Chapter 116: Chapter 115 Trap of her own
"You went through the roof?"
Peter tried to hold back a chuckle swirling around Tuatha and Blake, Tuatha glared at him, almost a snarl,
"Stop you fool, you couldn't even remember it,"
"Yes, Tuatha, but you falling in front of Sandel must have been humorous,"
Peter laughed all the while wrapping around them, Tuatha let out a frustrated sigh only to hear Lugh start to chuckle, Tuatha turned his burning gaze at Lugh, he saw Tuatha's angered glare and motioned his hand up,
"Sorry Tuatha, i couldn't help myself,"
"What, imagining me falling thought a ceiling?"
Lugh has an amused grin and said, "That yes, I found that hard to believe with how you have carried yourself,"
"I suppose, that would be so,"
Tuatha looked away from him, much to Lugh relief. He would rather not hear it from him later. Tuatha turned to Peter and flew to him. He glowed, making Peter huff falling back on Blake's shoulders,
"You could have told me to stop and not take my strength,"
"I rather enjoy seeing you in a weakened state."
Tuatha floats above their heads, when he went down to Lugh laying on his shoulder, Peter mumbled into Blake's neck, Blake glared at him and Peter noticed letting out a faint laugh staying in his neck, Blake seethed moving his gaze to Tuatha,
"Who won?"
Tuatha was looking at Lugh when he asked, his head shot at Blake, his eyes held frustration with in them, Peter stopped nuzzling in his neck staring at Blake, he couldn't recall what had happened, from what Lugh response was to his master question it was resentment. Peter stirred on his shoulder, curious, asking,
"Why are you full of bitterness, Tuatha?"
"You actually lost your memories,"
Tuatha sighed placing his wing on his four head, a huff left his beak when he moved his wing scowled at him then looked to Blake, the cold stare Blake gave him reminded him of Peter all the way back then. Could make him shiver if he tried just a little but more.
"You want to know what happened when we fought Sandel?"
"I want to know who won,"
His voice nearly sent a shiver down his back. Tuatha glanced at Lugh and asked,
"Do you want to know as well?"
"I'm here for the oath, but hearing your past is entertaining," Lugh said
"Avoid being prideful Lugh, that is unbecoming,"
"What you have seen so far is from all perspectives, and it will stay the same,"
Tuatha told them, shaking off his feather and scattering it around the room, making an illusion around them. It cast an off glow when they saw Sandel floating above Antony staring down at him concerned,
"Stay here, Antony,"
Sandel looked through the ceiling and saw Tuatha fly away from the roof, toward the front of the castle, Sandel made the firewall appear, scorching Tuatha and he went through the fire, falling, he shifted back to his human form landing on the gravel road, his hand on the ground, Tuatha glanced behind him, glaring at the castle rounded by her fire.
"She burned me again,"
Tuatha scorched and looked at his burned clothes, seething. He glowed, tearing away the burned pieces of clothing with a bitter chuckle coming from him, a rush of wind came from the castle to him, Tuatha turned to make his swords and stopped avalanche of fire at him, he ducked his head under his sword closing his eyes feeling the blistering heat around him, Tuatha opened his eyes moving the sword away from him swinging to the side extinguishing some of the fire, he glared at Sandel almost snarling at the presence of her.
"You burned me,"
"I have. You know what you have gotten yourself into when you entered into the kingdom,"
Sandel stepped towards him holding out her hand, raising a fire to him, Tuatha cut the fire putting out the fire before it could reach him, Tuatha bolted at Sandel cutting into her with both of his swords spitting her in fours, He rotated to see Sandel staring at her hand in front of his face, his eyes widen as he is covered in flames.
"That has changed Tuatha,"
Sandel spat observing Tuatha twirl his blades trying to stop the flames, he stared at Sandel cautiously thinking,
"She used to be immobile when I cut into her form. She has gotten stronger. More than I thought before,"
Tuatha heard Sandel move towards him like embers in a fireplace. Tuatha felt a painful burn through his chest. She sent a streak of fire through his chest, immobilizing him. Tuatha could barely keep his swords in his grasp. He looked at them shaken.
"I need to get feeling back into my legs and arms, if I'm going to survive,"
Sandel came back together and placed her hand in front of his head, Sandel saw the stare he was giving her. He must have been stunned with how much she had gained. She would have smiled at that thought, just a few centuries ago, but now it leaves a distaste in her.
"Sandel, you can't kill me,"
Sandel muddled and moved her hand only a little, asking, "You know that I can Tuatha. But can the others believe this?"
Sandel ducked under a knife flung at her covered in a dark mist, Tuatha's eyes widened when the knife went into his chest. He held onto the knife, gasping for air. feeling Peter's virtue through the knife,
"He went to poison her with his virtue," Tuatha thought
Tuatha pulled the knife out, feeling his body heal the wounds he had, Sandel stood up, turning to the angel who threw the knife. Ain stood on the statue not far behind her, with her arm wrapped around it and the other having her moon sword, it glowed just like she remembered, lets see if it as deadly as it was before. Sandel went a step closer to her, but Ain stopped her, saying,
"You have more virtu. More than we have had before,"
Ain stepped down from the statue while Sandel stood near her, she could reach her with the moon sword, and Sandel sensed the strength coming off her, it could worry her if she didn't have the virtue she obtained.
"How are you able to make Tuatha fold in on himself so easily?"
Ain asked and observed Lugh standing up straight behind Sandel holding his swords tightly, Sandel hummed and looked at her composed in her thoughts,
"She truly thinks that I don't recall what they are up to?"
Sandel could sense Tuatha behind her. He has healed himself. Sandel kept her gaze onto Ain, and Ain walked to her, trying not to glance at Tuatha behind her, his sword pointed towards Sandel,
"You have seen what i can do before,"
Sandel told her, she heard Tuatha rush from behind her when Ain charged towards her, Ains swords reached to Sandels neck with Tuatha went for her chest, they slashed thought her, Sandel form shifts around there blades taking them. Ain let out a gasp backing away from Sandel, noticing that their swords were molten, melted away from their grasp.
"She couldn't do that before. She hasn't been granted that when we have last met," Ain thought
Tuatha grunted, making another sword when he had one pointed at his neck. He glared at Sandel. She had turned to him, her eyes showing through the bright fire. She was disappointed. He glanced at Ain and saw her in the same position as him. A sword pointed to her neck, and the stare Ain was giving her would have frightened her before. but now it didn't matter to her. She had more tenacity than before, Tuatha went to say bitter words to her, but Sandel stopped him,
"You haven't changed at all,"
She glared at him and then turned her glare to Ain. Her gripped tightened to her daggers, her glare had a fire that they didn't know before. The sword touched both of their neck, getting closer,
"All of you have only one ambition this whole time, to steal, kill, and destroy what he has made,"
Sandels form changed as she seethed at them. She looked more human than a torch. Her hair flowed down to her hips and her eyes glowed silver glaring at them. Her face held its structure, a sharp expression complemented her eyes and hair,
"I will defend what is asked of me. If that means i have to send you back to him, then i will,"
The tone of their voice made them shiver. They felt their necks get cut into. Ain went to grab the sword but missed falling onto her knees, cradling her head. Ain stared at her infuriated, feeling her virtue trying to heal her,
"Sandel, you have gotten stronger. It's taking me longer to heal together. That is what the problem is with Tuatha,"
Ain placed her head back when a burning pain came from where she cut, Ain grunted in pain, attaching her head back to her neck. It burned more when she did it. Tuatha felt the burn from her sword but attached her head hearing what Sandel asked them,
"Ain, you're not the only one here, are you?"
They looked at her unnevered. She's thought through their attacks. Ain tried to stand up when Sandel slashed through her leg, Sandel stared at her void, when she looked at the roof not far from them, she saw a shadow of an angel over the crowd, and their hands dangled over them with strings attached to the crowds,
"This is your plan to hurt them to draw me in?"
She looked at Tuatha and her eyes widened slightly, he noticed the concern in her eyes, a grin made its way onto his face, he started to stand back up but Sandel pointed the sword at his head, Tuatha stopped staring at Sandel unfazed,
"That's right, but you haven't thought about all of it,"
Tuatha said, moving her sword away and sticking it with his. He stood up cutting through her form to no effect, Sandel watched him try to cut her down, unimpressed. Ain watched him noticing that it wasn't going anywhere,
"Fomoir, set this place against one other!"
Ain yelled to him on the rooftop, Fomoir had a sticking grin and reached his hands out, manipulating the strings, a fight started in the crowd, men attacking women, and woman attacking their children,
"Why are you fighting me?"
"I don't know, I can't move my body on my own,"
Sandel watched them horrid. She needed to get to Fomoir quickly. Sandel moved past Ain who cut her in half, Sandel shifts flying over to one of the roofs, Sandel heard them following her, cutting into her form with their swords, through the pained cries of the people below them, Sandel hopped onto another roof and watched the crowds heading to the gates, an angel stood on top of the gate there weapon in hand waiting for them to rush at the gate,
"They wanted to trap me by them,"
Sandel thought dismayed, she glanced behind her having Tuatha cut through her again, she must do something and it had to be quick, Sandel rushed to Fomoir with her swords tearing into Fomoir, he smiled falling back as she cut into him, Sandel confused assed him and saw the strings pulling them to the gates. it all felt so fast when it slowed down, as if time had stopped. She felt her body spit apart. With a voice calling out to her,
"I've given you the virtue Sandel, protect them,"
Sandel stopped in front of Fomoir, scattering into bits of fire, Fomoir, Tuatha, and Ain stood still observing Sandel's fire burn around them with her voice through it.
"You have asked me to meet your standard, I will not for I have met there's,"
Her fire went around the three, traping them. They tried to put out her flames but it only made it grow, Fomoir smiled at her but felt his strings burn off his hands.
"She has taken them back."