Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Are you a serious vampire?

After hearing Lu Mo’s introduction of incident 408-A.

Everyone laughed

Dozens of half-cats of different appearances walking on the road

The scene is a bit shocking just thinking about it.

Speaking of……

The Phantom Butterfly and the Crystal Butterfly are somewhat similar.

However, the threat posed by the Phantom Butterfly is far less than that posed by the Crystal Butterfly.

After all, if you touch the crystal butterfly, you will be hurt.

And the IQ is also not as high as that of the illusion butterfly and!

What the phantom butterfly eats is just sweetener

No special feeding required

There is no harm to humans at all

The containment breach of the site is entirely due to the characteristics of the illusion butterfly.

In this way, they finally understood why Dr. Kondraki could ride on Uncle 682.

The Illusion Butterfly can completely hide Dr. Kondraki

It’s invisible.

682 No matter how powerful his evolutionary abilities are, he still can’t react to seeing the Illusion Butterfly for the first time.

“To be honest! It would be great if I could find the Phantom Butterfly now. This thing is really useful!”

“That’s right! Almost completely invisible. There aren’t many containment objects that can do this!”

“But just looking at these two collections, Dr. Kondraki seems average. How can he accomplish so many things?”

“We can’t use our normal way of thinking to look at people from the Foundation! Who knows if they have any special abilities!”

“That’s it! Don’t use human thinking to imagine the existence of the Foundation!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are now hoping to get the illusion butterfly.

After all, this guy looks like he will recognize his master.

If I am recognized as the master

I will have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

One more thing

It seems like it would be nice to be completely invisible and spy on the women’s bathhouse!

But Lu Mo doesn’t care what the viewers in the live broadcast room think.

Since people are curious about the Duke who was able to be solved by Dr. Kondraki riding on Mr. 682

It’s okay to tell them.

“Item #: SCP-083-D【Duke】!”

“Object Class: Keter!”

“SCP-083 presents as a Caucasian male between 20 and 26 years old”

“Black hair, brown eyes, 1.83 meters tall”

“Usually wears inconspicuous clothing”

“Subject usually refers to himself as”The Duke”, but he does not mind being referred to as SCP-083 or just 83.”

“He spends most of his time walking around Site 17 or in the recreation room, chatting with staff.”

“SCP-083 has no physical need to eat, although it frequently requests food.”

“He seemed to prefer meat, and ordered several well-known brands of preserves.”

“Subject has no need for sleep, but has requested a bed as part of his containment procedures.”

“When asked about this, the subject replied:”Sometimes I want to lie down for a while, and I don’t think it’s weird.””

“Personnel who have interacted with SCP-083 generally report that he is”cordial” and”polite” to most staff members, although several female staff members have filed numerous complaints of sexual harassment with Human Resources.”

“This behavior is highly discouraged, and if complaints like this continue, he will be locked away in his containment facility forever.”

“When given a standard IQ test, he scored over 155, and has demonstrated impressive logical and problem-solving abilities, even being the cause of several containment breaches.”

“When asked about his life before being captured by the SCP Foundation, he claimed that he remembered many historical events, the earliest of which was the execution of John Rogers in 1555.”

“If the subject is not fed blood every 12 hours, he will become enraged and aggressive, and will attempt to breach his containment facility.”

“It looks like a self-preservation instinct, like when an animal is deprived of food, only on a much larger scale.”

“While in this stage, SCP-083 will seek out humans, and attempt to drain them dry.”

“The subject can only be pacified once a human matching his blood standards is found.”

“When he finds a blood source that satisfies him, the subject will become bloodthirsty and completely suck the blood, whether it is in the human body or in blood bags, he will only suck them”

“Once his hunger and thirst are satisfied, the subject will enter a 12-hour peaceful state, and the feeding schedule will be restructured to revolve around this new time cycle.”

“When he was questioned about these outbursts, he claimed to have no memory of them, even becoming violent on one occasion.”

“SCP-083 appears to have similar regenerative abilities to SCP-076, and can even be reborn after apparent”death”.”

“Regarding SCP-083’s blood experiments:”

“Administration: Type O blood. Reaction: Subject went berserk, then calmed down after being given a”normal” dose of blood.”

“Administration: Non-virgin blood. Reaction: Subject went berserk, then calmed down after being given a”normal” dose of blood.”

“Reaction: 083 looks around suspiciously, looking directly at the camera, scowling, as if he were the victim of a prank.”

“Subject showed no adverse reactions after drinking the remaining blood.”

“This behavior is not recommended, as the subject becomes sullen and silent until his next feeding.”

When Lu Mo finished talking about the Duke, everyone had a strange look on their faces.

The Duke compared to the vampires in Vampire Factory

That’s what people imagine vampires to look like.

But aren’t some of your behaviors a little outrageous?

Our Imaginary Vampires

Drinking human blood is drinking human blood

But they are not picky eaters.

And, what I like most is the blood of virgins

Finally it came to you……

Good job!

He was furious about the blood of a virgin!

So the reason why you don’t have any companions is because you are such a picky eater! wrong……

Maybe the reason for the demise of vampires is because they are picky eaters.

Also, why did you drink the blood of a virgin?

Are there so many expressions?

Could it be that you, Duke, are a Nan Tong?

Absolutely amazing!

“I’ve seen some outrageous vampires, but I’ve never seen such an outrageous vampire!”

“That’s right! So the real demise of vampires couldn’t be due to picky eating, right?”

“It’s possible! We know so little about vampires. We always thought that these guys liked the blood of virgins!”

“Starting today, all TV dramas about vampires will change!”

“Ahem! I feel that few people will dare to make TV dramas in the future. After all, who knows if the monster you are facing is a human in disguise!”

“Hiss! — You never mind, it’s really possible!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are all more confused than each other.

The blood this vampire drinks is really outrageous

Completely different from the vampires they imagined!

But it also has benefits

Future vampire-related movies will have real-life examples.

The previous Vampire Factory doesn’t count!

That thing……

It’s completely man-made.

But there is still a problem that bothers people

After all, the Foundation even allows the Duke to walk around the site freely.

Why did they choose to execute the Duke in the end?

Did anything else happen in between?

At this time, Lu Mo also began to tell the story of that time

“Within Containment Area-25, subject immediately went berserk, displaying levels of rage never before recorded, based on the blood given to him during Test 083-C.”

“The object successfully breached its containment procedures, which unfortunately coincided with the time SCP-076-2 began to show signs of movement.”

“At this point, the security personnel were no longer able to handle the threats from both SCP-083 and SCP-076-2 at the same time, so containment of both SCP-083 and SCP-076-2 failed, leading to the decision by the top brass to send in reinforcements.”

“During this time, SCP-083 found a suitable food source, which she was immediately killed and drained.”

“Security footage recovered 12 hours later showed SCP-083 regaining consciousness and initiating detonation of warheads on-site as SCP-076-2 continued its escape attempt.

“At that time, all non-combat personnel had been evacuated from Containment Area 25, as well as most transportable SCPs.”

“SCP-083 broke into the former, now lost, SCP containment room and successfully used it as a weapon”

“He was able to hold off SCP-076-2 long enough for the remaining security personnel to evacuate and until the warhead could be detonated.”

“Due to the high cost of containment, the Foundation decided to order Dr. Kondraki to terminate SCP-083-D, thus starting the most spectacular drama of the Comedy Foundation,”The Duke’s End”」”

“Kondraki first angered the Duke with words, then used traditional methods of warding off evil spirits, such as cat urine, garlic, silver bullets, and wooden stakes, but all had no effect.”

“So Kondraki used SCP-408 to cover himself, picked up various SCP items to delay the furious Duke, and fled into the site”

0 ······Request flowers··· ··

“The Duke sucked the blood out of all the unlucky people he encountered during the hunt.”

“The Mobile Task Force sent to control the situation was caught in the accidentally released SCP and all died.”

“Kondraki came to SCP-682’s containment room and released it. He used a cable made from a particularly tough plant from SCP-143 as a bridle and rode SCP-682 around the base.”

“During this time, SCP-682 ate two people, but later regurgitated them for unknown reasons. Of course, it did not stop destroying the surrounding area.”

“Finally, the entire Site-19 was forced to evacuate. Kondraki, who luckily escaped, killed 083 with SCP-298’s pipe organ, which would drain the listener’s blood. The mission was a great success.”

After Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone didn’t know what to say

At first they were quite surprised at the Duke’s fighting ability.

Even able to stop Abel!

You know, the fighting power that Abel showed at that time was beyond everyone’s imagination.

It can even cut off 90% of Mr. 682’s body.

The Duke is quite strong enough to hold on for a while.

But the reason for this guy’s execution is still quite excessive.

More food, more shelter funds……


Tell me, if you behave yourself, you won’t be executed.

As for the execution process

People are dying of laughter!

Good job!

Dr. Kondraki is also a person who is deeply influenced by TV series.

All the things on TV that can be used to recruit vampires are used.

………… 0

What a pity!

Totally useless!

This also confirms that all the vampire attack methods in TV and movies are fictitious.

When they first saw the vampire, they actually thought they had seen someone.

Finally, Dr. Kondraki even rode on 682 and made a scene in the Foundation’s site.

Isn’t that what they said?

Dr. Kondraki, aren’t you from the Foundation?

Do you know how many people will suffer if you do this?


The people in the site were really miserable at that time.

But they also understand after all……

Now things have reached a point where they cannot be undone.

Neither 682 nor the Duke could stop the idea of ​​killing.

Dr. Kondraki has prevented greater harm to a certain extent.

If these two guys run away, they will be the ones in trouble!

“Amazing! I can only say that Dr. Kondraki is amazing!”

“Brothers, remember, when you see a vampire next time, don’t use the methods you learned on TV!”

“I’m curious, are there any zombie shelters? Zombie shelters in our Dragon Country!”

“Don’t tell me! I also hope to see such a containment. After seeing it, we can also confirm whether the method of fighting zombies in Uncle Ying’s movie is effective!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room all have to admire Dr. Kondraki

It is also yours that a human being can do this.

But now that we can confirm how vampires are dealt with through the Foundation’s execution process,

Can we also identify the zombies in Dragon Country?

It’s a pity that we still don’t know whether zombies exist!

I think so.……

Lu Mo did not answer the questions from the live broadcast room fans at this time

Instead, he began to introduce the last of the Four Doctors of Apocalypse.

“Dr. Clef, one of the four doctors of Apocalypse”

“Formerly an agent of the Global Occult Coalition, codenamed”Ukulele”, he joined the Foundation after retiring and was responsible for executing Keter-level objects.”

“He is well-known in the Foundation for his clean and efficient actions. Clef is known as the”Father of Lies” and speaks with a dark sense of humor. No one knows his real name except for O5 and some senior staff.”

“Clef’s true appearance in the story cannot be clearly photographed by any known method, but it appears to have a large nose and a wide grin similar to that of a Cheshire cat.”

“He has three eyes, green, blue, and hazel, and they seem to have pupils that absorb all light that falls on them.”

“This entity is known to be an inveterate liar in all matters other than SCP-related matters, and therefore should not be trusted by anyone.”

“Clef is responsible for the termination of Keter-class objects, and has gained a reputation for his swift, elegant, and precise termination of dangerous SCPs. The Overseer Council has recently approved the promotion of Dr. Clef to the position of Director of Training and Development, responsible for training response teams and field agents.”

“Clef is accustomed to carrying a shotgun (or hunting rifle) and often wears a top hat.”

“Dr. Clef must not be allowed to eat an entire can of Altos mints in one sitting.”

“The whereabouts are unknown and it is very likely that he is dead..

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