Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 46 – Battle in Sokovia (4)

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"Well, that's it. Thanks for the chat"

Said Peter, skillfully turning around as he swapped web cartridges and walked towards the door.

"And man, today has been crazy. Who would have thought the city would be flying?"

Peter said, kicking the door and then shooting his webs at some robots, knocking them to the ground.



After destroying three approaching robots, Steve spots two more coming. Looking to the side, he sees a car about to fall. He has to make a quick decision: destroy the robots or save the two people inside the car. Without hesitation, he runs towards the vehicle and manages to hold it. Unfortunately, the approaching robots start shooting, causing the ground beneath the car to give way, leading it to fall. Luckily, Thor appears in time and saves the people by throwing the car upward, destroying one of the robots in the process. Thor grabs his hand and tosses him up, which is caught by Steve as he leans on a rock.

After Steve takes the woman to a safe place, she flees in fear. Thor arrives at the top and continues walking, followed closely by Steve, who comments.

"Seriously, man. Why did it take you so long? Were you sleeping, by any chance?"

On the other side of the city, Natasha dodges several shots while trying to face a horde of robots that keeps approaching. The same thing happens on Steve and Thor's side. Steve throws his shield at various robots and calls it back, while Thor hits the robots with his lightning and throws them towards the buildings. After a robot attacks Thor, he dodges and throws it towards a truck, which explodes and destroys a significant portion of Ultron's army. Upon witnessing this, Ultron looks at Thor with a gaze full of rage.


Ultron shouts, grinding his teeth with hatred, looking at Thor.

Without wasting time, Ultron flies at high speed towards Thor, who, due to the villain's rapid attack, is taken by surprise. After grabbing Thor, Ultron grabs the thunder god's neck and starts squeezing while staring at him with pure hatred.

"You're really starting to make me very angry"

Ultron asserts, removing Thor from the scene and taking him to a more secluded area.

Back on the battlefield where Peter was, he was managing with some difficulty but was destroying all the robots coming his way. However, in the process, he also got quite injured, with cuts all over his body and his suit full of gashes. Even though hurt and almost falling, he refused to give up and kept standing.

However, one of the robots managed to hit him directly, throwing him towards a door. Dazed, he couldn't get up.

On the ground and still recovering from the impact, Peter realized that the robot that had hit him was approaching to deliver a final blow. Quickly, he activated his web shooters and shot the robot, preventing it from advancing. However, his actions were in vain, and to complicate the situation further, other robots emerged, advancing towards him with a bloodthirsty intent, ready to annihilate him.

Just when he was about to be attacked, fortunately, the door behind him, where Wanda was, opened by itself, and she emerged using her magic, which was much stronger than before. Thus, she destroyed and shredded several robots, turning them into various metal balls. But this time, Wanda was different; now she was more determined, more confident, and, above all, more courageous.

"You did great"

Peter praised, giving a thumbs-up to Wanda.

"Thank you"

Wanda said, thanking Peter for the compliment while trying to hide her face in embarrassment.

"You're very injured, don't you want to treat yourself first?"

Peter responded to Wanda's question with a nod, trying to get up still with some difficulty.

"Are you okay?"

Wanda asked, concerned as she saw him grimace in pain.

"I am, just a bit out of shape"

Peter said, letting out a brief laugh, and making Wanda laugh too.

After Peter and Wanda managed to clear the area where they were, Clint appeared there and was impressed with what the two of them alone had accomplished. Clint looked at the pile of destroyed robots on the ground while connecting his communicator and trying to establish a connection with Steve through it.

"Captain, we've cleared the area"

Steve, who was on the other end of the line, was still facing several robots.

"No, Barton, we're far from clearing this mess"

Steve said with some difficulty.

"Captain, we've already..."

Before Peter could complete his sentence, a gray beam passed between him and Clint, picked up Wanda, and left immediately; that was Pietro.

"Let's see if you can keep up now, web-head"

Pietro said, teasing Peter.

Seeing Peter's face, Clint offered his bow with an arrow to him.

"Come on, kid, it's just a shot. No one would know. No one"

Clint said, encouraging Peter.

"This kid drives me crazy sometimes. If I'm not mistaken, the last time I saw him, Ultron was making a fool out of him"

Peter commented, maintaining an ironic tone as he watched Pietro disappear at an impressive speed.

"He may be like that, but I think I'll miss the little troublemaker"

Clint said, joining in the banter with the same ironic tone.

"Only if it's you. I wouldn't miss that kid a bit"

Peter replied as he and Clint left, heading towards where Steve was.

Meanwhile, back to Ultron and Thor, the villain was taking our hero towards the church. After they arrived there, Ultron threw Thor forcefully towards the church floor and, without wasting time, started punching the face of our hero relentlessly.

Not far from there, Pietro had taken Wanda to the other side of the city, where there were several robots attacking the police trying to stop their advances. After arriving there, Wanda immediately started destroying all the robots. One of the guards, realizing that they were allies, asked the others to cease fire. In the midst of this, a bullet grazed Pietro's arm. He turned with a disbelieving look to the guards.




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