Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 45 – Battle in Sokovia (3)

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With Sokovia now floating in the sky, the Avengers would face an even more desperate situation. Fear began to spread among the civilians, running in panic as the city teetered on the brink of collapse.

"Now you'll see how beautiful and glorious the inevitable is. Today, you've risen only to fall before me. You, Avengers, are my meteor that will fall upon the earth, and you won't be able to do anything to prevent it"

Ultron declared in the sky above Sokovia, which continued to levitate.

Following this, Ultron began to take control of the robots on the battlefield, aiming to further infuriate and delay the Avengers. After taking possession of a robot falling near Peter and Wanda, the robot rose, and Ultron began to speak.

"You can expel me from the networks as much as you want, but your extinction, the human race's, is inevitable."

"My God, has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?"

Peter questioned, staring at one of Ultron's robots hovering above them before webbing it.

Next, Peter pulled the robot down after shooting the web. However, before being destroyed, Ultron spoke his final words in that chassis.

"Your extinction is just the beginning of a new dawn, and when the dust settles, a new world will emerge. Unfortunately, you won't be alive to see it happen, and when it does, the only living thing on this planet will be of metal."

Ultron resonated through the robot, which then self-destructed. While Ultron tried to buy time by occupying the minds of the Avengers, Sokovia continued to rise higher in the air. Meanwhile, in hiding, Bruce managed to save Natasha, who threw Bruce off a cliff to trigger his transformation into the Hulk, which succeeded. Pietro continued to destroy the robots as best he could. Tony, on the other hand, was in the air, searching for a way to bring Sokovia down without causing massive destruction.

"Boss, the Vibranium core is covered by a magnetic field that's keeping the rock afloat."

Friday informed, analyzing the device.

"And if the rock falls?"

Tony asked.

"If it falls now, the impact will kill thousands of people, but if it keeps rising, it will result in the extinction of all present inhabitants."

Friday responded gravely. While Sokovia continued to ascend, Friday alerted Tony that a building about to collapse still had people inside. After entering the site, Tony encountered a family. Examining the house for something to save the family, he spotted the bathtub and asked the three to get in, managing to escape just as the building collapsed.

"Boss, there's a horde of enemies heading towards the bridge."

Friday warned.

Absorbing the information provided by Friday, Tony activated his communicator and tried to contact Steve.

"Captain, there's a horde of robots heading your way."

Tony said while taking the people he had saved to a safe location.

"They've already arrived here..."

Steve replied, with some difficulty, after throwing himself towards a car.

"Stark, just worry about finding a way to bring the city down again."

Steve continued, turning off the communicator signal with Tony and calling the others.

"And the rest of us have only one task: end these things. If you get hurt, strike back. And if you die..."

Steve said, making a pause before continuing.

"Get up and keep fighting."

"I find this last task kind of impossible to fulfill."

Pietro thought, having stopped to rest for a second in an alley.

Meanwhile, Wanda continued guiding people who hadn't managed to escape to a safe place. Peter was covering for her, webbing the robots. At one point, he threw them down, and at another, he destroyed them by tossing them towards the buildings. Unfortunately, many robots appeared, hindering Peter, who was grazed on the arm.

Seeing this, Wanda became concerned about Peter in a way he couldn't yet explain, and in a brief slip, she too was almost hit, saved by Clint.


Clint said, drawing Peter's attention, who turned to see him pointing towards a house.

"Hide in there."

Understanding Clint's plan, Peter quickly webbed Wanda, pulling her towards him, and then entered the house quickly.

Inside, Wanda started to panic, reflecting on what she had done.

"What did I do? How did things get to this point?"

"Hey, relax, it'll be okay, we'll figure this out."

Peter said, placing his hand on her shoulders to calm her.

"No, it won't, because this is all our fault."

She said, unable to hold back the tears and starting to cry.

Seeing her cry, Peter felt a pain in his chest. Not understanding this feeling, he simply put his hand on her face and started wiping away her tears.

"Hey, look at me!"

Peter said, turning her face and, for a moment, being enchanted by those beautiful eyes.

While Peter gazed into Wanda's eyes, something inside him began to change. A strange and powerful feeling stirred in his chest, but he couldn't exactly identify what it was. However, in that moment of chaos and desperation, Peter felt a special connection with Wanda.

"The question now isn't whether you're guilty or not, but whether you can help me with this. Can you? Because I need help, and I can't do all of this alone. I know we're facing an army of robots, and it feels more like we're in the machine rebellion, but unfortunately, I'm just a kid from Queens who climbs walls."

Peter said, looking at Wanda with determination on his face.

Wanda, with her eyes still teary, stared at Peter for a moment before taking a deep breath and composing herself. Meanwhile, outside, a robot tried to invade the house through the window, but Peter, with his quick reflexes, managed to destroy the robot by breaking its head with his hand.

"Look, I'm going to have to go back outside."

Peter says, as he removes his mask.

"Because this is my job, right? And I can't do it and be the protector all the time. I don't care what you've done in the past or who you were before all this happened, but if you've decided to put your feet out there, you're going to have to fight. You're going to have to fight to kill. If you decide to stay inside, I'll warn your brother to come here. But if you really set foot outside, you'll be an avenger."

After saying these words, Peter kisses Wanda on the forehead and gets up, heading for the door.




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