Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 444: Superman Batman: Is that pregnant woman Thor?

"So, it turns out that this guy who looks like an older brother is actually a younger brother?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but speak.

The answering system has definitely told everyone that it is the younger brother who has super powers!

But in the image, it was the mature, taller son who flew up and blocked the many steel pipes for the other son!

The one with super powers is the one who looks like an older brother!

Although this makes everyone feel a little surprised, the answering system is not wrong!

The one with super powers is his younger brother.

"Or, there is another possibility." After a short pause, Tony Stark came up with another possibility, "The one who seems to have resolved the danger is the one who looks like his brother, but in fact, it is Like the brother's one?"

This one may be more reliable.

After all, the younger brother is taller and more mature than the elder brother, which doesn't look right.

At this time, a switch appeared on the screen.

In a seemingly secluded village, Jordan got out of a car.

Sarah, who was on the side, had been waiting at the entrance of the village for a long time.

There was no doubt that Jordan had come to the party that Sarah was talking about.

"I still don't understand, how can you two be unscathed." Sarah asked very strangely as she walked towards the venue with Jordan.

If it is a normal person, not to mention being smashed into meat, it will definitely be indispensable to enter the ICU.

So a lot of steel pipes, is it just a joke?

"I'm thinking about this too." Jordan could only play dumb about it.

"I'm glad you can come here!" Sarah did not ask more, but expressed her welcome to Jordan.

"You said you were going to cause me some trouble."

"I'll try my best...I don't know how the Mets have a party, but Smallville's party is a little different."

The two immediately started greeting each other.


Hearing this, Clark Kent remembered something, "This is Louis' hometown, I know this place!"

The video is played here, and a basic message is clearly displayed for everyone:

After their marriage, Clark and Louis lived in Clark's hometown of Metropolis.

This time on the video, it should be the Clark family who went to Louis' hometown together.

On the screen, the party continues to begin.

Jordan was carefully taking a small glass of beer, and Sarah came over.

"Maybe beer shouldn't be drunk with tranquilizers," Sarah said to Jordan.

"how do you know?"

"I saw that you took one secretly at the funeral, but I didn't know you were on drugs alone."

"Are you too? What medicine are you on?"

"Are we really going to discuss this?"

"As a human being, you should be happy in time!"

Clark's expression in front of the screen is a bit exciting, two high school students are discussing drug addiction!

His son still looks like a veteran!

Although this kind of thing is very common in this free country, seeing it happen to my son makes me feel completely different.

"When I was eleven or twelve, I was actually quite happy. Although it wasn't perfect, I was happy every day."

"But then things are different, and the people here will always be inexplicably sad."

"It's like the flu, it's contagious..."

on the screen.

The boys and girls opened their hearts, chatted and talked, and the atmosphere began to become charming.

And the atmosphere is in place, and some things that should be done naturally start to be done.

Jordan and Sarah's heads came together.

But at this moment, a black boy suddenly rushed over and kicked Jordan to the ground with one kick.

"That's my girlfriend, bastard!" The black boy yelled at Jordan.

Everyone in front of the screen began to sympathize with this black boy.

What's going to happen next can be guessed even if you use your thighs to guess.

It must be that Jordan was beaten and beaten, and his superpower broke out directly.

After all, the previous image did not clearly show it, and it was Jordan who would have superpowers.

"Sean, what are you doing?"

On the screen, Sarah stood up and shouted angrily at the boy, "You are so sick!"

"What are you doing with him?"

"That doesn't matter at all!"

"Don't get excited! Don't get excited!"


The scene can be said to be noisy, and the boy named Sean rushed towards Jordan angrily again, trying to teach Jordan a lesson.

But as soon as the talent came to Jordan's side, Jonathan suddenly appeared and overthrew Sean to the ground.

"Go away!" Jonathan warned him.

I have to say that Jonathan is a very competent brother.

That was the case the last time the warehouse had an accident, and it was the same this time.

When in danger, he always protected his younger brother behind him for the first time.

The two sides began to have a fierce conflict.

Jordan has his own brother to support him, and Sean also has some of his own friends, and there are more of them.

The two brothers, Jonathan and Jordan, were caught in a situation of being surrounded and beaten.

Things really went as everyone expected. Jordan saw his brother was beaten and couldn't get up, and his eyes began to turn red in anger.


Two heat rays were shot out just like that.

shot over the bonfire.


The scene exploded directly.

And the image on the screen is frozen here.

If the first video just tells everyone half-coveredly that some of the two sons of Superman have superpowers, but how many people have superpowers and who has superpowers, it has not been clearly shown.

But the second video clearly tells everyone that the one with superpowers is Superman's second son, Jordan Clark.

"Heat ray, it seems that there will be another superman in the world in the future." Diana couldn't help but said with a smile.

The most iconic feature of Superman can be said to be the heat rays in his eyes.

Clark's mood was a little complicated. He smiled, not knowing what to say.

On the one hand, Clark was happy and excited from the bottom of his heart when he saw that his son had inherited his superpowers.

Any father will behave this way after seeing his son inherit his skills.

But on the other hand, Clark's heart is still full of worry and melancholy, because Superman is not so easy to be.

For ordinary people, they only see Superman flying into the sky and omnipotent, enjoying the worship of the world, and being regarded by everyone as a god.

But that's just a superhero in front of people.

But for the living Clark Kent, he's not just Superman, he's also a reporter for the Daily Planet!

To balance the two identities of Superman and Clark Kent at the same time is actually not so easy to do, and there are many troubles during the period.

It can only be said that one's own family knows their own affairs, which is not enough for outsiders.

What's more, although DC superheroes like Clark Kent don't talk about the phrase "with great power comes great responsibility", they have always pursued it.

If you don't have any superpowers, you can live a happy life as an ordinary person.

Those madmen who destroy the world, those crises that are enough to destroy a city or even a planet, will not find their heads.

But what if you have superpowers?

That's different.

It is destined to shoulder the people who maintain world peace, fight against those terrifying lunatics, and fight against those powerful enemies!

Those things in the comics are exciting, exciting and exciting, but they are reading other people's stories. If this kind of thing happened to you, who would like to?

After all, as powerful as Superman, they have been killed!

"Honestly, while I'm happy about it, I don't know if I should be happy because I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and Clark couldn't help but sigh.

"If I have a son... I don't know if this kind of thing will happen, but if I do, I still hope he can live an ordinary life."

Captain America thought for a while, but said so.

Not even his own son, but even himself, Captain America often has a moment where he wishes he had never been injected with superserum.

"Clark, are you thinking too much?" Thor couldn't help but laugh.

An unmarried person who is worried about his future son is a bit too conscious, right?

"It seems... I think a little too much." Clark Kent also smiled.

Everyone chatted a few words with each other, and the atmosphere could be said to be very good.

[Listen to the question: After Tony Stark snapped his fingers and wiped out the Thanos army, all the superheroes have lived the lives they want. What kind of choices did Thor make? 】

[A. Take the people of Asgard to leave the earth and find a new home]

[B. Be a qualified king and lead the people of Asgard to live well on earth]

[C. Become the leader of the Avengers and continue the cause of fighting criminals and maintaining peace in the universe]

[D. Appoint the Valkyrie as the king of Asgard and follow the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy to travel the universe]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a pair of sprinting rabbits;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

The system's prompt sounded at this time, interrupting everyone's discussion.

The latest question just appeared on the big screen.

This question is about Thor's finale, and to be honest, people are still very interested in that.

As you already know, the original Avengers consisted of six people:

Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America Steve Rogers, Thor, Hawkeye Button, Black Widow Natasha Lomanoff, and Bruce Banner.

Among these six people, the ending of three of them is already known to everyone.

Tony Stark, snapped his fingers and died.

Captain America, turned into a drooping old man.

Black Widow, died on a distant alien planet.

Although Hawkeye Barton's ending didn't explain much, Barton has proposed many times that he wants to retire, and there is almost no doubt about his return to the family, his wife and children.

The only thing that isn't quite sure yet is Bruce Banner and Thor.

And this question will reveal to everyone what Thor's final ending looks like.

"Isn't the most likely thing Thor does after Endgame, lose weight?"

Tony Stark's opening can be said to be straight to the point, "That body like a pregnant woman, a **** can't stand it anyway?"

Following Tony Stark's words, the image of a fat man weighing three or four hundred pounds involuntarily appeared in the minds of everyone at the scene.

I have to say, that is really too hot for the eyes.

It completely destroyed everyone's impression of the word "God", and forced the word "God" to be ruthlessly trampled on, and it was still trampled to the point of smashing.

"Stark, I've said it many times, that fat guy isn't me, okay! That's Thor from another parallel universe, not me!"

Tolton was in a hurry, so he glared at Tony Stark and shouted, "You are slandering my reputation! Yes, this is Chi Guoguo's slander!"

"OK, Thor, you can calm down and don't have to shout so loudly, we all know this kind of thing, don't we?" Captain America was also joking while laughing.

"Thor, in fact, I don't care at all whether that Thor is you or not. I'm just curious. It turns out that God also gets fat?"

With a serious look on his face, Bruce Wayne asked, "Thor, do you usually need to do push-ups and other things to exercise, just like me, so you can stay in shape?"

Bruce Wayne is going through a tough workout every day.

"Damn it!" Thor shook his head immediately, denying that was a firm call, "I am a god! The **** from Asgard, the son of Odin! I don't need any training."

Everyone's face is ha ha, believing you are a ghost.

Since it can be fat to the level of anger between man and god, UU reading This shows that God also needs exercise and exercise.

"Everyone, let's take a look at this topic."

Captain America's voice sounded, he pulled everyone back to the topic, and put his eyes on Thor, "Thor, this is about your topic, so let's analyze it first."

"This question is covered by me." Thor felt that he had an opportunity to behave, "I will analyze the correct answer as soon as possible!"

Thor felt that this question was completely tailor-made for him. After all, who else could know himself better than him?

He didn't even need analysis, he just made choices based on feeling.


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