Live streaming of Chinese martial arts, the police want me to register

Chapter 504

Just looking at the title, I feel that there must be a lot of gain in it, Rao is so, Li Changsheng still sinks his heart, and slowly starts reading from the first volume.

It took a full two hours for Li Changsheng to finish reading the first four volumes.

The number of words is actually not much, but Li Changsheng reads it very slowly, and many words and sentences are confirmed by modern Chinese medicine theory and ancient Chinese medicine theory that he knows.

At the same time, combined with their own concept of martial arts health preservation to corroborate each other, it is quite rewarding.

"The first four volumes are indeed the theory of Chinese medicine health preservation, but they also involve some knowledge related to Zhuyu, if you remove it, it is very easy to understand, suitable for one of the books on Chinese medicine theory, but some places still have some conflicts with modern Chinese medicine, right or wrong for the time being."

Li Changsheng shook his head, he did not deny the modern integrated Chinese medicine, but he would not deny this ancient Chinese medicine text.

Looking down, the theory of the five internal organs and hidden gods has actually been proposed for a long time, and it has been mentioned in many ancient books.

For example, "Lingshu Benshen " has clouds: heart hides god, liver hides soul, lung hides, spleen hides meaning, kidney hides zhi.

At the same time, this theory is also mentioned in the sister chapter of the Yellow Emperor's outer canon, the Yellow Emperor's inner canon.

Although it is the five gods, the god who is the main consciousness of the heart is a higher level, and the god can control the soul, spirit, will, and will.

There is ancient philosophy in this.

According to Western medicine, this must be nonsense, it is clear that the brain dominates thinking, but there are also some things that science cannot explain.

For example, some people who have undergone heart transplants have about 20% of their emotional personality changes according to the survey.

There is no clear explanation for this change.

In addition, liver transplantation will change some people's cognition to some extent, and the scientific explanation is that the liver is a key part to remove toxic substances from the body. So the cognitive changes caused by liver transplantation may be the cause.

In addition, it is said that the beneficial bacteria in the intestines replace the harmful bacteria and can significantly improve people's mood and emotions.

These organ transplants exhibit cognitive biases and personality changes.

For example, someone has a heart-lung transplant and then suddenly loves fried chicken.

Transplanted the hearts of some victims, some dreamed of the murderer, and helped the police successfully arrest the suspect.

There are also transplanted musicians' hearts and suddenly love to write poetry and compose music.

After transplantation, sloppy people suddenly become careful, and careful people suddenly become sloppy, and such cases often occur in reality.

The scientists reluctantly responded by saying only that it might be the cellular memory carried after the transplant.

And in the Xia Kingdom, since ancient times, people have been regarded as a whole.

Especially for the deceased, even some people with more traditional concepts now, if they find that their old man's organs are being sold to you after death, they will definitely go crazy.

In this regard, Li Changsheng does not reject or recognize, it is naturally good that the deceased is willing to donate organs, and he is unwilling and unable to do some illegal things.

But he thinks that every organ is useful, such as many people looking at the useless appendix, Li Changsheng feels that it also has some value, but he has not found evidence of its usefulness.

Of course, if inflammation occurs, it must be removed.

In addition, in the early years, some people who sold kidneys for mobile phones were even more dangerous, it seemed that one less of the two kidneys in the human body was nothing, but the impact was huge.

The liver is also, although the liver has a strong ability to recover, but it is better not to hurt nature.

And this article on the five internal organs hides the gods, the first half is a good explanation of some of the magic uses between the five organs.

For example, in martial arts, it is very insightful in wellness.

The middle one belongs to the heart, the fossa belongs to the lung, the exposed part of the bone belongs to the kidney, the joint part of the tendon belongs to the liver, and the thick part of the flesh belongs to the spleen.

Therefore, there is also a saying that the heart is as fierce, the liver is like an arrow, the power of the spleen is infinite, the position of the lung meridian is the most flexible, and the movement of kidney qi is as fast as the wind.

Just like Li Changsheng's previous practice of the Five Elements Fist of Form and Meaning for a long time.

Splitting fists, gold, rise and fall in one breath. If it is smooth, the lungs are harmonious; If it is strong, the lungs are well-behaved.

The broken fist, belonging to wood, is a stretch of qi, the style is like a pearl arrow, in the abdomen it belongs to the liver, in the fist it is a collapse, the so-called collapse fist is like an arrow, and the wood is also. Its fist shun is liver qi comfort, and its fist is liver qi injury.

The drill boxer, belonging to water, is a curved manifold of one qi, and he is meticulous. The drill suddenly protrudes like water in the ground, and it is like a fist that flashes above the water. Qi and qi are kidneys, and qi is deficient.

Cannon fists, belonging to fire, are the opening and closing of one breath, like a cannon suddenly bursting, its bullet is prominent, its sex is the strongest, and its style is the most fierce. Qi and harmony are vain in their hearts, and qi is obscure in their hearts.

For the benefits of the five organs, Li Changsheng is quite experienced, in fact, the benefits he feels are not particularly obvious, mainly because the practice of the latter various health kung fu superimposed together, relatively not so obvious.

Normally, when practicing drill boxing, you will feel that your kidneys are swollen and hot, energetic, your bones are solid and you are not afraid of bumps, and your teeth are firm.

Practicing collapse boxing, not easy to fatigue, liver tolerance to alcohol increased.

After practicing cannon boxing, people are full of vitality, not easy to fatigue, and the condition of abnormal heartbeat can be improved.

Of course, the five elements are a whole, and one cannot be favored over the other.

Like the famous five-bird play, each animal play contains a variety of parts, and the magic is endless.

And the second half of this volume talks about the right heart, the right body, the right speech, the right deeds, and the right law.

The five zheng are in harmony with the five internal organs, and also correspond to the five qi dynasties.

The five qi dynasties return to the three flowers, the three flowers gather to the origin of the true one, and the completion is achieved, the source of the Infinite Ontology Dao.

Li Changsheng, the Yuan of the Five Qi Dynasty, has already understood its magic in the word technique, and it is also described in the book of Sanhua Juding.

That is, the unity of spirit and spirit, gathered in the entrance.

In many Taoist texts, the location of the entrance is inaccurate, but here the entrance is already pointed out, and it is located in the Shenque Cave.

"Is it so coincidental?"

Li Changsheng muttered, this trick is really too critical.

Shenque Cave is also known as the residence of the Yuan God in many ancient Taoist texts.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Shenque Acupoint also plays an extremely important role, and there is a song: "Always moxibustion Shenque Acupoint, all diseases will be extinguished." "

The navel is connected to the five internal organs, and the door of true qi is also the door.

The Shenque Point, which is the center of the belly button, is quite easy to find, and is a point that is innately connected to the mother, and it is also where everyone grows from the beginning.

Constantly pressing the Shenque Acupoint can make the human body full of true qi, full of spirit, full of physical strength, rosy complexion, and prolong life.

Shenque Acupoint is an important acupuncture point on the Ren Pulse, which is the most important branch of the kidney meridian.

Therefore, this Shenque point is also the best acupuncture point for tonifying the kidney.

And it is obviously an organ that seems to be of little use after birth, and even because it is sunken itself, it is easy to hoard dirt, but it has extremely sensitive neural tissue.

If you knead it carefully, you can find that the nerve sensation seems to go straight to the depths of the belly, which is very mysterious.

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