Loosing you

Chapter 9: chapter 9

I just don't know what it is but as soon as he asked me a question I answered without any hesitation. I felt open and comfortable around him that I didn't even beat around the bush when he asked me what was troubling me and stuff like that. We talked and talked and before I knew it , it was my time to leave. I had another appointment scheduled for next week so it was fine. I then said bye to him as I left the place, on my way out I met up with Becky along with her always eating daughter. I believe that's why she was all chubby and cute. Becky told me that she wanted to show me a place I would love as if she knew me to that extent. I couldn't argue though so we went to her car and she drove me to this coffee place, by the looks of it, it was newly opened.

I asked her why she wanted to have coffee all of a sudden and she told me that she actually owned the shop and wanted me to help her out so that I could get occupied and not stress. What a smart move, I loved it. The problem was I knew nothing about making coffees, but we went in the place and I met the two people who were already helping her out. Well our job there was just to talk, Becky was just like me. We were the worst when it came to working , but talking was something we were totally good at, full stop. She then introduced me to the two guys whom seemed way too busy even though there were only four customers inside, and she told them that I was going to help them take orders and stuff like that. I was actually happy though, I've never pictured myself doing such a thing for someone and there Becky was, my only friend. She was always thinking of ways to help me and that really made me adore her very much. I was very lucky to have someone like her in my life, really. Before I knew it I was already a pro working at the coffee shop, and I still went to my therapist. I even felt good about myself. I was no longer the skinny legged girl I was, I was getting better everyday and I thought to myself, what could go wrong until I got a call from my father telling me about this friend of his owning an entertainment company and looking for new staff. He said if I wanted to act, model or just do anything I should just name it and I would get it. Talk about connections.

First of all, I couldn't act to even save my life, I wasn't that attractive to a point that I would see myself as a model, I was no producer nor director, I couldn't even apply my own make up so what was I going to do there. Just talk to the artists and get paid. That's exactly what I said to my dad and he said it would be better if I was a personal manager or something, he didn't want me do any work though, so I was just going to get paid since he said we would just pretend that I was since his friend owed him a huge favour. If you don't know, it's been three years since I've had a normal job so I couldn't say no when my father introduced this new job, the problem was I knew nothing about what I had to do, I just had to figure it out. And that meant I had to go back to my house again since the company he was talking about was on that side. So I told Becky about it, even though she wasn't happy about me leaving she was just glad that I would have something to do, other than serving coffee for free. And also, it was highly impossible for me to stay with her and her husband forever so yah. I then went back to my house, and then my dad told me that someone would come to pick me up at my place . So I just had to wait. I spend most of my time talking to Becky, exercising since on my last and final visit at my therapist I was told to sometimes do so. And just a week after arriving at my house, there was a knock on my door, it was a man, he seemed to be at around the same age as my father. He told me that he was there to pick me up and introduce me to his employees and stuff like that. He was the friend whom owed my father a favour I believe. The one thing that surprised me by was the three cars he came with, I mean why. I now felt like I was getting kidnapped for some reason. But I left with him. On our way he kept telling me about my dad and how my dad helped him when he was in need and stuff like that. I mean, I didn't really need to know about all that, like for real. All I needed was just to be away , like just to work even though I knew this was all my father's idea. But I just didn't want to be given that special treatment simply because he knew who my father was, I mean, that's kinda messed up.

I just wanted to be treated like any other person even though I just got this job straight up, I didn't even have to apply for it. After having an entire conversation with the man we finally arrived at this very huge building, it was his company I believe, it was written visionary Stars and it seemed very huge, and I mean huge. Before we got out of the car he asked me to relax as he wasn't going to take me in front of the entire people in the building in order to introduce me like he does to all his staff, he told me that he was just going to introduce me to the person I was supposed to work with. And he did emphasize that the person already had a manager and I was just going to be an additional one meaning I wasn't supposed to be taking any work load. I bet that's just what my father told him.

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