Chapter 144: Inside the treasury
After hearing about the situation with the old monster of golden Griffin clan, Leon became tense. The whole thing had come to a boiling point without him even noticing.
A level 5 existence had been born in duan city under the nose of every power here, and no one knew. It was embarrassing.
"Maximum effort" Leon streched his back and in the next second broke into a mad sprint down the hallway.
In times of hardship, only the truly versatile would triumph. And who more versatile than Leon? Situations more dangerous and sensitive than this.....he had been through them tens of times.
Now would be any different from those times, he would succeed.
As Leon sprinted through the dark gloomy tunnels that was the royal Palace, the traps in the area began to activate madly, as if the Palace was angry at him
The truth was, this was not the first time that Leon had been in the Palace in the past few days.
He had been here more than 5 times since then and every time he made progress the Palace traps became wilder and wilder trying by all means to stop him.
Leon was succeeding in conquering the Palaces boobytraps. Things previously thought impossible by the warlocks and mages of duan city. They believed that it was impossible to successfully circumvent the Palace.
But this wasn’t true. In fact what leon was doing wasn’t that special. During the past few days, he had mapped out and completely experienced all that the Palace had to give him. He was use to it.
The solution laid with the ability to experience the Palaces traps a multitude of times.
"This is it, If I fuck up now then getting back here will be impossible"
Approaching a hallway, Leon slowed down gradually until he came to a halt.
In front of him was a hallway that led to a room with the ancient inscriptions "treasure" labelled before it.
The treasury was Leon’s first hint as to the whereabouts of eternal heart flower. Where else could they keep it? Leon noticed that the royalty wasn’t even in control of this place.
What really controlled it was the Palaces automation.
This was a shocking decovery for Leon. The reason he didn’t meet any duan royal family members in the Palace was because they had no authority here.
Their rule was but a sham
Leon opened up a bag and pulled out several bottles of healing potions and started gulping them down. For this next part. He needed all the strength he could muster.
In several parts of duan city, faceless mercenaries in black cloaked covering their entire body could be seen sneaking around.
"Boss, we are ready at unit one, two and four. The others have begun setting up" one of the faceless mercenaries snuck into an alleyway and whispered into the darkness.
"It is good to wait, he hasn’t shown his hand yet" from inside the dark shadows, another faceless mercenary commented.
This one didn’t seem or sound like the other. He spoke from a place authority. He was clearly leading this operation here.
"Then we shall wait" the faceless mercenary whom had come to deliver his message saluted before slowly leaving the alleyway.
"Once the signal is given, we will show them that the faceless mercenary company Is not to be messed with"
The man said with confidence.
He had lost comrades, friends, the man he looked up to and the girl of his dreams. All because of the schemes of those who thought themselves to be more powerful than them.
Now they would see, they would understand...
This person was none other than Darknorth...the events that had happened to him during these past few months had pushed him to be disgruntled by how things were being run in the faceless mercenary company.
If he were in charge his first cause of action would be to immediately break Damien out of jail. And with Damiens strength they would lay seigge to the Dalriss Household and over take it. Freeing jade from their clutches.
Not alot of people shared his sentiments though, most wanted to respect the royalty....others wanted to maintain their new found power...except for one person.
Badur wanted them to release jade and Damien and wax ready to go to war for it. At least those were the rumors that were circulating around.
A few days ago, Leon approached him with a plan to free Damien and Darknorth immediately jumped on board.
They just had to wait for Leon’s signal.
The bruised and beaten body of Leon could be seen running around the walls of a hallway dodging traps.
The ground was flaming with Molten magma and the walls had knifes and deadly weapons sticking out of it.
The hall to the treasury was teeming with booby traps from hell and any normal person would look at it and understand that it was an impossible task.
Not Leon though, he was currently dangling from a pair of daggers stabbed into the walls of the hall.
"There" an openining appeared in front and threw his dagger forward stabbing the region where a now retacted blade use to be.
Then he swung over, this method, he had, to do it over and over in small intervals...the heat and occasionally appearing daggers were a bother.
But at the end Leon was able to reach the end
"Congratulations, to cahllager on reaching treasury number 1 of the kingdom of eldoria"
[Using Authority to grant access]
Before Leon knew it, the gates swung open and drew Leon who was still hanging on the ceiling directly into the room.
"Wow," Leon looked around the treasury with a clear look of astonishment. The room was brimming with treasures of the highest grades.
Not just weapons though, amour and even cooking utensils?
The place was a sight worthy of admiration
"Unfortunately I only have about 3 authorities left" Leon said to himself.
He spent the better have of the last few days fighting against monsters in the Palaces dungeon amassing a large number of authorities.
He didn’t really improve In strength doing this, but he gain authority and that was all he needed at this point
But he had blown them off as easily as he got them.
"Let’s see, at least I should get something while I’m here, save the last one for the flower"
Leon mused as he looked around the room..3 authority meant that he had the chance to choose 3 treasures from the treasury.
With the quality of the things here, it meant he was about to gain some pretty useful stuff.
"First things first, protection" Leon smiled and looked at the amour section
There were a variety of amour with different designs and aesthetics. They ran from being elegant and well defined, to being brutish and plane.....however, they were all strong.
With the lowest being at grade 3.
Yes, the treasury was filled with grade 3 treasures. In the outside world this place would be worth a couple estates In the city
"That one, and that one" Leon didn’t waste time.
He picked an amour set that radiated a redish hue that struck fear In the heart. It was like a beast about to pounce in its prey.
As for the second thing he was surprisingly a necklace.....however this necklace seemed to be special.
It had the design of the purple heart eternal flower on had to be related in some way.
Leon mused.
"Hmmm still no sign of the flower!!" Leon frowned deeply.
The purple heart eternal flower was the only reason he was in duan city, not being able to find it was beyond disappointing.
"What do I do" Leon thought to himself....but before he could think too far another announcement resounded from the Palace automation
[Challanger has fulfilled requirements of a legacy
Opening legacy challenge]
He didn’t even know how it happened or why but all of a sudden another door appeared and he was pulled into it with Incredible Force.
Leon felt helplessness, it was from one thing to another in this place. If he wasn’t a hardened warrior. He might have suffered some sort of ptsd from this place.
"So dark" Leon observed his surroundings with a frown.
The place was like a space with no beginning or sort of felt like the void, Leo hated this place already.
"Someone has finally come for my legacy"
A hushed voice resounded in the dark not to far away from Leon.
Leon couldn’t hear this voice felt like it was coming from the thoughts of a being in the dark.
But in truth, it wasn’t a was a distant memory fragment living the joy of an awaited inheritor that never came or will never come
This voice. Belonged the the first in name of the duan family....the sleeping level 5 mage of miracle