Chapter 3: chapter 4
"Uh, okay" I nodded at her and stood up too; leaving my ice-cream on the chair for I had no appetite for it any longer -- my only appetite now was for Nora and any chance of us finishing what we started.
We strolled back; walking side by side in awkward silence without saying a word to eachother -- almost as if the kiss had built an invisible wall between us. Or was she just shy being her first time kissing a guy or something else?
"Thanks again for the stroll" Nora forced a smile, facing me as we halted our steps in front of her house. Luckily for me, her front door was still closed with no sign of Brian anywhere around.
Then I dipped both hands in my jean pocket with my shoulders shrugged high in nervous uncertainty as I struggled to maintain eye contact with her.
"So uh..." I started, wanting to ask her about the kiss and if she felt what I felt, but then I changed my mind to say, "I guess I'll see you later today?"
"I dunno" was her blunt response. I also noticed that her tone of voice was rather serious than at ease. "Henry I -- I need to tell you something" she informed, giving me a look -- a look that sent worried chills down my spine. Whatever she was about saying was damn serious, judging by her countenance...
"Okay" I cleared my throat, giving her the go ahead.
Then her lips parted and said. "About the kiss..."
"Pfff" I scoffed with a faint chuckle of relief. At least, the subject wasn't something bad as I thought it would be. Then I added before she could even say another word. "I know, I felt it too... It was..."
"It was nothing" she blurted and hushed my words with a sharp response.
A feeling of pain crept into my throat; causing my breath to shorten on hearing her blunt tone.
"Wah?" My eyes went wide in doubtful shock with my hands slowly coming out my jean pocket.
"The kiss... It was a mistake and should never have happened" She said in an exasperated voice.
"Why?" I inquired immediately, studying the uncertain look on Nora's face as she forcefully closed her eyes; slanting her head from side to side in a very slow manner like she was summoning the courage to tell me something -- something that might hurt even more than what she'd just said.
"Because.." her eyes opened again to stare into mine, then she said rather plainly. "Because I have a boyfriend that's why."
Her confession hit me hard like I had just downed a glass of whiskey. In all my thinking, I thought we had something building between us -- like a chemistry! But I was completely wrong; infact, I was even more foolish to have been catching feelings for her.
"It's fine" I looked away, my voice quavering slightly as I struggled to keep my emotions in check. The least thing I wanted was showing her that I was somehow having feelings.
"Henry?" Her soft voice broke out again in an apologetic tone, as if feeling remorse for hurting my feelings.
I licked my lower lip and inhaled deeply before returning my gaze back on her. She wore an 'am-sorry' look on her face to console me, but I wasn't buying to that -- I even hated that I was still standing in her presence.
"It's fine.." I scoffed, trying not to sound bitter or pained from the cold hard truth while slowly retreating a step back from her. "And the kiss, it meant nothing to me as well" I added bluntly, look at Nora whose expression dwindled into a saddened frown with a glitter of disappointment in her eyes.
"Okay" she cleared her throat in consolation and gave out a smile I knew was totally fake; as though masking the feeling growing deep inside her. But I was consoled by that fact; at least now, she'll also feel, if not much -- little of what I'm feeling. Then she parted her lips and was about saying something when Brian stormed out their front door and stood beside us.
"Will you look at that... So, but of you went out without having to get me involved ay?" He teased, both hands placed on his waist as he turned his head to study both our faces.
But I didn't respond to his tease, neither did his sister Nora who turned around and walked into the house without saying a word.
"What's with her?" Brian murmured to himself under his breath and turned to face me fully. "By the way, you look sharp on that outfit"
"Thanks" I replied plainly to Brian who then placed his right hand on my left shoulder.
"Should we take a stroll? I hear there's a park few blocks away from here" He asked with a wide grin as he waited for my response. But why will I want to go back to the same park I had my first kiss and heart broken? No -- I've had just enough to make me sober for days, and right now, all I wanted was to lay on my bed and think of something -- just anything that could clear my head off Nora!
"Uh, maybe some other time Brian" I declined in a polite tone, looking as the smile on Brian's face gradually faded before he removed his hand from my shoulder.
"Cool" his voice sounded weak even though he struggled to make a calm face. "See you later then" he waved and went back into the house.
Then I turned and went back home and found my mom sitting inside the parlour.
"Someone is looking nice " she teased from the couch where she sat; looking at me as I entered and closed the parlour door behind.
'what's with everyone complimenting me for heaven's sake!' I hissed inside my head in annoyance and moved forward.
My mom was the third person now who was complimenting my outfit which made me wonder just how badly I must've been dressing in time past because the compliments were beginning to irritate me like it was some polite mockery, and maybe I would have appreciated it if Nora and I were good together!
"What of dad, mom?" I ignored her compliment and paused beside the couch she was sitting on.
"He should be taking his shower" she answered, studying the look on my face and asked sharply. "Are you okay Henry?... You look..."
"Am fine mom" I cut in before she could even complete. "Just feeling tired, I went out on a long stroll" then I turned and walked for my room in a bid to escape any questions my mom might want to throw at me.
Later that night around 7:20pm after a long boring day, I left the house; not telling my mom or dad who were already in their room and walked sluggishly for the mall across the street to get a snack -- I was craving for an ice-cream.
"That'll be $9.99" the sales girl informed moments after I placed a cup of strawberry flavoured ice-cream on the counter. I didn't know why I picked that exact same flavour which Nora's favourite -- or was I missing her already?!
I nodded at the sales girl in acknowledgment and dipped my right hand into my pocket to remove the money when I felt someone approached and stood beside me -- placing two heavy bags full of groceries on the counter, next to my cup of ice-cream; and turning my head, I noticed it was Nora.
A smile crept out her lips when she noticed the 'strawberry' flavoured ice-cream I'd just bought before saying in a tease. "Hmm, nice choice"
I didn't respond or show any form of amusement but ignored her friendly tease, and in way, I was somehow embarrassed she found me buying her favourite flavour.
So all I did was pay for my ice cream and was about turning to leave the mall when Nora's voice called out to me from behind.
I paused, licking my lower lip in suppressed annoyance and turned to face her as she approached -- holding the two bags of groceries that weighed heavily on her.
"Hi, uh... Can you help me. My mom sent me on this bulk purchase and Brian didn't offer to join me --" she asked in a polite tone, almost out of breath and gave me pleading stare. I felt empathy for her even though I vowed to avoid and stay away from her. But was that even possible? -- seeing her stand before me was enough to make me question my resolve.
"Uh--okay, fine" I cleared my throat in a blunt response and collected one of the grocery bag from her hand.
"Thanks" She heaved with a relieved smile before we came out of the mall and walked to her house. I barely noticed the presence of anyone when we entered their house, not even a sign of Brian as we moved past their parlour into the kitchen and leveled the bags on the table -- it was as though they'd all retired to bed.