Mafia Deadline

Chapter 94: Chapter 93 There in the building

"Just because of past dealing doesn't mean we have to relinquish what we took back from you, what we should have rightfully owned," Ceth glared at him

Blake shook his head dealing with her, as he noticed the other sister was in deep thought, He didn't bother to look at Ceth, he was only interested in what the darker side of the Finn Twins was thinking,

"What is it that you are thinking,"

To Blake's surprise, Lugh asked her instead of him, though he didn't mind it better Lugh than him to ask. Len looked up at him with her eyes having a dark hue to her pink eyes.

"You are right, Blake..."

The three dons had a range of reactions. However, Blake was intrigued by her words and waited for her to continue, Ceth stared at her stunned but was too quick to anger,

"Lenn! Why are you agreeing with him,"

"Because was she not cruel?"

This shut Ceth up and amused them. The other three, Bal, chuckled under his breath at the display he witnessed while Lugh slightly shook his head and knew why Lenn would say that.

"Did she not do the same as Blake has done."

Lenn stared at Ceth, knowing she would be angered at what she would say, however, that is not the matter right now.

"Did she not make deals with the government? Did she not steal kill and plunder?" Lenn continued

"Yes she has. But he has done worse, hasn't he? He made clones of himself and the light how can she be..."

"Yes he has, but what has our mother done Ceth,"

Lenn gave her one last look to her and then looked at Blake,

"What would we get in return?" Lenn asked

This caught the attention of Bal and Lugh, Blake hummed at this and knew someone would ask this of him, so why not ask what she wants?

"What would want?" Blake asked

Lenn glanced at her sister almost trying to see what Ceth would want to say. Lenn snapped her finger and had Ceth's right hand place the map in front of him,

"You can have our territory, only if we watch over it," Lenn told him,

"And the goods how much?" Blake asked

"Sixty Forty," Ceth interrupted

Blake glared at her before feeling Maxien lean into his ear whispering,

"The right side has the most prediction of wealth. It would be wise to argue with them,"

Blake stared at the two before hearing Lenn telling him,

"This is my only of...,"

"Give me more than that. I know of that territory you hold. I've been here longer than you two, the right side holds the wealth of the city, don't you? A shame," Blake cut her off

Ceth glared at him before telling him,

"And that is what we offer. You have nothing but."

"Arens territory. The middle of the city's, where all the business is. I hold a majority position. Do i not?" Blake inquired

Ceth scoffed glancing at Lenn, who watched Blake deligently while the dons of the left side sit there, waiting for there turn.

"I don't want your money. I want what was mine. What you want to put your trust in is on you,"

Blake stared at the two and watched as their hands went to them talking. Blake turned to Lugh and Bal, Lugh looked at him sternly with his amber eyes swirling with enmity.

"You want what was yours yes?" Lugh asked

"That is what I want. What do you want for it?" Blake inquired

"You to take nothing, however, I don't see you leaving without it," Lugh answered

"That you are right," Blake said

"Then will let us watch over the territory?" Bal interrupts

Blake looked at Bal seeing his intent was genuinely interested, Bal took the whiskey on the table while the noise the Twin was making,

"You see Blake, just like Lenn said you are right. You are better than Mórrígan In most ways," Bal continue

He poured himself more whisky before turning his gaze at Blake, his distant colored eyes shone through it, but the green is what concerned him. He remembers that Morrigan eyes shone like that, but his was darker. Bal set the glass down, 

"You see Blake, I want to work with you... i want to see you take the city back," 

Bal was staring at his glass before looking back at him,

"But for that we will need to work together," Bal said 

"And what would you want?" Blake asked 

"What the twins were asking was fine, however, i just want to see what this would brings me," Bal told him, 

"I will give you control over my side, only if i can still be the watcher," 

Bal gave him a grin and Blake didn't think he would agree so quickly. He will have to watch him carefully, Lugh who witnessed this was blind side by this, however, he knew of Bals antics, why not think of his own. 

"Fine you can be the watcher," 

Blake stared at him his blue eyes having a red glint in it, Bal noticed this and snickered,

"it was from the shadow, he can do this," 

Bal noticed that he had glyphs shining under his sleeves, he felt a rush of excitement fill his heart. 

"This will be interesting. The powers the shadow gave Mórrígan won't compare to what he has now," Bal thought 

"I will not have you betray me so easly," Blake said 

"I wouldn't dare think of it," Bal told him 

"Why give it to him so easily?" 

Bal glanced at Lugh who gave him a look of his own, Lugh placed down his drink before saying, "This is what you wanted Blake, full control of the territory?" 

"Yes that is what i want," 

Blake stared at him with his shadow swirling around behind him, 


"Are you going to be with me?" 

"Or will you be like Aren," Blake continued 

Lugh set his glass down while laughing at the man, he placed a hand on his chest and took a deep breath in. He remembered how Morrigan had there first meeting with his uncle, she scared him deeply. however, Blake was different then that. He talked to him and negotiated other then scare them, but then try warned him. Brilliant. 

"You are different Blake Dagda," Lugh complemented 

"However, i must agree with Ceth. Why should we trust you with our territory?" Lugh asked 

"Because you either give me what is meant to be mine. Or the light you know of with rip it away from you," Blake said 

Lugh gaze went wide. He knew of Avalon and her abilities, He wouldn't think he could take her on his own but working with Blake he will have a invantige. For now, work with the him. 

"You are right, Blake. But if i have to give my territories over to you, I want something more than the other dons," Lugh said 

The twins stopped talking and made their hands move behind them, Ceth and Lenn glanced at them all while Lugh countined, 

"I want to be in the information as one says. Whatever you know, I know. Whatever you fight, I get to hear about. And only then will you have my territory," 

Blake felt Maxien try to talk with him but something caught his eye, almost unnoticeable glow was from behind Lugh and Bal. He leans back in thought, 

"I can go with his deal or take it by force," 

He watched the eyes of Lugh and glanced at his side to the twin, he then looked at Bal who gave him a shrug, Blake saw that the glow was gone, was he the only one to see it? 

"Well, Dagda. Is that a deal or do you have something else in mind?" Lugh asked 

"Is this the only deal you will make with me?" 

"Yes, it is," 

"The fine, I will only tell you what I know and about the light, in return, i want the territory all to myself," 

Blake waited for his response but he saw a smile on the man's face, Lugh nodded while thinking about how he would have to leave and be in the shadow behind them all. For once he will be the one in the shadows, better yet watching from behind them. But that time was not for now. Ceth and Lenn gaze flicked between the two and Lenn noticed that Bal was staring at them, He had his gaze shifted to Blake almost warning them. 

"Lugh couldn't give it to him just like that… could he?" Ceth thought 

"He has been wanting to rest for some time but in this way, No he wouldn't. He would only watch from behind before starting his fight," Lenn thought 

"You too sly this time Lugh," Bal thought 

"You can have my territory. But i will still have some activity in it," Lugh said 

Blake hummed feeling the shadow twirl on his shoulder whispering in his ear,

"This would be better. We already knew that he would fade away with you in control, master," 

Blake was about to agree but there were some sounds outside the door before Lugh hands came in looking frantic. The right hand went to Lugh, 

"Shepard there here," 

Lugh stared at him interested while the other dons had different reactions, Ceth stood up and looked to her hand and said,

"Go find them and knock them out," 

Ui looked a this bother and Ethn nodes pulled out their guns before they walked out of the room, Lenn took her weapon which was three swords from different regions. She glanced at her hands and told them,

"You go to the front, make sure they don't leave," 

Her voice bounced off the wall making them to shiver slightly, Lenn went to the door with them and looked at Ceth, 

"Stay here i will look for them," 

She walked out the door leaving them, Blake stared at the door, before hearing the shadow from his side, 

"I can look over the building master," 

Blake glanced at him before looking at the other three, Bal was looking at the shadow with contemplation.

"Yes look over the building shadow, I can finish the meeting without you," Blake said 

"I didn't mean it like that but fine," 

The shadow scoffed, leaving the room through the window, Bal looked back at Blake in wonder of how he could control it better than Mórrígan, 

"What do you mean to finish? there here in the building," Ceth said 

She picked up her jacket and draped it on her shoulders, Ceth looked behind her hearing the chatter from below them, 

"I can't believe that she would want to make a deal with you," Ceth let out, 

"If she didn't I would have found you myself." Blake asserted 

Ceth glanced at him with a scoff, "And? we could defend our selv..." 

"Not with me." 

Blake stood up with his body glowing a menacing red, his eyes shined the same color before he let out, 

"You leave now there will be no deal for your territory will be mine to hold," 

Ceth stared at him contemplating whether to do as he asked, she knew he was strong but she and Lenn could hold him back... Right? 

"Ceth my dear. Why don't you take the deal you have already made with him, " Lugh asked 

"Why do that? I and my sister will not let him have what is supposed to be for us," Ceth affirmed 

"I believe your sister wouldn't like that," Bal interrupted 

Ceth glared at him while he gave her a grin,

"And I hope you do that quickly," 

"Whys that?" 

"Because I have a feeling that Shepred is closer than we think," 

She froze staring blankly at him before Lugh shook his head,

"So I wasn't the only one noticing them," 

"You mean, that you two knew of them and didn't say anything?" Ceth inquired 

"They're not the only ones," Blake said 

"Ceth this is your only chance give me the control of the territory. I let you watch over it and we get sixety-twenty on your deal," Blake continued 

"Who gets sixty?" 

"Me," Blake assured

"Then I..." 

They can hear cars from outside the restaurant, Ceth saw that Bal got up with a laugh, 

"You better think this carefully Ceth," 

He walked out of the room with his hands beside the door, Lugh stared at them both and stood up from his chair, 

"I will expect a letter from you Dagda," 

Lugh left the room with the noise from outside growing, Ceth had her gaze pointed at the door before a large bang came through the building, She looked at the ground, 

"Lenn... must have been her," She thought 

"You only have so long to escape," Blake told her, 

She quickly turned to him, and her thoughts of what she might see ran through her head. Blake stood there with Maxien behind him staring at them in shook, 

"He could do this in only three weeks," Maxien thought 

Ceth glared at him before saying, 

"I will agree for now, however, we will want to change it," 

"Then I will you will send me a messenger then," Blake said

He turned to Maxien, "Let's get going," 

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