Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 429: Captain America: We will open the door to the Batman universe!

The latest website: "I think, what Stark means is that our universe and their universe may be connected in the future." Black Widow said so after some contemplation.

This statement made everyone at the scene could not help but light up.

At present, this should be the only possibility that the two universes are related.

"We've gone through so many answers, and there's little doubt that the future will usher in the multiverse era."

Captain America added, "The door to space between us and other universes will inevitably open, so is it possible that the door that is opened is the door between our universe and the Batman universe?"

If that's the case, the Batman universe is all about everyone.

Because the two worlds are very likely to be connected in the future!

"Really Mr. Stark? That's pretty cool!"

Peter Parker became excited all of a sudden, and his face was full of light.

Thinking that one day in the future he can personally visit Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent to ask for autographs, how could Peter Parker calm down?

But others are not so optimistic, because once the door of this universe is opened, it means a huge crisis.

That's the world where Superman lives!

The level of danger in that world is not weaker than his own.

God knows what the ambitious guys in the other world will do once the space door is opened.

But this kind of thing is beyond everyone's control.

The only thing you can do is prepare for the arrival of the multiverse, and that's it.

And this is exactly what everyone has been preparing for.

As for the possibility that Kang the Conqueror might be killed in the future, everyone discussed it for a while, and that's all.

After all, this is also something that no one can interfere with at all.

The information sharing ended in a warm atmosphere, and then everyone discussed other more important matters.

About dealing with the infinite Ultron and transferring all mankind.

Among them, everyone is not too worried about dealing with the infinite Ultron, because **** the infinite Ultron, the method and answering system has been fully demonstrated.

And in such a long time, the super program has long been researched by Tony Stark and others.

It's an upgraded vision!

This is no longer a problem.

In addition, now that everyone has six gems in hand, they are even more confident.

The only real problem now is how to transfer all of humanity.

And the key to solving this problem...

"Stark, Banner, Strange, has there been any progress in the use of the Infinity Stones?"

Nick Fury looked at the members of the "Infinity Stones Research Team" and asked.

"After continuous research and experiments, we can actually use the Infinity Stones very proficiently. However, it is a very grand thing to transfer the entire human beings on the earth!"

Bruce Banner opened his mouth and said to Nick Fury.

This kind of thing is actually not beyond Nick Fury's expectations. After all, it is the most powerful and mysterious thing in the universe. How can it be researched in a short period of time?

"Thor." Tony Stark put his eyes on Thor at this time, "Don't go back to Asgard next, we need you."

"Oh, is it? You Tony Stark, need me?" Thor's face showed a very awkward look.

With Tony Stark's arrogant temperament, he personally said that he needed a person. This is not a treatment that anyone can "enjoy" casually.

It's a "great achievement" that Thor can brag about!

"Forget about Thor, I found that I don't really need you anymore. You can't play any role at all. If I bring tea and water, I can find someone else."

Tony Stark immediately changed his tune when he saw Thor stammered.

Thor's stern face, he really can't stand it.

"Thor, one of the big problems we're having right now is that no one can withstand the power of the Infinity Stones, so many experiments can't be done."

"So, this matter, Thor, we do need your help." Bruce Banner was not as arrogant as Tony Stark, and said so directly to Thor.

"Looks like I'm still needed."

The expression on Thor's face became even more sullen, "Well then... Since you need me so much, then I will reluctantly accept it."

So it's settled.

There is one more member in the "Infinity Stones Research Group": Thor.

A guy like Thor, whose IQ is obviously not enough, will join the research team one day. Can you believe it?

But in any case, with the addition of Thor, the research on Infinity Stones has indeed made a lot of progress.

There were some experiments and conjectures that could not be carried out, but after Thor joined in, they could also be realized.

It can be said that it provides valuable research materials and experimental data for everyone.

Thor, the guinea pig, still gave full play to its value.

With the continuous progress of the experiment, continuous improvement, and continuous accumulation of data, Tony Stark proposed another very constructive idea:

Combine the technology of Hexagon and the power of the Infinity Stones!

"Strictly speaking, the Hexian gate is actually a kind of transmission magic, and he can fully realize our desire to teleport a person to other specific places."

"As for the technology of Hexfeimen, I have already broken through 95%, and there is still the last 5%. Because there is really no time, it has been delayed until now."

"I believe that it will not be too far from the birth of a perfect Hexfeit."

"What if, if we provided a source of energy huge enough to build a hex gate that would cover the entire globe?"

"Can our problem be solved perfectly?"

From a theoretical analysis, this method is indeed more scientific and logical, because in this way, everyone does not have to bet all the treasures on Thor.

Once that giant hex gate is really successful, anyone else can do the same feat without Thor.

There's a lot of going back and forth.

This idea quickly gained support from everyone.

Everyone started working together in this direction.

Sure enough, as Tony Stark said, with the help of Doctor Strange, the "magic advisor", it took only a month of effort to study the first Hexagon.

On that day, everyone carried out an experiment and sent some objects, small animals, etc. to Asgard in turn.

without any problem.

Until the previous experiments did not have any problems, we just carried out the next experiment.

"Vision, carefully record all data!"

In front of Hexfly Gate, Tony Stark explained the vision seriously.

That's right, Vision will serve as an important guinea pig in the second stage to test whether the Hexfeimen will have any harmful effects on the human body.

"Don't worry sir, I understand!" Vision responded directly.

Then, under the gazes of all the answerers, he stood directly in front of Hexfeimen.


Hexfeimen then burst out with a strong light, shrouding Vision's entire body.

By the time the light dissipated, the visionary had completely disappeared.

next moment.

A colorful light lit up outside the base again, but Asgard used the rainbow bridge to teleport the vision back again.

"Congratulations sir, I can only say that the flying gate is very successful. According to my detection, the teleportation will not cause any harm to the human body!"

"The only worry is that people who have motion sickness in the car will be dizzy during the transmission."

Vision came through the wall and sent a congratulatory message to everyone.

"Very good!"


There was a burst of cheers in the base.

Next, Tony Stark, Strange and others also conducted experiments in person, and all of them were successfully transmitted without any accidents.

Hexfeimen, it did work!

Everyone is very excited, this is an epoch-making step for the earth.

This marks that the earth can also enter the interstellar age from now on.

At the very least, it will be very easy to go to Thor and play with Star-Lord.

For everyone, the significance of Hexfeimen's success is far more than that.

This means that the "Transfer All Humanity Plan" is also a big step forward.

Anyway, everyone has already figured out the principle of the hex flying door, and the next step is to come up with an enlarged version.

Infinity Stones only need to be used as an energy source.

This is much safer and easier than directly harnessing the Infinity Stones and using them to teleport directly.

hum! hum! hum!

Just when everyone was in a good mood and ready to fight, a bead on the black panther's hand lit up.

The black panther reached out and patted the bead lightly, and a figure was projected directly.

It was Okoye, captain of the Wakanda Royal Guard.

"Your Majesty, we have just detected a sudden huge energy wave over New Mexico!"

Okoye's expression can be said to be extremely severe.

"How huge is it?"

Captain America immediately asked in a deep voice.

"Big enough...enough to destabilize the space there!"

Okye explained again.

"Ultron!" Vision slowly spit out such a name from his mouth.

After a pause, he added, "Infinite Ultron!"

The answerers at the scene looked at each other, and they all saw a touch of solemnity in each other's eyes.

The huge energy that is enough to penetrate the space, apart from the shuttle from the infinite Ultron, no one can imagine any other possibilities.

"New Mexico?"

Thor was slightly speechless. When he was exiled to the earth by Odin, didn't he just end up in this place unintentionally?

Now the infinite Ultron has come across the universe, and it actually came to this place.

Is it poisonous here?

"Is it finally here?"

Tony Stark sneered, "Very good, then let him stay in our world forever!"


Captain America turned his head at this time and called out to Strange solemnly.

There was no need for Captain America to say more, Strange understood the meaning of the other party, he directly stretched out his hand and drew a space door.

Thor, Vision, Iron Man, who has finished dressing, and other answerers crossed the space gate in turn and appeared in New Mexico.

Braised eggs also shuttled in at the first time, and also brought a large number of agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As expected, everyone saw that in the distant high sky, the huge energy was raging, and the rays of light were bursting non-stop.

An overwhelming sense of oppression suddenly hit his heart.

Even if this time is not the infinite Ultron, it must be a very terrifying existence.

"Evacuate the whole town!"

Braised eggs immediately gave this order to all SHIELD agents.

All the agents took their orders away, and their figures quickly disappeared into the surrounding streets.

And not long after the SHIELD agents just left.

Ka Ka Ka!

A sound like glass breaking suddenly sounded, and cracks appeared in the energy turbulence in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, those cracks shattered directly.

A big hole just appeared.

The barrier between the two universes was just broken!

And a figure wearing a cape and a helmet flew in from that big hole.

It was so high up and suspended in the sky, overlooking the people below.

That gesture, as if he is a **** who dominates everything, and everything in this world is like an ant.

Unlimited Ultron, here we come!

The comer is really the infinite Ultron!

"Interesting, did you actually notice my arrival in advance?"

Infinite Ultron glanced at it and saw that all the heroes in this world had arrived, as if they had been waiting for him for a long time, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Since he became a multiverse-level powerhouse, he doesn't know how many parallel universes he has destroyed.

In every parallel universe, the opponents he actually encountered were similar, nothing more than the people standing below at the moment.

After all, the powerhouses standing at the top of the world in every world are these.

But this is the first time that all these people gathered together in advance to wait for his situation!

"No, very wrong!"

Immediately afterwards, Infinite Ultron felt a little strange Although people are still these people, each of them is different.

It feels completely different from these people in other universes.

It seems to be much stronger than those people!

Even the weakest and weakest Captain America reveals a kind of power at this moment.

Look at the others, what happened to Iron Man's armor?

Much more advanced than other universes, right?

And Thor, the **** of thunder, actually made the infinite Ultron feel a faint oppression!

This universe seems to be different.

However, the surprise of Infinite Ultron was quickly put away. Even so, in front of the power of Infinite Gems, everything was a cloud!

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