Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 The most powerful camera known to mankind! Butterfly Camera!

After Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone in the live broadcast room also reacted.

It seems like that!

Foundations and Containment

Many of the objects in the collection are closely related to the Bible and Christianity.

If you say this……

Could the appearance of the containment objects also be related to Christianity and the Bible?

Don’t say that!

Don’t say that!

It is possible.

Religious matters are themselves related to abnormal phenomena.

Now the Foundation is related to religion again

Many of the objects in the collection are also related to religion

Even some supreme deities and inter-universe civilizations are religious in nature.

Maybe religion is the essence of the appearance of the inmates!

But you ask people today to believe in religion

That’s still a bit unlikely. after all……

Scientific thinking has taken over people’s minds.

“Brothers! Do you think that after you see the truth about the appearance of the containment objects, or the truth about the universe, will it be related to religion?”

“I think this is possible! You are like the Celestial Cicada before, you are also a supreme deity related to religion. Without religion, you don’t even have power!”

“Even if faith is needed to make humans stronger, I choose to believe in Boss Lu Mo. I don’t believe in Christianity at all!”

“That’s right! The Christian inmates are more or less hostile. Look at Boss Lu Mo, he is totally helping us!”

After hearing these contents, the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room

The only idea I have is

No matter what religion you belong to, the one I trust first will always be Master Lu Mo!

Your religions bring us basically no benefits

Various horrific objects and bloody sacrificial activities

We don’t know what we believe in.

Besides, the objects in custody don’t necessarily have to be related to religion!

It is possible that some religious objects were taken into custody.

And Li Lao and others are now thinking

Should we promote Taoism in our country?

After all, it is a religion that originated in one’s own country.

It is also the religion that best suits the development of Dragon Country.

If faith is really needed to become a powerful nation in the universe,

This is the only choice they have!

If Lu Mo knew what Mr. Li was thinking now, he would probably smile bitterly.

After all, the Foundation does not exist in this world!

At this time, Lu Mo also began to introduce the other two of the Four Doctors of Apocalypse.

The other two have much less content.

After all, the other two don’t have Dr. Bright’s family.

“Doctor Kondraki, one of the four Doctors of Apocalypse”

“Former director of Site-17, responsible for several projects within 500, including SCP-408, currently missing”

“He likes photography and fencing, is an avid fan of SCP weaponization, and is also a good friend and rival of Dr. Clef.”

“His personnel file describes Dr. Kondraki as being rude, terse, and disliking white lab coats.”

“Dr. Kondraki is an SCP researcher working at Site-17, as well as a Foundation scientist and photographer.”

“When not on duty at Site-17, he usually spends his time developing new optical technology and upgrading his camera.”

“Although he had no education in either field, he seemed to have done a pretty good job of teaching himself.”

“Some consider him a sociopath, as he admits that despite working at Site-17 for five years, he can’t remember the names of any of his co-workers.”

“However, he expressed interest in working with SCP-105, and her abilities are under consideration.”

“Dr. Kondraki has been observed communicating with SCP-408 for extended periods of time, but the latter appears to have ceased visual communication with the former.”

“Dr. Kondraki wears glasses and appears to always wear a baseball cap. He carries his personal camera, designated SCP-515-ARC, and is sometimes surrounded by swarms of butterflies SCP-408”

“Can use fencing and may carry a sword”

“Dr Kondraki is a photographer, fencer, writer and classical music expert, who believes it is”the only music worth listening to”.””

“During his tenure at the Foundation, Dr. Kondraki has been an avid supporter of SCP weaponization, and has spearheaded the development of 33 weapons that exploit the resources of SCP targets.”

“Although he claimed that his motivation was simply the practical application of his research, a more likely reason was that he got bored easily.”

“Dr. Kondraki signed on as a junior researcher with little hope of advancement when he was 35 years old.”

“However, his skill with the camera soon attracted attention and he has been an avid photographer ever since.”

“Most of his time is spent working with agents on the front lines and documenting new discoveries with photographs. After the discovery and containment of SCP-408, Dr. Kondraki was promoted to Level 3 clearance and is the research supervisor for SCP-408.”

“Recently, he was tasked with taking photographs of various SCPs, including some that are invisible to the human eye.”

“Dr. Kondraki is to remain at Site-17 until further notice.”

“In”The Duke’s Last Days”, Dr. Kondraki attempted to terminate SCP-083-D Duke by riding SCP-682, causing numerous casualties and nearly destroying Site-19, before playing SCP-298 and reducing Duke to ash.”

“In the famous”239-B-In the”Clef-Kondraki” incident, in order to protect SCP-239, he and Dr. Clef made a scene at Site-17, during which the two of them fought with swords for a long time. In the end, with the help of many personnel, Dr. Clef was defeated, and SCP-239 fell into a permanent sleep.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

You know, before this, they always thought that the only one who dared to ride on the 682 uncle was Lu Mo.

As a result, Lu Mo actually said

Am I not the first human to ride on Uncle 682?

Instead, he is a PhD from a foundation?

You know, just look at the current introduction of Dr. Kondraki

His abilities are basically to use the containment

He is not an abnormal creature like the other two Doctors of Apocalypse.

At most, I just took various drugs from the Foundation.

And you tell me that such a person can ride SCP-682, an extremely large, world-destroying containment object?


Is it fake?

Boss Lu Mo!

We don’t like joking now!

“I’m numb! I’m really numb. Big Brother Lu Mo is not the first person to ride on Uncle 682!”

“Am I the only one who is curious about what the Duke is? After all, it takes one of the four doctors of the apocalypse, the use of containment objects and 682, and even the destruction of an entire site to destroy it!”

“The objects that the main foundation needs to destroy are difficult to contain and pose a great threat to humans!”

“What I am more curious about is Dr. Kondraki’s various equipment. If we have those equipment and genetic drugs, maybe we can become that powerful too!”

The curiosity of the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room has been aroused

How did Dr. Kondraki manage to ride on Mr. 682?

And what is this so-called duke?

Being able to force the foundation into this state!

At this time, Mr. Li also had an idea

Since Dr. Kondraki can do this

Can they also train their own Dr. Kondraki?

Long Tian and the others have already drunk the genetic medicine

As for the shelter, Lu Mo gave them enough.

Although most of them are humanoid containment objects

But it is useful, isn’t it?

I’ll talk to Lu Mo about it then, maybe they’ll have some usable storage items.

Even Dr. Kondraki from Dragon Country could come up with something like that!

But Lu Mo is still busy harvesting science points.

This time it’s about Dr. Kondraki’s abilities after all

So even if the containment object does not appear

Lu Mo decided to explain the abilities of these objects.

“Item #: SCP-515-ARC【Butterfly Camera】!”

“Object Class: Safe!”

“SCP-515 appears to be a highly customized Nikon D3 camera, with its housing redesigned and modified by SCP-143.”

“A large flashlight is attached to the top of the device, using a flash-heat system connected to a transparent glass container of SCP-295-1.”

“The image sensor was replaced with a cell crystal removed from SCP-408, which retains the mental qualities of a hive when near the main swarm of SCP-408.”

“This allows voice commands to be used with almost unlimited image definitions when capturing images.”

“The shutter and sensor were also developed using reverse-engineered information from SCP-698.”

“By reversing the function of SCP-698, the device is able to record images without instructions, rather than focusing on recording a single object.”

“This allows you to capture subjects that were previously thought impossible to photograph.”

“SCP-The flash mechanism of the 515 can cause second to third degree burns and temporary blindness at close range.”

“The flash can be kept at a lower intensity, acting as a lighthouse with extremely high power”

“SCP-515 flashes can also completely render other photographic equipment useless by overloading their sensors to the point of permanent damage.”

“SCP-515 was developed by Dr. Kondraki during his off-hours at Site-17.”

“While trying to improve imaging technology in order to better assist his work with the SCP, he concocted the concept of using SCP technology on his camera.”

“The end result is what might just be the most powerful camera known to man.”

“A member of the O5 Council expresses annoyance at yet another example of SCP cross-development, but acknowledges that it is being done for the benefit of the Foundation.”

“Cross-SCP experimentation to collect appearances of several invisible or unobservable SCP objects Pending approval”

After Lu Mo finished speaking

Leaders of all countries have given up the idea of ​​using the containment to make weapons after all……

A single camera uses the abilities of three or four types of objects.

Moreover, it seems that they are all different types of containment.

The objects that humans currently have are basically in Lu Mo’s containment space.

The rest are in Dragon Country

They simply don’t have the ability to create containment weapons!

If you want to make an offensive containment weapon, the number of containments required is estimated to be an astronomical number.


As for others, they were surprised by the horror of the butterfly camera.

This thing can capture things that are usually invisible.

That is to say……

Can this thing photograph ghosts?

Now everyone is curious, use this camera to take pictures of the city

Will there be a lot of weird guys?

If this is true, then reincarnation is very likely to be true!

After all, even ghosts exist

How is reincarnation impossible?

“Let’s be honest! Even if you give us all the objects in storage right now, we may not be able to make such a weapon!”

“That’s right! To be able to make weapons from contained objects requires a high level of knowledge about the contained objects.……”

“How long have we been in contact with the containment? There is no way to figure out the purpose of the containment!”

“The Foundation has been dealing with the sheltered people all along. If we didn’t have the help of Boss Lu Mo, we would have been wiped out by Uncle 682 long ago!”

“Indeed! If you don’t understand what you are containing, you have no way to contain it!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room now know how difficult it is to make weapons with containment objects.

Will the abilities of different containments conflict with each other?

What items can be used to make weapons?

These require long-term research.

It’s not what they thought at all.

Can be used directly

It will still take a long time for humans to have their own containment weapons!

Besides, now we have a weapon like Yutai that can tamper with reality.

That’s enough!

At least most cosmic civilizations would avoid the Dragon Kingdom when seeing it!

Just when everyone was amazed at the difficulty of making the containment weapon

Lu Mo began to popularize the most important thing for Dr. Kondraki, which is the content related to the phantom butterfly

“Item No.: SCP-408 [Illusion Butterfly】!”

“Object Class: Safe!”

“SCP-408 is a group of lepidoptera, zebra butterflies, without camouflage”

“SCP-408 appears as a single entity at all times, presumably a form of hive mind communication between groups”

“When at rest, SCP-408 will take on the colors, patterns, and even textures of its surroundings, rendering itself invisible.”

“When threatened, SCP-408 has been observed to take on the form and appearance of a number of threatening creatures as a means of defense, including a pride of lions, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and notably SCP-682.”

“SCP-408 has the ability to communicate and understand. They can use their ability to change colors to express words and sentences to respond to researchers.”

“An IQ test of SCP-408 revealed an IQ of 109, which is slightly above average.”

“However, when a portion of the colony was isolated, lower scores were obtained, leading to the conclusion that SCP-408 shared its cognitive abilities with the intact colony.”

“Field testing has shown that SCP-408 can operate in an effective active cloaking mode when commanded to do so.”

“SCP-408 was able to conceal five Level 2 personnel and render them undetectable throughout the facility.”

“Tests show that the covert operation efficiency is 99.997% and can be maintained for five hours without rest or adjustment.”

“Incident 408-A: Due to the failure of appropriate personnel to properly fill 408’s feeding trough, the swarm sought nourishment through its own means.”

“By impersonating several Level 1 personnel, SCP-408 convinced a passerby to open the door of their enclosure, from which they entered the Site-17 facility.”

“Throughout the day, personnel at Site-17 reported a series of alarming irregularities, from discolored walls to dozens of versions of SCP-529 walking the hallways.”

“After 90% of the containment units failed, Site-17 was placed on lockdown and a Delta-level alert was declared.”

“Dr. Kondraki, head of Research 408, was deployed that day. The hallucinations were not revealed until his return, and SCP-408 was quickly returned to its cage.”

“There was little damage except for the staff lounge, which was running out of sweeteners for the following week.”.

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