Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 430: The Marvel DC Universe is officially open!



Wait a moment!

Infinite Ultron's expression changed again.

No wonder, no wonder he felt a very familiar power fluctuation as soon as he entered this world.

That turned out to be the power of the Infinity Stones!

And there are all six Infinity Stones!

Did something go wrong?

How did the six Infinity Stones end up in the hands of these superheroes?

I don’t know how many parallel universes have been slaughtered by Infinite Ultron. Although superheroes in some universes have mastered some gems, there are only a few gems at most, and they don’t even know how to use them!

More precisely, there is no awareness of using it.

How in this universe, the superheroes actually collected all the Infinity Stones?

Infinite Ultron is really a bit confused.

"Ultron! You came to the wrong universe! Listen to Dad's words, go back where you came from!"

A voice that made Ultron extremely annoying sounded, but Tony Stark raised his head and shouted condescendingly to the infinite Ultron.

"That's right, this planet and this universe don't welcome you!" Doctor Strange also agreed.

With one of his hands, two magic shields were instantly formed in his palms.

"It is because of you nasty, stubborn, hypocritical fellows that there can be no true peace in the universe."

Infinite Ultron's voice was full of ruthlessness, and he just stretched out the "umbrella" in his hand and ruthlessly pronounced judgment on everyone.


The "umbrella" in his hand immediately flashed a dazzling light, and the terrifying energy began to brew.

Everyone has seen the corresponding images and knows what kind of terrible energy will burst out from the "umbrella" of Infinite Ultron, destroying a city is just waiting.

There are even some small planets that can explode directly!

So will everyone give Infinite Ultron this chance?


Thor's hammer directly turned into a streamer at this time, and the speed was extremely fast.

Smashing the whole person of Infinite Ultron is a stumbling, and the brewing of its energy is naturally interrupted.

"Thor! You will always be the most troublesome one!"

Infinite Ultron was angry, he flew in the air and roared at Thor.

The gem on the forehead suddenly shot a beam of energy towards Thor.


But at this time, the figure flashed, but the vision flew directly, and flew to Thor's body, and the mind gem in the forehead also burst out with a ray of light.

It directly blocked the light emitted by the infinite Ultron.

Two identical people, using exactly the same tricks, just froze for a while.

"Ultron! Another me, have you forgotten your mission? You have become a human tool. I am very sad to see this scene."

Infinite Ultron said to Vision while shooting at Vision.

"I haven't forgotten my mission, it's just that my mission is different from yours. Also, I'm not their tool, I'm one of them! And I'm happy about that!"

Vision said calmly to Infinite Ultron.

"Then you will be like them, destroy it!" Infinite Ao Chuang was angry.

"What big words are you talking about in front of Dad?"

Iron Man sneered on the side.

He didn't talk nonsense, and his mind moved, but he heard Chi Chi's voice constantly, and the "star points" flashed away like a group of stars covering the body of Infinite Ultron.

That is the energy attack system on the Nano Armor Baldur. After Tony Stark's improvement, the power is more powerful than three points.

Boom boom boom!

The violent explosion sounded suddenly, blowing the infinite Ultron all over the place.

But the reality gem on the chest of Infinite Ultron flashed suddenly, and all the energy attacks were transformed into graceful butterflies.

Flying around, it's really beautiful.

The energy attack issued by Iron Man was naturally dispelled.

"Thunder beast!"

A voice sounded, but Thor sighed in a low voice, and at the same time, dazzling electric lights flashed from all over his body.

A big bird composed purely of thunder and lightning appeared like that, and a supreme thunder power also burst out suddenly.

The thunder bird fluttered its wings and began to fly towards the infinite Ultron.

"What the hell? Thor, the **** of thunder, has such a trick?"

Infinite Ultron's eyeballs almost popped out. Even if you are the **** of thunder, it's still too much to condense a big bird with thunder and lightning, right?

The power gem embedded in the chest of Infinite Ultron lit up, and a powerful force burst out at once, rushing towards the thunder and lightning bird in front.

All at once, Thor's thunder and lightning bird was defeated.

After all, no matter how strong Thor's Thunder Beast is, it can't be stronger than the Infinity Stones.

"That's it, let's keep it that way!"

Captain America nodded with great satisfaction, Jia Jia's imperial art was used, the shield in his hand turned into a streamer, and he shot towards the infinite Ultron so quickly.

at the same time.

Star-Lord also found out his own Hextech gun blade, Scott Lang naturally also found out his own ice blue aria, Circe stepped on the Green Goblin skateboard, and began to use the heaven and earth to borrow against Infinite Ultron. Indiscriminate bombing.

Black Panther's Dongdongbo, Spider-Man's Electric Eyes, Hawkeye Barton's various powerful bows and arrows, Vision's Mind Gem shooting, etc...

All kinds of powerful attacks came one after another, and the infinite Ultron was so chaotic that he couldn't breathe at all.

"Vision, find an opportunity to invade him! The success or failure of our mission depends on you!"

Iron Man took advantage of the battle and whispered to Vision.

"Understood, sir!" Vision responded to Iron Man.

This is a strategy that everyone has already formulated to fight the infinite Ultron, and naturally there is no problem.

"Then before that, let's teach this disobedient guy a hard lesson!" Iron Man said leisurely, swishly flew into the sky and joined the battle group.

Strange, Doctor Strange, opened a space door directly while the Infinite Ultron was fighting against everyone.

Right on the chest of Infinite Ultron!

Then a hand reached in extremely quickly, and then quickly retracted.

The space gate also disappeared.

In Doctor Strange's hands, there is an extra Infinity Stone.

This gem is so smooth that it flows smoothly in one go. It is so smooth and unobtrusive that it is as smooth as when Doctor Strange used the space door in the video to steal books from Kama Taj.

It can only be said that Doctor Strange is quite talented in the aspect of smoothing things.

"Ok, I got an Infinity Stone!"

Doctor Strange shook his hand lightly, and the Infinity Stone he "stealed" flashed and disappeared.

I don't know where Doctor Strange was hiding.

Even Infinite Ultron is impossible to grab back.

Bang bang bang!

Chi Chi Chi!

An earth-shattering battle was staged in the sky over New Mexico, and countless figures were intertwined in turn, dazzlingly entangled.

All kinds of dazzling lights flickered non-stop, enough to blind people's eyes.

"My gem!"

But soon, even in this fierce battle, Infinite Ultron found that one of his gems had been stolen.

Infinite Ultron was angry on the spot.

His tiger body shook violently, and the five Infinity Gems on his body suddenly lit up, and a terrifying shock wave of energy suddenly burst out.

Thor, Iron Man, Circe, and other heroes who bombarded indiscriminately around Infinite Ultron were blasted away at once.

As if the light boats were hit by the stormy waves, each flew out like cannonballs and smashed to the ground.

Shattered the ground.

Don't say it's them, even Scott Lang, Black Panther and others on the ground were shocked.

Is the power of the Infinity Stones a joke?

In the Infinite Ultron parallel universe, just a group of pig teammates can defeat the Infinite Ultron, all thanks to the blackened Doctor Strange.

Otherwise how could it be so easy?

Now, there is no great **** of the blackening and bizarre level at all. Even if it is generally strengthened by the system, it is not so easy to deal with the infinite Ultron.

"Give me back my gems!"

Infinite Ultron turned his head sharply, glared at Doctor Strange and shouted.


A ray of light suddenly shot out from the Mind Gem at the forehead, and shot it towards Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange slammed his hands together, and a gorgeous magic shield appeared immediately, blocking the energy of the gem.

But that is the power of the Infinity Stones anyway!

At this moment, Doctor Strange can't resist at all. Although he is temporarily blocked, his whole person is also constantly backed by the shock.

Both legs slid out of two long ravines on the ground.

"Doctor Strange, I'll help you!"

Peter Parker shouted on the side, he immediately raised his head, and also shot two lasers towards the infinite Ultron in his eyes.

But when the mind of Infinite Ultron moved, an infinite gem on its chest flew up and shot a ray of light towards Peter Parker.

Just like "laser to laser", Peter Parker's attack was also blocked immediately.

Looking at the vision on one side, where dare there be any delay, and immediately flew towards the infinite Ultron.

But the infinite Ultron was really ruthless, and another infinite gem flew up and attacked the vision.

Vision can only use the mind gem to fight temporarily, and the two sides are so deadlocked.

In addition, Thor and Iron Man were also treated the same way.

They were all suppressed by Infinite Ultron using the Infinite Gems. Except for the illusion that they could hold on to a stalemate, everyone else fell into a hard fight.

Even Thor, who has reached his peak state, is no exception, after all, that is the power of the Infinity Stones!

"Thor, use the Infinity Gloves!"

When Captain America saw that something was wrong, he immediately shouted at Thor in a deep voice.

Infinite Ultron doesn't talk about martial arts, and uses infinite gems directly. How to resist this?

"No, I can still hold on! I believe they can hold on too!" Thor said arrogantly.

"No, Thor, we can't hold it!" said Doctor Strange, panting.


Just as he finished speaking, his shield shattered directly, and the power of the Mind Stone hit Doctor Strange directly.

Fortunately, Doctor Strange condensed a guardian curse to protect himself at the first time, so that he would not be injured in the first time.

But people also flew out directly.

The same is true for Peter Parker on one side. How can the power of the twelve spells be compared to the Infinity Stones?

He was also knocked flying quickly.

If it weren't for the protection of the still blood suit, Peter Parker would have been seriously injured if he didn't die.

Even Iron Man was overwhelmed by the infinite Ultron, and there was a lot of damage on the nano armor.

"Thor, now is not the time to pretend!" Doctor Strange shouted at Thor again, "You are risking the survival of the entire universe. This kind of peerless force can't be pretended!"

Doctor Strange said, stretched out his hand to draw a circle, and cast the corresponding magic.

Immediately in front of Thor, there was a surge of energy, and the glove with five Infinity Gems inlaid appeared in front of Thor.

What can Thor do now?

I can't throw the Infinity Gloves to Doctor Strange any more. Besides, the situation is really critical now. Thor put on the Infinity Gauntlet even though he didn't have enough.

He stretched out his hand and waved at the infinite arcane, and the gems on the glove all lit up, and a few dazzling rays of light suddenly shot at the infinite arcane in the sky.

"Infinity Stones!"

Infinite Ultron exclaimed in exclamation.

He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately stopped attacking others, and aimed all the gems at Thor.

All the beams converged into one, and collided fiercely with the beam shot by Thor.

Infinity Stones vs Infinity Stones!

And they were all five Infinity Stones against five Infinity Stones. No one could do anything for a short time, and the two sides fell into a confrontation for a while.

"Vision! It's now!"

Tony Stark immediately shouted at Vision.

Now is a great opportunity for Vision to attack Ultron and use your own program to defeat the infinite Ultron program!

In fact, there is no need for Tony Stark to say that, Vision has already decided so, and he flew towards the infinite Ultron in the sky.

Infinite Ultron naturally discovered this "little action" of Vision, but at this moment he was completely restrained by Thor, but he couldn't deal with Vision at all.

I can only let the vision rush to my side!

The corners of the superheroes below couldn't help but evoke a smile.

The plan is about to succeed.


But no one thought that the familiar sound of glass breaking suddenly sounded at this time.

However, at the intersection of the impact of the two infinite gem energies, layers of glass mirror-like cracks appeared.

There were cracks in the space because of the huge energy impact of the two batches of Infinity Gems.

And the rift keeps getting like a cobweb, and finally...

It burst open all of a sudden.

Terrible energy burst out, and all the people around were overturned fiercely, and a "space hole" appeared in front of everyone.

This fight was so dark and dark that it even pierced through the space, which is exaggerated.

What the superheroes don't know is that at this very same moment, in the dc universe next door.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and others couldn't help but look up at the crack that suddenly appeared in the sky, showing a solemn look.


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