Mafia Deadline

Chapter 95: Chapter 94 Known Deals

"I would get out of..." 

Ceth cut him off, pushing his away from the door. He fell down, staring at her before she opened the door, giving him a glance before leaving them, Maxien grabbed Blake's arm and helped him up

"I can't believe you had done this." Maxien muttered

Blake dusted off his suit while saying, "Why wouldn't I? I said what I wanted and got it as well. Did you expect any less from me?"

"No, I didn't, Blake," Maxien mutters shakily

"Then let's get out of this place..."

Blake walked out of the room first, leaving Maxien there before she followed him, The room was quiet before a shaky breath could be heard.

"Avalon, that was,"

"Too close yeah,"

Avalon let go of Ally, feeling the weight of how much of her energy she had to use. She felt it on her head, moving toward her chest. Ally took notice of this and placed her hand on Avalon's arm,

"Avalon, do you need a minute,"

"No warn Damien,"

Ally nodded, grabbed her phone, and called him, Avalon looked over at the window, noticing a black cloud on the edge of the window. It stretched out towards the other building, chasing something.

"Ally, have you gotten hold of him,"

Avalon let out, walking towards the window, Ally held her phone to her ear and watched Avalon walk to the window,

"Nothing yet," Ally let out,

Avalon saw the shadow swirling on the building in front of the Barcirtty. There were four people on it with the shadow around them. Ally heard the phone shut off, and she placed it in her pocket, standing next to Avalon. She looked at Avalon, saying,

"Are we going to help them?"

Avalon tried to get a better look and saw that one of them had a familiar shine to them, her crystal. Avalon let out a sigh,

"Is there any other way to get up there without breaking the window?"

Ally looked ahead and shook her head. She started to take out her rope,

"Nope, i don't think they will last long with the shadow helping the hands of Ceth," Ally said

"Well then, let me break the window,"

Avalon told her that stepping back and having a crystal appear, she looked ahead, aiming for the one that had the crystal. She saw the person moving pulling out a handgun, and she threw the crystal. The window broke, and Ally shot the grappling hook, Ally went to tie the other end while Avalon had gotten her glove on, 

"Done," Ally let out 

Avalon grabbed onto the rope and slid down to the building, She heard Ally behind her. However, she felt the dons power from under her. She kept looking ahead, thinking, 

 "They have something with them, like Blake and I," 

Marcello hits one of Ceths hands with the back of his gun. He moves away from Marcello, holding his head before cussing, 

"Dammit, you lying..." 

The man stopped by Damien shooting his gun at him but Ui moved him, Ethn glared at the two standing beside his brother, before a thud could be heard not too far from them, He looked to his left side and saw what his aunt warned him about... warned them both about. The shining light of ninianne City that was gone returned. Avalon Clover. if you see her leave, then come back to them. 

Avalon landed on the roof and took one last look behind her, seeing their eyes on her. She looked back at the men in front of her, the one on the left stared at her distreested, she can see his light gold eyes shifting from her to Marcello and Damien, while the right hand glared at her unease. his eyes shine a turquoise, but the gold from his mother still resided there, Avalon stepped closer to them, causing Ethn to aim his gun at her, 

"You stay there," He snarled 

Avalon looked at him unbothered and glanced at Marcello,

 "Are you ok?" Avalon asked 

Marcello looked worse for ware, having a part of his attire cut to sunder, with blood dripping from the ripped clothing. It seems that her sons have something that she has. Marcello had his gun pointed at Ethn while his other reached to grab one of his throwing axes, 

"I'm fine, Avalon, just dealing with these issues," Marcello told her, 

Ethn scoffed at him and gave him a glare,

 "Says you, Sickle," Ethn snared 

Marcello shook his head before hearing a gun fire next to him, Damien looked at him irritate, however, the coldness of his stare made Ethn rethink his attack into something of a retreat. 

"You will not shame us like that," Damien said 

Ethn scoffed, leaning to his brother whisping in his ear. He stopped feeling his foot burn. Ethn moved back and saw that Avalon had thrown another crystal at them. He looked up and saw that Avalon was walking towards them with a weapon appearing in her hand,

"Ally, look over them. I will have a talk with these hands," Avalon commanded 

Ally went to Damien first while Marcello kept his aim on them, watching Avalon, trying to intraplate what she was doing, Enth stepped back, glancing at UI who had the same uncertainty, until he saw UI take his phone out and heard his mother's voice, 

"Leave immediately UI, Ethn now," 

Ethn watched Avalon placing her weapon away, and UI followed, walking away from them, but Avalon sent one of her daggers at them. UI eyes widen as he fell back into the fire escape, looking up seeing his brother doing the same thing, Avalon looked down at them, hearing shots being fired at her, she felt her arms burn as she moved catching the bullets. She looked at where they were seeing that they were gone, and her gaze went to her hand seeing a coating of her crystal was on her hand, 


She looked behind her, seeing that Marcello was walking to her, Avalon truned to him, and he noticed her hand. Marcello light grabbed it in concern before asking, 

"You caught the bullets?"

"Yes, i did," 

Avalon let him look over her hand, and Marcello let out a hums,

"It's like the bullet you were shot with five years ago," 

Marcello had a small smile looking at it before brushing it off her hand, Avalon watched him, seeing his eyes had a softness to it. He held on to her hand and then placed his other hand on his head, saying, 

"Sal, what is it?" 

Avalon didn't quite hear what Salvatore's side, but seeing Marcello's face change was a good indicator, Marcello looked back, seeing that Ally handed Dmaines arm wrapped around him 

"Sal wants us back. He has what he needed," Marcello said 

Damien nodded and looked back at Ally, saying where their car was, Marcello pulled Avalon hand and walked to the fire escape, Avalon could hear Salvatore still talking with Marcello and this time she could hear it. 

"We have the video of the meeting. It was what we expected. That means we will have to watch over the city more and try to get the help of the government.... if there not with them," 

"They already have the banks and the mayor of the town. However, what makes you say the government would want to help? They might as well let them do it. I probably think it's under better management." Marcello told him, 

"Don't tell them the whole thing," 

Avalon took Marcello's earpiece, having it close to her ear, Salvatore looked at the monitor and saw that her and Ally were there, Salvatore questioned, 

"You think they would have more influence in the government?" 

"Why not? Blake had them in his hands not long after he took the city. It wouldn't shock me if they had more than the bank," Avalon answered 

Avalon helped Marcello down from the fire escape before Ally did the same for Damien. Her face was a bit pink. Damien gave her a grin and climbed down, 

"Then it will only get worse from here," Salvatore muttered 

"You heard their deal, Sal," 

Avalon felt Marcello pock her shoulder, and she turned to him, giving the piece back, She listened to the rest of Marcello's talk,

"Avalon, i will get the car with Damien van. You wait here?" 

Avalon turned to Ally and gave her a tumbs up, Avalon turned back, remembering the power she felt from the dons. It could make her shiver. 

"I was only able to take Blake with me... how will i face four more of them?" Avalon thought

Avalon didn't hear the car behind her, nor Marcello ending his call with Salvaotre. Her thought ran through her head, 

"How will i be able to take five down without me this time, i dont know if they have something like the shadow or like me, but there is something with them similar to us,"

She felt a hand on her shoulder 

"I will find out again," 

"Avalon, we need to go," Marcello spoke 

Avalon looked at him and saw that look on his face, the one of worrie. Avalon placed her hand onto his. She moved it off of her shoulder, turing around to face him, 

"Sorry, i was in my head," Avalon said 

"Dont be sorry for doubts, they happen, but dont let them discourage you," Marcello told her

Avalon and Marcello walked to the car, talking about what to do next. However, the window Avalon broke fell on the front lobby where some of the heads were,

"Who the hell?"

Ceth seethed, covering her head from the glass while Lenn covered her with an umbrella, Bal looked above them intrigued. His eyes caught a rope being shot out of the room they were in.

"That was where we were," Lugh spoke 

He stared up and witnessed a woman he knew as the light, she held onto the rope and went down it to the building in front of them, he stared beside him at Taran who had a weapon on his side, a gun was held in Taran's hand,

"Don't bother Taran," 

Lugh watched a bright light shine on the building. He nodes at the power before glancing back at his left hand, 

"We don't need to fight her now," Lugh said 

Taran placed the weapon back to his side while their car pulled up, Taran opened the door for him and Lugh gave one last look at the building with a sense of newness through him, Lugh entered the car, Ceth glared at the building while there care came up, Lenn put away the umbrella and opened the door, 

"Leave them Ceth. We can't fight them now," Lenn said 

Ceth let out a scoff before following her, closing the door behind them, Bal stared at the building with amusement, but he felt Blake walking up to him, Bal turned to his left hand, 

"Are car is close right?" 

"Yes, it is," 

"Then we can walk to it,"

Bal walked away right as Blake walked out of the Barcirtty, he looked up seeing that the shadow moving down from the building in front of them, Blake held out his hand for it to move towards him, the shadow breath out reaching for his master, he got to Blake warning, 

"She was here master," 

Blake looked up at the building and saw a flash of light. He knew of that power. It was her. Blake glared at the building, and Maxien saw this. She was on the phone with the driver before seeing what he did, 

"Blake, the diver is on his way," Maxien said 

Blake glanced at her before turning back to Avalon, Maxien was hesitant to stop Blake, but they couldn't fight right now. This will cause more of a scene than they need. 

"Boss, this doesn't need to happen right now. you have what you want," Maxien said 

Blake kept looking at where she was and witnessed that they had disappeared. Blake huffed, turning to Maxien, 

"I see it was too late. How long is the car?" 

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