l♥️ve takes time

Chapter 2: chapter 3

Continued]...I couldn't help my heart from pounding hard as we stood so close to each other. It even made my right hand trembling lightly as I raised it to collect the napkin from her hand.

"Thanks" I said in a low voice and began cleaning the stew stain off my shirt with my gaze lowered in shyness. Then I chuckled nervously in a playful tone. "I must have been rushing the food"

"You bet" Nora laughed and then asked. "So uh, are you still in school?"

"Huh?" I raised my gaze and acted as though I didn't hear her clearly.

"I meant if you were still in school?" She repeated with a polite shrug and waited for me to answer. But what was I to say? That yes, I was in high school as her brother? Or that I was done with school? These questions raced in my head, troubling my will to speak.

"Uh..." I slurred with uncertainty as I struggled to make up my mind on the right answer to give. But then I thought, what use was there to lie about the truth?! -- So I said, "Yes, I'm still in school"

A smile broke through her lips before she said. "I thought as much"

"How?" I scoffed with a tint of embarrassment in my voice.

"I dunno --" She shrugged her shoulders; burying her head in it with a wide grin on her face. "I just know a school boy when I see one"

'School boy?!' This word did not only sound taunting but also insulting. How could she, of all the things to say, call me a school boy? Now, I began to have regrets taking her offer to come in the first place!

"Um... I guess this 'School boy' needs to get going" I informed and lowered my gaze in a bid to hide my annoyance; giving my shirt one last hard scrub with the napkin.

"Like now?" She sounded surprised.

"Thanks for the napkin" I replied plainly, holding up the napkin for her to collect. But she hesitated; infact, she didn't collect it from my hand.

"You sound upset, is it something I said?" Nora asked in a concerned voice and studied the look on my face.

"No... no, it has nothing to do with what you said" I cleared my throat with a quick shake of my head.

"You sure?" Her eyebrows raised in curiousity.

"Pfff, seriously, am fine" I scoffed, masking my feelings with an amused chuckle. I just knew it would have been childish wanting her to apologize for calling me a school boy or even admitting to it as the reason for my sudden annoyance. Then i said in a much calmer voice, "I just need to be at home before 8 o'clock"

Nora smiled, looking me straight in the eyes and in a complementing tone, said "You look like a really nice guy Henry"

"Thanks" I blushed, lowering my head to look at my feet with the annoyance washing away.

"I don't mean to be out of line, but are you like --" Nora started to say but paused, as if thinking of a better way to say what was in her head. "Am guessing you have a girlfriend?" She finally concluded with a wide smile as I quickly raised my head to look at her.

To be honest, I was stunned by her level of boldness. My palms itched and my stance became unsteady on hearing her questioning.

"Uh..." I clenched my right fist tight before shaking my head in denial. "No, I don't" I chuckled, looking away to hide the flush of shyness on my face.

"No way" Nora gasped; muffling her giggling with her right hand over her mouth.

"So why will a guy like yourself stay -- you know what I mean?" She asked the moment her giggling subsided.

I returned my gaze on hers.

"Well, um-- it's because..." I started saying and was about telling her how unlucky I was with girls when I paused to change my mind and said. "Let's just say I haven't found the right girl yet"

"Oh, I see" She raised her eyebrows in a playful manner I found to be very sweet. Then her voice broke out again, saying "For me, I don't believe that there's a right guy or girl meant specially for someone. You just need to make the girl right for you"

Her tender voice enveloped me, with her words suddenly plunging me into a state of deep thought -- her last response was like a secret message; a code, somehow telling me that she was available for something. And was she?

So I cleared my throat, summoning all the courage i could muster before parting my lips to ask, "So what about you, do you have..."

"Did you find any napkin?" Brian's voice startled me and his sister Nora who immediately retreated few steps away from me as he appeared and paused in the kitchen entrance.

I turned my head sideways to look at Brian who was now leaning on the kitchen doorpost to give us a suspicious stare.

"Yes, I did" I nodded at him and stood mute, also looking at Nora who'd walked back to return the napkin before she leaned her butt on the kitchen cabinet to glance at us in silence.

"Um, did I interrupt something because am I getting a weird vibe from you two" Brian chuckled from where he stood; circling both hands in the air as he spoke.

I scoffed, shaking my head in amusement and was about responding when Nora's voice broke out before mine.

"Don't be silly" She said to her brother and folded her arms.

"Jeez, okay... Okay" He slowly nodded his head, raising both hands halfway up his chest in surrender before facing me. "So Henry, are you still in for another round of Mortal Kombat?"

"Uh, no! -- Maybe tomorrow" I declined with a polite smile. "It's almost late and I should probably get going" I added, casting a quick glance at Nora who almost didn't seem pleased that I was about taking my leave. And why should she, when we were beginning to enjoy knowing each other.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" His voice sounded, drawing my attention back to him.

"Yes" I assured, looking at Brian who nodded and returned back to his room; leaving me in the kitchen with Nora who gradually pulled away from leaning on the cabinet.

"So, um..." She slurred, her gaze slightly lowered in uncertainty as she took slow steps forward and stopped few metres in front of me. "Will you be free tomorrow?"

"Ye--yeah, sure" I stammered and gulped hard with so many crazy thoughts flying in and out of my head as I looked at her. "Why do you ask?" I inquired immediately with hopes that her response would be what I was thinking.

But it wasn't, rather -- she leveled her gaze on mine and in a low voice, said "Actually, I just wanted taking a stroll around the neighbourhood tomorrow -- and I was thinking that um, you know... Since you've lived here for that long, you could show me around. That's if you don't mind"

"No, I don't mind actually" I replied sharply with a nervous chuckle; trying to stomach the feelings of excitement growing within.

"Cool" she smiled and fell mute.

There was something about the glitter in her eyes as we stood in awkward silence, like she wanted to say or do something at this moment, but couldn't -- as if holding herself from giving in.

"So I'll see you tomorrow" I broke the silence, retreating my steps to the door with my eyes still fixed on her.

"Yeah, tomorrow" she blinked rapidly as if snapping out of her own head and gave a brief wave of her right hand.

I smiled and turned around before walking out the kitchen to leave their house.


I laid on my bed later that night with my hands tugged behind my head, staring blankly at my room ceiling with a wide smile on my face as I recounted the friendly conversation I had with Nora.

'Empty your mind, stop thinking of her' I told myself with a deep sigh; squeezing my eyes shut when her smile, voice and seductive look from tonight replayed over and over again in my head; making it hard for me to catch some sleep -- and when I finally did, I found myself dreaming of her.

We were in a room which was expensively furnished, and I was laying bare chested on a king size bed; smiling softly at Nora who was walking up to me -- wearing a light transparent apparel that revealed the beige coloured bra and pant she wore underneath.

"Come babe, I want to show you something" she teased in a soft voice and extended her right hand for me to hold.

"Mm-hmm" I gave her a seductive hum and held onto her right hand but didn't make any attempt to stand up.

"C'mon babe, get up" Nora urged with a smile, trying to pull me out of the bed.

"Why don't you show me in bed?" I teased playfully, pulling her instead.

"Stop kidding around.." she giggled and sat down beside me on the bed. Then she placed her soft right palm on my bare chest and gave me a serious look before parting her lips to say, "Get up!"

"Wah?" My eyes went wide in shock; her voice sounded very different, almost is if it was...

"Get up Henry" My mom's voice rang out loudly in my ear with her brief taps on my right thigh that immediately woke me up from my blissful dream.

"Wha--what time is it mom?" I grunted, rubbing my sleepy eyes before they finally opened to see my mom who was standing beside my bed; fully dressed like someone who was ready to go out. Or was I still dreaming?

"It's morning already" she informed and adjusted the handbag on her left arm.

"How is it morning when I just fell asleep?" I asked myself in doubt but soon realized that it was true when I heard the birds chirping outside the house.

"Mom, are you going out?" I slowly raised myself up on the bed to look her in the eye. Then my mom nodded and said. "Your dad and I are going to check on a friend -- but we should be back in an hour or two"

I nodded at her and rolled the blanket off my body before placing my feet into the flip flop slippers beside the bed.

"I've made you breakfast.. it's in the kitchen." My mom informed, slowly retreating her steps with her eyes glued on me as I stood up from the bed.

"Thanks Mom... Till you get back." I smiled, looking at my mom who smiled back at me and turned to leave.

'tsk..now she's also in my dream' I clicked my tongue and walked out of my room for the bathroom when the thought of Nora filled my head -- reminding me of the dream I had.

After some few minutes, I was done freshening up and stood in front of the portable mirror hanging on my room wall; fastening the buttons of the black and white striped shirt I was wearing. I matched the top with a black jean trouser and a nice pair of snickers which made me appear like I was preparing to go out on a date or something.

'There...' I smiled at the mirror when I noticed how handsome I was looking. 'Now, I just need to wait for Nora to come call me so we could go out on a stroll.'

I left my room and entered the kitchen to have my breakfast; munching hard on my toast bread and sipping the overly creamed tea I made when I heard the loud ringing of our parlour door echo inside the kitchen.

I froze immediately and waited to hear if...

'ding dong'

The doorbell resounded again; clearing every doubt I had.

"Am... Am coming" I yelled nervously from where I stood inside the kitchen and dumped the bread back on the plate; leveling my tea mug on the kitchen table before rushing out to get the door.

'breathe .. just breathe Henry' I told myself as I brought my steps to a silent halt near our parlour door; inhaling deeply to calm my nervousness. I knew it was Nora behind the door -- I just knew!

Then I gulped hard, cleaning both my sweaty palms on the side of my shirt before holding onto the doorknob with my left hand.

"Hi" I said sharply in a somewhat surprised tone as I pulled the door open to see Nora standing. She was wearing an ash coloured crop top on a sky blue jean trouser that hugged nicely on her waist - highlighting her sexy curves.

"Hi..." Her soft voice snapped me back to consciousness. For a split second, I was lust staring at her waist and healthy thighs -- playing foolish fantasies in my head of using my hand to caress them. "You look so um..." She smiled and didn't complete her sentence.

"tell me.." I urged, quickly lowering my gaze to inspect my outfit. Then I lifted my eyes to look at her and asked, "Is it too much?"

"No, no... It's okay" Nora chuckled, shaking her head in an amused manner before giving a shy shrug of her shoulders. "You just look, you know -- handsome if I may say"

I felt my pressed lips broadening with a blushing smile. "Thank you" I managed to say before adding in a somewhat stammering voice. "And uh... Yo--you look... Pretty"

Nora looked away, almost as if hiding the blush on her face before returning her look at me.

"So, have you told your parents that you're taking me out on a stroll?" She asked.

"Uh..." I turned around halfway to look inside the house and back at Nora before saying, "no... They've gone out actually -- but we should be back before they return."

"Okay" she smiled and moved two steps away; giving me enough space to come out of the house. Then I closed the parlour door behind me and moved forward.

"So where should we see first?" I asked, sluggishly strolling down the road with Nora walking beside me.

"I dunno... you're my tour guide" she giggled in a hearty voice, turning sideways to look at me as I chuckled.

"That's the mall over there..." I pointed my right hand forward at the shopping mall few distance in front of us before we entered the bending to our left - walking towards a candy store...


We had fun sight seeing, chatting and telling jokes as we leisurely strolled down towards the recreational park. Nora did most of the talking actually. She was very outspoken; one of the attribute I like about her.

"We should get some ice cream" she announced in a somewhat excited tone when she sighted an Ice cream van parked directly opposite the park.

I stopped walking and shoved my hands into my pocket in a searching manner and muttered "Yeah, that'll be nice but uh... I don't think I..."

"It's fine.. I'll buy" she interrupted immediately with a courteous smile. "So what's your favourite flavour?"

"Mmm...let me see.." I stared at the sky in a pretentious pondering manner before snapping my fingers. "That'll be vanilla... that flavour is the best" I grinned, looking at Nora who gave me a 'you're-wrong' look. Then shook her head in amusement and said, "Then I guess you haven't tasted the strawberry flavour" and walked towards the ice-cream van.

"Like seriously -- who'll even choose that?" I chuckled, spreading my arms apart as I followed behind Nora.

"Uh... Me of course" she laughed without turning around to look at me. And when she reached the van, she bought me a cone of vanilla ice cream and bought herself a strawberry flavour. Then we walked into the park and sat down on a wooden two sitters fancy chair underneath a red maple tree that provided us with a cool shade from the morning sun.

I sat in silence, licking off my ice-cream as I stared at the distance ahead with a smile on my face; watching some kids run around the green field with their parents either calling out or cautioning them to be careful.

I was enjoying the scenery, the cool breeze blowing with some dried maple leafs on the ground, rustling over our feet as the wind blew. This moment made me realize just how much I'd deprived myself of relaxation and anything that related to the word -- fun.

I was startled when I turned my head to see Nora looking at me which made me a bit shy so to say.

"Urrm.." I cleared my throat in awkwardness and said almost in a whisper. "Thanks for having me join you on your strolling -- I really needed this"

Nora smiled without saying a word and raised her ice-cream to have a lick of it.

"So, how are you enjoying your 'strawberry' flavour' I teased.

Then she chuckled and bragged "Mmm... I guess it's far more better than your vanilla"

"I doubt" I scoffed and cocked my head back in suppressed amusement.

"Really, am not bluffing. Like it's the... okay, taste and tell me" she argued in between her giggling before holding up her cone of ice-cream close to my mouth for me to taste.

I pulled my head back in a swift manner, giving her a 'are-you-sure' look with my heartbeat increasing tempo.

I knew her actions were innocent, but I also didn't want it to be -- neither was i sure if it was right for me to lick off her ice-cream; after all, we were not in any form of entanglement whatsoever -- just neighbours!

"C'mon, taste it" she urged with her smile broadening even more.

"If you insist" I shrugged my shoulders in surrender and in a very slow manner; leaned my mouth closer and licked off her ice-cream.

"Mmm" I found myself humming in pleasant surprise when i tasted it; and like she bragged -- strawberry was really a nice flavour. Then I pulled away to look at her and said "Wow... I must confess, the flavour is..."

"mouth watering" she completed.

"That's the word" I laughed, looking at her as she giggled and lowered her right hand on her thighs.

Suddenly, her smile faded as she studied my face as though there was something on it. And truly there was.

"What?" I asked, noticing her silent stare.

"You have something..." She informed, pausing briefly as she raised her right hand to cup my left cheek; using her thumb to clean off the pint-sized of ice-cream near my lower lip. And even after doing so, she found it hard removing her hand on my face.

Her touch was so tender it woke a feeling inside me; a burning desire I could no longer fight back or resist!

So I stared straight into her eyes, casting quick glances at her succulent lips as I leaned my head closer in momentary pauses -- waiting to see her own reactions.

Even she was enveloped with a burning desire, and I could tell by the glitter in her eyes and the way she slowly leaned her lips closer...

Then I felt a chill of excitement rush down my throat with my eyes flickering and went shut in bliss as our lips connected with our heads slanted sideways on opposite directions while we kissed; lustfully stroking our lips on each other in slow rhythmic movements. I couldn't define the feeling right now, nor was I ever going to forget this day most especially because it was my first time -- I mean, my very first time kissing a girl!

"Uh... I should get going" Nora suddenly pulled her lips from mine with an uncertain shake of her head.

My eyes opened again.

"Like right now?" I cleared my throat in awkwardness; questioning myself inside my head like it wasn't the right thing for me to have said -- or, was I supposed to thank her for kissing me? Well, that was the least of my concern at the moment.

"Yes, now actually" she insisted in a low voice and stood up from the wooden chair.

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