Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 123 The Path of the Mystic Mage

Chapter 123 The Path of the Mystic Mage

"This is?"

Major William Stryker was holding an unusually heavy wide-brimmed military cap, and looked up and down a few times.

Except for the covered brim and hood, the inside seems to be a half-covered helmet structure made of some kind of pressed metal material, which is very uncomfortable to wear on the head.

Bolivar Trask kept his head up and stared at the tall Mr. Major. He kicked the ottoman beside him, stood on it and looked at the other person at the same level before saying:

"We recovered a strange helmet from a jeep outside the suburban golf course where Colonel Bob Hendry's body was found, presumed to be owned by 'Black Emperor' Sebastian Shaw."

"Its material is mainly lead, and some other materials are added to melt it. After research and testing, it can effectively shield and resist the power of brainwave induction."

Major Stryker corrected the special military cap he was wearing, adjusted to the heavy and extremely uncomfortable feeling, and frowned, as if he thought it was not credible.

"So I need to rely on it to shield that telepath from prying eyes? Is this too easy?"

"Of course not."

Dr. Trask picked up a flat and long black box from the alloy experiment table, fiddled with it and continued:
"To completely shield the psychic power of Professor Xavier, a special helmet with full coverage and more adequate materials is required, and hindering his mind reading is not our purpose. This is tantamount to exposing someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. Guard against him."

The box in Dr. Dwarf's hand hummed slightly, and a red light on it lit up. William Stryker suddenly felt a tremor in the back of his head. The magnitude was not large, but it was obvious enough.

"This device can only sense Charles Xavier's brainwave radiation, just like the brainwave simulator in my hand, which will trigger the wave-sensitive device in the hat, reminding you that Professor Xavier is spying on your mind. "

Trask reached out with his short arms and removed the hat, flipping through it to examine it.

"At the same time, you have to do some polygraph training for intelligence officers, let your brain think as much as possible to focus on simple and pure things, and don't have too many scattered associations. From the perspective of intelligence research and judgment, this professor will indeed not easily detect the spirit of others. And telepathy is often on the superficial level of thinking, but precautions in this regard are still necessary.”

Major William Stryker picked up a stack of reports on mutants and related research. After he was ready and had a thorough understanding of the information, he could officially report to the mutant force department and take up his post.

He flipped through one of the pictures of the dissected mutant's chest cavity, which contained organ structures that stored special fluids, as well as tumor-like protrusions on the epidermis, which looked disgusting.

"When you read these materials, Major, you will understand why mutants will be our worst enemy and at the same time our best weapon, if we can control them perfectly."

Edgar Hoover walked into the room while talking in a deep voice, waved his hand to let Major Stryker put down his solemn salute, and after a few words of encouragement, he signaled that he could leave.

"Are you all ready?"

A scientist from the former Hydera army nodded slowly, and led Mr. Director through the secret door of the laboratory to a secret underground research room.

Arm-thin alloy pipes are laid here and there, and there is a black metal cabin in the center that is big enough for one person to lie down in. Four or five researchers are doing the final work and debugging.

"Sir, the evolutionary transformation technology of the serum is now very perfect, please rest assured."

Director Hoover, who has been in charge of the American intelligence agency since the 30s, stared at the evolution cabin in the middle without saying a word, and let his confidant assistant help him take off his coat and shirt.

With his bare, shriveled chest and bulging belly, like an ugly old spider, he slowly crawled into his lair.

The pace of life in Karma Taj is very slow. There are less than 200 masters and apprentices here, and some are distributed in the three holy places and travel around the world individually.

James Howlett likes to sit on a cliff behind a snow peak and read on days when there is no wind and snow.

For him, the severe cold of minus [-] degrees was as cool as a summer night after the rain. The clear dome evenly sprinkled soft sunlight. The stale smell of the year.

Looking at the books introducing Visandi's magic, James has a more comprehensive understanding of these accurate magic systems that should be called "secret" mages.

The opening of the so-called "magic" means that there is an extremely strong desire in the heart, and then it becomes a reality without obeying the laws of physics and causality. It can be summed up in four words as "everything comes true". influence the real world.

This view is similar to idealism, and it can even be said that "magic" is the product of idealism.

Ordinary people want to master the power of magic and start the path of magic practice.The first step is to have an extremely strong and solid belief in "magic", and open up the vision of the hidden world, so as to have the possibility of communicating with the great existence.

Almost all stories related to "magic" will tell you that a person who does not believe in magic will never be able to learn any spells.

James thought slightly, and the most original life energy burst out from the deepest part of the body, even reaching the cell level. He looked at the blood-red streamer wrapped around his left hand, and tried to build a material form out of thin air like those mystics.

The threshold for becoming a Karma Taj mage is not high. Almost anyone has this possibility. As long as you have absolute belief in magic, the rest is the affinity of communicating with Visandi or other dimensional forces, as well as the specifics. Spell mastery talent.

Therefore, the achievements of each mystic have their own strengths and weaknesses.

James' power all comes from his own body. After several breakthroughs and evolutions, it is majestic enough to gather the energy intensity of the birth body in the body, so that he can easily release the energy outside the body and cause damage in the air.

After further adjusting the release rhythm and skills of these forces, a more powerful killing effect will erupt like one's own martial arts skills, allowing these energies to remain out of thin air after leaving the body, and even shape and structure stably.

At present, it is simply a fantasy.

He carefully released a sliver of energy in the state of Gang Sha, and the flaming red energy crackled and flashed a few times in an extremely unstable manner after leaving his fingertips, and then disappeared like fireworks without a trace.

The Karma Taj mystics themselves, or rather their physical bodies, are still mortal.

When not reciting spells or casting spells, there is no magical energy in the bodies of mages. Mage Ancient One mentioned after the fight that day:
"We collect energy, obtain it from other space dimensions in the multiverse, chant spells, condense mana to cast shields and sharp weapons, and then cast spells."

Mystics are collectors of mana, which is magical energy that they obtain from other sources and do not belong to them.

Even the borrowing of these magics has to bear a certain price. The more the communication borrows the power of the dangerous and powerful dimension master or the hidden existence, the more serious the backlash will be.

The source of white magic, the ancient god who is closely related to the earth, the Trinity Weishandi God, is already the most positive source of mana with the least negative impact.

James suddenly thought that at the end of the battle, when the ancient mage turned the mirror images into reality and smashed the thousand-meter-high peaks at him, the rune symbols raised between his eyebrows seemed to be different from the magic power she used. same.
"As I said, you don't have the talent of a mage, and this kind of power reference is just a conjecture, which is difficult to establish."

The supreme mage walked out of the gate of light, and the scene on the other side seemed to be the interior of a certain sanctuary, with magnificent and ancient stone platforms and halls.

"Your spirit and will are strong enough, but they are deeply entangled with your body. At the same time, you only believe in your own strength. It is impossible to believe in ancient gods or great beings that communicate with any dimension and space."

Gu Yi was wearing a one-piece yellow mage robe, and the index fingertip of his right hand was gently rubbing a brass pendant on his chest, which seemed to be in the shape of an eye, looking simple and mysterious.

She reached out calmly, and simply drew a bright yellow line of mana in the air. She didn't need to say the spell aloud, but just meditated in her mind.

With a light tap of the fingertips and a flip of the palm, the single line blooms with fine and delicate streamers, crackling and turning into the shape of a folding fan spread out on one side.

The mage held the mana-built fan and shook it lightly. The exquisite shape even had hollow patterns and complex spell lines, but it was like an ordinary folding fan in her hand.

"For a mystic, such a material construction is not difficult. Spells and spell-casting gestures are like keys to unlock some kind of machinery. I think it will be easier for you to understand."

Gu Yi waved his hand to disperse the mana folding fan, and then outlined various basic square, circle, triangle and other shapes in mid-air, combining to form a strange magic wall, watching the symbols and spells slowly rotate.

"The shape and characteristics of these magical creations are magical tools that have been created and perfected. As long as the forging steps are correct and the mana is sufficient, they can be successfully shaped and controlled quickly."

James watched Master Gu Yi's explanation seriously, and asked with a spirit of inquiry:
"Then these spells, um, 'models', who created them, did they all come from the powerful existence of these sources of mana?"

"The most basic and effective magic formulas are derived from the masters of these dimensions. The power characteristics or skills they are good at form various spell forms."

"Of course, since ancient times, there have been many talented mages who have researched and built unique mana models, and expanded and discovered the system of secret arts."

Gu Yi opened a door of light and brought James back to the temple of Karma Taj. Her physical essence was not beyond the scope of ordinary humans. If it was not necessary, she would not rely on mana to increase her strength and physical strength.

The Xuefeng outside the barrier was too cold for her.

"Then mages can only be one forever. 'Borrowers', repeating the path of the predecessors, trapped in the ceiling of magical power, and can't become the source of magical power by themselves?"

James was wearing a blue mage robe and shoulder-length fluffy black hair. As he walked into the round portal with a steady and unrestrained gait, he frowned and asked the mage.

As a human being whose physiology is suspected to be female, the ancient mage has a tall figure of nearly 1.7 meters 1.9, but James, a majestic warrior over [-] meters behind him, does not seem to be as solemn and oppressive as usual in the temple.

"Where do you think the masters of these dimensions come from? Some of them are ancient gods who are involved in the secrets of the birth of the universe, and some of them have abandoned their physical bodies, so as to communicate with the power of a space dimension and finally merge with the only ancient mage."

"The universe has been born and operated for countless years, and the civilization of the earth and human beings is still very young. Today, safe and discoverable unowned dimensions are too rare, and they are harder to find than the gravel in the sea."

James could hear the unwillingness and rebelliousness in the cold and indifferent words of the supreme mage.

For her, perhaps it was this kind of helplessness at an untimely birth that forced her to live in this small world.

 One of Panpan's pursuits for this book is to discover and complete the reality of this universe, so that the various power systems, racial struggles and historical secrets in it will be more consistent.

(End of this chapter)

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