Chapter 13: Successful Rescue
Rody landed a safe distance from the Ten Rings' stronghold and swiftly dealt with his captive using a hidden blade from his Green Goblin gauntlet. In the desert, corpses rarely lasted more than two days before scavengers took care of them, so Rody didn't bother burying the body.
For two days, he observed the movements within the valley fortress, gathering intel. He had brought only a small supply of water and food, but his Green Goblin armor's temperature control system ensured he was neither scorched by the desert sun nor chilled by the night winds.
From his vantage point, Rody counted around 40 permanent guards, but the fluctuating numbers suggested that this was only one of several strongholds. Some of the terrorists likely left in small raiding parties, while others rotated in from different locations.
He chose to infiltrate the base at night, waiting until the shift change when the guards were at their laziest. Since the thrusters on the Green Goblin Glider might draw attention, he instead approached the valley on foot, carefully making his way down the dunes.
Deploying retractable climbing blades from his gloves and bootsan OsCorp prototype he scaled the sheer rock face in near silence. Clad in black, he blended seamlessly into the darkness.
Two guards stationed at the entrance were barely managing to stay awake, yawning as they leaned against the rock wall. They had bribed their superior officers for an easier shift schedule, dreaming of finishing up and getting some rest.
Before they even realized what was happening, a sweet-smelling vapor engulfed them. Rody had deployed a specialized sleeping gas an enhanced version of Norman Osborn's formula. The two terrorists slumped over unconscious.
As Rody walked past them, he extended a pair of wrist-mounted blades and swiftly slit their throats. His inexperience in using such weapons showed; he cut too deep, nearly decapitating one of them. What should have been a quick, clean kill left him covered in blood.
Disgusted by the mess, he muttered, "No wonder Norman Osborn always had a reputation for excessive violence."
After disposing of the bodies, he set up a proximity-triggered Pumpkin Bomb one of the classic Green Goblin explosives. If anyone investigated the missing guards, they'd be in for a deadly surprise.
The cave tunnels were narrow and labyrinthine, but Rody had experience with reconnaissance. Using OsCorp's sonar mapping tech enhanced with Stark Industries' AI protocols he quickly built a virtual blueprint of the base.
A section packed with machines and high-energy readings stood out immediately: Tony Stark's makeshift workshop.
Moving swiftly and silently, Rody avoided most guards. The ones he encountered didn't even have time to raise their weapons before his rotor blades sliced through their throats.
Two armed guards stood outside Tony's cell. Before they could react, Rody's wrist-mounted rotary blades decapitated them in an instant.
Looking at the carnage, he muttered, "Yeah… This is a bit more horror movie than superhero movie. No wonder Spider-Man doesn't do this kind of thing."
Reaching the heavy steel door, he tapped lightly and called out, "Tony, are you in there?"
After a brief pause, Tony's voice came from inside. "Rody? That you?"
"Hey, cousin! Your Middle Eastern vacation is running a bit long. Pepper sent me to pick you up. She was worried you'd fall for some exotic dancer and never come back."
"Damn, I wish! These lunatics didn't even give me a single issue of Playboy! What kind of barbarians are they?" Tony groaned.
Rody chuckled. "Okay, step back. Time to get you out of here."
A high-energy laser cutter extended from his wrist gauntlet, slicing through the five-inch-thick steel door lock in seconds.
When the door swung open, Tony looked rough unshaven, exhausted, and malnourished but otherwise intact. The faint glow of the arc reactor in his chest confirmed he had at least finished building it.
"Man… that armor looks insane," Tony said, staring at the Green Goblin suit. "Did you modify one of my designs?"
"No time for nerd talk," Rody replied. He glanced at the other prisoner, Dr. Ho Yinsen, and asked knowingly, "And this guy?"
Tony nodded. "This is Dr. Yinsen. He saved my life. But there are a lot of armed guys outside. Think you can handle them?"
Before Rody could answer, a distant BOOM shook the cave.
Jarvis' voice came through his earpiece. "Sir, the explosive you placed at the entrance has been triggered."
Rody smirked. "Well, that answers that question."
He turned to Tony. "Give me a minute. Jarvis, send the Glider to create a distraction."
The Green Goblin Glider, now on autopilot, roared into the valley. Twin-mounted Gatling guns unleashed a deadly hail of bullets, while micro-explosive charges and incendiary grenades set off a firestorm.
Chaos erupted as terrorists scrambled for cover. Some fired blindly into the sky, but without anti-air weapons, they stood no chance.
Meanwhile, Rody led Tony and Yinsen through the darkened tunnels, eliminating the few remaining guards with precision strikes. The brutality of the kills made Tony uneasy, but he knew they had no other choice.
Once they reached the cave's exit, Rody secured ropes around Tony and Yinsen before scaling the rock wall with them in tow. The enhanced strength of the Green Goblin suit allowed him to carry both men up the sheer cliff face.
By the time they reached the top, both hostages were breathless but relieved.
"Alright, gentlemen," Rody said, retrieving his Glider. "Break time's over."
He activated the emergency gondola attachment a small, foldable hoverboard and secured Tony and Yinsen inside before taking off.
Rather than flying straight to New York, Rody set course for the nearest U.S. military base. Even if he could endure the long flight, the two scientists wouldn't.
As they approached the base's perimeter, Rody contacted Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes. Within minutes, they were granted clearance.
As soon as Tony touched down, Rhodey rushed forward, visibly relieved.
"Tony, you look like hell," Rhodey said, shaking his friend's hand.
"Yeah, well, you try being kidnapped by terrorists and see how fresh you look after," Tony shot back.
Despite the joking, there was clear emotion behind their words.
After a quick debriefing, Rody was finally able to rest.
He slept soundly for the first time in days. When he woke up, Pepper Potts was already on her way to Afghanistan to reunite with Tony.