Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 15. PROJECT: Yasuo!

"Luck really is on my side today," Noah said, looking at the last item from the chest. Today was clearly his lucky day.

[Skin acquired: PROJECT Yasuo. The PROJECT leadership created warriors by implanting the genes of ancient heroes into mechanical human bodies. Note: Summoners receiving this power do not require cybernetic modification; the system will convert PROJECT: Yasuo into a combat suit and transfer it to the Summoner.]

"PROJECT: Yasuo! I actually have Yasuo!" Noah exclaimed, excited about getting the skin. Unlike with Program: Lissandra, where he couldn't use the full potential due to not owning the champion, this time he could fully utilize PROJECT because he had the champion.

This skin is part of the sci-fi "PROJECT" series from League of Legends. In this alternate universe where technology has reached unimaginable heights, the PROJECT corporation created warriors by fusing ancient hero genes with mechanical human bodies. Yasuo was one of the first of these warriors.

"A combat suit? Like Iron Man's?" Noah thought, thrilled that he wouldn't need to become a cyborg.

"Go ahead, system," he said, ready to receive his first combat suit. After all, every man dreams of having a combat suit!

Standing in his living room, Noah awaited the system's activation. Suddenly, a bright flash appeared before him, and a high-tech combat suit floated in the air, accompanied by a sword in metallic sheaths and an information disk.

He stepped closer to inspect the PROJECT Yasuo suit. He noticed that the suit looked slightly different from the original skin, appearing more form-fitting and reminding him of Raiden's suit from Metal Gear Solid.

He walked around the suit, feeling the cold metallic surface and admiring its elegance. But one question remained—how to put it on?

Just as Noah was pondering this, Lissandra, who had been observing the entire process, floated toward him and emitted a scanning beam, illuminating the entire suit.

"Scan complete. Master, do you need help putting on the suit?" Lissandra asked, having connected to the combat suit's system.

"Oh, that's great, Lissandra! You're just amazing! Let's give it a try," Noah replied, feeling delighted. Having his own AI turned out to be incredibly useful! He gently patted Lissandra's metallic sphere to show his appreciation.

Lissandra, in turn, felt joy from the praise. Her consciousness had evolved, developing human-like emotions.

Under her control, the various parts of the suit began moving toward Noah. First came the legs: Noah lifted his leg, and the back part of the suit's leggings unfolded, wrapping around his leg. Then, the torso and arm parts followed, carefully enveloping his body. Finally, Noah put on the helmet, and a glowing Y-shaped line lit up on the front, indicating the process was complete.

Noah moved his arms, feeling how the suit fit perfectly, without restricting his movements, like regular clothes. Through the helmet visor, he could see the surrounding environment, while streams of data occasionally flickered across the top of the screen.

Noah approached a mirror to get a better look at himself. The high-tech suit hugged his body, replacing the usual red scarves and other elements with futuristic armor. A utility belt hung at his waist. Since Noah had short hair, the helmet lacked the long white hair like Yasuo's.

"This is awesome!" he exclaimed, looking at himself in the mirror. The futuristic combat suit perfectly matched his vision of beauty and power.

He picked up the sword that came with the suit—a tempered plasma blade from the PROJECT series.

[Tempered Plasma Blade: The plasma blade is capable of severing the molecular bonds of any object it touches.]

Noah gripped the hilt firmly and drew the blade. A high-tech long katana with an orange blade, as thin as a dragonfly's wing, emerged. Due to the plasma tempering, the blade became denser and harder, with a smooth and incredibly sharp surface.


Noah swung the blade through the air. The sharp edge sliced through the air, producing a whistle.

After performing a few elegant strikes, he dramatically sheathed the blade in its metallic scabbard and attached it to his tactical belt.

Having tested the combat suit, Noah felt its impact. Firstly, it was comfortable to wear, without feeling stifling. Secondly, he noticed an increase in strength when he delivered a few strikes, accompanied by the whistling sound. Unfortunately, the suit didn't allow him to fly like Iron Man.

Lissandra, who had been watching him, floated over, holding the third item that came with the suit—the information disk.

"Master, I've already analyzed this disk. It contains all the information about the suit," Lissandra said, handing the disk to Noah.

Taking the disk, Noah said, "All the information about the suit? Excellent, I'll be able to upgrade it myself."

Lissandra responded, "Master, under the right conditions, I can use nanotechnology to enhance this suit."

"Really? That's amazing!" Noah exclaimed, immediately thinking of Iron Man's Mark L suit, which he had loved in the movie.

"Yes, but it will require the appropriate equipment and materials," Lissandra explained.

"Got it. We can't do it right now. But in the future, when I have the money, I want to build a large lab and integrate Hextech into the suit," Noah said.

In his mind, Heimerdinger's memories were still fresh, and he had countless ideas for researching and upgrading the suit. However, this would require substantial funds.

"By the way, Lissandra, don't call me 'Master.' It feels weird. Just call me Noah," he requested, feeling uncomfortable with the formal title.

"Understood, Ma... Noah," Lissandra replied.

"Great! New gear calls for a test. Let's go, Lissandra," Noah said, preparing to head out. Wearing the suit made him feel fantastic, and he was eager to put it to the test.

Understanding his intentions, Lissandra flew toward his helmet and merged with it, using nanotechnology.

"Wow, that's cool," Noah exclaimed as the helmet's interface changed after Lissandra's integration. He had always thought that Iron Man's helmet interface looked really impressive.

"Let's go, Lissandra!"

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