Mafia Deadline

Chapter 119: Chapter 118 In her hands

"You won't burn through it,"

Sandel moved her hand around the string to burn it, Formoir huffed pulling her arms in front of her, he walked to her making her hold his face, her hands cradel him and he let out a chuckle,

"You hold the one to rule it all in your hands,"

He let out a sickening snicker kissing her palm, Sandel held back a disgusted grunt, pulling at her arms,

"And you can't even kill me,"

He pulled away from her staggering ahead. He moved his hand back, pointing at Sandel. He felt the strings move, but the weight around it's gone. His eyes widden realizing.

"She got out of my strings,"

A burning hand hit his back, Formoir choked, being sent flying. He glanced at Sandel from the corner of his eyes. She glowed with her form, twisting where she stood,

"That wrench got qwick,"

Formoir stopped dragging his feet into the ground glareing at Sandel. He turned to her, moving his hand before him at her, Sandel huffed, turning into her human form, with her eyes appearing through the fire, 

"Not too, qwick," 

Formoir tried to grab her with his string, Sandel grabbed them all giving his strings a light tug, pulling Formoir a bit, He looked at her conflicted, but if he is to kill her he must do it now, he could send more angels.

"You've gotten bright over the years,"

He twisted his string around her and pulled at Sandel. She held back, glaring at him when she thought of something. It would burn him up. Sandel made her flame rush down his string, Formoir eyes widden and cut his string, backing away from her. He held his hand close to his face, conseling his gaze,

"Does he just want to play his games like before?" 

Sandel throught her fire catching up to him, Formoir moved his hand making some wind to put out her flame, it work for only a moment, its set a blaze again, Formoir huffed dashing his hand at the flames thinking. 

"I have to get thought now,"

Formoir rushed through the fire at Sandel, he clasp on to his hand making his strings apper, he reached out wrapping them around her, they burned but still held her for a moment, Formoir ripped Sandel apart, her form fluttered around him, 

"You have been cut to sunder and still find a way to come back," Formoir muttered

It rushed at him, circling him with her fire, Formoir let out a pained grunt having the fire burn away at him, he reched out trying to grab her but she went throught his hand, past him to standing before him, her form looming over him, her sword pointed at near his neck,

"I have that uncanny timing, don't i?" 

Sandel inqiered swings her sword at his neck, it's stop by anothor piece of metal, a brazen moon sword, it was chipped but still full of strength, Sandel glanced at the one who holds it, Band snarled at her with her head bleeding heavily, she pushed Sandel away from them, launching her, Sandel stopped landing on a house, she shift staring at the two egsasperated,

"I have to get through these two," 

Sandel thought as her from shifts on the house, Band help Formoir extinguish her flame, he's still heavily burnt but living, he glared at her before letting out a amused chuckle, wipping off the burnt embers,

"You've gotten more heated than before,"

He pats his arms within strings on him, he grin at her sending them at her, Sandel moved from the string when Band followed, she saw Band after her pointed her sword in her direction, Sandel moved and weaved throught the onslaught of string with the harsh sharp edge of Bands sword, 

"They have gotten coordinate,"

Sandel thought moving to the side getting cut by Band, she let out a huff glaring at Sandels sentient fire, she swings her sword again and Sandel moved, she scoffed rushing to her, Sandel gaze went between them with a thought went around her head,

"This is my chance to send them back, i must think this throught,"

She dodged their strings and relentless slashes. She moved thought as a flowing fire. Band eyes followed her when Sandel dissappered from her, she stopped abruptly staring at her sroundings, there wasn't no shining fire for them to come after, cutting and trapping her until she layed wast, she's missing. Band glanced at Formoir, who yelled out for her, 

"Becarful, she is establishing a plan,"

He teared his gaze away from her, hearing a large sound from above the building Band is on, Formoir stared at the roof, a small beam of light hastly racing towards Band, It seperats making two of them appear. 

"Band she's on the building,"

The second fire stricked him. She was fast, too fast. She held back against them? Her form appeared stabbing into Formoirs heart. He spat out blood yelling in pain,

"You serpent,"

Sandel smiled at him stabbing him in the neck but he protected his neck by his string, Band saw her light but its to late, Sandel stabbed her neck fastly, Band dropped her sword touching her neck to grab Sandels fire, but it burned her vastly. Her skin burned black, making her drop her hands to her side, Sandel moved her fire away, standing on the side of the building with her,

"Get off, Sandel!"

She glanced at Formoir, he's dealing with her cloned form in the fire, hesitated he moved back but she follows him, her sword cutting throught the wind towards him like a tidal wave, his eyes widden ducking under the burning wave that went over him, burning him, Formoir seethed looking at him hand covered in string seeping into the ground, it's cut in half by Sandel, his gaze shot up at her feeling her sword next to his neck stopping him from standing, Sandel clone tilted her head down to Formoir and whispered, 

"Stop this Formoir, then i won't send you two him," 

Formoir let out a scoff, pushing her sword away from his neck and reaching out for hers, 

"You wouldn't do that. You don't have the virtue to do so,"

Sandel went to stab his head, but string came from below her stopping her, grabbing onto her sword, Formoir stood up and grabbed her neck, bringing her closer to him,

"Sandel, you've been a wonderful," 

His grin grew emencely, almost unrelistic. He pulled her face close to him and said, 

"I remember how you were, so bright and full of his light, but then you were betrayed by us," 

Formoir let out a cynical laugh, moving his head back. The strings turned and twisted around her fiery form, slowly melting away. Formoir stared back at her, seeing her clone unfazed by what he had brought so far, interesting she unefected. Formoir squeeze his hand tightening the string to cut through the clone, it tightened it could cut through her but the clone broke the string glaring at him, Formoir snarled backing away when he had her sword stabbed into his chest, he grabbed onto her trying to pry her off him, but he stopped only for a moment when he heard a soft saying under her lips,

"Slan mhaith,"

His chest burst to flames the sword caught on fire, he held onto Sandel's clone and witnessed the old her, the one that he watched follow everyone else while he admire her angelic form from the darkness of his kingdom, it enthused him. He fainted onto Sandel leaning on the sword, Sandel's clones eyes hardened, ripping out the sword from him. She held him in place slowly, laying him on the ground, 

"Thiteann tu liom,"

Srings came from all around her from cutting her into small beams of fire, falling onto Formoir bleeding body. He let out a chuckle before his vision when white. Sandel glanced at her clone, falling apart with Formoir turning pale. Sandel held back a small smile and ducked under Bands sword. She glared at Sandel, her eyes glowing yellow and gold, cutting her sword through the air, trying to slash through her form,

"Why don't you just fall!"

She kept cutting into Sandel when she tried falling into her, Band suppressed a sob feeling Sandel's fire burn away at her, Sandel's soul shook hearing a soft sob come from Band she held her sword tightly even with it burning her skin, Band saw Sandel standing over her quivering body, she could feel sorry for her, but hearing what her and Ain has done to the west was tragic.

"You ruined everything!"

Band yelled shooting up unleashing a swarm of slashes with her sword, Sandel moved with her falling back to the edge of the building, watching Band frantically try to kill her with her sword melting from her heat, Band stopped looking at her melted sword discouraged and then stared up at Sandel looming over her.

"You have gotten so much stronger them we imagined,"

Band burns away from Sandels fire. They watch each other mesmerize, as Band turns to ash like her sister,

"I have... i had to," 

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