Lucifer Quirk

73 – Ephesians 6:13-15

Ephesians 6:13-15

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

Shota looked like he realised something. “The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?” he said.

“Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too... All Might... The Symbol of Peace... I can't believe he's not here? I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?” Tomura muttered. 

As the villains bore down on them Shota unleashed his scarf ready for battle.

“What? Villains? No way... There's no way they could get into a hero school!” Eijiro said.

“Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors?” Momo asked.

“We have them, of course, but…” Anan said.

“Did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding… ...that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind,” Shoto said.

Their classmates looked concerned. If this was planned, what were they after?

James was confident knowing by now Toru should have made it out of the building and the villains didn't seem to have realised it. He wasn't aware just how far the signal disruption reached, but given how Kurogiri was adamant about not letting them escape the dome in the original the range couldn't be far beyond the limits of the USJ building itself. This meant it wouldn't be much longer before Toru could convey what was happening to U.A. and draw All Might and the other heroes acting as the teaching staff, plus possibly more backup.

He didn't say anything to the other classmates or teachers there. Though it might help them relax it might also tip off the villains and endanger Toru and their chances at getting backup. Due to the butterfly effect he also didn't know if Tenya would actually succeed in getting back up in the first place due to his, Himiko's, Itsuka's and Ibara's presence here and the absence of the people whose places they took. That wasn't a risk he was willing to take. Even if he could make it out of here guaranteed with only the Nomu even standing a chance at being a threat he didn't like his plans being disrupted either.

“Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering.

“Kaminari!” Shota called out.

Denki looked surprised. 

“You try contacting the school with your Quirk too,” Shota said.

“Yessir,” Denki answered immediately.

James glanced at Himiko, Momo, Mina, and Tsuyu. "Try to stay calm, but more importantly stick close to me no matter what," he reminded them.

He had already told Himiko and Momo this, but reminding them wouldn't hurt and as long as it didn't cause too much trouble he didn't mind protecting Mina and Tsuyu either. Mina and Toru were already becoming more than friends and Tsuyu was their friend. He could have just joined Shota and attacked the main villains head on at least until back up arrived, but doing that would draw way too much attention to him.

Instead he would rather make sure the girls were together with him when the villains separated them so he could protect those he had already invested in and also show off his power to as few people as possible. The ones he wanted to see the least of his capabilities were Tomura, Kurogiri, and the U.A. staff. Most of the villains in this attack would end up captured after all so they were less of a concern. Thankfully the villains had already taken care of all surveillance in the USJ so he didn't need to be worried about being caught on camera.

The girls all nodded in agreement. Himiko and Momo would follow him no matter what he said and even the others' trust in him was second only to what they had for the teachers.

“What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks... Eraser Head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is…” Izuku

“You can't be a hero with just one trick,” Shota corrected him.

Shota looked over at Anan. “I’m leaving it to you, Thirteen,” he said.

She nodded in agreement.

He didn’t wait and jumped off the platform they were standing on and down the stairs towards the approaching villains.

“Shooting squad, let's go,” a villain with gun barrels for fingers shouted and aimed at Shota.

“Didn't our intel say it would just be Thirteen and All Might? Who's that?!” A woman seemingly capable of controlling her dreads said.

“I don't know! But if he thinks he can come at us from the front by himself…” A mountain of fat and muscle wearing a gas masked shaped like boar said.

Shota was running right for them.

“…then he's a huge idiot!” all three of the villains completed.

The moment they tried to use their Quirks though they failed. 

“Huh? My Quirk...! The bullets won't come out?!” The one with gun barrel fingers said in surprise.

The woman also lost control over her dreadlocks.

It only took Shota a second to capture them with his scarf when he finally got in range of them. Slamming their heads into one other.

The other villains looked surprised at the sudden development. They hadn’t even had the chance to interfere.

“Idiots! It's Eraser Head! He can erase Quirks just by looking at them!” One of the villains called him out after recognising him.

A four armed mutant quirk holder whose skin seemed to be made out of or covered in a rock like substance ran up to Shota. “Erase? Are you gonna erase the Quirks of heteromorphic-type villains like us, too?” he yelled leaping towards him while drawing back his fist for a punch.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Three Days Grace - Various Tracks

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