Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 124 Awakening Plan

Chapter 124 Awakening Plan
"I do not believe!"

"You must have some kind of trick. This kind of magic is like this. It looks incredible, but in fact, you will find that it is very simple when you break through the fog. Don't try to lie to me, especially——"

Miss Magda Gurzki was walking along the East River in New York with her bare feet and high heels, while laughing and grimacing:

"Especially the excuse of genetic mutation, you might as well tell me that you were taught by a magical wizard in the East."

Eric Lanshel remembered that his father mentioned a mysterious place for mages. They have all kinds of mysterious magical abilities. I don't know if they can really use the so-called magic to twist a spoon into The shape of the flower is restored again.

It seems that the Hudson River will never stop full-loaded freighters. As the west connection river of the Erie Canal that made New York prosperous since the 500th century, this [-]-kilometer-long river is also the economic lifeline of New York State. Seven cities along the way.

"If it's true, Magda, imagine if human beings can really obtain all kinds of incredible powers, just like 'magic', would you want to be one of them?"

Eric smiled heartily, he walked slowly behind this beautiful lady with his hands in his pockets, and said seriously.

Magda was nervous for a moment, thinking about how to answer these words, whether she had aroused the other party's suspicion.

Even Eric Lanshere, an important member of the Howlett family codenamed "Magneto" in the top-secret files of various intelligence agencies, did he know about the actions of the bureau.

"I do not want."

Magda didn't think about it for too long, as long as there was no clear sign that she had been exposed, she should continue to dress up according to the most natural state, and she couldn't get confused.

She followed her own mind, didn't pretend to be smart to please Eric, and continued talking.

"Maybe I'm too easy to be satisfied. When I was a child, I experienced the end of World War II ignorantly. I felt that as long as there was no war, even if life was poor and tiring, it was enough to live peacefully with my family. Magical power must have a price. of."

Magda stopped and stepped on a bench, looking at the never-ending lights of New York City, with an indescribable meaning in her eyes.

Suddenly, she spread her arms to signal Eric to hug her down, rubbed the man's soft short brown hair, concealed the momentary mood swings, and let Eric tell the secret of the magic.

Eric couldn't see any abnormality and walked towards the place where the sports car was parked with his arms around Magda. He felt that what the female detective whose identity was not yet clear was speaking from his heart.

On Capitol Hill Proposal Day, President John F. Kennedy had just finished dealing with a group of members of the leftist party, who questioned the White House's compromise and inaction on the Vietnam War.

Just after taking a sip of water, the conservative former U.S. Army Major General Edwin Partridge suddenly proposed a proposal that made his ribs shudder.

"Mr. President, members of Congress, since the end of World War II, after the "Iron Curtain" speech, the "Hellfire" special forces of the United States and the Soviet Union have fought many times in local intelligence warfare and assault encounters. , and the Soviet soldiers with strange powers are a kind of laboratory modification product."

Senator Partridge, who is of medium height, but has always maintained a good body shape and is blessed without retiring, while waiting for the 430 five members of the House of Representatives and 99 members of the Senator to get their proposals, at the same time expressed his opinion to many Soviet "hells" in the 50s "Fire" is not understood and clear congressmen are doing a general background introduction.

"...But we have been wrong all along, gentlemen, through the research of geneticists and the traces of destruction caused by more and more suspected mutants, we finally realized that this phenomenon of obtaining various strange abilities through genetic mutations, May be born in every ordinary human being."

Mr. President rubbed his arms against his ribs, trying his best to relieve the tingling and itching caused by the suppressant drugs. His mind was a little confused and fuzzy, and the noisy discussions in the parliament hall made his chest swell even more. Out of breath.

"Canyons in southeastern Canada, mountains and hills ten kilometers in diameter have been leveled! There is no sign of any gunpowder weapons or nuclear weapons. We are at a loss until now."

"New York! On the outskirts of New York, a golf course covering an area of ​​nearly ten hectares was in a mess as if it had been hit by a hurricane. Colonel Bob Hendry, who had a connection with the Soviet side, was crushed to death in the rubble."

The senator's words became more passionate, and he even waved his arms tremblingly, as if he was blowing the most heartily during the campaign.

"Look at the reports of SHIELD, the FBI, and the CIA! They are already estimating that such a group of mutants is enough to organize special forces to carry out any beheading missions!"

In the increasingly quiet Capitol Hall, President Kennedy finally felt a little more comfortable. He leaned back on the chair calmly, watching Edwin Partridge's last speech with a sinking face.

"According to current calculations, in the next ten years, there will be one in a thousand newborns in the United States with a genetic mutation rate, that is tens of thousands of mutants, and tens of thousands of hidden dangers that can even threaten national security!"

"Not to mention we don't know how many mutants are already among us!"

In order to express his fervent patriotism to Mr. President, Senator Partridge looked into his eyes with burning eyes when he said the last sentence, but the gloomy and depressed expression of Mr. President made him puzzled I was stunned for a moment.

"So, so... In order to find out the real number and distribution of mutants in the United States, I proposed the 'Awakening Plan', suggesting that under the authority of this bill, the FBI has the right to enforce the law in the United States, and can carry out unreasonable enforcement against mutants. Catch operations, and a long-term push for a constitutional law that mutants must be registered."

"Have you arranged this far? Isn't the pace a bit too fast, which is faster than your original idea"

Dr. Bolivar Trask, who was brought by Director Edgar Hoover to observe, simply stood on the chair, otherwise the parliamentary platform here and the rows of congressmen in front of him would completely block his sight.

He asked the Mr. Bureau Chief next to him in a puzzled voice. This kind of writing was almost what he always did, but it was different from the ideas that this gentleman had discussed with him before.

"Because this is not my arrangement."

Hoover pushed the cotton cover hanging on his stomach for camouflage, and kept his body bent as much as possible, without looking too tall and burly. The skin and muscles on his face tightened a lot, and he looked at least ten years younger. At that time, many congressmen did not recognize the Mr. Director.

Many conservative MPs have stood up to express their support and support Senator Partridge's "Awakening Plan", and more MPs are discussing the details of the mutants.

There are also some who remain silent all the time, just carefully reading this brief intelligence summary and draft proposal word by word.

Edgar Hoover supported the back of the bench in front of him, exerting force unconsciously. Partridge suddenly pointed out the problem of mutants, which was fundamentally helpful to him, but this kind of problem was not his fault. The discomfort in mastering the rhythm made him extremely irritable.

Hoover tried his best to calm his mind. The power of the serum not only allowed his body to return to the peak of his youth, but also broke through the limits of the human body to a certain extent. Although the effect could not be compared with that of young and well-founded special warfare soldiers, it was enough to make him He remained alive for decades to come.

And he was also magnified the most deep-rooted emotions in his subconscious, suspicious and extremely strong desire to control.

Director Hoover didn't pay attention to Senator Partridge in the room or any of the congressmen who were actively participating in the discussion. His protruding eyes, which were much clearer, fixedly stared at the leader of the parliament, Mr. President who was sitting quietly.

Seeing that no matter how hard he tried to remain calm and calm, he couldn't hide his disgusted expression of eating a fly. Hoover firmly realized that this mutant president didn't know anything about it.


A gray-haired member of parliament heard the piercing sound and turned around slowly. He saw the back of the oak chair with two fingers thick cracked in pieces. Looking again, there was only a short, child-like figure standing behind him. Gone.

Senator Edwin Partridge didn't return to Washington's mansion until eleven o'clock in the evening. Today's topic caused an uproar, almost like the scene when the United States sent troops to cross the border.

His wife recently went to Chicago to visit her daughter who had just given birth. In this townhouse not far from the National Gallery of Art, except for the secret service personnel outside, there are only domestic servants who finish work at [-] pm every day.

The senator opened the wine cabinet and fumbled for his collection of old whiskey, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time, thinking that maybe the servant had moved it.

"Whiskey is not as old as possible. Your bottle is at least 30 years old, and there is only oak barrel flavor left."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the restaurant, a man hidden in the shadows spoke in a low voice. His shoulders were extremely broad, with typical three-headed shoulders, and his arms were also unusually thick. He held the wine bottle in his left hand and tapped his fingers lightly. There is a crisp sound.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought that a strong bitter taste is the best. Today's topic has been handed in, and the response has been intense."

"Don't rush the White House through this issue."

The man gently pushed the wine bottle over, slid across the long table with precision, and just landed in the senator's hand, and continued:
"Find out the thoughts of all congressmen and the White House, and let this bill be fully discussed. This process is more important than the result."


Partridge nodded hurriedly, picked up the wine bottle with a slightly flattering look, and poured himself half a glass.

"Thanks to that gentleman for giving me such an opportunity. Mutants are an extremely dangerous special situation, which is a major scourge. Completing this proposal will be an important political capital. Since sir also has ideas about these mutant groups, I will do well."

The man stood up and pushed open the French windows. Finally, a ray of moonlight shone on his face, reflecting the flowing black long hair and the black metal mask covering below the eyes.

Only a pair of extremely sharp eyes stabbed Partridge deeply.

"Everything follows the established rhythm, don't do anything superfluous."

The senator bowed slightly and nodded, and when he looked over, there was no one there, only the opened windows and doors remained.

A chill came through.

(End of this chapter)

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