Mafia Deadline

Chapter 118: Chapter 117 Grinning at death

"You have to stop doing that,"

Peter mumbled attaching his head back to his neck, he peered at Sandel standing not far from him holding her sword twards him, shinning by the fire around them, Peter gathered the rest of his body becoming whole,

"It took too much effort,"

Peter moved his hand in placed and he pointed at Sandel, she's caught in the mist beside her talking her arms away from her sword, Sandel form tears the mist apart by ringing around it, the mist shriveled back to Peter, he huffed observing Sandels fire storm, just as it was before it had begone again.

"Sandel, let this be easy on me. It used to be so efortless before, didn't stand a chance agains me," 

Sandel stayed there buring the ground below her, Peter scoffed moving his gaze to where Tuatha, Formoir, And Ain is, they where still struggling to get out of her excruciating flames, a hand came out of it pulling the rest of the body out, Peter held back a grin when he's hit in the stomach, he looked at her irked, she swriled propeling them out of her fire dome, Sandel smashed him into the gate, Peter convolsed with his blood pouring down his chest his eyes fluttering loosing it red glow, Sandel stood over him staring down at him, 

"That caught him off,"

Sandel thought, making her sword appear, looming it over his open chest. She went to push it into his heart, and she cut through. Sandel sensed him from her side and truned her head catching there gaze, Tuatha stood seething, his smoldering form released smoke for his graments to his hair vastly healing, he glared at her with his eyes glowed menecingly at her flamed form, her whirled holding his sword cutting in to Sandel, Sandel moved with the slashes glancing at the both, having his sword cut throught her, 

"He got out of the fire, thats is what i expected from him," 

Sandel charged at him past his sword burning it, she grabbed both of his arms burring them lifting her lower half, she shifts the fire into her legs, Tuatha snarled ripping his arms out of her grasp, reached out to seized her throat but he caught her face, he saw her eye appear with in the fire stunned, he starts to put presser on her head, he didn't phase throught her. Sandel placed her hands on her, prying at his hand and staring at him calm, Tuatha put more pressure on her head, he can hear the craking from her. Sandel tightened her grip onto him lifting taking his head inbetween her legs, Sandel turned her body taking his hands off her perpeling him forward, Sandel hurled him but Tuatha stopped digged his feet, shot his head up,

"You got out of that, i was certain that you wouldn't get out of my grasp,"

Sandel flatered, moved her body toward him, holding her head, she held back a grin, her sword in front of her at him,

"That amateurs Tuatha,"

His arm went pierced throught her form, she glanced at him and cut him throught with her sword, Peter withdrew from her having Tuatha rush behind her, he tried to take the back of her neck, she slinks under Tuatha rends her sword throught him, the sword was diferent, it's glowed changed. his body separates, falling to the ground with a large thud, 

"She discovered, what i did to her just by watching me do it," 

Tuatha coughed out blood, looking at Peter. He's all too enthused by how she disabled him. It entertained him. Tuatha stared at him angrily, his own sword could go through his eyes to Peter if he could, Peter gaze teared from Tuatha, and he didn't see Sandel, 

"She wants to hide, how convenient for her,"


Sandel moved past Tuatha striking Peter with her sword, Peter stared at her coyly holding her sword back cutting into his hand, he moved it slightly getting a better view of her, She intensely stare down at him bared down her sword, he tightened his hold with his hand being cut half way,

"You understood how to concentrate your own strength, to move through the celestial form,"

Sandel stared at him pushing down onto his hand, Peter hummed, and he wanted to get into her head like he used to do. Peter said his hand with the sword, and Sandel held onto her sword, pulling it out from his hand, standing on his shoulder, raising the sword stabbing his head,

Peter glared at her, taking it, breaking it, Sandel jumped off his shoulder, cutting through his chest,

"Didn't know you saw me. That was Sandel, i would have been found of that before,"

Sandel stood far from him glancing down at Tuatha, he wasn't healing as she thought he would, he stayed there with his blood flowing down the gravel, Peters the same his wounds aren't healing, the blood is black residue seeping down his body, he swipped it off him analyzing it.

"I've changed over the decades, Sandel,"

He glared at her with a light in his eyes, Sandel clutched her sword swiftly, turing around conecting with a blade, Ain snarled at her, screeching out,

"You wench!"

She swung her sword down at her, Sandel conected with it, Ain swung again and again trying to hit her,

"After all we have done for you,"

They clashed, having sparks collided, Sandel grunted and felt how imense she is after being burt to ashes, Sandel blocked again and moved around the moon blade kicking Ain, she flew back in a building,

"What you have done before means nothing now," Sandel told her

Ain stood from the damaged home and rushed out of it, Ain fliped in the air, having her sword towards Sandel,

"So have they," Peter let out behind her

Sandel dashed away from them, Peters Gaze followed her when Ain ran at her,

"You still pounder on then Sandel, i can see it in you,"

Ain went to stab Sandels neck, she didn't block her sword, Sandel shifted into her fire, buring Ain, she screamed out,

"Stop with the fire,"

Ain cuts her fire, but it didn't stop, Ain yelled out snarling,

"Show yourself!"

"So be it,"

Sandel appeared in the fire alarming Peter. He rushed to them as he saw Sandel in the fire with her cutting into her, Ain fell, holding her chest peering at her,


Ain head went limp on the ground, the fire buring her when Sandel made her form, Peter crashed into her, taking her face,

"You took two of them, thats a feet for you,"

He throws her far from him, she turns to fire surging back at him, it swirled like a comet falling to the earth, but it's to Peter. She crashed into him, Peter grasped onto it, but one of his arms was cut apart,

"She's intisapting my next attacks,"

He tried to moved her side, his hand raised to hit her in the neck, Sandel lunges to the side and ran at him, Peter has the sword to his neck, he glanced at Sandel stared at him so sincerely, its as time froze when her voice broke him out of his trance.

"You fell Peter. I know you will again,"

His neck is cut into, his breath stopped having felt his head drop on the ground rolling away, Sandel glanced at him standing behind him, her eyes slightly squinted, she puts her sword to her side and saw his body fall to the ground twitching, bleeding black.

"He couldn't be killed just by that," Sandel thought 

Her gaze lands on his head, and he has a stunned expression with his eyes closed, and with an unsettling grin, Sandel glared at his head, thinking.

"Nothing less for him to grin like that. Even at death," 

Sandel walked to it, giving it a light kick. It rolled away it excretion hasn't left, Sandel truned away, walking down the gravel path, but raised her hand behind her, whispering a soft plead, 

"Trap him back where he fell. Where he now belongs," 

A fire appeared burning his body and head, Sandel peered at it to see if it was truly him, it is it fluttered in ash before her eyes. Sandel turned away, looking to where she trapped Formoir. It burned out with his body missing. There wasn't ash. Nor feathers where he stood. 

"He got out," 

Sandel muttered glareing at the roof, theres no sigh of him running off, there would have been a trail, her legs froze not being able to take anothor step, Sandel peered down and saw the strings that atached to her legs, so he's alive after all, Sandel brought her hand down to burn them off, 

"Nope, take that back," 

Formoir appaers beside her looking at her hand when strings became atached to it, he moved his finger placing her arms to her side, Sandel gaze glowered at him, feeling her arm grow weak from his strings, 

"You have beaten three out of the five of us. Let's see if you can get out of my control," 

Formoir moved his hand towards the castle.

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