanterns, and even real gods like Zeus and his son were involved in the war.

In the end, they teamed up to defeat Darkseid.

Such a strong man is not comparable to Steppenwolf at all.

"Sure enough, Steppenwolf's failure is not the end, it is just the beginning!"

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, and his face had become very solemn.

In fact, when The Flash saved the world, everyone had already considered such a question.

With the resurrection of Superman, Steppenwolf ushered in a complete failure, and the mother box was successfully separated by the steel frame, so what will Darkseid react next?

After all, Steppenwolf and Thanos are completely different.

Thanos is the big boss, but Steppenwolf is just the **** of the big boss, nothing more.

The pawns were beheaded, will the big boss just let it go?

Everyone thinks that the probability of this is still very low.

Darkseid is afraid that sooner or later, he will have to invade the earth.

And this question confirms everyone's guesses and worries before. After the Steppenwolf is killed, Darkseid is really going to take action!

The earth will usher in a huge crisis and disaster that far exceeds the invasion of the Steppenwolf.

an instant.

Several dc bosses are actually secretly grateful.

Fortunately, they decisively decided to keep the space door, and reached an agreement with the superheroes of the Marvel family next door, so that they can have a little more confidence in the future against Darkseid.

"Darkseid invaded the earth, this kind of thing doesn't make me feel too strange."

Diana also added on the side, "But now it seems that Darkseid's invasion of the earth does not seem to be that simple."

"This requires us to analyze this topic carefully." Captain America said, and at the same time, he entered the corresponding analysis for the first time, "Let's take a look at option a first, I think this option is not Should it be ruled out?"

"Yes, this option can indeed be ruled out."

Even Thor saw the problem at once, "Darkseid's previous invasion should have been a regular planetary invasion, but this time, it's obviously not the case."

A cosmic overlord like Darkseid, who relied on the mother box to conquer countless planets, but suffered such setbacks on earth, how could he be indifferent?

If the other party invades the earth again, no matter what the reason, how can it be a simple invasion without any emotional fluctuations?

Obviously not possible.

Even an ordinary person who is beaten in the face will find ways to retaliate, let alone an overlord like Darkseid?

Option a is basically ruled out by everyone without any doubt.

It's like giving points.

"Option a is really nothing worth discussing, let's look at the other three options." Tony Stark said the same.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their attention to the three options up and down.

At first glance, the remaining three options seem a lot more plausible.

"Because he failed twice, Darkseid was slapped in the face one after another, so he wanted to get his face back. This option seems reasonable."

Tony Stark first conducted a preliminary analysis of the b option, and for the time being, he did not find anything wrong with the description of this option.

Everyone at the scene discussed a few words with each other, but also did not find any doubts or loopholes.

Simply put, I don't see any reason for this option to be excluded.

"I have a question."

Captain America suddenly remembered something, "Why is Steppenwolf the one who came to Earth to **** the mother box? Isn't this a bit strange?"

Originally, everyone didn't show much concern about Steppenwolf's invasion of the earth, or did not pay much attention to it.

But at this moment, Captain America specifically pointed it out, and everyone could not help but discover the strangeness.

Yeah, why would it be Steppenwolf who invaded Earth?

"Since Darkseid has experienced a fiasco on Earth, he naturally understands how powerful the Earth is, so why did he send Steppenwolf?"

"Even he himself was defeated on Earth. Steppenwolf is just one of his subordinates. Why does he think Steppenwolf can complete the task?"

Captain America then continued to express his doubts.

Everyone at the scene frowned slightly.

Captain America is right.

Since Steppenwolf is only a scumbag of Darkseid, naturally it is not as strong as Darkseid.

The army it has has various strengths, and it is certainly not comparable to Darkseid.

Then, when Darkseid, who was more powerful in all aspects, failed, he actually sent Steppenwolf, which seemed not to be a wise choice.

"Could it be that Darkseid has already investigated, the guardians of the earth are no longer there, and the power on the earth is not as strong as it used to be?" Diana gave such a reasonable guess.

"No, that's a bit unreasonable."

Bruce Wayne pondered for a while, but rejected Diana's view, "The mother box was actually activated by Cyborg's father, but the mastermind behind the scenes was afraid of Superman's power and never dared to act. It means that the mastermind behind the scenes may not be Darkseid."

Could Darkseid be afraid to invade Earth because he is afraid of Superman?

Everyone thinks this possibility is very low.

Darkseid was the overlord of the universe, destroying the existence of countless planets.

It's impossible for such a person to be afraid of a mere person to such an extent, right?

Although that person is a **** among men.

"So... the only possibility is that it was Steppenwolf's private action to come to Earth to find the mother box, and Darkseid didn't know it?"

Clark Kent made the most likely and logical guess.

And this speculation has been unanimously agreed by everyone.

Some of the relevant information behind the Steppenwolf's invasion of the earth has been clarified by everyone.

So if you know this background, will it help you answer the question?

The answer is yes.

"If that's the case, can option c be ruled out?"

Tony Stark immediately made this judgment, "Darkseid has failed on the earth for so many years and has not taken the initiative to come to the earth to find the mother box. Steppenwolf invaded the earth to **** the mother box. Does it mean that Darkseid may have a deeper and farther plan for the earth, not just limited to the mother box?"

Everyone agrees with Tony Stark's analysis.

Not to mention, the mother box is Darkseid's tool to conquer the universe.

Such an important thing, after Steppenwolf discovered its trace, wouldn't it report it to Darkseid?

Could Darkseid not know?

But Darkseid still didn't do anything else, and still let Steppenwolf act on Earth alone.

This is quite telling.

At least the mother box is not the one described in this title that was paid attention to by Darkseid.

"Makes sense."

Hearing this, Thor nodded with conviction, "It seems that option c can indeed be ruled out."

Others at the scene did not raise any objection.

In addition, the a option has been excluded first, and now a c is excluded, then there are only two options left, b and d.

At first glance, everyone was attracted by the d option.

There is no other reason, the "anti-life equation" described by option d is too high and too high.

"Anti-Life Equation? What kind of equation is this? Have any of you heard of it?"

Captain America couldn't help but glanced at the dc bosses on the opposite side and asked.

However, I saw a few dc bosses also look at me and I look at you, and they have never heard of such a thing.

"Although I don't know what this anti-life equation is, it seems that this is a very remarkable and at the same time very evil thing."

Clark Kent said to everyone with a solemn expression.

The same is true for other people, who are very secretive about the "anti-life equation".

This is something that just needs to look at the name to know its level.

"If there is really an anti-life equation hidden on the earth, I think the two options b and d should be the d option more likely, right?"

Thor spoke out at this time and expressed his judgment.

Although that was just Thor's subjective judgment, and there was no exact basis for it, in fact, everyone on the scene felt the same way.

"Although it is rather strange, this time, I think Thor is right!" Tony Stark said in agreement.

"Stark, do you actually agree with my opinion? I must have heard it right."

Thor shouted on the side in a very exaggerated tone.

"That's right Thor, after all, a blind cat can hit a dead mouse." Tony Stark shrugged, "Even if you don't look at option d, I think option b is somewhat untenable."

"If Darkseid is really because of his face, I don't think he will wait until now."

"He personally led the army to invade the earth at that time, but failed If he really can't swallow this breath and wants to breathe out, why did he wait until now after so many years?"

"Are the powerhouses who defeated him still on Earth? Zeus and his son, the Green Lanterns, are they still on Earth? Then why didn't they come out when they fought Steppenwolf?"

"As far as I know, Zeus and his son have long since left the earth. I have never found any traces of the Green Lanterns or something." Diana interjected at this time.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say, I think you know what I mean!"

"Besides, we have also analyzed before that Steppenwolf acted privately, so this shouldn't be regarded as 'two consecutive failures', right?"


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