Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 443: Thrilling, Death Crisis for the Son of Superman


One year of Tony Stark's life was gone.

However, Tony Stark did not take this kind of thing to heart, just shrugged slightly: "well, it seems that my luck is not very good."

Although the probability of option a is the highest, everyone knows the probability of this kind of thing, it just shows a tendency, nothing more.

As long as the probability is not very high, even if the opposite result occurs, it is not a strange thing.

"If the answer is not a, then you can only choose one of c and d?"

Thor couldn't help laughing at this time, "This is interesting, the probabilities of these two options are exactly the same!"

How to choose options with the same probability?

Doesn't this mean sheer blindness?

"Rogers, Stark's luck is not good, then it depends on your luck." Thor then smiled at Captain America.

Because both Tony Stark and Captain America have shown interest in Helios-r, although the interest is not that big, but Thor has no interest at all.

The next answer is naturally Captain America.

Captain America began to fall into contemplation, the eldest son and the second son, which one is better?

The only difference between them is that one is older and the other is younger, that's all.

Other than that, the two are exactly the same.

There is absolutely no distinction.

There is absolutely no basis for letting one of them "win" on this subject.

Others at the scene also discussed it, and the conclusions were the same.

This question can only be gambled.

"If that's the case, then leave it to God's will."

Captain America said at this time, and then he took out a coin, "If the word goes up, choose the eldest son to have superpowers, and if the flower goes up, choose the second son to have superpowers."


Just after saying that, Captain America threw the coin out of his hand, caught it again, and covered it with his palm.

When Captain America removes his palm, the coin has the flower side up.

"Flower, I chose the second son to have super powers!"

Captain America didn't hesitate, and immediately gave his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The next moment, the system heard such a prompt sound.

This made Captain America a little surprised. He didn't expect that he was right.

"It seems that Rogers' luck is not bad." Thor couldn't help laughing.

[Congratulations to the answerer Steve Rogers for getting a reward satellite gun Helios-r! 】

Following the system's prompt tone, Captain America's hand suddenly had an extra-large gun with a very exaggerated and dazzling shape.

It is said that the gun is more dazzling, that is because the gun has a golden light, and it is actually made of gold.

"Is this gun solid gold?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but complain.

By all means, gold is not the best choice for weapons.

The only reason Bruce Wayne could think of to use a golden gun was to pretend.

That's all.

Local tyrant special offer.

People with real status who use the golden gun will not improve their power, but will lower them.

Bruce Wayne did not expect that the system would reward a golden gun.

Captain America couldn't help but shrug his shoulders. It is conceivable that once the gun is taken out, how attractive, dazzling and eye-catching it will be.

However, he seemed to ignore it directly. His circus-like uniform actually had the same effect.

No normal person would wear that.

Captain America is different, and he will be specially replaced every time he performs a mission.

"That aside, this gun is actually a very good weapon."

Captain America then smiled and introduced to everyone around him.

"So, this gun is loaded with some satellite modules, so it has some satellite functions?"

Diana guessed on the side at this time, "Is this a reconnaissance gun?"

The combination of reconnaissance and guns is the first time everyone has come into contact with this form of combination.

I have to say, it's pretty new.

"No, it's not reconnaissance equipment, it's an offensive weapon, it's a gun!"

Captain America spoke again and explained to everyone, "Like many other guns, it is also used to attack."

"The only difference is that this gun can shoot satellites out!"

Satellite launch?

Can a gun also launch satellites out?

The crowd at the scene can be said to be genuinely curious.

This is something that even superheroes as well-informed as they have never heard of.

"Is it launching a satellite? I really want to see it." Even Tony Stark couldn't help but said with interest.

"Rogers, don't hesitate, hurry up and show us." Thor urged on the side.

Captain America didn't continue to pretend.

He directly clenched the satellite gun in his hand, opened the window, and fired at an object outside the window.

One shot went down, the sea was calm, and no one saw anything happen.

But soon.


In the courtyard outside, two small satellites suddenly flew over!

Not only that, the two small satellites are constantly firing energy attacks outward.

Two energy rays were ejected, and the stone was quickly shattered.

"So it's actually a laser gun."

Clark Kent suddenly realized, but at the same time he was a little speechless.

Laser gun, why is it so troublesome?

Have to do it by launching satellites?

You just shoot the laser beam straight out of the barrel and you're done.

"Clark, I just used a stationary target for demonstration, but in fact, these two attack satellites can automatically track the target." Captain America added again, which really made Clark Kent realize.

Everyone also completely understood what this so-called satellite gun was.

Frankly, it's kind of funny, but that's what it is.

The satellite automatic tracking attack looks high-end. To put it bluntly, isn't it an attack weapon loaded with a tracking system? For the current technology, this is not a problem at all.

Many weapons can achieve this effect.

It's just that it's not so simple to control, and of course the force is not so high.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system prompt sounded suddenly at this time, interrupting everyone's discussion.

As always, not long after the answer was over, the corresponding video was played on the big screen.

"Well, what your father said is right, everything here is fatal to you."

With such a voice, a young girl with a very plump figure and two tall and handsome boys walked into a place similar to a warehouse.

The girl was a resident of a small town called Sarah Cushing, and of course no one knew her.

And those two boys.

But I saw one with short hair and the other with long curly hair. There is no doubt that they are the two sons of Superman.

The taller one looked a little more mature, and must be Superman's eldest son, Jonathan.

Those who are a little shorter are still a little green, and most of them are Superman's youngest son Jordan.

"These are my future two sons?"

Clark looked at the two big boys on the screen, his eyes could be said to be wide-eyed, and he looked up and down from beginning to end.

"Not bad!"

Clark kept nodding, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

Clark is very happy to have two such sons in the future.

"what is that?"

Jonathan's voice sounded, but he asked, pointing to a farm implement in the warehouse.

"That's a hay rake."

The girl answered casually and explained to Jonathan, "This kind of thing shouldn't be common in the Metropolis, right?"

"But our father told us a lot of stories about growing up here," Jordan said at this time.

"Did you say it **** here?"

"I think he kinda likes it here, it's not that bad."

"Whether a place is good or not depends mainly on the people who live here, right?"

"Compared to you, the boys in the Metropolis are simply inferior."

"Calm down, I already have a girlfriend... Eh, I don't mean that, I mean, we just came here and we don't know each other in life, we may need to find someone to bring us to familiarity."

"No problem, bring the phone." Sarah Cushing said to the two.

Jonathan immediately reached out for his phone.

"It's not you, it's you!" Sarah Cushing looked at Jordan on the other side.

Jordan looked dull, not too talkative, but Sarah Cushing actually took a fancy to him, slightly surprised, but handed over his cell phone.

"Young man, that's great!" Captain America couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

Naturally, he could see that Jordan had a little interest in that Sarah Cushing, and even Jonathan had a little interest.

This kind of thing between boys and girls is so worthy of longing and remembrance for Captain America, who has experienced great storms and waves that others have never experienced in three lifetimes.

Although this is not the same as Captain America's boyhood, because Captain America was very, very thin and very unfeminine before he became a super soldier.

I have never experienced this kind of love between men and women.

But that didn't stop Captain America from feeling emotional about it.

"There's a bonfire tomorrow at Schuster's mine, let me know if you want to go, but I can't promise you won't get into trouble."

Sarah Cushing said to Jordan.

This is obviously asking Jordan out.

A shy smile appeared on Jordan's face.

"Everyone, I found the router."

Jonathan's voice sounded at this time, but he saw him pointing to a shelf in front of the warehouse.

Here is the purpose of a few people who came to this warehouse. It turned out that they came to find the router.

Just who would install a router in such a warehouse full of weeds and tattered farm implements?

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but want to complain.

The router is installed in such a place, what do you think?

"What did grandma think about putting it in such a high place?"

Sarah Cushing couldn't help but complain.

Jordan, who was just favored by Sarah Cushing, can't seize the opportunity to show a good sense of presence at this time?

"I come!"

Jordan volunteered, and quickly climbed the ladder.

And everyone also noticed that right above the few people, there was a shelf full of steel pipes!

Very thick, thick steel pipe!

"No accident will happen, right?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help saying.

Because this question wants to show everyone that Clark Kent's son has superpowers, everyone naturally has such a guess.

After all, how do you show your superpowers?

There is no doubt that it is naturally under some special or critical circumstances.

And this warehouse, that big pile of steel pipes, completely meets these conditions.


next moment.

When Jordan reached out to restart the router, he accidentally fell off it.

It hit the steel pipe, and then fell heavily to the ground.

And those steel pipes were smashed by Jordan like this, and the bindings were loosened immediately, and they all fell off with a hoot at the beginning.

"Be careful!"

Jonathan roared and rushed out at the first moment, holding his younger brother under him.

bang bang bang bang!

Dozens of steel pipes as thick as a human thigh buried the two of Jonathan.

If it were a normal person, it would definitely be smashed into flesh.

Being able to survive in this situation can only mean one thing: Superman's son does indeed have superpowers.

"Someone, hurry up and save those two boys, they are injured!"

Sarah Cushing rushed out in a hurry, yelling.

A man in a suit and wearing glasses rushed into the warehouse for the first time.

He stood at the door and looked in, his eyes opened the perspective directly.

This man is superman.

It's Clark Kent!

"Is this Clark?" Thor couldn't help but be very surprised. "Why did you become so thin after getting married?"

How did the Clark Kent on the screen become such a ghost.

What about those muscles? What about more developed chest muscles than women?

Gone, all gone!

"This... Clark's life after marriage seems to be miserable, and he has become so thin." Bruce Wayne also joked on the side.

Clark Kent: "..."

Laozi is a superman, how can he be so thin?

He can't figure it out Swish!

on the screen.

Superman turned into a streamer, appeared in front of the pile of steel pipes in the blink of an eye, and overturned several steel pipes at once.

The figures of Jonathan and Jordan were exposed like that.


If there are no ghosts in it, then there are real ghosts.


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