Chapter 12: Chapter 12
Yep, that's how it went. I got scolded but I wasn't loosing easily. I went outside, got in my car and there Angel was, she was at the passengers seat at the back and she gave the location of the place I had to fit my clothes at so I just drove without saying a word.
On our way
Ashely- If I may ask, how old are you?
Angel- I'm twenty six why?
Ashely- You're this old and you still act like a child,
Angel- excuse me...
Ashly- father just called me for a small talk and it turns out you told him that I wasn't treating you fairly and stuff, why would you do that, I could loose my job you know,
Angel- I'm not in the mood for this kid, I don't know what you are talking about and I'm done talking about it.
Ashely- Fine, get out of my car then, I'll go fit the clothes on my own.
Angel- Stop driving then I'll leave
So, I stopped the car and I really didn't think why she did get out though. It was very late and very dangerous to be requesting Ubers but she did. Before you go around judging me,I didn't really mean to chase her out of the car this time, I just wanted to talk about yesterday and maybe apologize but it didn't go as I thought it would, she was mad at me and didn't seem to care. She immediately requested for an Uber the moment she got out of the car and I was forced to go fit the clothes on my own. So I did go to the store, the people there were very friendly,turns out they watched the series I just starred in . They were telling me how good I did in it and they couldn't wait to see me acting in more roles. Well to tell you about the series, I was a varsity freshman who fell for a senior, I did a lot of crying in that series, I'll tell you all about it another time. I really liked it when people appreciated my work, it gave me the strength to go on. I mean,there were times I would tell myself that I was going to quit acting but because of them I didn't. Back to fitting the clothes, they gave me five outfits which I had to fit and if I remember correctly I only had to wear like three of them. They were too sparky but it didn't matter. After fitting the clothes I went back to my apartment, after taking pictures of course.
When I arrived there I found my dance instructor, yep I wasn't going to have any sleep at all. I had a room that could be used for dance practices so yah, we went to that room and danced for a very long time and I still couldn't move my hips perfectly like my dancers which made me suggest just singing and them dancing but that wasn't going to happen anyway. So I just danced till my body couldn't anymore. As the following day came I didn't even want to go to work, I knew I would meet up with father and he will scold me again for fighting with Angel but I didn't have a choice. My team was going to check out the venue I was going to be having my fan-meet at, so I had to be there in order to practice for the last time on stage. So I went to freshen up, and we all left. The first thing I did when I got there was have a chat with my vocal coach who just told me to have fun on stage tomorrow. He just trained me for a day and was now acting like I was a pro. I didn't even meet father, seems like he was very busy, obviously I wasn't the only artist there, so he was monitoring other artists since we had three sets of BLs which were being shot. And as for me, I wasn't gonna have a project anytime soon, so I was going to have some time to myself. After talking to my vocal coach for a while, me along with my team went to the venue of the event. It wasn't a very big venue, I believe it only accommodated like ten thousand people, I doubted that half of it would fill up. Just a thousand people was enough for me, it's not like I was going to do anything interesting anyway. After arriving at the venue, I got to dance with my amazing back up dancers for the last time, I also had to sing live and I know what you are thinking she properly nailed it, of course, I did not. I sounded like a five year old singing along to a song they didn't even know. But my team always had positive reviews, I just hoped that the people who would be watching would be like them.
As for today, I didn't get too tired since I had to save some strength for tomorrow. So I went back to my apartment to sleep while uncle went to pick up my clothes for tomorrow. I didn't really get the sleep I wanted since some of my friends from the company came to give me a visit. It was these two cute boys, around my age. They were already a fixed BL pair and they were part of the projects that were shooting shows. I really loved hanging out with them and one of the things that made me love them more was their love for one another. Obviously they were in a relationship, everyone in the company knew, it's just that they didn't release a statement yet and I just thought it was fine for them to stay that way. I've seen many couples break up after announcing their relationship so it was better to just keep it as it was. You might ask yourself why I didn't have a fixed partner, well most of my partners were no longer interested in doing GL anymore hence I had the privilege of shooting with anyone I wanted. It was fun that way, I didn't have to do constant fanservice and stuff like that. Even with my previous partner,instead of doing fanservice I went to a family dinner with her, her kids and husband which was very fun. But during the shooting we just did a tiny bit of fanservice , like flirting during events and stuff like that. Mind you her husband was always there attending every event we had which wasn't making our lives easy. I believe he had fun doing that because he onnce tweeted that his wife looked good with me and wouldn't even get mad if I replaced him. It was a joke after all, they have been married for years and resembled a power couple if you ask me. Back to my visitors, I stayed for a while with Simon and Jess since they didn't want me to sleep, they even decided to sleep over so I left them to sleep. And as I was still having my beauty queen sleep I was woken up by my favourite makeup artist,well she is my makeup artist after all, she told me to shower or else I'll be late for my own event so I had no choice but to wake up.
I went to take a shower and as I was done, they did my make-up, my hair and I got dressed and as I was done we all left the place. Including Siomon and jess.We went straight to the events venue and when I got there I met up with my backup dancers, I didn't even know why they were there early, I mean I was gonna sing at the last hour. Oh, and before I forget, the venue was full, I never expected that but I believe people really did know I still existed. The show then started and I went to the stage and sat down on a chair and greeted everyone. I highly doubted that there was someone over the age of twenty there, but I couldn't complain,I was young myself so I preferred this type of a crowd. What I loved the most about meeting with my fans was the conversations we had, so I would choose like ten of them to come to the stage and we would have chats, ask each other questions and the one I got was if I had something new to showcase today and being who I was, I told them that I was forced to sing and dance.