Chapter 115: Chapter 114 Trap gone awry
"That oath has been kept,"
Tuatha feathers came back to him, and the illusion dissipated, Tuatha hopped to Blake looking up at him,
"Do you want to know what happened next?"
Blake stared at the angel, Peter hid this from him. He could have had it all taken from him just because he forgot to tell him. It was confusing, but what wasn't for what he had been through? He would've been perplexed.
"Why would master want,"
Peter stopped, Tuatha turned to him glaring at him, Peter swirled around the written oath where Tautha stood near, Tuatha stared harshly at him, and Peter's mist came to his shoulder. Shrugging it off, seething at him,
"You haven't told him anything, haven't you?"
The venom that came from Tuatha was not new to him, Peter went to him, his mist forming around the two of them,
"Tuatha I... You can tell them,"
Tuatha looked over his feathered shoulder to him, that accursed mist didn't want to blind his controled flesh, or as he likes to put it master, Peter wants to be honest with him, he used to see what he controlled. Did Peter not know what happened.
"You want them to know?"
"That i do,"
Tuatha noticed the stare Blake's giving him. He's uncertain of Peter willingly letting him know, and it stunned him. Tuatha got onto his arm, his feathers rising,
"You want to know?"
"I would,"
Tuatha hummed, glancing at Lugh. He stared at his angel, and Tuatha wanted Blake to know. Lugh held back a chukle and nodded. Tuatha shook and let his feathers fall of him, the flew around the room, making an illusion. A figment of the past,
"This is what you thought of Peter?"
One of the female angel stood next to Peter infuriated, she pointed at an old castle covered in blossoming flowers, with a roaring village around it, she snarled at the sound of there laughter coming from the village, the music is sickening to her. The noise is driving her mad. She glared down at them, usless walking flesh bags, Peter looked over at her, she's has more distance for them than he did.
"This is the one, yes,"
"What other ideas do you have?"
She teared her gaze away from the village to Peter. She saw the way his eyes glowed, staring at her, dark red in his eyes, having malicious purpose in mind. Peter pointed down at the people,
"You have been watching them just as i, how happy and protected they are with his hand on them,"
Peter seethed, and she heard the hatred he had for him,
"There the one he made her protect,"
"Dosen't she have a line to protect,"
"She dose, but he has placed them in her hands. She couldn't stay with her line and watch them be teared away from living?"
Peter pointed to one of the buildings. A male angel stood there staring down at them, holding his hand over them, letting his strings fall, Peter placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to them,
"We will draw her out from the kings side to here,"
"If she doesn't help them, what do we do then?"
Peter stared at her intrigued, it would be interesting if she dosent help them, but thats not like Sandel.
"Then we go to her. She can not fight all of us,"
She pushed his hand away, letting out a scoff,
"You forgot who she is, Peter,"
"No. I haven't Ain,"
Ain snapped her head to him. He sounded so soft. Ain stared into his eyes, finding them to have hate in them, but he couldn't hide the gentleness, even when he tried to conceal it.
"You still hold fondness over her?"
Peter slightly turned his head scowling. He kept his composer, hidding the turmoil in his spirt, it's better now than before. She's gone to him, the choice has been made. Peter looked in Ain purple eyes, being curious about him,
"No, not anymore."
A tweet came from behind Peter, they looked at the bird holding a glowing note, Ain grabbed it from the bird and pets it, she opened the note with Peter leaning closer to read it,
"I have made it. send at will,"
The note dissappear with the bird flying away towards the castle. The bird lands on a tower where Tuatha stood holding onto the building staring into it,
"There doesn't seem to be a human in the tower,"
Tuatha glanced at the bird next to him and held out his hand,
The bird floats over her hand, and Tuatha plucked a feather off,
"This should find her,"
A bright glow around the feather, Tuatha moved his hand to the window which is opened, he flicked the feather into the tower, he closer his eyes seeing the room, Tuatha smiled letting out a chukle,
"This is easy,"
Tuatha looked around the tower while Peter and Ain watched. Ain glanced at Peter asking,
"He's going ahead?"
Peter looked away, inspecting the other angel, attaching his strings to them. They didn't see it wrapping around their limbs, laying limp. Peter smiled holding in a chukle, Ain watched Tuatha lean onto the tower staring throught the window, Ain noticed a yellow shine from the building close to them, her eyes widden staring at her sister holding her sword glowering down at them, she twirled her sword and looked to her, Ain saw that she's looking to Peter,
"She's waiting on him?"
Ain thought, peeking at him, Peter gave her a nod and moved his gaze to her. He grined, pointed at her sister,
"She's not in the right place,"
Peter let out, walking close to the edge and got a better look. She's above the gates. Smart one she is, Peter throught holding in a chuckle, leaning over watching her,
"Your sister is brilliant,"
He mutter begrudgingly, she already has an ego, she didn't need to anymore help with it, Ain hummed staring at her sister,
"Banb is. Just be careful when you say that. She's already confident enough,"
"You don't have to remind me,"
A crash came from the castel. They looked to the castel and saw a great dust cloud, Tuatha held onto the tower with the bird clinging onto his shoulder, Tuatha glared down at the castel, he saw how many of them are there but he witnessed a bright light beside a human that sat on the thrown.
"Sandel. She's there,"
She moved closer to the king, looking around the room, she know that there was a disturbance. She doesn't know that it's them. Tuatha moved his hand over his bird,
"Go to Peter, warn him of Sandel she's growing suspicious,"
Tuatha cradled the bird and directed it to Peter. The bird flew out of his hand, and a wave of fire went around the castle, catching the bird. Tuatha watched his bird fall buring away. Tuatha reached out his hand making the bird turn to a feather, the feather went to him burned but still useable, Tuatha looked for the feather in the castle and witnessed what's happing in side, Sandel followed the king throught the room looking out the window, concerned,
"He returned?"
Sandel fire burned next to his feet, but theres no scorsh marks, neither did she burn the floor bellow her,
"He is. But there is more with him,"
Sandel told him, she turned around and felt a familiar presence. Anothor angel is in the castle. Sandel felt the presence behind a statue of an old general, Sandel went closer to the king, whispering,
"There's more than him here. Keep what I've told you at heart,"
He looked down at her, from her tone it wasn't good, he watched her flame rush towards the statue and he placed his hand on his sword, Sandel stopped when she sees a gold feather laying on the floor, it lifts up and dashed to her side, Sandel made a wall of fire burning it to ashes, Sandel saw the dust that fell from it still glowing.
"This is not from Peter. This is of Tuatha," Sandel muttered
"Then who is it from?"
Sandel looked to the king finding him behind her, he stared curiously at the dust, It's still glowing when he walked to Sandel but then it stopped, he teared his gaze away from it to Sandel, she stared at him deeply worried. He can't be involved with this. Not with them,
"Antony, this is from another angel, but I can't tell whom,"
Her flame changed from a roaring flame to a tame flame. This troubled her greatly that it started to change her flame. Antony understood how serious this was for Sandel and that she didn't want him in it,
"That is what you wish, Sandel. I will keep the kingdom safe, and i hope you will do the same,"
Antony told her and looked to one of his soldiers. He stood straight staring at his king bewildered. It wasn't the first time he saw them talking, but its still odd.
"There is an attack on the kingdom, go to the church and take the salt with the holy water and spread it around the kingdom, quickly,"
Antony went to them whisper to them, "Take something holy with you. It will protect you from the angels,"
They bowed, leaving them, and Antony turned to Sandel. She was still watching the dust with her flame growing more shallow. Antony stepped towards her, holding his hand out for her,
Someone went through the ceiling in front of Antony, and he fell back, landing harshly on the ground, Sandel gaze went to him terrified. She saw him holding his side, staring at them that went through the ceiling,
Sandel looked at the man in the glowing fog, It wasn't Peter from what she could see, but an angel she hadn't seen since the fall. He stared down at her, almost admired her. He bent down, staring at her flame. He saw it through the feathers, but it didn't do it justice. It glowed a new color that he hadn't seen from her before. He must have helped her virtue. That damned father. He couldn't help the feeling of warmness from just the site of her, but It's so bitter now, it has changed,
"You've been active,"
Sandel recognizes his voice. Remembering an older angel but not to far from her age, he used to help her in heaven working for him, he was there for her, helping her when she need him, it lasted for centuries of laughter and companionship, until he chose to fall. Sandel flame grew as she let out,
"Tuatha? What are you here for,"
Tuatha watched Sandel move the fire, making a human form, Tuatha felt the heat coming from her while Sandel stared at him cautiously, Tuatha let out a hum, his gaze moving over her form,
"You know why I'm here, Sandel,"
Tuatha went closer to her, feeling the heat burn him. With no effect, he glared down at her form, Sandel placed her hand in front of him, and it glowed, warning him.
"You're here to end me, aren't you, Tuatha?" Sandel asked
"I am. You're in my way,"
Tuatha told her walking into her hand smiling at her, Sandel held back a scoff glareing at him making her fire shoot throught her hand, Tuatha moved away from her hand shifting into a dove, he flew away from her and Sandel rise to the occasion, she shot up hitting him with fire, Tuatha cursed,
"Damn, she hit me faster than before,"
Tuatha stared at her waiting for his wing to heal, then he didn't see Sandel rush at him shifting into her human form, having her sword in hand, Sandel lifts her sword on the cups of striking him,Tuatha moved flying throught the hole in the ceiling he stared down at her starteled.
"I'm not sure that i can handel her on my own..."
Sandel stared angrily at Tuatha. When she heard Antony from below her, she looked down at Antony with a smile that he couldn't see.
"I haven't seen you like that for years,"
"I keep it hidden for a reason, Antony,"